Blood tax

Chapter 489 Can't fight head-on, so I have to change house!

Chapter 489 Can't fight head-on, so I have to change house!
There were as many as six giant beasts rushing out from the remains of the Earth-burrowing Demon Worm.The largest one is 8 meters high and weighs at least sixty tons, which is several times larger than the strongest war elephant.Their sturdy heavy armor protects their bulging muscles, full of explosive power.The huge hooves trampled on the ground, making a loud rumbling noise that shook the earth and the mountains, dull and shocking, causing terrifying resonance in the internal organs and hearts of mortals!

In just a dozen seconds, the behemoths rampaged across the battlefield, Bayeran's battle line was crushed, and even some of the rebel phalanxes that were too close were implicated and shattered together.

This thing is...

Griffith, who was looking at the battlefield from a distance, was a little stunned for a moment.At this moment, Sonia's spirituality lightly touched his consciousness.Then, some mystical knowledge immediately flooded into his brain.

This is Yahai, an omnivorous and ferocious ancient giant terrestrial behemoth, a variant of a mammoth, a mythical creature that combines the characteristics of insects, and possesses amazing abilities:

The body of a giant beast: Yahai's six solid and strong lower limbs support his huge body, his brain is protected by a wall-like armor, and his heart and other key parts have three or four backups scattered throughout his body. His vitality is extremely tenacious.There are even records claiming that in the first era, a giant Yahai beast was defeated by the army, its head was cut off, and only three lower limbs remained, but it did not die completely. When a careless demigod passed by, it suddenly exploded, Broken bones and chitinous carapace, killed him.

Trampled by War: The Yahai Behemoth may be a creature that the gods have modulated from a variety of life forms, complex and chaotic.What is certain is that they must have the blood of ancient war elephants.When they charge, stomping the ground creates a powerful shock wave that damages nearby enemies while slowing their movement and attack speed.

King's Blade: A monstrous scythe made of chitin, extremely sharp and repairable.When it sweeps across the battlefield, it can tear steel and shake walls.

There is no doubt that these guys are several ranks higher than the mountain monsters, magic wolves, and mutant beasts that Griffith has encountered. They have already stepped into the ranks of mythical creatures. , Beamon's qualifications.Even more astonishing, they all seem to have been manufactured, deploying six heads on the battlefield at a time.

This kind of power is definitely not something that a mortal army can knock down. Even if artillery can destroy their heavy armor, they still can't find many chances to fire salvos in front of the violent charge.

"Griffith, there is danger in Galadia!" Sonia reminded him nervously after conveying the knowledge of mysticism, "Our base needs support!"

The combination of the Earth Burrower and these heavy units cast a terrifying assault force on the battlefield in an instant, disrupting the solid and tough infantry defense line.

This is the strategic significance of the Earth Drilling Demon Insect!Griffith sensed the danger, but was too late to stop it.If he insisted on rushing back to fight on the low hill now, by the time he arrived, Byelan's army would have been finished.

"The battle situation is very unfavorable to us," Griffith whispered, "the enemy first used the rebel troops to fight us, and then sent the extremely threatening Iseus to attract me and the cavalry, and then summoned the undead warships to attack Flanking, contain Galadia.

"With our mobile power and God's Hand being restrained, they imitated Revan's battle, used the Earth Driller to attack the rear, and released giant beasts to attack our command post.

"This interlocking deployment is to consume and oppress a little bit in a way of exchange, until our system is overwhelmed and finally collapses. Very good, very powerful, I admit that their strength is stronger than ours , The battlefield organization is also quite strict.”

"Huh?" The countess was speechless.Seeing that Byelan's battle line was on the verge of being wiped out, Griffith actually admired it sincerely.

"I admit that the strength of the rebel army is very strong, and there is a huge gap between the enemy and us," Griffith said seriously, "then——I can only come up with the strongest tactics."

"The strongest tactic?"

As expected of Griffith, can there be a comeback tactic in such a disadvantaged situation?Sonia marveled in her heart, and quickly asked, "What is the tactic?"

"Hmph!" Griffith raised his hand and summoned all the undead army, "Come closer to me,
"If you can't fight head-on, you can only change homes!"

Rescuing Borodino Dwarf Hill will only fall into the rhythm of the enemy. Once the Yahai Behemoth completes the breakthrough, the rebel brigade will swarm up again, and the retreating Bayeran infantry will be wiped out by the Densa River.

Resolute and effective strikes must be given to the command system of the rebels to delay their mobilization and delay the pace of decision-making and action in order to regain the initiative.

Griffith raised his hand and pressed it to the ground.He has already sensed the remnants of the underground burrower.Under the power of Minos, his spirit is connecting with the dead mythical creature.

Naira, you must have planned this battle.And only your divinity can control Iseus to this extent...

Griffith's thoughts were concentrated, becoming extremely focused and powerful.Finally, he imprisoned the spirit and remains of the burrower, and began to enslave it!
You can do it, can't I? ! !

"Come to me," Griffith's eyes flashed bright particles of light, and he began to wield the power of the death knight, "Earthbreaker who walks through the darkness!"

The ground was trembling, and amidst the chants, a gray-black bag-like body wrapped in surging tentacles roared out of the ground.

Griffith's new unit, the Burrower, was revived by Minos the Bone Ring and joined the battle order.This gigantic undead creature can stretch itself to incredible lengths, forming tunnels of its own flesh and blood.Combat troops can enter the mouthparts of the burrower and move from underground to any corner of the battlefield.

This is an efficient and maneuverable network of tunnels. The disadvantage is that humans get too close to it, and they will be affected by the crazy and decaying breath and lose their sanity.

However, for the commanders and fighters of the undead army who are already dead, there is no problem at all.

"Conix the Necromancer, Sif the Banshee, extraordinary beings who master death and summons," Griffith ordered, "take Conix the carrion corpse and Baron Ansel the ghoul as your guards. , to the rear of the battlefield,
"I want you to resurrect the corpses that died on the battlefield and put them into battle,
"Remember, you can't participate in the battle. What I want is that you create an army, use the killing of the dead to create new dead, and use continuous offensives to disintegrate my enemies."

"Yes, great death knight!"

The commanders of the undead received the will, stepped into the wriggling mouthparts, and disappeared into the endless darkness.

They will create cannon fodder zombies that consume the enemy, and they will attack wave after wave. The enemy who died under their claws will be resurrected and become a new warrior, launching an endless war of attrition.

There is a premise for all this - Naira cannot be allowed to compete for control of the corpse.

Griffith jumped onto the skeleton army horse, glanced coldly at the endless phalanx of the rebels, and whispered:

"It's a good thing you're not here, Xia Boyang. Your rebel army will be destroyed today!"

(End of this chapter)

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