Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 746 Gravity

Chapter 746 Gravity
The sun fell on Mu Chun's shoulders, on his keyboard and monitor, and on Song Weixin's eyes.

The eye sockets are swollen, and the red blood threads around the pupils are like spider legs, revealing the pain and entanglement that ooze from the love between men and women that disturbed the night.

Who can not love women in this world, and who can not chase the emotions in dreams.

Although it was impulsive to stand on the roof of the sixth floor and intend to end his life, it was also because the patient in front of him had relatively strong strength and abundant physical fitness.

After all, youth is synonymous with strength and recklessness, and it is no wonder that he drove more than 1000 kilometers just to pursue the woman in the dimly lit place of his dreams.

He hoped that the woman was waiting for him too. The relationship between the two of them was on the verge of igniting, and the moment they touched it, it was out of control. It was an overturned brazier. Holding on to me, the belt is getting wider and I will never regret it. I hope to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated.

After all, it is to love eagerly and disregard the world. Love is essentially closely related to death.

The emotion like a moth fluttering to a flame, you ask the moth, have you ever thought about what this flutter means?The moth can't care about it, the love has already arisen, and the heart is connected, the other party is the living Buddha, unique among all living beings.

Origination and extinction are not controlled by human beings, human power is weak and powerless in the face of raging love, but a speck of dust falling on the gauze curtain of a skirt, a trace of hot wind grinding between ears and temples, and a teardrop of joy jumping from the corner of an eye in the curl of joy.

The fire was burning fiercely, the heart was burning hot, and suddenly it rained, the sky changed color, the earth was crumbling, and this world became the hateful face of Erlang God that his six relatives did not recognize.

Some people are going to back down, and some people are going to betray this vow.

The end of the world is still in sight, and it is out of reach in a blink of an eye.

Disqualified on earth, heaven fell straight to hell.

Who can bear it, who can easily survive it.

Even after escaping the self-destructive nightmare, every day I live, every moment I open my eyes, is a hellish void, hopelessness, and pain.

Words can hardly express the intensity of love, nor can words express the abyss of sorrow.

Although time naturally heals all grief, people live in the present after all, and every breath is painful. Such a time is dark.

"I'm really sad, but a really nice guy."

"It's a good decision that you chose to go back to the sea." Mu Chun said gently.

Song Weixin looked at Mu Chun gratefully, and nodded awkwardly.

"It's scary to think about it now. I don't know how to drive all the way back."

"That's right! You're so right, I really don't know how I got back, it's like you see, a watermelon cut in half, my soul is crying, I want to die, my body Stepping on the gas pedal, turning the steering wheel, this way on the highway, I feel like I am really sleepwalking back."

"Has escaped death many times."

Song Weixin nodded again and again, as if he was describing the experience of others, "Look, the doctor must also drive. Is there anyone who drove for a long time, but seemed to be asleep, and when he suddenly recovered, he found I have already driven a long way, but I have no memory of how I got here before, just like fragments."

"Yes, most drivers have had this experience." Mu Chun nodded.

"I was like this the whole time. I don't remember how I refueled at the gas station. Then I have no memory of what happened along the way. The stereo in the car was always on. I was afraid that I would fall asleep, but I couldn't sleep at all. You know, I haven’t slept all night since that woman said she couldn’t love me, I’ve become an owl.”

"Well, this period of time is relatively difficult."

"But I think I'm a good person, don't I? This morning I was still thinking, it must be because I am a good person that I met you on the roof yesterday, but I don't know if you are a good person, at least you are a scammer host."

Mu Chun smiled slightly, "Money is still needed."

"Is it really on purpose?"


Song Weixin said brightly: "It's the so-called doctor's treatment method."

"Oh, double-check your crisis level. If you value money very much, to a certain extent, it means that you have less thoughts of getting rid of it. On the other hand, it is to bring you back to reality. Sometimes, reality can save you. Ours, because of gravity."

"Gravity?" Song Weixin didn't understand.

"It's the power of the earth itself." Mu Chun said while drawing a ball and a few simple lines on the white paper.

"What is this?"

"Earth, let's call it real life, why do people stand on the earth and not float?"

"Because the earth has gravity, doesn't Newton's apple explain it?"

"Reality also has such a gravitational effect, which can gradually pull back a person who has gone off track, and then live in peace."

"I can no longer live a stable life. Although I don't want to die, my life is still impossible to get better. I think the walking dead is my current state."

"It's not walking dead, it's heartache, the heart is messed up, it's disorganized."

Mu Chun's words were very clear, but Song Weixin didn't hear a word. He repeatedly talked about his pain, pressing his chest with one hand and supporting his knees with the other. He spoke faster and faster, and the repeated sentences more and more.

His lips gradually turned pale, because he spoke too fast, and the overflowing saliva formed two puddles at the corners of the mouth on both sides, one called shame and the other called clueless.

These are two potential states after a lovelorn.Pain is a superficial emotion, and at the same time it brings some physical symptoms, such as insomnia, irritability, and anger. Some people even have nausea and vomiting, some people have diarrhea, and a few also have stupor reactions and dyspnea.

However, lurking beneath the pain are some practical questions about what remains after a relationship ends.

Lovelorn people are often engulfed in great pain, unable to calm down and sort out their thoughts, so that they sink negatively, so that they hurt their bodies and let their souls dry up.

They repeatedly said "uncomfortable", and repeatedly described a sense of destruction similar to "death", unable to discover potential real problems.

Finding real problems and facing them squarely is a small window to get out of broken love.

Song Weixin's small window has been opened, he doesn't know it, he is eager to help, he repeatedly expresses his discomfort, Mu Chun sees it, understands it, the next important thing is how to get Song Weixin's attention out of the pain a little bit, a little bit Leaving the roller coaster of emotional inertia and re-examining what lies behind the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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