Blood tax

Chapter 535 The Ancient Egg, Son of the Night

The mutated tyrannosaurus of the high-ranking priest had a pair of deformed and mutated giant claws that were three meters long, and it swept towards Griffith one after another.The size of this giant beast is very tall, and when the claws sweep from top to bottom, the momentum is astonishing, like two heavy giant axes, and like a sharp knife array, giving people the strength to crush anything with one claw oppression.

Griffith barely avoided it, took out a bottle of deceleration potion, and threw it at the foot of the terrifying giant beast.Brown smoke billowed, and the T-Rex's legs were immediately entangled in mucus.However, its huge body and astonishing strength ignored the constraints, and broke through with brute force only after a slight delay.

Ghouls, come on!
Seeing that the deceleration potion was ineffective, Griffith commanded the three ghouls following him to rush forward.

When the ghoul received the order, red flashes burst out from the eye sockets, fangs, and sharp claws at the same time, and the attack speed was more than three times faster than usual.They bit and clawed at the tyrannosaur's legs, drawing deep wounds on the dragon's skin, spurting out disgusting black blood.

The ghoul was strengthened... Griffith felt that the mystery he was in charge of seemed to be strengthening.However, before he could think about it, the sound waves covered the sky like a tsunami.


The Tyrannosaurus opened its mouth wide and let out an earth-shattering roar.


Griffith, who was about to distance himself, immediately felt that his legs were stiff like lead, his head was dizzy and painful, and he almost lost the ability to move.The ghouls who were besieging the tyrannosaurus were swept away by the sound wave, and they all fell into a paralyzed state and fell from the giant beast.

The tyrannosaurus swept away with a claw, cut a ghoul in two, opened its mouth and swallowed it, and began to chew.

Plasma splashed everywhere, and the sound of bones cracking could be heard clearly.The wounds torn open by the ghouls also began to heal quickly as they chewed.

Are all the troll lords enhanced by the Eternal Stairway so tyrannical... Griffith relied on the resistance of the war knight to break free from the negative effect of howling, and dodged behind a rock.

"Griffith, get some more meat shields!"

As soon as the words fell, a flash of lightning shot down from a high place.

Erza found the sniper position, and threw the spear through the flank of the Tyrannosaurus.The huge body of the tyrannosaurus was knocked down to the ground, and a big hole was opened in its stomach. It could be vaguely seen that something inside was surging violently like boiling water, and would burst at any moment.

Erza's projection power is amazing, and it really hit the Tyrannosaurus severely.

At this moment, Griffith felt that he was wrapped in an indescribable spiritual energy, roasted!The surging matter in the tyrannosaur's body was escaping, and part of the lost spiritual energy was absorbed by Minos.

The Tyrannosaurus suddenly went berserk, and got up regardless of the serious injury.It had just received a blow that was powerful enough to kill several mountain monsters. Not only did it have no intention of retreating, but it plundered in the direction of Erza!

While spraying indescribable filth from the wound, it waved its terrifying giant claws, leaving Griffith behind and rampaging on the steep hillside.

Erza shook her hand, and with the second throwing gun in her hand, she threw it towards the Tyrannosaurus.The blow sent an arm off the beast, but could not stop it.

Griffith on the side held the conviction in his hand and wanted to support him.However, the Tyrannosaurus did not attack in a straight line, but turned at an astonishing angle during the high-speed sprint, making it impossible for people to grasp the angle and timing of the attack.

Physical attacks are not enough, so how about evil energy!
Griffith raised his right hand and pointed at the unstoppable Tyrannosaurus.

"Tremble under the power of death entanglement!"

A mass of dark green substance between liquid and gas condensed on the bone ring, stirring as if alive.However, this group of powerful evil energy did not immediately shoot at the tyrannosaurus dragon, but spun around the fingertips with strong repulsion.

In the dark, Griffith had a premonition of a strong crisis - not only could Death Coil not stop the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it would also strengthen it!

Could it be because Minos' fel energy and the troll's power come from the same source... Griffith had no time to switch to other abilities in a single thought.He subconsciously shifted his pointing, pointing at the stitch monster lying on the ground.

"Stand up, Stitcher."

