"Of course it is planet environment transformation technology. This technology also existed during the human exploration period, but was later lost. You must know that in the early days of Mars, we were also a green planet. At that time, Mars had already completed its transformation. , is a planet like Terra, and at that time, most of Terra was blue, but it was not a dim, khaki planet like it is now."

Since we have to ask what technology the empire lacks?That, of course, is planet transformation technology.In fact, many planets and worlds in the empire are not suitable for survival. If it were not for hives, many planets would not be inhabitable at all.

But what kind of place is the hive city? To put it bluntly, it is an industrial complex. Living there is also very difficult. Moreover, the average life span of the hive city people is only three to 40 years old, and only a small part of them can survive. Over 50 years old, otherwise, he would die at the age of 40 or [-].

"This technology is indeed useful, and this technology also includes many things, but how many people do we need to spend?"

The great sages of the Mechanicus confirmed that this technology was useful, but they were not sure how many people were needed.

But they didn't know this technology, Horus and the others already had it.

When they were in the main world, they also learned this technology. As for the super-light flight technology, they have not yet learned it. It’s not that they don’t want to learn it, but compared to the planet transformation technology, the super-light flight technology is richer in subjects. If there are more, they will learn more deeply, so they have no way to learn, but they can still learn some planet transformation technology.

Furthermore, planet transformation technology in the main world is also very common. Many spaceships have some related technologies. After all, when exploring some worlds, it is always necessary to slightly transform some worlds so that you can It can survive for a short period of time, so this technology is very popular.

Angron was filled with anger when he looked at the Emperor, so he simply stopped looking at the Emperor, and instead came outside the palace of Holy Terra, which is on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and then turned on the air quality detector , and found that the air quality in this world is really different from the earth in the main world.

The oxygen content was lower than that in the main world, at least four percentage points. Later, he drove his personal aircraft around the world and found that the average oxygen content was even lower.

At the same time, the content of pollutants in the air was very high. Then he began to test the land again, and then he found that the land of Holy Terra was unusually barren. Compared with the main world, the land here was almost the same as a salt-alkali land.

"Holy Terra had plenty of rain back then, so why is it like this now?"

Angron's expression became even more ugly when he looked at the Pacific Basin in front of him. He had never seen a large area of ​​​​the ocean before, so he had not thought about what the Pacific Ocean looked like, but after seeing the Pacific Ocean in the main world, he knew What is the real vast ocean?

"Let's give Holy Terra a precipitation first. At least after the precipitation is completed, the surface of Holy Terra can be moistened. Then we will find a way to replenish the trace elements of the earth. Then the oxygen content in the air should be It can be done through cyanobacteria in the ocean and plants on land. We don’t know the technology to quickly generate plants. The only problem we have is that the land is too barren and the air is too dry. Only cacti can grow here.”

Clarks also came outside at this time. After all, there is another Clarks in the current palace. This guy appeared suddenly, but he was discovered by Clarks when he appeared. He immediately understood that that guy It’s the Clarks of this world.

Looking at the other party's big oily head and pointed head, he really couldn't stand it. Although he was like this back then, he really couldn't stand it now.

"Do you think Holy Terra can still change?"

Angron looked at Holy Terra, which had become a wasteland, and remembered the Earth in the main world. These were two completely different worlds, one had been transformed into Mars, and the other was still a vibrant scene.

"Don't worry about this for now. Let's work hard to normalize this planet first. By the way, we should repair the atmosphere now."

Clarks looked up at the atmosphere at this time. The atmosphere was so thin that he could see the darkness outside. The current atmosphere can still be regarded as an atmosphere, but compared with the main world, the atmosphere here is too thin, and it feels like Like the atmosphere where the Antarctic ozone hole is.

In this environment, everyone's skin was stained with burnt spots. They thought it was nothing before, but now after returning from the main world, they all understood that it was the early stage of skin cancer.

The reason why no one pays attention to this matter is because many people only have a life span of 40 to [-] years and cannot wait for these diseases to appear. And those nobles have undergone certain genetic modifications, and their genes They have adapted to this environment, so nothing will happen to them.

As for the civilians, they have long been accustomed to such an environment, so no one knows what those spots and numbness on their skin are.

Besides, in the tens of thousands of years since entering space, human beings have undergone many kinds of mutations, so everyone no longer cares about them.

"The atmosphere repair device. I don't have my spaceship on board. It has tractor light and material synthesis devices, but the atmosphere repair device and transformation device. I don't have it."

Angron's spaceship does not actually have a full set of planet-modification devices. After all, this thing is usually a single spacecraft configured for a small fleet. If a full set of planet-modification devices are to be installed on it, it will be at least thousands of kilometers high. spaceship.

Now, Angron's spaceships are only about a hundred kilometers in size, so there are not many things placed there. Of course, this is also related to the main world's habit of making objects larger. If it were before, this might be multiple small ones. It is composed of objects, but now the main world is more accustomed to using large objects.

After all, after all kinds of giant components have been created in the universe, small and micro structures are no longer attractive to the main world. In addition, the actual height of human beings has exceeded three meters, so small and micro structures are no longer attractive to the main world. The main object world doesn’t like it that much anymore.

"Atmospheric transformation device. I have it here, you should know it. I planned to transform my world before. My world is a factory world, and the air pollution there is very serious. I am planning to deal with these things thoroughly. So my spaceship has a full set of atmospheric modification devices."

"Licaeus or Kivanya?"

