Daming Town Haiwang

Chapter 730, Daming Travel Notes Tianjin Chapter

Chapter 730, Daming Travel Notes Tianjin Chapter

This is the second day after I arrived in Daming Tianjin.

In the morning, I woke up from the extremely comfortable big bed.

This kind of bed is different from our European beds. I did some research first. This kind of bed is called a spring bed by the people of Ming Dynasty. There are many springs made of steel under the bed.

When someone is on it, it is very soft and very comfortable.

I have to sigh again for the wisdom of Daming people, this bed is really comfortable.

After getting up, I went to the bathroom to wash up.

There is a kind of tap water in the cities of Daming. When you turn on the tap, the water will flow out by itself. The reason why their cities are very clean is because of this tap water.

They built a huge underground drainage and sewage system in the city, and all the dirty things in life were discharged underground through these things, and then they were treated in a unified way.

Very clean, but also very convenient and comfortable.

They brush their teeth in the morning with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The toothbrush is made of pig hair and the toothpaste is a white paste. I tried it.

It is very easy to use and very comfortable, the teeth have become whiter, and the bad breath seems to have disappeared.

In Daming, I had a low self-esteem in the general office, as if I was a barbarian who came to a civilized country. I didn’t know a lot of things, so I had to ask the waiter in the store.

We ate breakfast here in the lobby of the inn.

Daming has a wide variety of breakfasts, such as noodles, rice noodles, buns, dumplings, wontons, pancakes... My favorite is their noodles, and I ate five bowls of them.

While eating breakfast, I discovered an interesting phenomenon.

People in Daming like to read newspapers while drinking morning tea.

The newspaper is a very magical thing, because I know very limited characters, so I can't understand the content on it, so I asked the owner of the inn.

He told me that newspapers are an important tool for everyone to learn about major events in the world. Almost everyone in Daming likes to read newspapers. If you can’t see newspapers, you can go to the teahouse, and there will be a special newspaper reader to explain to you.

Hearing this, I made up my mind that I must study Daming's characters well, so that I can understand Daming's newspapers and know the major events happening here.

I was very curious about the contents of the newspaper, so I asked the owner of the inn to tell me some of the things written in the newspaper.

The boss is very nice and accepted my request very happily.

He said that today's newspapers mainly reported that Ming encouraged immigrants to Xianglin, Jiaozhi and Zhenghe provinces.

In order to encourage the people of the Ming Dynasty to emigrate to the new province of Nanyang, the Ming Dynasty court, every Ming person who immigrates to Nanyang can get [-] acres of land and a five-year tax-free discount. At the same time, the Ming Dynasty court will bear the board and lodging during the immigration process cost.

The Ming Dynasty recently launched a war in Nanyang, annexed many places one after another, and incorporated these places into the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, in order to develop these places, the Ming court is encouraging immigration.

I asked the boss about the situation in Nanyang in detail.

Nanyang is located in the south of Ming Dynasty. There used to be many countries, but these countries offended Da Ming because of their alliance, so Da Ming launched a crusade.

Daming's force is extremely powerful. It is said that it dispatched [-] troops and used hundreds of warships to sweep across the Southeast Asian countries with ease, destroying several countries, and bringing these places into the territory of Ming Dynasty.

In addition, it is said that India, Persia and the Middle East can be reached all the way west from Nanyang.

God, you know how thrilled I was when I heard the news.

I can already roughly draw a world map of the earth we live in in my mind.

From our Europe to the east, that is the Middle East, and further east you can reach Persia, and the east of Persia is India, and the east of India is almost as far as Daming.

Daming is heading east, crossing the vast Pacific Ocean to reach the Americas, and America heading east, crossing the Atlantic Ocean and returning to Spain again.

I have an idea. When I go back to Spain, I plan to return to Spain on the route of Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, and Africa, but I am afraid that I will have to take a Portuguese ship to return.

The Portuguese had already reached the Indian Ocean and India a few years ago, so they must have met the Ming people.

After breakfast, we left the inn, and Pablo and I started to stroll around Tianjin very leisurely.

The first place we went was the commercial street.

There are so many large and small shops here, and there are so many types of goods, it is dazzling.

Here, in addition to commodities from all over the Ming Dynasty, there are also commodities from Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, the West, the Western Regions, the Middle East, and Persia.

There are a wide variety of commodities, and most of them are not cheap, especially commodities from the West, the Middle East and Persia, which are extremely expensive.

But the business is very hot.

Daming people like pearls, jadeite, jade, coral, ivory, gemstones, agarwood and so on very much, and are willing to spend a lot of money to buy them. Therefore, those firms in Daming that specialize in ocean trade are also very profitable.

The silk and porcelain I am most interested in are very cheap here in Daming.

In Europe, silk and porcelain that are equivalent to gold can be bought here for only a few taels of silver. As for porcelain, if it is just porcelain for daily life, the price is very cheap.

They even specially produced a kind of porcelain, which is used to lay on the floor and stick to the wall, which is very clean and beautiful.

Cloth in Daming is very cheap. They use cotton and wool to weave cloth. There are special factories to weave cloth. The output is said to be very high, so the price is very low.

A Ming silver dollar can buy several bolts of cloth, and if the quantity is large, the price can be even lower.

I took a closer look at their cloth, the quality is very good, much better than our European cloth, and they all have beautiful colors and patterns.

So I think that when you come to Ming Dynasty in the future, you can sell the cloth of Da Ming to Europe. This kind of cloth can be sold for two or three riels in Europe.

There are many types of food here in Daming.

Their staple food is rice and flour, in addition to millet, sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes introduced from the Americas, and the prices are also very cheap.

