Daming Town Haiwang

Chapter 783, breaking the shackles of thinking

Chapter 783, breaking the shackles of thinking


Wu Yuntu, Zhang Zhigang, Li Anyuan, Li Tong, Qian Hui and others also took note of it firmly. Since they accepted Liu Jin's invitation and became one of the founders of this Daming Medical College, they must be 100% attentive.

Liu Jin treated them very well.

They are busy here in the medical school, and they also receive the moon ring. Several of them get the highest moon ring, more than one hundred silver dollars a month. Such a high moon ring is definitely enough for them to live comfortably. Compared with their own Opening a clinic to practice medicine earns a lot more.

So for what Liu Jin explained, it is natural to pay attention to it, and at the same time, I feel great pressure.

Liu Jin's requirements are very high, which is completely different from what they imagined.

Originally, they just thought of building a medical school and teaching more students. With the benevolence of doctors, they are also willing to selflessly teach what they have learned and accumulated.

The world is full of peaches and plums, which is also very good for them.

But now it seems that Liu Jin has too many demands. It is not just as simple as teaching medicine, but also researching new tools, summarizing past experience, developing and innovating on the basis of the original, etc.

This requirement is much higher, and they also feel the pressure. This is only one of the three systems mentioned by Liu Jin, and there are two more systems behind.

"This second system is the medical system."

"There are mainly two kinds of medicines we use now, one is boiled potion, and the other is powder. It takes time to boil the potion, and the taste is very bitter. Can we find a way to change it?"

"For example, find a way to concentrate the boiled medicine and concentrate the useful medicine into a small group, so that the medicine will not be so bitter when taking the medicine."

"There are also children who don't like to take bitter medicine. Can you try adding sugar to the medicine to reduce the bitter taste?"

"In addition, with the expansion of our Ming Dynasty around the world, a large number of new plants, animals, etc. have appeared. Our medical school should not only study traditional medicine, Danfang, etc., but also study new ones from all over the world. Animals, plants, medicines, etc.”

"Perhaps many diseases that are difficult to treat in our Ming Dynasty can be easily treated with medicines from overseas. My people wrote back from the Golden Continent and said that on the Golden Continent, the descendants of the local wealthy merchants If they get Dabaizi (malaria), they will use the bark of a cinchona tree, make soup with the bark, and it will be cured in a few days."

Liu Jin looked at several people and said slowly.


"Is there such a magic medicine that can cure diarrhoea within a few days?"

Hearing Liu Jin's words, Qian Hui immediately asked in surprise, because he just received such a patient a few days ago, and in this era, the disease of shaking hands is very difficult to treat.

"Liu Gong, is there any tree belt like this brought back to my Daming?"

Li Tong also hurriedly asked.

"This bait can be divided into several types. The basic states of species such as evil depression and shaoyang type, summer heat internal depression type, summer dampness accumulation, epidemic disease invasion, positive deficiency and evil love, etc. need to be treated with different methods and prescriptions."

"But no matter what kind, it is very difficult to cure, and the treatment time is very long. It is incredible that the bark of this cinchona tree can be cured in a few days."

Zhang Zhigang also nodded and said.

When the others heard this, they also nodded one after another. A famous doctor is a famous doctor, and they only know how to play tricks, and they know how to divide them into different types to prescribe the right medicine.

"Yes, yes, I have had people collect a lot of animals and plants from the Golden Continent and bring them back. Among them is the bark of this cinchona tree. I will send people to send it to you later."

Liu Jin thought for a while and nodded.

"That's so good, I can't wait to try it now."

Qian Hui said with some excitement.

"This is just an example I gave. There are many kinds of plants, animals, medicine stones, etc. around the world. Similarly, there are countless countries, tribes, races, etc. around the world. Every Countries, civilizations, and races also have their own medical skills and medicines, etc.”

"In this regard, we should also learn a lot from them, take the essence and discard the dross, discard the waste and keep the essence. Many diseases that we have no cure or treatment in Ming Dynasty may be easily cured overseas."

"In the same way, there are many kinds of animal and plant resources in the world. For new things, we should study the medicinal value of these new things in the spirit of Shennong's taste of herbs, and create more new ones. Drugs and new prescriptions will come out."

"In addition, more efficient, economical, and cheaper pharmaceutical methods and tools should be researched to make medicine more popular."

"Many people in my Ming Dynasty were cured because of the high cost of medical treatment or the long distance to see a doctor, but they were delayed, resulting in no cure. If we can train more doctors and produce cheaper medicines, the entire Daming people Everyone can benefit from it.”

Liu Jin said with a smile.

