Blood tax

Chapter 499 Roland's Kingdom of Riddles: The Captain's Foreshadowing

Griffith served as the commander of two hostile armies at the same time, and even the troops under his command could jump left and right between the two armies.

According to the confederation's plan, the First Front Army commanded by Griffith, alias "Blood Sir", will expand to 2 to [-] people in a short period of time.He is also one of the commanders of the entire army in the Verona area, making collective decisions with the newly joined Xia Boyang.Xia Boyang's soldiers, those who did not survive the division, were familiar with gunpowder weapons and new tactics, and were incompatible with Bayeran, so they were potential soldiers.

It's just that Griffith has just led people to crush these rebels and take them captive.It is undoubtedly very difficult to get them to fight hard.

The recruitment of prisoners of war depends on discipline, leather whips and gallows, and the most brutal means are used to force them to die.

"Transformation? Transformation?"

Griffith couldn't help raising his eyebrows.This sounds reminiscent of confessional agents, hypnosis and brainwashing, more cruel than a whip.

"Please don't get me wrong, the main way we work is learning and education," Negri explained, "The rebels who fought with you broke away from Xia Boyang's leadership, committed many looting crimes during the march, and were attacked again. By the time you wounded them, their spirits and wills had collapsed.

"Our job is to integrate them into a solid team and reshape the core of these warriors.

"Comrade Xia Boyang is forming the Second Verona Front Army with the troops following him as the backbone. With his cooperation in my work, we are confident that most of the people will be won over."

"Good luck." Griffith nodded.

He will not reject these brave fighters.

A price will be paid.A larger war is imminent, and the enemies are Commodus and the knights, Aaron and the wizard, and Tarkin and elves in Canaan.Galadia is always in danger unless they are all taken out.

Their strength is very strong, and their will is even firmer.You may not like them, but you cannot deny that they are great fighters.In order for the Wishing Vessel to unleash the miracle of salvation, these people must fight to the end, there is no reason to speak of it.

Then, we can only let Griffith come to the army in person to reason with them.

"Specifically, what are you going to do?"

"Please come with me!" Negri suddenly became interested. "Roland said that we must show you our ideological work! Let's go in a carriage."

Speaking of this, Negri suddenly remembered something, took out a novel from his pocket and handed it over, "Roland also reminded you to give this to you, it is his favorite work, don't miss it."


Griffith loves to read novels.This good habit has been supported by Fiona, and it has been carried forward in Homonwatts.

The novel that Negri handed over was a new book strongly recommended by Fiona - "The Kingdom of Riddles That Don't Talk Well: Death Note", with Roland's autograph on it.

"For my best friend Griffith!

"Your old friend Roland."

Griffith flipped through it curiously.He had read half of this novel in the library of Homewarts. It is a series of thrilling riddle stories, from the kingdom of riddles that are not easy to speak: …

A certain young man got a gift from death, a notebook.Write someone's name on a note, and you'll kill him.This sealed item is extremely powerful, and it can even write the cause and time of death. The person whose name is written is irresistible.

Young people become agents of death.He believes that all the villains will be wiped out under his pen, this filthy world will be rectified, and he himself...will become the god of the new world.

"The god of the new world, well, Naira probably read this novel."

Griffith sighed inwardly for Neferti.What can the poor girl do... He looked up at Negri again: "Tell me about your ideological work."

"Hmm..." The political commissar thought for a while, "It's fine, but Roland reminded me that you must read his masterpiece carefully! This is the latest serialization!"

Ah, the novel more important than military affairs?Griffith had nothing to say, and could only watch it quickly.

The behavior of the young people was discovered after all.Although his actions were very careful, the hidden and powerful guardian of the world order still noticed his clues and closed his net little by little.

It was only a matter of time before the young man's secret was revealed.

At this time, he made a decision...

The young man gave up the ownership of the sealed item, and at the same time asked the god of death to erase his memory.It's not difficult.Thanks to this decisive action, the defenders of order who came over after careful investigation ruled out the young man's suspicion, and even invited him to act together to search for the representative of the god of death in the world.

