Blood tax

Chapter 470 War Preparation

Chapter 470 War Preparation ([-])

After visiting Salorian, Griffith returned directly to the front line from Fort Tuyan.The Hand of God is chasing Iseus, and the rebels are attacking MacDonald's Legion, and any battle is impossible for him to miss.

The purpose of his coming to Fort Tuyan, on the one hand, is to see if he can get intelligence support from Salorian before the battle begins, so as to understand his enemy; What position do you have.

Tuyang Valley's local teleportation circle was set up outside the demigod's castle, and could quickly send him back to the front line.Griffith waited for the transmission in the lounge, dipped some tea and wrote on the table to sort out his thoughts.

start from scratch...

The intertwined fate of Griffith and Galadia is due to the guidance of the oracle.Miss Elf came to Manisa Village to find clues to help her complete the promotion test, and they were destined to meet that day.

Someone is waiting for them.First came the attacks of goblins, mage apprentice Isis, and living corpses, and then the orcs bred by Rudias appeared.According to the investigation, all these people and monsters are related to Hormonwarts, and the chaotic and evil alchemy creatures, the orcs, point to Salorian.

In several incidents, Griffith successively obtained the "Potion Preparation Notes" and the bone ring Minos.

When he returned to the island of Neopolis to carry out his mission, the Order of Deathrattle was trying to revive Krista, but was destroyed by followers of the Creator of the Void; The strength left by the thread of life, the families of Iseus and Aaron are all connected with it.

After Griffith and Galadia were involved in the domain-type sealed item "Black Domain", they discovered that a strong orc had caused a massacre in Tuyang Valley's Xiluo Village, and also killed an earth-burrower.

Salorian, Roland, the earls, and the Holy See at least knew that Lancenis, the extraordinary swordsman, had participated in the rebellion in Verona and destroyed the army of the local nobles.Among the local rebels, a degenerate wizard named Reed Sri was once a student of Salorian, carrying the emblem of the Deathrattle Order, and running around to contain Bayeran.

Not long after the Verona Rebellion, an army of the undead attacked the city of Revan.In that battle, the death knight used an burrower.It was this battle that resurrected Krista.

Later, the evidence found in the ruins of Belomon in the Turan Swamp showed that Salorian was the author of "Notes on Potion Preparation", and he had a close relationship with the ancient creature "Miss Lover" hidden in the Silver Moon Tower.

Through cooperation with Roland, Salorian is preparing an army.Using firearms and new tactics, this army is very similar to the rebel army, and it is in the same line as the Confederate army.

Without Salorian, Griffith would not be able to interfere with the Chosen One's Sacrifice, nor would he be one of the Chosen Ones.

So what does this demigod want?What is the nature of his actions?

First of all, if the rebels in Verona did not have strong financial and technical support, it would be impossible to establish such a new army to threaten the Bayeran Army.In this way the rebel patrons were spreading the formation and ideas of the new army.With the situation in Verona so critical, no matter who wins or loses in the next battle, the new army will accelerate its expansion until it shakes the world order guarded by the Bayeran Legion.

Secondly, the Bayeran Senate is increasingly unable to cope with the immediate crisis.They need the Hand of God and a new army to deal with Iseus and the rebels.This upcoming battle of the New Army is destined to be commanded by Griffith, facing the other God Hands on the battlefield he is best at.

The fighters of the gods have been sent to the arena, and the final stage of the sacrifice of the chosen one leading to the miracle must be activated.

Salorian expressed his support for Griffith with practical actions...but why?What good does he do?
Are you looking forward to starting a new era like Roland?This makes sense, but is there another motive driving this demigod?
Could it be that this would allow him and Miss Lover to be together again, and if Griffith won the miracle, would he be able to make a wish?Or let him, who is already supreme, go one step further and reach the position of God?

It can't be out of interest...

Salorian is still friendly until now, but if you can't understand his appeal, you can't beware of possible danger.

While Griffith was thinking, someone came to remind him that the teleportation circle had been activated and he could return to Harmanli town at any time.He immediately stepped into the magic circle, let the bright light embrace him, walked through the grotesque illusion tunnel, and once again stood on the mage tower in the town of Harmanli.

"Come back so soon?" Lana sat on the open space outside the circle, and asked the companion who had just returned with a puzzled expression, "Are you alone?"

"Should I bring someone else?" Griffith tapped his dizzy forehead.The continuous use of space transfer made him dizzy, and his stomach felt as if it was overwhelmed.

"I thought you would bring Galadia back? It would be great if Captain Valkyrie could come to support us." Lana looked a little uneasy, "Iseus has at least one dragon under his command. Those rebels can even shake the legion, and the strength we have is not enough."

"Galadia will come, and she will bring us the necessary long-range firepower," Griffith replied, "As for the dragon, if it is really a dragon, it must be in the history of Verona Leave a name. I suspect it's the product of Westeros soldiers getting out of hand."

"If that's the case, it would be interesting. I will contact Fiona to try to find out the details of the Westeros army. With the support of the consul, we should be able to find clues," Lana waved, "Come on, Myuu Ra, Rathel, and Desai from your team are preparing to interrogate the captured harpies. She has regained her human form and can speak."


The Banshee Loper was imprisoned in the Wizard's Tower in Harmanli after being captured in battle.The facilities here can not only conduct necessary inspections on mysterious creatures, but also receive timely intelligence support from the administrative authorities.Coupled with Murat's knowledge of the local area, Bayerland can get the information it needs even if Loper doesn't speak.

