Blood tax

Chapter 468 The True Meaning of the Chosen One's Sacrifice

Chapter 468 The True Meaning of the Chosen One's Sacrifice ([-])

The west of Kloseel's territory is already the sphere of influence of the rebels.However, the tens of millions of rebels are neither able to arrange tight blockades in hills, villages, and valleys, nor are they interested.

Griffith made a circle to the northwest, and then turned back east.

In the process of retreating eastward, along the way, they also encountered some fleeing broken soldiers.According to these soldiers and nearby villagers, the main force of the rebel army, after destroying the Berthier column westward along the Rose Avenue, moved quickly to the north and concentrated on General MacDonald's attack on Verona Avenue. directly under the troops.

So Griffith retreated to the nearby town of Harmanli, a prosperous town at the junction of roads and rivers, where he gathered the defeated army and waited for reinforcements.

Lana, Midianmaia, Murat, and Russell had withdrawn here earlier, and were already gathering nearby troops.As soon as Griffith arrived here, he ran to the mage's tower in the town.It has been requisitioned and has become a temporary headquarters and barracks.

Lana was alone in the conference room, scribbling among orders and letters.

"The good news is that we rescued Ophelia and Berthier, as well as some first-year survivors," Lana said, with no joy on his face, "The sacrificed people have also been brought back, Murat and Russell is placing."

Griffith was indifferent for a while: "How much power do we have?"

Lana shook the quill: "Ophelia needs two days to rest, and almost all other Beyonders have been wiped out.

"Less than two squadrons of infantry and one and a half squadrons of cavalry were withdrawn. The families of Berthier and Dedius left some troops in the rear. I am replenishing them with mercenaries and militiamen." , forming two brigades."

"Form a brigade? Lana, are you serious?" Griffith thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong.The regular army is completely different from mercenaries and militias, and they cannot cooperate at all.

Lana flipped through the documents in front of him, found an order and handed it over:

"They weren't expected to fight like legions.

"The Senate and the Ministry of War are in a hurry and want to mobilize all forces to rescue Macdonald's Fourth Army. Only the Odessa Auxiliary Army was annihilated in the Battle of Teutonic-Rum last year, and the Fourth Army was the Senate The main force of the army, no matter what, there is no room for loss.

"Follow the matter urgently. The army we form here can be recognized and supported by the superiors. I am going to let Murat and Russell organize and lead them."

Griffith moved his gaze to the form in front of Lana, which had already marked the reinforcement units that were concentrating on Harmanli.

The nearest military camp and assembly point is the town of Yambol on the Vero River, where Griffith and the others fought last year.The Verona nobles there were wiped out by the rebels, and the rest went bankrupt. The abandoned farmland, mines and forests are now the territory of the nobles of Bayerland, including the areas controlled by the counts of Chalon and Lamor. , Griffith's own Ravenel collar is also nearby.

Earl Chalon's Dragoon Squadron "Black Wolf" and Earl Lamor's Cuirassier Squadron "Storm" have rushed here immediately.

This was followed by a battalion of militia recruited by the two earls in the local territory. This brand-new organization was only recently proposed and adjusted. It has the same number as the traditional infantry brigade, but there are almost no swords and shields that are common in the legion. Soldiers and halberd soldiers, but composed of 600-700 pikemen and arquebus soldiers.

It seems that Roland didn't forget to give something else when he gave the steam engine to the two earls.

This action was too fast... Even if the two earls organized reinforcements as soon as they learned of Berthier's attack, the two battalions of infantry and two squadrons of elite cavalry could not be moved just by talking.

Griffith's gaze sharpened.When his eyes continued to look down and scanned the third line of the reinforcement sequence, there was more than just surprise in his eyes.

The third supporting army was the [-]st Fusilier Battalion of Ravenell, which Griffith had never met.According to what Sevasto said during the military parade, this is the most expensive and the best army in Roland's new army system.The battalion trained without Griffith's appropriation, trained, and then went into battle without Griffith's order.

"As expected of you," Lana took a deep breath, "I know flintlock guns. The current output is very limited. When did you arm hundreds of people? Where did you get the money? Let me learn study!"

I don't know if I should talk about something called Weifu coupons... Griffith gave Lana a complicated look.

Lana looked up at him too.

At the same time Berthier was attacked, Griffith immediately took out the means of long-distance maneuvering and led us to intervene in the battlefield; at the same time... no, earlier, he mobilized his territory The new army hidden on the top is rushing here.

Griffith knew what was going on here.The two earls also knew...

They all built armies on Verona's territory, and they were all new types of armies that were different from traditional armies.Each of these infantry battalions is about the same size as a legion's brigade, and they can be pulled out to fight immediately. Does the Senate know...

Lana looked into Griffith's eyes and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand this old man at all!

