Chapter 753

Chai Jin didn't know why those people knelt down, but Zhuo Qun knew it clearly.

He used a different space to play a hand, let Zhao Heng sit on the throne of Ruisi Hall, and his body appeared on the throne bit by bit from head to toe, and the body was still flickering like an illusion. In addition, when Zhao Heng appeared, he was reading the Encouragement Chapter written by himself, he was still wearing a crown, and he was holding the Yugui with his temple name written on it.

Those imperial squadrons were all dumbfounded, and those squadrons immediately knelt down, and the people standing at the door ran out to find someone, who were they looking for? Ministers of the Festival of Lights.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of footsteps came from outside. It was either the forbidden army or the ministers watching the Lantern Festival lights.

Those people didn't dare to come in after they arrived, they just lay on the window and watched. Zhao Heng inside was sitting on the throne, his body kept disappearing and reappearing, and he kept throwing some melons, pears and peaches with his hands.

Those melons, fruits, pears and peaches were still fresh. Everyone became excited when they saw this scene. Everyone thought that this was the manifestation of Emperor Zhang Sheng.

Although these people are not all believers in Taoism like Zhao Ji, but the status of Taoism in the Song Dynasty is also extremely high, and these people are naturally also Taoists. Now seeing this scene, I am naturally a little surprised in my heart, not everyone He wanted to try to see whether the Emperor Zhang Sheng was real or not, but no one dared to make a move.

Who is the emperor or first emperor of the Song Dynasty whether it is true or not?Those present were all ministers of the Yan Song Dynasty, who dared to move, besides, this person's body was solidifying bit by bit, and there was also the Guan Hui of the sun and the temperature of the raging fire around him, which made everyone No one dared to move.

So everyone wanted to find Zhao Ji to deal with this matter in person, so they brought the big sable crotches from the inner palace and asked them to find the emperor Daojun, but where to find the emperor Daojun at this time? Zhao Ji has already left the palace and went to Li Shishi's place. Whoever dares to look for him at this time is not afraid of death.

They had no choice but to invite Queen Zheng over here. When Zheng came, she didn't believe it. In her opinion, it was someone who was making auspiciousness, but after she arrived, she couldn't believe it. After throwing away the fruits, Zhao Heng started again. A plate of exquisite food was placed in front of him, and someone boldly went up to touch it. The food was still hot, and the workmanship was so exquisite that it was beyond the reach of ordinary cooks.

At this moment, everyone became anxious, and the Zheng family also became anxious. This is not a fake auspiciousness, but a real auspiciousness. If Zhao Ji is not here, what should we do about this matter? It was a great humiliation to go down to earth on the Yuan Festival, but the emperor was in secret.

Mrs. Zheng immediately looked at those ministers and asked, "Where is the emperor now?!"

Could she not know, definitely not, Mrs. Zheng knew 100% where the Son of Heaven was, but she couldn't tell, because that place was a secret place, and although the whole world knew it, the Empress had to pretend to be stupid.

Mrs. Zheng did a good job in this matter, and everyone didn't know what to say. At this time, a minister stood up and said, "Qi Madam, I don't know where the emperor Shengjia is now, but I guess it should be the accident. I went out of the palace to have fun with the people, I will go to search for it, and I also ask the empress to let all the princes, empresses, and royal relatives come to accompany Emperor Zhang Sheng."

Mrs. Zheng nodded when she heard this, "What Taichang Shaoqing said is very true, then I will leave this matter to you. Come here, I still have something to tell you."

Mrs. Zheng looked at Taichang Shaoqing who was talking and said, Taichang Shaoqing immediately took a step forward, but not too far forward. Mrs. Zheng looked at Taichang Shaoqing in front of her and said, "I'm going this time. Get rid of that prostitute who ruined the reputation of the emperor, Li Qing, can you do it?"

The prostitute that Mrs. Zheng was talking about was Li Shishi, the courtesan of the brothel. She didn't like this person very much. This time, she planned to take this opportunity to get rid of her.

"This matter is not easy to handle, but the man has equipment around him."

When Taichang Shaoqing heard this, he didn't say it couldn't be done, he just said it was difficult, which is interesting.

This Taichang Shaoqing is also a ruthless person, named Li Gang. If he hadn't been tricked by the emperor and the ministers of the descendant faction, this man would really have the opportunity to make the Northern Song Dynasty rise again. At this time, he is in the history It should not be in the capital, it should be because of the flood in the capital. He said that Shangshu asked the court to pay attention to internal and external troubles. Zhao Ji thought it was inappropriate to talk about it. He was not relegated to the outside world, and continued to stay in the capital, and all the way became the Taichang Shaoqing who took up the position a few years later.

If you think about it, Fang La, who just rebelled at this time in history, has grown bigger and become one of the four major bandits. This is originally at odds with history, so any changes are acceptable.

But this one really dared to take action against Li Shishi, and he had always had this plan, but he never had the opportunity, and now he felt that the opportunity had come.

"A prostitute still has equipment with her?"

Mrs. Zheng got angry directly, which made her feel shameless, "If anyone obstructs, I will get rid of it! This palace only knows that tonight the official family will drink with Emperor Zhang Sheng and drink with Ruisi Hall, and all the Chinese, military and military officials Let’s testify together, yes, and the common people also want to see it.”

The queens of the Northern Song Dynasty were all politically savvy, and at critical moments they were all in charge. After he finished speaking, Li Gang nodded, "I want Zhou Bangyan to go together. He and the emperor We have a good relationship and can accompany the emperor."

This Zhou Bangyan is Zhao Ji's fellow man in various senses. The relationship between the two is still very good, and they often discuss poetry, calligraphy and painting together.Li Gang felt that this person could come in handy this time.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zheng agreed without thinking.

Then Li Gang pulled Zhou Bangyan with a bitter face, and led a pair of hundred people in the imperial squad straight to the imperial street. Li Shishi was here.

As soon as he entered the imperial street, Li Gang frowned at the two rows of smoke and moon cards. This is the imperial street, and the street where the emperor travels is now so smoky. Li Gang trembled when he saw it. Walk in the middle of Royal Street.

In the middle, Zhou Bangyan pointed to a brothel with a double-faced sign and said, this is the home of the oiran lady. Li Gang looked at the sign at the door saying "Singing and Dance Fairy, Merry Huayuekui", and walked in with a frown.

When he went in, it happened that Zhao Ji had just entered the back door through the tunnel.

Song Jiang was blocked by Li Kui who had been drinking, and a straight line was formed in three directions for a while, with Zhao Ji at the back door, Song Jiang in the middle, and Li Gang who brought people over at the front door, forming a candied haws.

(End of this chapter)

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