Blood tax

Chapter 492 The Army of Wizards

Chapter 492 The Army of Wizards
The sound of snare drums and footsteps all disappeared.For a brief moment, the world seemed to be deprived of sound and became extremely silent.

The distance between the two sides is so close that the fighters in the front row can see each other's faces clearly, and see the nervous and excited trembling in the eyes and corners of the mouth.

The elite rebels who had just taken the top of the low hill collapsed like a flooded embankment.Some of the most agile warriors frantically squeezed back.They didn't receive orders to retreat or fight, they just relied on instinct to hide as quickly as possible and avoid the row of black muzzles.

The Ravenel Fusiliers Battalion had laid the barrels flat, and the flow of time seemed to stand still for the moment the destined moment came.


Griffith's thunderous roar pulled apart the dense flames and connected them in a straight line, white smoke rose, and the dense roar tore apart faults in the air.

The dense explosions swept across the ground like a strong wind.A cloud of bullets whizzed past the rebels, tearing apart their carapace, armor, and shields with a constant crackling sound.

Shooting at the same time, also has the Ranger brought by Harandir.They were split in two, and the armor-piercing arrows were like a summer shower, covering the flanks of the Musketeers towards the gathered rebels.

Countless blood-red petals bloomed instantly on the top of the low hill, extending from the front row of the rebel army to the rear, quickly spreading a field of flowers among the crowd.

Oscar watched as a heavy infantryman beside him was headed off by lead bullets.Popping sounds came and went.Whether it is a monster or a human being, it is like a target, shot into the torso by lead bullets.The deformed projectile body was broken and split due to the broken armor and bones, rolling in the flesh and blood, multiplying the wounds inside, and stirring the internal organs into a ball.

There were heart-piercing screams everywhere.

The ranks of the rebels fell back in rows like wheat fields struck by scythes.

The losses of the rebels, which were crowded in part by the charge, were particularly staggering.The lead bullets fired at them were almost never missed, and even killed several people at one time due to penetration and fragments.The shot in the front row fell down, crushing the wounded soldiers behind them.

On the entire front, more than 500 of the [-] rebels fell, and the first two rows of officers and the backbone of the battle who were facing the salvo were almost wiped out.

How many enemies were killed?Are muskets effective against the armor-piercing of mutated creatures?Do you want to shoot two more rounds?

Griffith, who commanded the fusiliers for the first time, observed the battlefield as fast as he could.But smoke, screams, and broken soldiers running around filled his senses.

It seems that just this round of stormy volleys brought together the elite rebel army to the brink of collapse.However, before this, the infantry battle lines and phalanxes of the two armies clearly maintained their organization after several rounds of shooting back and forth on the gentle slope.

The raid by the Fusiliers Battalion and the Rangers from behind the ridgeline terrified the enemy as expected, and the close-range salvo worked surprisingly well!

There was no time to hesitate.Griffith gritted his teeth.Opposite him is a high-level hybrid experimental body that can compete with extraordinary people, and can cause major damage to mortal soldiers in a short time.

There is no reserve team in Griffith's hands, and the outcome depends on it.

"Bayonet charge!"

Hanguang pointed forward.

The bugle sounded loudly, the bayonet under the barrel gleamed coldly, and the silver waves surged along with the drums.All the fusiliers took up their bayonets.


The team is in disarray.

Oscar saw the concentrated foot cavalry and heavy infantry collapsed beside him.They twitched on the ground one by one, their throats made a lot of noise, and their mouths were full of blood foam.Their iron armor was torn open with big holes, bleeding gurglingly.

The heavy armor on these elite fighters did not block the lead bullets at all, but instead caused the lead bullets to deform and shatter on the way of penetration, causing them more serious damage.

Oscar's head throbbed with pain.Even a mutant of his rank was injured by the shooting just now.Before he could cheer up and reorganize his troops, loud bugles and tidal shouts had already swept in.

"Kick them off!"

The musketeers of the entire battalion pressed forward with bayonets in hand.They maintained their formation, sweeping across the rebel lines like quicksilver.

They didn't reload or shoot, they just stabbed the chaotic rebels with sharp bayonets, even those inhuman monsters were besieged with a few bayonets and killed on the battlefield in a blink of an eye.

This assault was even more overwhelming than the salvo just now.Even if they survived the initial rain of bullets, the rebels who were going to fight back were completely defeated.

All the rebel ranks wavered.

First, the commando team on the top of the low hill collapsed, and the tidal wave of defeated troops rushed towards the phalanx on the gentle slope, smashing the reorganized troops to pieces.The soldiers led by Griffith came in hot pursuit, and the retreating rebels fled towards the foot of the mountain, smashing the troops gathered there to pieces.