Dark green evil energy roared out.At the same time, Erza's shield vibrated violently.The claws of the terrifying beast tore through layers of shields and opened a crack in the breastplate.

The attack of this Tyrannosaurus also has the characteristic of piercing armor!
Erza faced the giant beast, rolled back to avoid the fatal attack, then gained momentum with her legs, leaped into the air, and pierced the spear in her hand into the eye socket of the tyrannosaurus while spinning.

With such a blow to the head, even a legendary creature would be killed on the spot.However, after piercing the hard armor, eyeballs, and the spear piercing the tyrannosaur's brain, what came along the barrel of the gun was a rotten and sticky substance that was stuck in a swamp.

Without stopping, the tyrannosaurus waved its giant, gleaming claws, and slammed down on the huntress.

Seeing that it was inevitable, a bone chain stabbed obliquely at him.Erza stretched out her hand to grab it, and immediately left with the retracted bone chain.

Stitch Guratoni was healed by the power of Death Coil!It first followed Griffith's will to throw the bone chain to hook back its teammates, and then rushed forward with its swaying huge body, brazenly withstood the giant beast's pounce.

Minos reported: "Minos has absorbed a large amount of source quality, and detected high-level undead spiritual energy ripples. It is recommended to absorb and reorganize the army."

A strange aura permeates between the heaven and the earth.The bleak and gloomy aura that accompanied the living corpses weakened a little, replaced by a life energy that was active and prosperous to the point of madness.

At the same time, Griffith gained some occult knowledge.

Death Coil has become more powerful.Dark Arrow with the power of death can heal the undead and also inflict great damage and fear to non-undead.Life energy lost from blows taken by enemies will heal the Death Knight.

Griffith didn't have time to savor this new power, and stood sideways, holding up the conviction.

The gun barrel has been loaded with a Maw Bullet against mythical creatures.


Gunshots echoed in the night sky, and flames, smoke, and an overwhelming jet of black-brown pellets exploded in a swirling psychic vortex at the Tyrannosaurus' legs.

Tyrannosaurus' right leg was broken by this shot, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

The rampaging behemoth finally stopped.However, the shattered right leg wriggled like a mass of sticky pus, glued along the wound, and even spawned countless wildly waving granulation.

These granulation became more and more crazy, and even grew into long tentacles, whipping wantonly like vines in a strong wind.These tentacles also rolled up the remains of the ghouls on the ground, quickly corroding and absorbing them.

Even for this sake, this giant beast can still obtain self-healing energy from devouring.

"Griffith, stand back,
"I'm going to burn it to ashes!"

The spear in Erza's hand was wrapped in a buzzing silver light arc, and it roared towards the Tyrannosaurus.

There was a hoarse hum in the air.

The newly repaired body of the tyrannosaurus instantly disintegrated into broken powder.The grotesquely swollen flesh and blood were pierced by one blow, and the tentacles and bones were torn apart.

The gigantic monster disintegrated under the attack.It raised nightmarish tentacles of terror to capture the Huntress, but a second arc of light had followed.

The blow ignited the behemoth.The torn wound was burned, the firepower of the extraordinary overwhelmed the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and the speed of damage suppressed self-healing.

Finally, the monster's body began to dissolve, continuously dripping viscous substances, like a burnt candle being melted.

Suddenly, strange black blood burst out from the belly, and the tyrannosaurus let out a long wailing sound, trying to cover the hole in the belly with its forelimbs, but all the greasy internal organs turned into liquid and leaked out from the gap between its claws.

On the eve of destruction, the face on the Tyrannosaurus that could no longer be seen wailed in pain:
"If my warrior hadn't been recruited by Commodus, how could he have fallen into such a situation."

The high-ranking priest Winnosis trembled, staring in Griffith's direction:
"Look what you've done, strangers, the ancient egg is about to hatch,

"The blood god will devour this world!"


"Kiraka the sorcerer, pay homage to the mighty apostle!"

The former Jirapa Kasa elder, and now Kiraka knelt down to the ground, bowing to the victorious Griffith again and again.Almost all the trolls who evacuated with the high priest Venoxis were wiped out, and only he survived alone.