Both of these planets can be regarded as the home planet of Four Krax, because Lycaeus is the place where he descended, and Kivania is the main planet of Lycaeus. "It's all. I studied Capital in the main world. I feel that there are still some problems with my previous liberation from tyranny, so I plan to start these things from the home planet world."

Clarks also shook his hair at this time. His hair is no longer the big oily one, but has very normal hair. He is also regularly taken care of. He looks no worse than an angel. .

"I suddenly discovered that we are all a little different compared to the Primarchs of this world. Look at the guys opposite. Except for Angel and Guilliman, the smell of each one is really unbearable. That one from Ryan This guy looks like a smelly can. I really don’t know what’s going on. Also, Vulcan is completely black. His skin was originally dark, but now he looks like a blackberry wrapped in black. Sesame, Khan, apart from the beard, that guy can look at other things, it’s really eye-catching.”

At this time, Angron began to talk about the shortcomings of the Primarch. Rather than being shortcomings, it was more about their smell and personal hygiene.

In fact, before this, all the Primarchs, except for Angel, Fulgrim, Lorgar and Guilliman, all looked unkempt, and personal hygiene issues were really annoying.

It was only after arriving in the main world that they began to pay attention to personal hygiene. Otherwise, standing together now would be a meeting in a cesspit.

"Aren't they the same as we were before? Aren't we also this slovenly before?"

Clarks thought about what people like him were like back then, so he also had a smile on his face.

Angron also laughed. He also remembered what he looked like before. He was really a hairy savage.

"What are they laughing at there?"

The Sons of the People Chapter was already stationed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau outside the palace at this time. They were cooking here. When they looked up, they saw two Primarchs laughing there, but no one knew what they should say. .

"This meat is good. The meat I gave you is indeed very fragrant. Look at how fat and thin it is. It looks better than all the meat we have eaten before."

The squad leader of the cooking class of the Son of the People Chapter was holding a big shovel and constantly stir-frying pork belly. This was also a brand new cooking method that he had just learned from the cooking class opposite. It was said to be called braised pork. He thought it tasted like is good.

The other side also gave them thousands of pigs. Pigs have long disappeared in their world. This was the first time they saw pigs. Then they found that the pork was indeed quite good, and it was the same as what they had eaten before. Those things are completely different. A lot of the meat before was something that no one could eat except the Astartes monks. But now these things can be eaten by individuals. For them, It's quite important.

"This meat is really good, and there is even sugar for us to fry the meat. We are really rich."

"I don't know if you are rich or not. I only know that cooking in this way is quite troublesome. Who else should drive away the nearby ig group and tell them to stay away from here? We have just started to eat these things. How can we still eat them?" I wonder if it will be suitable for them?”

A company commander of the Son of the People found that there were a lot of ig regiments around him at this time, so he planned to drive these people out.

"We don't have this habit, you should know. When the People's Sons were first formed, if it weren't for these ig groups, everyone would have died, so we must protect them and the people."

Many war groups are full of scumbags, but the Sons of the People warband is not this group of people. Just like their name, the Sons of the People can be regarded as the top three most popular among all warbands. The most important thing about the war group is that they are extremely popular with the ig group. The reason is because they are generally called the People’s Sons Canteen. They never refuse other people’s thirst for food, so at this time they are also quite supportive. Distressed.

"Forget it, let's leave them alone. Just give them a spoonful of meat each and let them eat. We just need to eat a little less. After all, there are still thousands of pigs that can be raised. By the way, they give What do we do with so many pigs? Are they just for us to raise?"

"I don't know, it's just that after they found out that we were the Sons of the People Chapter, they seemed to have a good impression of us, and after asking how many cooking classes we had, they assigned us these things, saying that the cooking classes should learn how to cultivate Pig, I really don’t know what it means.”

The monitor of the cooking class was actually quite helpless. He had never thought about why he got these things and why he had to learn to raise pigs?

Angron, "This chapter is quite good. Among all the Astartes chapters, this chapter can be ranked among the top. Although their combat power is not necessarily among the top, their moral character is. The first few, especially the leader, have pretty good three-bucket abilities."

Clarks, "The psychic barriers released by the top psychics can block the bombardment of naval guns. How did such a guy appear? He didn't go crazy because of his psychic powers. This ability is amazing. !”

Angron, "When I said he has good abilities, I didn't mean that his psychic abilities were powerful. I meant that he was able to combine three warbands into their own warband. Didn't you notice? The Word Bearer's Holy Word Shield Wei, the handsome man Fulgrim's Void Blood and Alpha's Snake Killer, don't you think it's interesting to have these three forces? They are all traitors! They can accommodate the descendants of these three traitors, and for such a long time There were no problems within a short period of time, this guy’s abilities are quite interesting.”

As a Primarch, they can tell what kind of genes the opponent has at a glance, not to mention that these people are too familiar, so they discovered at a glance what the three warbands in the Sons of Ming Chapter are. What is it?So they have been waiting here for fun to appear, but they never expected that these guys would not have any fun at all.

"Vulkan must be going crazy, right? Khan must be about the same."

Krax also thought of this fun, so he laughed there too, the descendants of White Scar and Salamander, but recruited the descendants of three rebel warbands.

If this war group has poor ability and popularity, they can just deal with it casually. But they also checked and found out that this war group is not only popular but also has excellent ability. The most important thing is that the leader of this war group is even better. A weird one, so they are all here waiting to have fun.

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