Daming has a vast land and a huge population, and the sea transportation is extremely developed. Commodities from all over the Ming Dynasty are gathered in Tianjin, so that people here have endless food.

People in Daming like to eat vegetables and sea fish. The consumption of sea fish is extremely large. Every day, a large number of fishing boats come back from Tianjin Port to provide them with a variety of fresh sea fish.

The price of sea fish is also extremely cheap, only a few copper coins per catty, copper coins are the smallest currency they use, a copper coin made of copper, a thousand copper coins is almost equivalent to a Ming silver coin.

In addition, the Ming people also conquered the grassland people in the north, that is, the Mongols who hit us in Europe back then, because they had an incomparably vast grassland.

Therefore, there is a steady stream of mutton and beef coming in, and the price of mutton and beef has become very cheap because of this. You can buy a catty for only a dozen copper coins.

There are many kinds of spices here in Daming, all kinds of spices, and the prices are extremely cheap, so cheap that you can't believe it.

One silver coin can buy a lot of spices, and if these spices are shipped back to Europe, its price can be at least a hundred times higher.

I swear, after I return to Europe, I will definitely form a fleet to do business here in Daming, and I will definitely be able to make a lot of money casually.

After visiting the commercial street, I went to the industrial zone in Tianjin.

The founder of Tianjin City, a great nobleman of the Ming Dynasty, named Liu Jin, is said to be very, very young, and it is said that the entire land of Tianjin belongs to him.

God, I really can't imagine how rich he is to own a big city like Tianjin. I'm afraid even the king of France is not as rich as him.

He divided the whole Tianjin into many areas, such as living area, industrial area, commercial area, port area and so on.

The area of ​​the industrial area is very large, and the wide cement roads extending in all directions divide it into areas, and each area has a large number of factories and workshops.

There are tens of thousands of workers busy in the factories and workshops. It is said that here, the largest factory employs more than [-] employees at the same time, and the rice and fish consumed every day require a four-wheeled carriage. Put it on.

The cement road here is full of four-wheeled carriages, and the cars are very busy.

Originally, I wanted to visit the factory, but the factory management here is very strict. I didn't get permission, so I could only take a look outside.

Here in Tianjin, there are cement factories, textile factories, shipyards, car factories, glass factories, cloth dyeing factories, coal factories, furniture factories, etc., all kinds of factories and workshops.

The commodities produced here not only meet the huge demand of Daming, but are also sold overseas outside of Daming through large and small commercial firms here.

Having said that, I went to a very important place in Tianjin, Shili Foreign Firm!
Shili Foreign Company is the most important street in Tianjin. The street is very long, with high-rise buildings on both sides, and each high-rise building is an overseas trading firm.

I don't know how many large and small commercial firms there are. These commercial firms not only build factories and workshops in Daming, but also have fleets of ships going to various places in Daming and overseas for trade.

They also built a huge plantation here in Nanyang, planted sugar cane, and then boiled it into white sugar.

When it comes to sugar, I have to admire again.

Sugar is a very expensive thing in our Europe, and only the real nobles and rich people can enjoy things.

But in Daming, its price is very cheap, a Daming silver dollar can be sold for a few catties of sugar, they even add sugar to their tea, which is extremely extravagant.

Sugar is boiled from sugar cane planted by the Ming people in Nanyang. In order to meet the sugar demand of the Ming people, the Ming people established countless plantations in Nanyang.

I even suspect that the Ming people started the war in Nanyang not because the Nanyang people offended the Ming people, but because the Ming people used their land to grow sugar cane.

Sugar is a very important thing, and it can be sold to Europe in the future, and it will definitely make a lot of money.

There are a lot of commercial firms in Shili Foreign Company, and they all do big deals and businesses, and they all use bank notes.

The bank note is the currency issued by the First Bank of Ming Dynasty. It is just a piece of paper, but it can be used like a silver coin. It is very convenient and exquisite.

Because I am a European Spaniard, the bosses here received us very warmly.

Chatted with them all morning, invited me to drink tea, and invited me to lunch.

I had a great chat with them. They really want to know the situation in Europe from me, and they are also very eager to go to Europe to do business.

I told them that I am a great nobleman in Spain and I have a huge business here in Spain. If they want to, they can contact me in Europe and I can definitely help them.

Therefore, I can be considered to have made some good friends here in Daming. Maybe when I come to Daming to do business in the future, things will become much easier.

The bosses of these firms are very conscientious. Many of them own a lot of merchant ships, and own a lot of industries in various parts of Daming. They have their own factories, workshops, and their own plantations.

Even Daming passed a bill recently, allowing Daming's business firms to have certain private armed forces overseas.

God, I can foresee that in the future, Ming's giant ships and cannons will walk on every ocean in the world. No one is their opponent, and they can only submit to their mighty power.

At noon, I had a pleasant dinner with the merchants of Ming Dynasty. In the afternoon, they very warmly invited me to watch the football match.

I swear, anyone who goes to a football game immediately falls in love with the damn sport.

Football is a sport in which 11 people on each side are chasing a football and whoever scores more goals wins.

I dare say that the football field in Daming Tianjin is even bigger than the Colosseum in ancient Rome, and the wealthy Daming people basically watch football games in the afternoon.

A football field that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, it is said that every football game is full of seats.

Daming people love football very much. Of course, if you watch a game in person, you will fall in love with this magical sport immediately, just like me.

Whenever a goal is scored, the entire stadium is cheering, turning into a sea of ​​celebration, and of course there is the hot dance at the beginning and the white money after winning the bet.

Thank God, I won hundreds of taels of silver betting on the football field today.

 A [-]-word chapter, does it count as an extra meal?

(End of this chapter)

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