A preliminary report on her identity, family and background was quickly sent in.

"Isn't she from Westeros?"

Before starting the interrogation, Griffith quickly glanced at the report and asked suspiciously.

Desai immediately reported: "No, sir. She is a local shepherdess and has no military experience."

"Then how did she get this ability?" Lana, who came with her, was also surprised. "We have to let her speak. If thousands of shepherdesses in Verona are so powerful, we'd better end it ourselves."

The cell on the lower floor of the mage tower was cold and gloomy, and Loper, who had recovered his human form, was trapped on the ground by chains.Murat and Russell sat behind the interrogation table, staring at her.

Griffith was the one who captured Loper alive.However, when he saw the shepherdess in the cell, he didn't recognize it for a while.

This little girl was completely different from the harpies, as thin as a bamboo pole, at most twelve or thirteen years old, the same age as Murat's fiancée and Iseus' sister.

Loper bit his lips tightly, watching the menacing knights walk into the cell one by one, and looked at the densely packed instruments of torture on the wall, his face was whiter than paper.

Griffith sat down on the chair and asked calmly:

"Tell me about your family and experience. When did you join the rebel army? Who gave you the ability to transform into a harpy, and where is that person? Where is the rebel camp?"

Loper seemed to have thought about it, and his words were coherent and calm:
"My family has my parents and four brothers and sisters. Because of poverty, our house is a mud room covered with thatch. There is a wooden table for eating and a bed for my parents. Others sleep on the floor, which is far worse than here.

"My parents and elder brother planted the land for the lord, and I took care of the sheep. The whole village belongs to him. It turns out that the harvest is [-]% of the grain left by the family, and the lord takes [-]%. At this time, the grain is still enough for the whole family. Later, the lord wanted to take [-]% of the food, and life began to be difficult. The family could only eat sweet potatoes with some radishes, but it is not surprising that poor people are like this.

"Then there was a war. I heard that Bayeran's army was coming. But I was in the country. I don't know what happened. The rent has risen to [-]%. My father and the villagers all went to ask the lord, and they would starve to death. The lord There are knights, and everyone is beaten out.

"The food began to turn to soup and leaves, my lord knight, you ask me about my past experience, and I must say that I don't remember anything except my hunger.

"There are constant deaths in the village, because there is no food, the old people die first, then the children, my brothers and sisters and I are dizzy with hunger. Sir, you know, 5 children must not be able to feed , I just don’t know who died first, or the whole family starved to death together.

"We looked for leaves and berries, and soon they were gone. We lay on the ground hand in hand, starving for five days, not even able to move, just trying to free ourselves.

"At this time, a group of soldiers suddenly came. They hanged the lord, opened the warehouse to release grain, and then said that the land belongs to everyone and needs to be redistributed. The rent is 7 cents. My family is 3, and the rent is [-]."

Loper wiped the corners of his eyes with his hands.The knights, officers, and sergeants present just looked at her, and no one spoke.

"My family survived. My two older brothers joined the rebel army, which they said was aimed at giving land to all the poor.

"This happened last year. Since then, I have helped the rebel army take care of the livestock. The troops taught in the village, taught us to write, learned about the world situation, and understood the purpose and discipline of the rebel army.

"Afterwards, the battle became more and more difficult. The wizard from Byelan burned our warriors to ashes with a wave of his hand, and twenty of the bravest men could not stop the knight in full armor. Brothers in battle sacrificed.

"Master Knight, you asked me when I joined the rebel army, and I have to tell you, it was that time.

"I joined the rebel army, only to find out that the people in this army are the children of the poor, even the officers, and everyone trains, eats, and rests together. I have seen Xia Boyang, the great commander, and he eats with his officers. I give Potatoes. Here there is no oppression of the subordinates by the chief, the chief takes care of the soldiers, and the soldiers fight desperately for victory.

"The fight has been tough.

"Ghulam's elder brother said that I have a special physique and can adapt to their strength. Do you want to join them? Of course, it is also very dangerous. I didn't hesitate for a minute. If my efforts can save more people's lives, If you can make the masters suffer, why hesitate?"

Speaking of which, several people around the interrogation table began to look at the leather whips, soldering irons, and iron tongs hanging on the wall, Russell had already started to grind his teeth.The shepherdess looked at them and stopped, visibly trembling.

Griffith stood up and walked towards her.Every step of the majestic knight is frightening.

"Where is the person who gave you the medicine, and where is your army?"

Loper trembled.She hadn't experienced it, but had heard of what happened during interrogations, more than once.What she said just now made her brave for a while, but the moment she stopped to face the knight, she felt like she was going to collapse, and she was terribly afraid.

"Generally speaking, I don't ask questions directly." Griffith took off a whip and handed it to Murat.

Murat decided to try harder: "Say it, little girl, just name your superior, and make sure you live the life of a lord, and your family will be protected."

"Thank you, Lord Knight," Loper tried to bend the corners of his mouth, "but I refuse.

"The army is full of poor children. Everyone in Gulam is my comrade-in-arms. If I live, they will die. Everyone will return to the life of paying rent to the landlord, and they will wait to die because of hunger. Pigs and dogs are not as good Days will come back."

Griffith's face had changed, and he knew he couldn't ask anything.Desperately, Russell snatched the whip and gave Loper two strokes.

The girl's body curled up like a shrimp.These two blows were almost killing her, leaving her breathless.

She took a deep breath, and shouted to the knights:
"Fuck you, say hello casually, I'm not human if I say one word!"

(End of this chapter)

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