Erza picked up a crystal of Extraordinary characteristics from the disintegrated Tyrannosaurus rex, and threw it to Griffith:

"We can't delay, Commodus' pursuers will arrive soon."

Kiraka respectfully asked for instructions: "If the two apostles want to go to Zuhaka, I may be able to contribute a little bit."

"Tell me." Griffith nodded.After coming to the south, he has always wanted to recruit a troll army of his own.

With permission, Kiraka said:

"Zuhaka's position is very dangerous. There are powerful guards and traps at the only entrance. There are poisonous rivers and miasma around the city wall outside the entrance. Attacking there, even tens of thousands of warriors will be useless.

"The four territories guarded by the high-ranking priest Vinohis, the high-ranking lord Vemayek, the high-ranking warlord Ekirum, and the high-ranking witch doctor Jekrik control the flow of water. Only by destroying them can we attack Zuhaka's land. city ​​walls.

"However, this is not the only way to enter Zuhaka."

Having said that, Kiraka paused, and then continued:

"Four high lords imprison a creature named Chizen Iza. It is an ancient flying snake seeking to steal the blood god's throne.

"Its body has been destroyed long ago, and the remaining will is still wandering in the wilderness. Every time a high-ranking lord falls, Chichen Yiza's soul will be strengthened by one point. When all the guardians have fallen, it will break free Cage, tear off Zuhakar's barrier, and go to the sacred eternal ladder to absorb divine power.

"At that time, Your Excellency the mighty Apostle, you can enter Zuhaka through the gap in the city wall."

Griffith and Erza looked at each other.This voice, claiming to be the ancient blood magician Cen Yiza, had tried to contact him.

Kiraka is not to be trusted.However, instead of destroying the entire territory, it is possible to consider eliminating only the four troll lords.If the big flying snake can break through Zuhakar's barrier, Griffith and Erza will be able to seize the power of the eternal ladder before Commodus.

With this power, Griffith and Erza will be able to defeat Commodus, stabilize Lin Neng, and complete the promotion.

Griffith thought for a while, and in principle could accept Kiraka's suggestion.Now, his combat power is a bit stretched.

Kiraka asked cautiously: "There are some warriors in my clan who may be able to help your lord, whether..."

"Kilaka, is there a summoning circle here?" Griffith asked.

"We don't have such power, my lord," replied the troll, "but if your lord needs to gather some powerful warriors to come. There are some mutated pterosaurs and other flying creatures in the mine not far from here. We can go to There."


Commodus' pursuers are getting closer and closer.

Griffith could already feel their powerful psychic ripples.When he arrived at the Eastern Mine, preparing for a big battle, he saw an unexpected sight.

I don't know what infected the dark green veins, but just approaching it makes people extremely disturbed.The sea of ​​clouds rolled, and the howling wind in the forest was twisted into a flute with a strange range of pitches, revealing the tragic consequences of the creatures who set foot in this ancient mystery.

It is under the jurisdiction of the high-ranking lord Vimayek.

It's like a slaughterhouse here.

A decapitated, flesh-and-blood wreckage was inhumanely hung on the ruins, and the civilians who had no time to escape were left with empty skins, like a pile of torn oranges, folded and stacked together, unable to identify their identities .

"This is too evil." Even Erza couldn't accept such a tragedy. "It's no different from your corpse tide."

Griffith looked calm, but his heart was restless.The truth, there are faint omens but not yet clear.The path to the truth he seeks seems to lie ahead.Even with such a horrific tragedy in front of him, he still couldn't suppress his eager heart.

Many answers seem to be getting closer and closer, and they can be answered in this ancient lost city buried by plants and time.

A crazier and more reasonable answer is growing in his heart, but the reason as a human being does not allow him to tell it.

Countless lives were lost in the melee.The blood has been shed and cannot go back without an answer.

Looking forward, after thousands of years of wind erosion, these ancient civilizations are still intact, which is confusing.

At the edge of this treacherous and strange world, the smoky, wild and ancient lost civilization is full of countless ugly and dangerous places, full of dangers.

"Right here." Griffith pressed his painful head.He felt like he was losing his sanity.

In this strange mine in front of you, there is still hidden an indescribable terrifying existence roaring at human reason.

There is a mysterious thing there, and it has been entrenched here for a long time.

