Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 583 Between helping yourself and helping others

Chapter 583 Between helping yourself and helping others
She tried to find some simple jobs, but she couldn't get to work on time; she tried to find those telephone customer service jobs that arrived at the company at ten o'clock in the morning. At the beginning, she firmly believed that she would be able to arrive at the job at ten o'clock in the morning, but she failed up.

Then Vera changed the plan, not at ten, but definitely at one in the afternoon. Vera found a job in a nursing home and went to work at one in the afternoon, and the work ended after the elderly had dinner.

At the beginning, Vera persisted in this job, and she was able to arrive at the nursing home at one o'clock in the afternoon, but later, Vera said, she failed again a week later, and she was very upset because she lost to her brain again She used 'they' to describe these things, 'they made me wipe all the furniture in the house before I could go out', 'they complained that the fridge wasn't cleaned in order', 'they kept changing the rules', I have Sometimes I feel like I'll never finish it.

It took two hours to wipe all the furniture.

'My time has no meaning at all, my time is superfluous stuff that just makes me miserable, I'm busy all the time except when I'm sleeping, for things that mean nothing and keep telling me they're important Things are busy'.

The last time I saw her before I turned back around the sea, she was working on a very large project, in Vera's words, 'It's really a big project'. "

"What?" Mu Chun asked.

"She bought a hundred catties of sugar and stacked them in the kitchen. Every morning when she got up, she would sprinkle the sugar on the surface of all objects in the house, and then use a small plastic board to spread the sugar completely. She would squat down to let the Keep the line of sight and the plane in a straight line, and constantly correct the position of each candy until they are completely flat."

"This is really fatal." Mu Chun lay down on the table in pain, and then buried his head in his arms.

"Doctor Mu."

Mu Chun raised his head and signaled Li Nan to continue talking.

"The situation is roughly like this. The diagnosis is [obsessive-compulsive disorder]" After Li Nan finished speaking, he finally picked up the coffee.

"What can I do?" Mu Chun asked.

"She has received drug treatment, but the response is not good." Li Nan replied.

"Besides drug treatment? Behavioral therapy? Cognitive behavioral therapy? I know some professors in Europe encourage this type of therapy to be combined with drugs to treat [compulsive-compulsive disorder], or are you developing some new drugs?"

"There is no specific medicine. There is no specific medicine for [obsessive-compulsive disorder]. Moreover, Vera has a problem with excess weight. She is almost [-] kilograms. She said that she doesn't want to look in the mirror at all, even the windows and TVs at home reflect her She doesn't even want to see it."

After Li Nan finished speaking, he was full of melancholy. He and his teacher went to visit Vera together. When they were about to leave at [-] o'clock in the evening, Li Nan believed that he might never forget what Vera said to them.He told Mu Chun that Vera said, "As long as I can live again, I can die once."

After listening to Li Nan's narration, Mu Chun stood up from his seat, walked to the window sill, poured some water on Pinellia, and then said to Li Nan: "[Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder] is a disabling mental disorder. Disease, it's like a slow poison that slowly destroys a person's life."

"Yes, I found out now that many people may have this disease, but it's just a matter of degree. For example, I have had it before, has Hu Peng also had it?"

"Some are pure [obsessive-compulsive disorder], some are accompanied by other problems, and some are manifested as [compulsive behavior] or [obsessive-compulsive thinking] but are not obsessive-compulsive disorder, and there are even many more difficult to distinguish situations, such as [ pseudo-compulsive schizophrenia], and [compulsive personality disorder], substance abuse, gambling, and certain addictive behaviors."

Having said that, Mu Chun walked to the bookshelf and took out a file bag from the drawer.

He opened the file bag and took out a stack of documents nearly two centimeters thick.

"The treatment plan I wrote may not be useful for Vera, you can use it as a reference. I guess your teacher should have made a clear diagnosis of Vera's situation, and we don't need to further compare her compulsive behavior with her. Identify other possible problems."

Li Nan nodded, agreeing with what Mu Chun said.

Mu Chun went on to say: "This plan focuses on the combined use of drug therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. I think it is a more effective method at present. If the effect of drugs is not good, the number of cognitive behavioral therapy treatments can be increased if conditions permit. , my suggestion is that three to four times a week is not too much.

In addition, this information also includes some parts that are not perfect, and I will give it to you together, maybe you can also refer to it when designing a treatment plan, and can also help to improve it after practice.

It is mainly about some content of family therapy. If you have time, you can familiarize yourself with it. At present, in the process of treating such patients, there are not many studies on family support, and no one has written related books. I think these are We need to accumulate slowly and do things step by step.

I believe that you should have learned a lot of professional knowledge in this area by following the teacher in the past six months, so I won't repeat it. "

"Yes, I have always wanted to make a breakthrough on the issue of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I understand the anxiety it brings and the pain it causes, and I'm afraid I can't agree with Teacher Mu Chun. That sentence."

Li Nan's eyes are bright, and he looks determined and full of conviction. These eyes are staring at Mu Chun at the moment.

"Huh? Disagree with one of my words? Which one, I said so much."

"I don't agree with Teacher Mu Chun's statement that [obsessive-compulsive disorder] is disabling. I think it may be a suicide risk in some patients."

Mu Chun nodded, and said sadly: "This is the complexity of physical and mental diseases. Several problems exist at the same time, depression with obsessive-compulsive disorder, mania and depression alternately, mania with obsessive-compulsive disorder."

After Mu Chun finished speaking, the two fell into silence.

The day before the New Year's holiday, the matter of Sumikawa Medical College finally came to an end. When Mu Chun saw Li Nan, his mood suddenly became much brighter, which seemed to clear away the haze of being dragged by a 30-year-old past in the past few days.

But at this moment, Mu Chun realizes that maybe there will never be a real ending moment, and there will always be someone in a corner of the world who is pinched by the throat of fate from behind by a pair of invisible hands.

Of course, there will always be people like Li Nan who have come out of the suffering they have experienced and then devoted themselves to the work of protecting others.

(End of this chapter)

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