Blood tax

Chapter 497 Sonia, Griffith will leave it to you...

Chapter 497 Sonia, Griffith will leave it to you...
The battle not long ago defeated the main force of the rebel army and killed a false god's hand.The huge victory gave Griffith a high probability of surpassing the third-level assault squadron leader, and was directly promoted from the first-level assault squadron leader to the second-level assault squadron leader, equivalent to a lieutenant colonel of the National Defense Forces.

The flag captain is one rank higher than the second-level assault captain.Considering that this is the rank of the Imperial Guard, which is higher than that of officers of the same rank in the National Defense Forces, Griffith has entered the ranks of senior officers of Bayerland.

Compared with Griffith's age, qualifications and achievements, even being promoted to three levels is beyond the standard and inappropriate.Even with the blessing of the Hand of God, such a promotion would require the intervention of the Senate and the Arcane Council before it could be passed. There is no doubt that it was the result of Galadia's operation through Canaan's high-level——

Arm the War Knights with the rank of Banner Captain and direct troops!
The Verona 10th Light Infantry Regiment can be known from its name that it is an auxiliary regiment mainly composed of Verona soldiers and commanded by Officer Bayeran. Its establishment usually has 10 infantry battalions/battalions and artillery squadrons, Engineering Squadron, Light Cavalry Squadron, Gendarmerie Squadron and other auxiliary units, with a combat strength of up to 7000.

Since the Auxiliary Legion is not a direct line of the Senate, the Wei 10 Light Infantry is much weaker than the Standing Legion. The number of reinforced units such as cavalry and artillery is strictly limited, and most of the infantry are inexperienced recruits.

Such an army composed of Bayeran allies does not have a general at the level of a regiment commander. It only retains a small number of core troops during non-wartimes, and expands during wartime. Under the deployment of General Bayeran, it may be split into many units. It is assigned to regular troops to form a battle group, and will even be filled into the most dangerous battlefields.

However, it is just right for such an army to be included under Griffith's command. It has a certain combat effectiveness, and it will not cause insurmountable material obstacles in terms of personnel because it is particularly strong.

Such a regular army has the establishment of the Bayeran army, with sufficient supplies and corresponding facilities.Since Galadia can influence such high-level appointments, Griffith feels that he is likely to have substantial decision-making power in personnel, organization, and operations, and can appoint Lana and Midian Maier as officers of this force .

This promotion came at just the right time!
If operated properly, this army will play a great role in the next battle.Aaron's strength after growing up is amazing, but with the magic-destroying characteristics of a war knight and the cooperation of an entire army, it may not be impossible to restrain it.

I have to talk to Roland and seek the advice of Professor Salorian about the movement and supplies of the army... If it is not convenient for the Canaan side to support, we should ask Miss Mirantis, Sonia and Alandelle for help...

Griffith was very satisfied, and even began to dream about the formation and coordination of his own infantry and cavalry artillery.

"You have to thank me later~" Galadia noticed that Griffith was distracted, she quickly pressed the corner of her raised mouth, pushed his elbow under the table, and reminded in a low voice, "Please Captain Banner Give a promotion speech."

Griffith immediately sat upright, restrained his thoughts, and looked at everyone present:

"The senate is not stingy in rewarding those who fight for it,
"Who do they want me to deal with?"

Berthier shook his wine glass and whispered: "Beyeland is losing the territory of Verona. It is rumored that the Confederacy is planning to launch a full-scale offensive from several provinces. The Senate needs new troops to fight the threat of the rebels, at least Keep the rich towns on the eastern coast of Verona. As a reward, the gentlemen who fight here will get their own territory."

"It's a good feeling, we can all have our own manor!" Everyone responded in unison.

Lana patted the table excitedly: "Griffith, our God's Hand, you will be the commander-in-chief. We are the Guards of the Senate and have a glorious tradition."

"What kind of tradition?" Fiona looked at her Shutoral, and felt that this sounded wrong.

Lana was at a loss for words for a while, and the others shouted:
"Loyalty, that's naturally loyalty!"

Ophelia calmly glanced at her companions present, and asked:
"Well, what if the Senate issues some sort of order?"

The noisy banquet was quieted down.

Griffith tapped on the desktop:
"Who is our enemy and who is our friend is the first question of war.

