Blood tax

Chapter 483 Battle of the 5 Armies

Chapter 483 The Battle of the Five Armies ([-])

The rebel troops who engulfed the civilians had an absolute numerical advantage, swarming in overwhelmingly, and roaring away.However, they are not the tide of undead creatures after all. The terrifying number and majestic momentum smashed into the position of Byelan's army, and receded in an instant.

"Go on the bayonet!"

Griffith gave the order to the Ravenell Fusiliers to strike.The flintlock soldiers lined up came out, holding bayonets, and with the power of rushing down the slope, they pierced the sharp bayonets into the backs of a row of rebels and came out through their chests.The person who was stabbed fell into the crowd before he even had time to scream, his body convulsed violently.

The eyes of the soldier holding the flintlock gun were blood red, and he was panting heavily.Hearing the shout of the sergeant leading the team, they continued to charge forward with murderous eyes.

They swept across the routed enemy all the way, hundreds of bleeding bayonets pierced out like poisonous snakes, followed by heart-piercing screams.Thousands of rebels were driven to run around, finally blocked together, and then disappeared like snowflakes beside the flames.

These fusiliers were prepared by Roland for Griffith. They were armed with the highest standards and had strict discipline. Every soldier practiced shooting and bayonet fighting. Dozens of sprints can stab the target's heart, eyes, throat and other parts. Even maintains queues while fighting.The only downside is that most people haven't seen blood yet.

This problem no longer exists.

As soon as the rebel offensive was thwarted, Griffith brought out the fusiliers and launched a bayonet charge with the remaining four battalions towards the retreating enemy.

"Commander, the enemy has been defeated," Midianmeier reported to Griffith, "Soldiers can charge again at any time!"

The rebels were attacked by bayonets and volleyed continuously, no one dared to stay on the battlefield, and the whole army fled back howling.The rest of Byerland's troops were ready to move, waiting for an order from Griffith's command flag to launch a full-scale pursuit.

"No, stop here," Griffith ordered, "raise your guns and fire."

The Musketeers, who had just stabbed hundreds of rebels to death, stopped and formed a battle line beside him, raised their guns to their shoulders, and pressed down together.

Another round of intensive volleys of guns rang out, and the fleeing rebels had already escaped some distance, but they were shot down again in the blink of an eye.

Griffith then drew his sword and pointed backwards, ordering the troops to gather and return to the low hill.

This was only the prologue to the Battle of Borodino.Next, not only the strength of Bayeran and the rebels, but also the strength of all parties will be thrown into the battlefield to start a tragic tug-of-war.

The commanders present were obviously also aware of this, except for a few pikemen who cleaned the battlefield, most of the soldiers were withdrawn to the top of the low hill to strengthen their positions.


According to Griffith's deployment, the whole army stuck to the favorable Borodino low hill between the Densa River and Verona Avenue, threatening the flanks of the rebels.If the rebels dared to ignore this strong position and continue eastward, Griffith would deal a devastating blow to the rebel supply lines.

In order to facilitate the command, the whole army has formulated a temporary organization and allocated different positions:

The 1st Battalion is the Chalon family infantry led by the second commander Lana, deployed on the westernmost side of the low hill.The 2nd and 3rd Battalions consisted of the original Berthier's column commanded by Russell and Warren Haydon and local replacements, which in turn formed a coherent line of defense with Lannes' forces.The 4th Battalion, on the east side of the low hill, sloping from the slope to the river bank, was the Lamour's army under Ophelia's command.

All 10 6-pound guns of the artillery team were deployed on the top of the low hill and used them intensively under heavy cover.

Midianmeier led a battalion of fusiliers in reserve behind the ridgeline of the low hill.In addition, in the clearing between the low hill and the river bank, a cavalry reserve was assembled under Murat.Griffith will decide which reserve team he leads to launch a decisive blow according to the development of the battlefield situation.

Griffith was also surrounded by Galadia, and many students from Homenworth and Neferti were in the headquarters.In the hands of Miss Elf, an elite brigade led by Harandir may come to support at any time.

This field was carefully chosen, and ran for about a thousand yards along the low ridge of the Borodino low hill.On the left flank of Lana's garrison there was a ferry and farmstead, surrounded by rectangular orchards, bushes, and hastily erected parapets, and in the center of the position was an abandoned castle of the lord of Borodino, arranged to serve as a headquarters.The open space in front of the castle is relatively flat, and the 10 6-pound guns deployed there can sweep the large battlefield in front.

At 1:45 p.m., the sound of rumbling footsteps came from the north like a stormy sea.In the dust and blood mist that has not subsided, 15000 rebel soldiers lined up in six imposing huge squares across the battlefield.Each square array has 50 rows and 50 columns, a thick array with a distance of one yard from left to right and half a yard from front to back, with a front width of 450 meters and a depth of more than 225 meters.