The seven gods are on top!I know about the militiamen in Xialongling, but Fiona has never told me that they are quasi-regular troops that can be mobilized immediately. I thought they all used pitchforks!The count didn't tell me either!
Griffith has such an army on hand, but I, Murat, and Russell don't have it!Not only that, his army and the troops of the two earls acted at the same time!

In other words, they already knew something!I do not know anything!What are they plotting together!I'm not involved at all!
Griffith is worthy of you!Did you earn the qualification by climbing a ladder into Sonia's bedroom in the middle of the night... Don't tell me that you still have an army hidden by the elves!
While Lana was thinking wildly, Griffith's heartbeat was already accelerating.He seemed to be involved in the vortex, the situation was developing at an alarming speed, those hidden forces that had been hidden and planned from the beginning were finally coming to the front.

It now appears that the army soon to be available near Harmanli consists of five infantry battalions/cohorts and two strong cavalry squadrons, with approximately 3500 infantry and 400 cavalry.

The training cost of a musketeer is much lower than that of an archer, as long as you teach him movement and discipline, and then hit him a dozen times, he will meet the standard.The Musketeers trained in this way cannot be said to be able to shoot accurately, but once they are combined with other Musketeers in the team and deployed on a battlefield with limited space, they can pose a deadly threat to armored veterans.

This is a cheap force that is quick to form and cheap to train, yet can attack regular legions on many battlefields.Even if the Bayeram Legionnaires can fight one to three to one to four, once they suffer losses, the speed of replenishment is far inferior to that of the militia.

This was the composition of the rebel army that attacked Berthier.

Verona's new army is also built in this way.

Roland is behind the new army in Verona, and Roland is also the organizer of the National Assembly gathered in Sebasto. Then, who is behind the rebels in Verona?Besides Roland, who else...

On December 1444, 12, Roland told Griffith and Harandir in a private meeting - Tuyan Fort, the acting headmaster of Salorian, occupies a large area in the north of Verona, Galadia's older brother, Sidious, also controls the Minas Ithil region...

Roland's Weifu coupons are endorsed by the Verona Revival Committee...

Griffith remembered that just last year, shortly after the battle in Verona ended, the twelve big figures held a mysterious meeting in Homenworth. One of the main topics was the aid fund and control for rebuilding Verona. The participants included Count Lamor, Count Chalon, Duke Mirantis, Headmaster Tiberion, Lord Salorian...

In this conspiracy, they mentioned "the shadow will fall again", "establishing a quick-response lean armed force"...

They spoke of mysteries, shadows, the machinations of Chaos, and impending danger, and erased Griffith's memory for it...

It's them!
They have been preparing since then.

Griffith took a deep breath.Before the battle begins, he needs to know some more things.

"Lana, I'll leave this to you," Griffith turned and left, "I'll use the teleportation circle."

"Now? Where are you going?"

"Fort Tuyan."


Acting headmaster of Homenworth and one of the few demigods in the world, Thalorian's domain is located in a valley at the southern end of the mountains, protected by a ring of stone walls.This is a tall wall that surrounds the valley. The only entrance is through the southeast wall and through several iron gates.The stream flowing down from the mountain flows around the high wall and finally flows into a lake.

Tuyang Valley was once the territory of rebellious barbarians, and was finally subdued under the combined suppression of wizards and nobles.The ancestors of Salorian asked for the valley to be their domain, and it was granted.

Griffith set off from Harmanli and arrived here soon.

It is said that this is a lush and fertile land, full of tree-lined avenues and fruit trees.However, what Griffith saw was that there was no green growth in many areas, and countless stone chambers, halls, and tunnels were dug out inside the circular stone wall.Many pits were also dug in the plain, and many deep passages were dug in the ground, which were covered with low mounds or raised stone domes.

The heavy pounding roar and the astonishing heat rushing out of the ground make people think that there is a volcano waiting to explode under their feet.

The irritating noise and heat all but destroyed the mystique of a spellcaster demigod.

The mage tower in Salorian is called "Fort Tuyan", supported by six tall polyhedral stone pillars, standing like an isolated island in the center of the ring of stone walls.The tower was built entirely of obsidian, and its high top flared out to form four stone pinnacles, inscribed with many strange marks.

Before Griffith came to the tower, he saw the white-bearded and white-haired professor walking down the steps from afar.Every step he takes, he has an unshakable majesty, as if he is the master of the world, and has insight into all the secrets of the past and the present.

"The smoke of strife has risen again.

"Time is running out.

"Young knights came to Tuyang Valley to ask for my help.

"That's what you're here for, isn't it? My student."

This almost divine wise man is suave and inscrutable.Every word of his seems to contain hidden enlightenment for the future and is full of philosophy.However, Griffith knew that what was in front of him was only the projection of the Supreme Wizard, and his powerful body should be in charge of teaching and socializing in Homonwatts.

"My mentor," said Griffith, beating his breast reverently as in the academy, "my war with the hand of God,
"here we go."

(End of this chapter)

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