Chapter 2656 Finale (Fifteen)
No matter what guarantee Gu Mingde made, He Xiner remained indifferent.

Gu Mingde, who was in high spirits, was not annoyed at all. The glimpse back then had amazed him for three years and made him think about it for three years. This was the first time in his life that he was tempted.

If it wasn't for the urgent military situation at that time, he would have brought people with him, lest Ye Changmengduo be preempted by others.

After all, who doesn't love beautiful women, maybe how many people are trying to get her idea.

When the class teacher returned to the court, Gu Mingde still thought about going to the Ciguang Temple in person when he returned to Qingzhou. Of course it would be best if there is a chance to meet again, but it's okay if there is no chance to meet each other.

There is no way to do this, who told him to focus on building his career and miss the best time to embrace the beauty.

And after such a long time, that woman must have been married, even if she meets her, she can't snatch her away by force. He, Gu Mingde, is not short of women, so why does he need a married woman.

Originally, he didn't have any hope, even when someone told him that the He family had a woman who was unparalleled in beauty, he didn't think about the woman back then, and he didn't take it to heart.

Businessmen are very vulgar, so how can the children they raise be better?

Especially for pretty women, they want to climb high because of their color, and when they see powerful people, they will post them desperately. That style is simply disgusting.

It's not as good as the girls in the brothel look pleasing to the eye.

So he is not very interested.

In the end, Hao Wanfeng told him that the daughter of the He family was the woman from back then. Gu Mingde was very surprised, this is too coincidental.

Feeling that He Xiner was destined for him, he decided that this time he must embrace the beauty.

Even if you grab it, you have to grab it back.

But his identity is here, so there's no need to grab it, it's too late for the other party to catch up.

However, the fact is that He Xiner very straightforwardly stated that she would not be a concubine.

It was a slap in the face for him.

But Gu Mingde, who had never been treated like this before, became more interested in her.

"...Of course, Fourth Miss He, Lan Xinhui, is a very outstanding woman. It would be wronged to be a concubine..."

He Chuer and He Qier looked over suddenly, unable to hide the shock on their faces, and the others were also greatly surprised and couldn't understand intuitively.

As He Xin'er, if she enters the Duke's mansion without being a concubine, can she still be a wife?
This, this is absolutely impossible.

"Well, I reward you with a concubine, how about it?"

He Xiner didn't even move her eyes.

Does this person want to move her with a generous tone?

Having said that, she ended up going with him.

How else can it be.

In this cannibalistic world, she has no choice.

He Xiner broke her promise and did not personally send Mrs. Wang home.

With the example of Wang Jinling, she was really worried, so she entrusted He Jiajie to help and left Dabai with him.

Yes, she did not allow Da Bai to follow, and only brought Luo Hua by her side.

Dabai naturally quit, He Xiner coaxed it softly for a long time, but it didn't agree.

Unexpectedly, Hao Wanfeng suddenly went mad and said, "The snow wolf dog is fierce and fierce, and no one can beat it. If it can be used on the battlefield, it will definitely have the effect of shocking the enemy. As long as the opponent is timid, he will lose. At that time, we will still lose." It’s not that you can fight whatever you want…”

Speaking of this, he was a little excited, "It's too wasteful for such a powerful big dog to play with the girls in the back house. The Duke should bring it to the army..."

He Jiajie's face turned green, it's not worth mentioning that these people robbed the fourth sister, but also robbed Dabai, it's really shameless!
Dabai also changed his face suddenly, just when it was about to surprise Hao Wanfeng, He Xiner held it tightly, "Dabai, I will leave my cousin to you, take her to find Uncle Zhang.

In this world, only Uncle Zhang can protect Ye family and Wang family. "

It is easy to kill this idiot, but it is difficult to get away, and it will also implicate the Ye family and the Wang family. It is said that it will kill the three families, so don't be impulsive.

As for Gu Mingde, he couldn't move anymore.

The current god of war that all people admire, if he really wants to kill him, even the Zhu Jiu Clan may not be able to quell the anger of the people of Ming Dynasty and the current emperor, or even massacre the village.

No one can bear such consequences.

With He Xiner's insistence, Dabai stayed in very depressed.

Fearing that Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Lu would be worried, He Xiner lied that she had sent Wang Jinling to Ciguang Temple to recuperate according to the doctor's advice, and would not be able to return until two days later, so she could not go back with them now.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Lu did not doubt that they had him, but they were not too worried, they just felt sorry for her, but they didn't dare to say anything, for fear of causing trouble for her, they just kept asking her to take care of her, and she must be well.

He Xiner used all her strength to force back the tears in her eyes, "Don't worry, grandma, I will definitely take care of myself."

Niu opened her mouth several times to ask her to tell Gu Mingde to reward her husband as an official, but she never dared, those military masters were standing not far away, she was afraid of being overheard by them.

Mainly because he was afraid that Hao Wanfeng would find out.

That man was too scary, and she wouldn't dare to provoke him even if she had ten guts.

So she wanted to mention it to He Xiner quietly, and let her carry Hao Wanfeng's back, lest he spoil the good things.

It's a pity that I didn't have a chance, and finally had to leave angrily.

He Xiner watched them leave, and got into the carriage expressionlessly, Luo Hua followed without hesitation, seeing He Hongjin's eyelids twitch.

Gu Mingde didn't care, the people are all his, it's not bad for a while, they will grow up in the future.

Without her company by her side, she could still sleep on the road to refresh her mind. Looking at her, she looked a little haggard, and her eyes were a little black.

Let the government doctor take her pulse when she turns back, there is nothing wrong with it.

Thinking of this, he became a little anxious, but the journey was far away, no matter how impatient he was, he couldn't fly back, and he was also worried that He Xiner would not be able to bear the bumps of the carriage, so he had to hold his temper and walk slowly.

Two and a half hours later, the group finally arrived at Fuguo Duke's Mansion.

Gu Mingde settled He Xiner in a secluded and elegant garden, "I feel sorry for you to live here first, and when I enter Beijing, I will build you a beautiful embroidery building full of rare treasures..."

He Xiner was noncommittal.

Gu Mingde was so excited, he didn't care about her attitude, and after talking about it to himself, he was reluctant to leave.

Today is the first day of the new year, so he should go to the main room, and he just needs to tell her something.

Yuan Shi, the newly promoted wife of Duke Fu, is also looking forward to it.

There are too many coquettish sluts in the west courtyard, and Gu Mingde is too picky. Only stunning women can interest him. If an old and decrepit woman like her hadn't occupied the position of main wife, she would have been abandoned long ago. .

She is backed by the Shangshu Mansion, so she is not afraid that Gu Mingde will abandon her when he becomes rich, but the identity of Chaopin Gaoming's wife does not mean everything.

She wants power, fame and fortune, as well as her husband's love.

On the first and fifteenth day of each month, Gu Mingde would accompany Yuan Shi for dinner, and then he either went to deal with business or went back to his room to rest, rarely staying.

But today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, different from usual, Yuan Shi thought that if she asked, Gu Mingde would be too embarrassed to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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