Under the escort of hastily formed ghouls and stitch monsters, Griffith and Erza entered the mine.They are ready for a fierce battle, but, strangely, there are no strong guards here, only some frightened and almost crazy troll civilians.

"Here, my lord.

"Pterodactyl riders are the best messengers. They will risk their lives to convey your will."

Kiraka approached some restless pterosaurs, and he found some terrified trolls, forcing them to serve.

Erza fetched some crystals and parchment scrolls with recorded messages, and handed them to the trolls, who asked them to take them outside in several ways to call for reinforcements.

"What's going on here?" Griffith asked the trolls.

What came back was a bunch of fragmented and jumbled answers.It took a while for the terrified troll survivors to let Kiraka extract a little valuable information——

During the time when Griffith and Commodus were fighting and chasing and killing Vinnosis, a group of powerful humans and monsters rushed into the Eastern Mine.The high-ranking lord Vimayek fought them, but he couldn't resist, so he could only retreat to the depths of the mine with his most trusted subordinates.

"Go, get my reinforcements." Griffith let go of the pterosaur rider, turned and walked into the depths of the dark mine, "Let's go and see what's hidden below."


In the depths of the troll empire's mine in this underground world, there is actually another buried ruin.

The fortified gate was shattered and broken by a terrible force, and the reliefs all over the rock walls and vaults were within reach.

A disintegrating giant beast lay on the ground. Judging from the scattered clothing and items, this should be the high-ranking lord Vimayek.He has been killed and his Extraordinary characteristics taken away.

"Griffith, we should get out of here." Erza felt more and more uneasy as she walked.When she found the murals on the rock wall, she instinctively didn't want to look at them.

"Kiraka can't understand these words," the sorcerer boldly read for a while, becoming more and more frightened, "these things are not mentioned in the proverbs of the ancestors."

Griffith looked up.At first, the graphic abstraction of the murals was incomprehensible, and the text in them was illegible.However, after a while, he felt that his brand of the chosen one became hot, and some mystic knowledge poured into his brain.

The mural shows a strange, petal-shaped creature enveloped by a gigantic, unimaginable object:

"Our time is running out. For centuries we have benefited from the infinite power that the end of the cycle has given us. We know the price will be paid, and we think it is a price we can bear, or find some way to escape.

"We can't afford it, and we can't hide from it.

"The price we paid was everything. In an instant - so fast we didn't have time to react, let alone prepare countermeasures - the capital...was gone. Where there was once a thriving colony, now there was nothing but death and nothingness. Invincible Now only the dead and wrecks remain. Everything has been swallowed by the end.

"Everything was taken away by the void.

"As if the destruction of our empire overnight wasn't bad enough, a gigantic entity of energy began to manifest. After absorbing the consciousness of our psychics, it became immensely powerful, and now it is running across the nebula, looking for more prey.

"What did we do..."

Griffith unconsciously indulged in the murals.Certain memories and knowledge that should not exist are being reorganized in the abyss of consciousness, trying to climb up.

At the end of the mural, the petal-shaped creature arrives in a new world.

"What remains of the Empire is led by the Archbishop. The powerful psychic who foresaw the end, leading the few survivors to a world unmarked by the Void.

"This is an extremely wild, desolate place that is not suitable for living.

"The imperial investigation team once established an outpost under an ice sheet, and now, this will be the last resting place of our surviving people.

"First, we have to change our physical form."

This is the truth...

What His Majesty Aurelius said to me that night was not crazy...

I must do something!
Griffith was greatly shocked, and felt a little unreal for a while.He walked along the mural, forgetting even the danger.

Suddenly, he saw a black shadow move beside him.

A winged creature left the darkness and stood under the mural, watching Griffith approaching.

"Griffith de Ravenel, you came later than I expected," said the creature, "Those who tried their best to delay you and protect you, after all, failed to prevent you from coming here .”

Erza flashed past and stood in front of Griffith, pointing the spear in her hand at the creature in front of her:

"who are you?"

"I am, um... let me think about this question..."

The creature took off the black crow helmet, revealing a pale complexion and night-like black hair:
"Cassian Rorschach, the Nightborn,

"Let's end this endless cycle." (End of this chapter)

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