However, what the guardians of order did not expect was...

While giving up the sealed item, the young man had already completed the layout.Although he lost his memory, as the investigation progressed, he, as part of the world order, got closer and closer to his notes.

Finally, the moment he touched the note again, the young man regained his power.

This time, the hidden guardians of order have nothing to hide.The young are among them, and know their power, and their mysteries.

Nice story!

The layout is exquisite, the plot twists and turns, and it is really fascinating.

What should I do if I also have such a notebook and are pursued by the guardians of the world?How would I hide my notes... Griffith imagined himself as the protagonist of the riddle story.

"Here we are, Comrade Commander,"

After a while, they came to a camp where many immigrants and captives were sent in batches and placed separately.

Desai was leading a small team of soldiers overseeing the captives.When he saw his commander arriving, he ran over immediately, stood up straight, and beat his chest with his right hand: "Victory to Bayeran!"

"Victory to Bayeran," the new banner captain raised his arm, "how is the situation here? Are the prisoners in order?"

Griffith looked around, only to see scattered biscuits and crowds of people who didn't go to sleep, and sat in a big circle in the middle of the camp.

"Why are you so lax? Where is Pashuu?"

"Uh, woo..." Desai couldn't speak. …

There were not many guards, but some of them even sat with the captives.Soldiers carried rifles, and prisoners sat on the ground one by one with food such as corn and potatoes.A temporary stage was set up in the open space, and everyone looked at it and smiled, obviously everyone was fascinated by it.

Lansarda, the little girl who was kicked off her horse a few days ago, actually told jokes to everyone on the stage.

"One day the farmer caught a fish in the river.

"According to the rules, everything here belongs to the lord. However, he can keep it secret and eat the fish himself.

"The farmer went home excitedly and said to his wife: 'We can eat fried fish!'

"The wife said: 'But we have no oil!'

"'That boiled fish!'

"'The pot was taken away by the lord, for fear that we would be melted to make knives.'

"'That grilled fish!'

"'All the wood in the woods is master's!'

"The farmer threw the fish into the river in a fit of anger. The fish splashed and jumped out of the river, shouting: 'Long live the lord!'"

The square was quiet.

Lansada... Griffith wanted to cover his face with this slightly dry joke.Suddenly, he heard a loud noise like thunder.

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed, some excitedly slapped their thighs and laughed wildly, some rolled all over the floor, tears spewing out.

"Pfft—" Desai couldn't hold back, and also laughed out loud.Immediately, he realized the commander's gaze, swallowed back his smile, and puffed out his chest.

The pretty novice nun raised her skirt slightly and curtseyed to everyone who was leaning forward and back with laughter.

"Next, please watch the drama——


Everyone clapped and clapped.

Co-author Lansada is here to warm up... Griffith glanced at Negri.

"How did you convince my people to do this?"

"Look and see!" Comrade Political Commissar whispered, "Our troupe tours all over the place, but the actors mainly rely on everyone's own initiative."

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Actors are all spontaneous?ah?Then you still need your troupe?Griffith felt baffled.

There are three actors.Lansada had changed her skirt, put on a lord's attire, and put on a wig, so she couldn't recognize it unless she looked carefully.

Paxiu dressed up as an old farmer, old and hunchbacked.

The third person is a girl.Griffith stared for a moment, then suddenly realized it was Loper.

After most of the Gorum soldiers, that is, those mutated juvenile soldiers and hybrid experimental subjects were wiped out on the battlefield, Griffith actually didn't expect such diehard elements to join his side.

Tonight, Griffith saw Loper again.This little girl Griffith personally captured it alive.The fighting form is a seductive harpy, but she is usually a thin shepherdess who is only twelve or thirteen years old.

Loper was wearing a shepherdess sackcloth dress, pale and malnourished.

"It's the night of the Frostfest... Shepherdess is looking forward to Daddy's return."

The story of the play is about Ellie, a shepherdess from a poor family, anxiously looking forward to the return of her father, who is hiding from debts, to celebrate the holiday happily. …

"Father went out to hide from the debt, and would not return it day and night.