"The inhabitants of Verona, Sevasto, Odessa, and other provinces are our countrymen and neighbors.

"When this civil war is over, we're going to make peace with the natives and do business with them.

"Atrocious war crimes must be stopped."

Griffith's remarks set the tone.

The ensuing war is not only a civil war in the real world, but also a more critical confrontation of God's Hand.The winner will get a miracle.Before the actual war is decided, the contest for the wishing device may be settled.

A miracle will end all troubles, but what kind of miracle that is is still unknown.

Griffith calculates strategy and politics—

The identity of the Hand of God complicates all matters.

The final stage of the Sacrifice of the Chosen One will summon the Wishing Vessel that changes the world, and conflicts are no longer limited to the war between the Senate and the Confederacy.

I am Griffith, the knight of Bayeran, and I am also the "Blood Lord" of the Confederation. It is difficult to obtain in time, and Roland and the Federation can also help provide a stable rear and form an alliance against wizards and the Senate...

There are many unresolved problems, and the outer gods of the virtual world are pressing closer, and the overloaded thinking has exceeded his cognition.

Thinking about these questions, Griffith couldn't help feeling a little tired, his eyes stayed on the dining table, and fell into a brief distraction.

Looking at the freshly picked roses on the dining table, he seemed to have hallucinations.The delicate flowers are pleasing to the eye, and the vigorous vitality overflows from the vase, and there are even flower buds blooming among the complicated branches and leaves.

It is still so vibrant after picking it off. Is this the rose of Verona?Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved.But... There seems to be no such bouquet in other vases. Is it because I am treated differently as a lord?
Griffith, whose mind was empty, was a little surprised, and wondered if his common sense had gone wrong again.He stared at this extraordinary plant, and cracked open an egg.

The food in Verona is very characteristic.Locals will soak the eggs that are about to hatch in alcohol to make unique dishes.Many people are afraid of this dish, but some people think it is delicious.

Griffith's attention was all on the beautiful bouquet of roses, and suddenly there was a tingle in his fingers as he pushed the eggs away from the wine.He looked down and took a look.

An eye stared at him from within the shattered eggshell.Pale, desperate and ferocious anomalies filled it.



What is this? ! !
The indescribable scene shook Griffith's will and made him feel dizzy.When he came back to his senses, he looked at the weird egg again, and found that the eyeball turned into a puddle of rotten pus.

Extraordinary, no, could it be the attack of the hand of God!
What kind of characteristic is this? !

Griffith's hair stood on end.He reached out and grabbed the saber at his waist, and raised his head with a "bass", just in time to meet Galadia's sight.The elf also stared at the egg, his face was as white as snow.

"No, I don't know..." Galadia was also stunned.She murmured and grabbed Griffith's hand under the table.


Griffith heard a roar somewhere.It doesn't sound like thunder, but it seems to be composed of extremely chaotic sounds, a cry that heralds the changing madness.Even the wailing of tens of thousands of people on the battlefield was overshadowed by the loud noise.

The strange sound was fleeting, leaving an ominous echo slowly echoing in the depths of my heart.

A torrent of spiritual energy came one after another, washing away, from the limbs to the soul.Along with this sudden force, there is also a subversive restlessness that hovers and swirls.

The other Beyonders present didn't seem to be affected.However, their spirituality was also touched, and they subconsciously listened carefully.

"I seem to have heard something!"

Someone asked loudly, there was a commotion outside the manor, and people running around shouted thunderstorms and lightning.Immediately afterwards, a bright ball of light suddenly appeared in the banquet hall without warning.

Everyone jumped to their feet, swords drawn and wands raised, only to see a procession of elves stalking out of the storm.The elf at the head has an extraordinary appearance, wearing a bright red robe studded with diamonds, surrounded by an invisible barrier as clear as blue crystal, as if in a dense night.He ignored the knights and officers surrounding him, and only slightly nodded at Galadia:
"Good evening, Miss Villanoy,
"I am Tyrael Fourstar, the sword of the Senate, here to convey the will of Canaan.

"A few minutes ago, some of the wizards of Byelan deprived Naira von Kumansha of her identity. Their reckless actions led to the destruction of the Hand of God, without our prior consent, and the trajectory of the mysterious world has been changed .