With the closer connection between Daming and overseas, more and more places and people to contact, new things, new treatment methods, etc. are worth learning and exploring.

Only by summarizing, summarizing, classifying, continuous research and continuous innovation can new breakthroughs be obtained.

"Shen Nong tastes all kinds of herbs!"

When the few people heard this, they immediately felt even more stressed. This is not as simple as summing up the formula.

I still have to study new affairs, new medicines, new arts, etc., but when I think about it carefully, it seems that this medical school is supposed to do these things.

"The third system is surgery."

"Many things are very difficult to treat with medicine stones, but they can be treated through surgery. Secondly, how to treat injuries on the battlefield is also in the field of surgery."

"In this regard, it may be necessary to break free from the shackles of thought, to study the human body, to dissect the human body, to study the differences of various organs and tissues in the human body, to study human blood, meridians, skin, organs, etc. Only with a clear understanding of all this can we truly improve our surgical techniques.”

Liu Jin began to talk about the third system, the field of surgery.

This is an extremely important area.

It is not that there is no field of surgery in traditional Chinese medicine. It also has. In ancient times, Hua Tuo treated Cao Cao. He invented Mafeisan, which is actually the ancestor of anesthetic. (Of course this is a rumor, but he was indeed killed by Cao Cao).

Mafeisan is used for surgical operations. It can be seen that there is surgery in Chinese medicine, but most Chinese medicine practitioners do not know it, and only a few Chinese medicine practitioners understand it.

"Anatomy of a human body?"

When the few people heard this, their faces changed slightly. This was a taboo in ancient times, but what Liu Jin said was not wrong. If you don't know yourself well enough, how can you perform surgery?
"Yes, I will build a special research site on a small island in Nanyang, and then I will buy slaves for you to conduct experiments and dissections."

"I know this is a very difficult and painful process, but it is also a process that must be experienced, because if no one does this, then we will never have a deep understanding of the human body. It’s hard to make a breakthrough in the field of surgery.”

"Not to mention anything else, but in terms of blood, in fact, human blood is also different. If different blood is mixed together, it will coagulate, and the same blood can be transfused with each other."

"During surgery, there will definitely be a lot of bleeding. If we can study the classification of human blood and give blood transfusions to patients, we can ensure that patients will not lose too much blood and die."

"On the battlefield, I have seen some wounded. They were not seriously injured. What was really serious was the bleeding. The bleeding would not stop. If there was too much bleeding, they would die naturally. survive."

Liu Jin nodded solemnly, and brought up the issue of blood again.

"There are many types of this blood?"

Upon hearing this, Li Anyuan asked curiously.

As for blood, there is almost no research in Chinese medicine, and it is believed that the blood is all red, which seems to be the same.

"Of course, on the European side, the European medical community is studying blood. They have summed up an experience that blood can be transfused to each other, but only blood from people of the same blood type can be transfused to each other."

"Moreover, in Europe, a method of treating diseases is very popular now, called bloodletting therapy. They believe that when a person is sick, it is because the blood in the body contains something that cures the disease. Letting out some blood can cure the disease disease."

Liu Jin nodded and said.

"Bleeding can also cure diseases?"

"There is such a ridiculous treatment."

When Wu Yuntu heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded, and couldn't help but said angrily, "This is simply a joke about life."

"This is indeed ridiculous, but it is very popular in Europe. On the Golden Continent, when our people wrote back, I couldn't believe it."

"However, Europeans are better than us in blood research. They already have a general understanding of several types of blood, and they also know how to transfuse blood, how to safely let blood, stop bleeding, etc."

"Although it is stupid, there are still some things worth learning, and we can also learn some useful things from it."

Liu Jin smiled and nodded.

Bloodletting therapy in Europe lasted for a very long time. Many famous figures in history died under this kind of bloodletting therapy. For example, Washington, the father of the Bald Eagle, died under bloodletting therapy. In 1799, this had to make people sigh.

At that time, he just got a cold and a minor ailment of tonsil inflammation because he was sweating all over while inspecting his manor, and he didn't change into dry clothes in time.

Even if you don’t take medicine, don’t get injections, and drink more hot water, you can slowly get better, but you just let your own doctor (well, it was mainly a hairdresser at the time) to treat it. One bloodletting was not enough, and I asked for two more. A doctor came, took two more bloods, and after losing 2.5 liters of blood, he went to heaven to meet his God.

It is unbelievable to say it, but it was the case at that time. Bloodletting therapy lasted for hundreds of years, even nearly a thousand years, and bloodletting killed many, many famous people in history.

 Bloodletting therapy is not nonsense~
(End of this chapter)

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