Chapter 745

"Don't say that it's not good for you to have a baby when you're almost seventy, but I heard that Yi Zhonghai, the elder of your courtyard, gave birth to a son when he was almost ninety?"

Zhuo Qun finished his noodle soup, wiped his mouth and said.

"Hey, it's really a good thing not to go out, and a bad thing spreads thousands of miles."

He Yuzhu patted his thigh and said.

"You mean it's a bad thing for your uncle to have a son?"

Zhuo Qun glanced at He Yuzhu and said.

"My stinky mouth!"

He Yuzhu slapped himself on the mouth.

"Okay, let's stop teasing you, how old are you like your uncle?"

Zhuo Qun lit a cigarette for himself and said.

He Yuzhu was also sitting on a chair in a precarious state, "That's quite a lot. In our alley alone, many old people choose to have children. Now many young people don't want to have children very much. Those who have regained their youth The elderly have become the main force for childbearing. Many people have never had children in their entire lives, and now they can give birth again, so they go to give birth, and some children die. Anyway, they are quite a lot, and many people of that generation have been rehired by the company, and now the salary is not bad, enough to support a family."

People like He Yuzhu can inquire about this information. If Li Chang didn't know about the things below, what he could see was the big data, not the things below.

"Why don't young people want to have children?"

Zhuo Qun looked at He Yuzhu and asked.

"Playing, young people now find that they have more time, and their parents can have children again, so they don't want to have children very much. They all want to play for a few years, and wait until they are tired of playing before talking about having children."

When He Yuzhu mentioned those things, his face became a little ugly.

"How many such people."

Zhuo Qun frowned, this is a problem.

"Hey, I don't know if there are many or not. Anyway, I have seen a lot of them. Those old guns I know also say that there are many such children. I think they are all doing nothing. Yes, if the job can be arranged and the salary is paid, it will be fine, no one will play, but there are still people who want to live, but don’t have time to live. Don’t those private companies talk about it during this time? What about 996 blessings? Many young people have gone to 996, so they have no time to have children. I really don’t know what these people think. I don’t know if the country stipulates an 8-hour working system, what are they talking about? Companies need dedication from their employees, and this is no hooliganism."

He Yuzhu poured himself a cup of tea and said that he had his own views on these matters, and Zhuo Qun also wanted to hear the thoughts of these old people.


Zhuo Qun had heard this news several times during this period, and it made his head a little big, but he never took it seriously, but now he felt that it was a bit troublesome.

"Xiang Yu, does 996 know?"

Zhuo Qun called Xiang Yu and said.

"I know, Mr. Zhuo, what's the matter with you?"

Xiang Yu, who was dating his girlfriend, frowned and listened to Zhuo Qun's call. He knew 996, but 996 was incomparable to his 007.

"Let our legal pioneer, Snake Zhang, go to a labor arbitration lawsuit. I want to see a three-month salary of 996. This will motivate people, right?"

Zhuo Qun could hear the resentment in Xiang Yu's words, Xiang Yu usually called him, you, but this time it was you, which let Zhuo Qun know the other party's resentment.

"This time it's over, you hand over the work, you haven't taken the three-month paid vacation every year for the past few years, you go and make arrangements for yourself, Xiaozhuang will take over your shift, okay , don't disturb the date."

Zhuo Qun arranged Xiang Yu's work with a smile.

This is also to recruit more people. After all, the people in his company still need to have some liquidity. Otherwise, if these people are always the same, some people will be dissatisfied.

Xiang Yu didn't say much when he heard Zhuo Qun's words, so he made a series of phone calls. Not long after, Zhang Dapao, a single dog still living in the love apartment, received a call from a newly formed Calls from social welfare organizations, hoping that he can file a labor arbitration lawsuit for those social animals who must 996 without compensation.

As a righteous golden-armored soldier, Zhang Dapao is of course obliged. Besides, he knows this kind of phone very well now. He finds that as long as he goes to fight this kind of lawsuit appointed by others, he must gain both fame and fortune. He has become the most famous barrister in Shanghai, but as a barrister, he has always been working from home.

It's not that he doesn't want to rent an office building, but every time he rents an office building, the window glass of that office building has to be replaced constantly. Revenge against him is written on every stone that breaks glass.

He can still give one or two yuan, but generally speaking, the whole wall will be broken once it is broken. This is unbearable. The unnecessary expenditure is too much, and Zhang Yida's financial resources cannot support Such a large expenditure, so he put his law firm back to the apartment he rented early. After all, this is not a commercial area like an office building, and the flow of people is not that complicated.

"Pao, are you going to harm someone again?"

A few days later, Lu Ziqiao, who had nothing to do and was wandering around, was a little surprised to see Zhang Wei in formal attire. The clothes in this suit were more expensive than his shirts in a closet. Will wear the suit, and most of his takeover is changing existing laws.

It can be said that every time Zhang Wei wears this suit, the law will be rewritten, so Zhang Wei rarely wears this suit.

And this time he felt it was time for him to put on the jersey again.

996, this is a big issue related to people's livelihood, ordinary people can't fight this kind of lawsuit, only his legal pioneer Snake is the ultimate answer to this question.

"When I walk out the gate, the world will change for me, free 996 will no longer exist!"

Standing at the door, Zhang Wei pointed back at Lu Ziqiao and said, his movements were extremely free and easy, and it looked like he had practiced it countless times.

"You're really right. 996 will cease to exist soon, and even human beings don't know if it will exist again. The collision of heaven and earth may be coming, and the world's extinction crisis is about to appear. I It's decided, for the rest of the time, I'm going to gallop like crazy, knowing the earth."

(End of this chapter)

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