"The wise Canaanite Senate declares—

"The road to the eternal land has been opened, and the oracle of Iluvash has shown us that Miss Galadia Villanoy is one of the two newborn shining elves who will lead us to eternal bliss place.

"There everything, from forest to water, is holy and unspoiled, free from disease, corruption, or withering. There is the origin of the world, and the creation of things that are pleasing to the eye.

"Please follow us back to Canaan."

There was silence in the hall.The light of the torches illuminated the visiting elves, and the jewels shone like flowing flames.

Tyrael watched Galadia with a smile.He has a tall stature, a moving voice, and an elegant demeanor like a picture scroll, but it makes people feel uneasy like needles.

There is no need for on-site reading of orders between superhuman beings.A spell, a sacred artifact can make the will span thousands of miles.The elves sent a few powerful transcendents to come in person, definitely not just to have a few words with Galadia.

Lana pressed the giant sword in his hand, Murat activated the shield, and Russell unknowingly detoured to the side.

"Received, Your Excellency Tyrell." Galadia said, lightly pressing Griffith's wrist.

Her tone was calm, but the answer did not satisfy the mighty elf.The eyes of the extraordinary elf were as cold as ice, and the magic ball around him spun, making a buzzing sound that tore through the air.

"I'm not here as an orderly, miss," he waved his robes and came forward, "please don't trouble me."

Griffith immediately took a step forward, stopping in front of Galadia, Hanguang slowly slid out of the scabbard, less than seven steps away from the elf...

Tyrell glanced at him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "The strange breath is you.

"It's interesting.

"I've been looking forward to competing with you to see who is the guardian of the shining elves."

His words swelled with terrifying coercion and momentum.The spinning orb and the gathered psionic hissed and exploded in the air, and the violent storm almost toppled the roof.It seems that with just one thought, the extraordinary elves who come here can crush the entire territory.

Suddenly, Tyrell's hands froze, staring intently at the cracked eggshell on the table.

The momentum disappeared in an instant.The smile on the proud elf's mouth turned into a twitch.He didn't speak, turned around to outline a magic circle, and disappeared without a trace with his companions in the blink of an eye.


If it weren't for the lingering aftermath of psionic energy in the air, it would be hard to believe that Canaan's superhumans had visited this place, and they almost raised their hands.

The inexplicable guests returned to their seats.Russell muttered loudly:
"If you ask me, these pointy ears are freaks,

"I'm not targeting you!"

Galadia stood up suddenly, said good night to everyone, and disappeared at the door like a gust of wind without looking back, leaving a background that made Russell very embarrassed.

"I don't think she is aiming at you, everyone, please feel free." Griffith quickly got up, bid farewell to the guests, and chased them out.

Griffith ran behind, but the slender figure of the elf was light and fast.He couldn't catch up for a while, and even lost it.

He searched for it under the darkness for a while but still disappeared.Unknowingly, a jingling melody like flowing water fluttered in the evening wind.

The sweet melody flowing on the strings makes people forget all the troubles around them, drifting to the distant dark land, looking at the strange moonlight in the sky, away from the nearby rivers and hills.

Who is plucking the strings?
The ethereal and distant sound of the piano affects the soul, as if the morning light is faint, and the wind sings away the dust under the evening stars.Reminiscent of mountains at dawn, wandering in dark woods and ballads of cold mountains, stars shining in dark skies.

Is it Galadia?

Griffith followed the rhythm of "Ding Ding Dong Dong" to the woods, where Galadia was sitting on the treetop.

"The sound of the piano is so beautiful!" Griffith admired sincerely.

There is a touch of intoxicating grape fragrance in the autumn forest-like fragrance.Galadia sat quietly on the top of a tree, without a harp or other musical instruments in her hands.

"Where's the harp?" asked the knight.

"What violin?" Galadia asked softly, then realized something, and pressed her forehead lightly, "Griffith, don't come here."

Griffith was already climbing up the treetops on hands and feet.He hesitated when he heard the girl's words.

It is said that when a girl is in a bad mood and asks you not to come over, it is not a literal meaning... He thought about it, and decided that he couldn't just let it go, and climbed up more actively, sitting next to the girl.

"Then what did I hear?"

"It's been two years, why are you still so disobedient?" Galadia looked at the night sky in the distance, her cheeks were covered by the hanging black hair, she didn't look at him, "Hurry up and go away."