"The wind blows the snowflakes outside the door, the wind blows the door and the door opens by itself,

"I hope daddy will come home soon, step in the door, step in the door~
"I hope that Daddy is anxious, and he will be happy when Daddy comes back. Daddy brings back bread, let's have a happy holiday, happy and happy holiday!"

After her father came back, Ellie happily took the black bread brought by her father, asked her to tie a red ribbon on her, and happily prayed to the gods, "Please don't come to the master who wants to pay".

The girl was like a lark, chirping about village affairs and interrupting her father's talk about her marriage.

"Ellie, don't be loud.

"We owe the master a rent, and there are still unpaid bills."

Dad looked around in awe, with an urgent and worried tone.

This is obviously a poor man who hides his debt.

"Ten miles of wind and snow are all white. I came home from shelter for seven days, hoping to survive this test. I endured the cold and hunger..."

Dad was talking when there was a sudden noise.The lord lord has come.

"Hey, what about eating?"

Daddy fell to the ground in shock:

"Master, master, just let us go. I really can't afford it!"

"Hey, old man. You're on holiday, and I'm on holiday too. You're embarrassing me more than you. This account must be settled."

Dad knelt down and begged loudly: "I really have no money!"

The master kicked him over, and reached out to grab Ellie:
"No money? If you don't have money, use Ellie to cover it up..."


Suddenly someone jumped out of the audience, grabbed a stone and threw it at Lansada who played the role of the master, and she staggered on the stage with a sound of "Peng".

"Oh, stop!"

Some people rushed to pull it, but more people jumped up, grabbed the corn and potatoes in their hands, and smashed them.

"Let her go!"

"Let her go!"

In an instant, there was the roar of mountains and tsunami, and Lansada fled backstage with a sting.The audience rioted, and the camp looked like it was going to spin out of control.

Ready to suppress... Griffith was startled and was about to give an order when he suddenly saw Negri wave his hand.

A mighty roar rang out from the rioting crowd.

"Beat the nobles!"

One person yelled, and dozens of people also yelled:

"Down with the nobles! Down with the wizards!"

Russia and hundreds of thousands of people shouted loudly, and the force collapsed:
"Call to Oldtown!

"Down with Byelan!"


"I have already done Loper's work, with the help of Xia Boyang, she was the first person to volunteer to join us," Negri brought Griffith to the backstage to meet the cast, "What happened just now often happens, don't be nervous .Sometimes the lord is kicked out as soon as he opens his mouth."

Griffith muffled in response.

He saw that Lansarda was wrapped in gauze, but ran towards him happily.

"Good acting!" Griffith praised, "The effect is extraordinary."

Lansada, if you run slowly, you will be killed...

"Thank you, Captain!" Lansada and Paxiu shouted happily, while Desai stood aside and glared at Paxiu.

Loper, who played the shepherdess, stared at Griffith coldly and said nothing.

"Hello, little girl." Griffith nodded to the shepherdess.

"Good evening, butcher," the shepherdess Didi cooed, "for the sake of the political commissar, we have a temporary truce."

"Hahaha!" Werner hurriedly laughed over the girl's threat, flipped through his pocket, gave her a biscuit, and winked at Griffith:
"She still needs time."

As long as you can fight... Griffith thought as he watched the girl.

His enemies were gods who could melt the earth and crush mountains with one blow, or giant dragons soaring into the sky and spewing flames, or hundreds of thousands of heavily armored warriors and thousands of Extraordinary beings.

A mortal army, even with muskets, cannons and a few mutants, could threaten these powerful beings, but it would have to pave the way with several times the number of corpses.

The little girl hurriedly grabbed it and took a big bite.

“The biscuits are so delicious~”

What Loper eats is the kind of high-calorie food in the army, which is boiled with high-calorie substances such as olive oil, honey, sesame, and dates, and then dried and sliced. It is suitable for eating in the field.Seeing her like that, poor people usually can't eat it.

"When we win, we can eat cookies every day," Negri said.


"Can I still lie to you?"

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