"It's over!"


After a fierce battle for a long time, the rebels who once wanted to crush the Bayeran army and took down the entire low hill saw the silver battle line pouring down, and the mighty Gulam warrior was also surrounded by the swarming infantry and stabbed at random. .

Desperate fear spread rapidly among the crowd like a plague, frighteningly fast.Even the troops that had not suffered much loss were shattered and joined the great escape.

The cavalry led by Lannes and the remnants of the other four battalions of Bayeran who had been defeated also joined the counterattack.Spears and bayonets rolled up a bloodbath, and sabers cut down the deserters in groups.In the end, the cavalry didn't even cut, but just let go of their horses and rolled towards the rout.


"Isn't it spectacular? All wizards," Tiberion, the consul of Byelan and the headmaster of Homenworth, appeared in a forest far away from the battlefield, and said to the large group of wizards who followed him, "This is Xia. The new army recommended by Earl Long to the Senate. It took less than a third of the time to form and train the army, but its combat power exceeded half of the army."

The sound of shouting and killing is moving towards the far end of the battlefield.More than a dozen high-ranking wizards followed the demigod.Each of them is surrounded by bright magic balls and solid magic shields, and they are watching the battlefield with different expressions.

They saw a counterattack from Bayerland's reserve force concealed behind the ridgeline defeating the general attack of the rebels.Bayeran's infantry counterattacked from the low hill, and the Musketeers and Pikemen repeatedly charged; then, the cavalry also joined the battle, and the main force of the rebel army began to collapse piece by piece, and finally collapsed across the board.The soldiers who were coerced into fighting exacerbated the chaos, killing and trampling each other with the veterans of the rebel army.

This army of tens of thousands was strewn with corpses under the low hill of Borodino.

"The winner has already been decided." Someone said.

"No, not yet. The elves who are always denying have a second hand. Pay attention to that direction."

High-level wizards exchange views, just like professors discussing academics.Suddenly, a distinguished wizard said:
"My lords, Roland is the enemy! He has been planning to deal with us for a long time!

"This army is too dangerous! Those mortals will think of disobeying us!"

As soon as this remark came out, some of the big shots present immediately retorted:
"Do mortals have no swords? Wise Quintus Fabian Maximus, do not let your reason yield to the fear of the strange.

"Let us see for what it is. Bajeran has legions, are they not the armies of mortals? Are they not at risk? The point is not the sword but the man who wields it.

"The Senate and the Arcane Council need a cheap, fast-moving army to fight against threats from all over the world. That Griffith, the Shutoral we cultivated, is the sword of the Senate."

The speaker of this opinion was so dignified that a silence fell among the great persons present.

"You are right, Your Excellency Salorian," the high-ranking wizard Fabian said with his head bowed, "If that Griffith is one of us... I think we should arrange it, Elena de The Countess La Mole should not object to his marriage to the Countess."

This sudden proposal aroused both approval and disapproval.

"If so, this God's Hand will be as reliable as Earl Lamor!"

"Hmph, it's a good feeling. Has the Xiutoral system finally become the cultivation of love? Do you think the school rules of our Homonwarts are a joke?"

"We still don't know which His Majesty's representative he is?"

"What if the countess gave birth to an angel?"

"Is this important? Isn't there no precedent? For example, that..."

"What about Canaan's opinion?"

Suddenly there was a sharp whipping sound in the air.The icy supernatural wizard, Professor Lordes Basilico Listener, swung his wand and interrupted the chattering discussion with a bolt of lightning.

"Quiet, the battle is not over yet," Lordes said coldly, "Master Principal, I have detected abnormal spiritual energy ripples. That thing is coming."

The ground was trembling, and an ominous smell filled the air.Even the Byelan army, who were chasing death to the north, couldn't help but stop and look up in amazement.

They suddenly saw a terrifying, large and startling shadow, the distorted shape of the whole picture was beyond the range of reason.The entire battlefield fell into even more frenzied chaos.

At the same time, a vigorous spiritual energy is rapidly expanding.

Headmaster Tiberion nodded, and said lightly:
"I have informed Aaron that I am ready. All wise adults, please slow down our debate, and don't let blindness and confusion blind our eyes to search for the truth.

"Next, please allow me to introduce—the Son of Prophecy who brings balance between light and darkness. What he possesses is the power to truly change our era, the power to save this world.

"As for the other...

"After all, it is the delusion of mortals. They cannot understand the mystery but try to look directly at the source of the irreversible destiny of human beings. In the tide of fate, they understand that all resistance is futile, and they are only mortals after all."

(End of this chapter)

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