On the front of the six large phalanxes are 5 rows of breastplate pikemen, equipped with 5-meter long spears, and there are also 4 rows of pikemen on both sides of the phalanx.In addition, there are a large number of musketeers and halberds deployed in the phalanx.

These soldiers are all wrapped in colorful floral cloths and satins on their armors. On this messy battlefield, they look like flowers blooming in the cold armored spears and halberds.

"What did I see?" Galadia saw the rebels' attire clearly, and thought she was confused, "Is this the army's attire?"

"They ransacked the nearby towns, and the cloth was valuable," Griffiths said. "If they weren't busy doing it, we wouldn't have caught them."

The phalanx army with a width of 3 kilometers passed through the corpses of the defeated soldiers, without even looking at the wounded soldiers still struggling on the ground.In a short period of time, this army has densely occupied the entire flat land under the low hill.

They are divided into several waves, first of all, three phalanxes press up.As soon as they entered a distance of sixty yards, the marching phalanx stopped with the sound of a long horn, and a dozen squadrons of musketeers walked to the front row and fired a rain of bullets at the Bayeran army. Sand and stone were splashed from the parapet of the earthen barrier.

"Stay steady."

Griffith stared closely at the front line. Lana, Ophelia, and Russell were all controlling the troops. The soldiers hid behind the low wall and did not even fire back.

After five rounds of shooting, the musketeers stepped back, and the densely packed spears in the large square were raised together.


Immediately shouting to kill was shaking the world, the main spearmen of the rebel army let out a wild roar, and they all charged towards the low hill with all their strength.

They beat the drums to cheer, their voices were hoarse, and their momentum was astonishing. They came like forest spears and black clouds of flags, and even changed the color of the situation.The defenders behind the low wall were in a commotion.

Griffith raised his hand and waved, "Fire!"

The commanders of the battalions and artillery had long awaited this order.All the guns have been calibrated for firing distance and loaded with ammunition.

The moment the rebels rushed forty yards in front of the infantry parapet, the artillery, which had not fired, suddenly roared in unison, and all the musketeers rose to shoot together.

The ten cannons that were facing the direction of the enemy's impact fired dazzling flames and soaring smoke.Crimson dense shotgun shells and terrifying chain shells whizzed and smashed towards the densely packed crowd, like a black torrential rain.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, plowing bloody ditches wherever the bullets rained.The dense detonation even tore a sound fault in the air!

The rebel soldiers are rushing forward like the tide.The low parapet is close at hand and can be climbed over with bare hands.In an instant, rows and rows of soldiers were decapitated, their bodies were shredded, their limbs were torn off.The wounded hadn't even fallen down, and before they had time to scream, the fragmented corpses sprayed the soldiers behind with flesh and blood.



Everywhere on the front line is a fierce battle.The rebels in many places were suddenly strafed by the cannonballs and lead bullets splashed down on their heads, and the whole area was wiped out.They hit a metal wall and were beaten to pieces at close range.

Continuous loud noises and flames filled the battlefield, and a large cloud of white smoke enveloped the artillery positions and low walls.Griffith, who was in the command post, soon lost his sight of the front line.

He could see the pikemen in some positions starting to move, and the musketeers retreating in some places.

Most of the infantry here are formed with the militia as the core, and it is not known how tough they are in actual combat; to control the variables on the battlefield, they must inflict a large number of casualties in a short period of time, forcing the rebels to flee.

"Have the rebels retreated?" Griffith was uncertain, and asked Galadia beside him in a low voice.

Miss Elf shook her head with an uneasy expression.

"The rebels are in disarray, engaging our pikemen in parts... wait, there's something there!"

She seemed to see through the smoke and see something extremely cruel and crazy.As soon as the words fell, an illusory and clear picture appeared in Griffith's mind——

In the rear of the rebels, some people in black robes gathered together and activated some kind of magic circle.Immediately afterwards, a large number of people lined up and began to walk into the circle.Their expressions are stupid and blind, and the light that touches the core of the magic circle melts like wax.

This is some kind of sacrifice!

Griffith's heart beat violently.I saw that the light cluster at the core of the magic circle was dyed light red, then turned deep red, and at the end, it suddenly showed a breathtaking dark red blood, beating violently like a heart that has been dug out of its chest .

The outline of the object in the light cluster has also become more and more clear, even if its shape has not yet appeared, there is a suffocating coercion that is about to emerge!

"Griffith Griffith!"

Sonia, who had been observing the battlefield, hastily called out to her knights:
"A sixth-level psionic energy ripple has been detected,

"It's the existence of a demigod!"

(End of this chapter)

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