"Well~ It's been two years," Griffith nodded repeatedly, "When I came back from the front line, I only had 35 silver coins in my pocket. As the second son of a border knight family without inheritance rights, if I can't stay in Byerland , um, I can go home. The family also said that there is no pressure."

"I think they just want to say, want to say... well, they don't want you to feel pressure..." Galadia responded casually.Her voice seemed choked up.

Well, take it easy... Griffith is in a good mood.The ethereal sound of the piano seemed to make the night in the forest as quiet as black and white ink, and the sleeveless dress exposed the ivory-like powder-carved arms, which made him feel like he was in a good mood.

There is no one else here, Galadia's hand is so beautiful...Griffith lightly stroked Ruyu's arm, and held her hand tightly: "You are always with me, even when I am ordinary Unremarkable. We know what might happen next, vaguely... Galadia, what can I do for you?"

"You're already helping me,

"Griffith, do you believe in fate?"

Galadia sat sideways, without turning to look at him.Long straight black hair like a waterfall, and fair skin around the neckline are more attractive than the night.However, her hand was cold, making Griffith feel like he was holding a piece of ice.

Still, confident in his heat, he tightened his grip: "It depends on how we view fate, I guess."

Galadia is worried and preoccupied. It seems that the battle of God's Hand and the situation in Canaan put her under a lot of pressure... Griffith's eyes wandered to the tips of her hair and her slender waist. The two sat side by side, The perfect angle made his heart pound.

"When I think of destiny, I don't think of an inescapable fate, but of some kind of responsibility, a purpose towards which you must act, the meaning of your existence."

"It seems that's the case." Griffey nodded again and again, and took the slim body into his arms without any politeness.

"What if something happened that you never knew, could, change all goals?"

"what are you saying?"

How did the atmosphere become a little serious.Before Griffith understood, Galadia broke free from his grasp and rubbed her long hair: "Suddenly, you can complete your mission in an instant! But the price is..."

"What is it?"

Galadia suddenly became very agitated.She pulled her hair and tore off a strand of her priceless black long straight hair: "It doesn't make sense! It shouldn't be like this!

"I have always felt that Galadia Villanoy was born in the blessings of Canaan, and it is only natural that she should do her best for the prosperity of Canaan and the happiness of her compatriots.

"I know more and more clearly that my feelings are not wrong. But..."

Griffith was even more worried.He lightly pressed the girl's shoulder, trying to turn her around.

At this moment, he froze suddenly.An inexplicable and extremely strong thought flashed through my mind:

"Can not watch!"

"Can't see! Can't see!"


This sudden spiritual touch made Griffith's whole body icy cold, and his hair stood on end as if it had exploded.A drop of cold sweat slowly slid down the back of his neck and onto his back.

He was almost petrified.The very familiar pretty face was only a few centimeters away from his lips, covered by smooth black hair.However, this moving long hair is like a terrifying fence, as if behind it is some kind of deadly natural enemy.

No, not just natural enemies.It is something more desperate, indescribable...


"What you heard just now was not the sound of the piano.

"Griffith, there is no piano sound here."

Galadia's voice was tinged with tears:

"Humans have limits. The closer to the mystery, the more unbearable the mind and body will be. Even the blessing of the gods...

"Instinctive resistance and cover-up when the mind is shattered by the shock of mystery will distort reality, allowing us to hear and see..."

A branch fell suddenly on Griffith's shoulder, startling him.In Griffith's eyes, the lush green branches and leaves are also like black ink.When he stared at the branches and leaves, the thick black and ink-colored branches and leaves suddenly turned pale, and the soft branches grew wildly, as hideous as a skeleton.

what happened!Griffith dropped the branch in shock.

"Galadia, let's get out of here!"

Griffith's heart beat faster.Before he could pull the girl up, there was a rustling sound above his head, and more branches and leaves fell from the top of his head.A caterpillar landed on the back of his hand with a "snap".

The curly, dark green worm squirmed a bit, and under Griffith's direct gaze, it opened its mouthpiece, tearing to an unimaginable arc, revealing a maniacally laughing face.

There was a strange laugh in the air, and Griffith's brain felt as if it had been hammered.

Galadia trembled and sobbed: "Griffith, I am affecting the creatures around me.

"I can `t control!"

(End of this chapter)

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