Blood tax

Chapter 466 You plot against me, Griffith!

Chapter 466 You plot against me, Griffith!
"Go grab that woman! Take her away!"

The militiamen besieging Desai finally remembered something, and three of them rushed towards Neferti.The others stood between Desai and Neferti, raising their pitchforks and waiting for the second-level team leader to hit them.

what happened?Are these militiamen?I've already killed several of them, why do I still have such fighting spirit?

From yesterday until now, Desai, who has not stopped fighting and marching, is almost out of breath.The heavy shield weighed on his arms, and the sword was not held as high as it had been at first.He couldn't fight back the militiamen in front of him, nor could he defend Neferti, his teeth were grinding but he couldn't change the reality in front of him.

Rush again!
Desai charged at the pitchfork with all his strength, and the prongs hit his breastplate with a deafening sound before sliding aside.He rushed into the crowd, and the long sword in his hand immediately drew a bright light and shadow.

The militiamen stabbed in unison, metal on metal, ripping through Desai's chest, arms, and helmet.Desai didn't even look at it, and swung his sword between the shoulder and elbow of a militiaman, then swept upwards diagonally, half of his head flew past the crowd spraying blood and brains.

"kill him!"

"Take her away!"

The sun broke through the low clouds for a long time, and the militiamen, whose faces were covered with blood, yelled loudly, bursting out with amazing fighting spirit, and unexpectedly blocked Desai.Several men stabbed Neferti's horse and dragged her aside by her hair and clothes.

I don't think about it!

Desai raised the dented metal shield, and a blinding beam of sunlight reflected off the polished gold and copper, piercing the militiamen's eyes.Desai took advantage of the situation and stabbed at the captain of the militia with his sword.He plunged into the scale armor and turned hard on his chest, and the captain of the militia screamed.

Got it!Without the commander, do you want to continue fighting!

Desai was about to draw his sword, but the captain of the militia raised his hands tightly, holding onto the blade tightly so that he couldn't draw it out.Another person jumped out of the crowd, without a pitchfork in his hand, but holding a smoking black iron ball and rushed towards Desai.

Grenade? !What a brave man!My mission is about to fail, and the sacrifices of so many people will be wasted by me!
Desai was stunned by these militiamen.He was a ruthless and tough warrior, but he didn't expect that the ragged farmer in front of him was no worse than him!At this moment of lightning and flint, he only had time to grab the fallen militiaman and block it in front of him.


There was a loud bang from the black lacquered grenade, and the flying fragments and shock waves sent Desai flying.

Severe tinnitus, blurred vision, and the whole world is spinning upside down.

Desai tried to stand up, but the pain and dizziness pinned him to the ground.Pieces of scorched iron were lodged in his breastplate and mail, and a pool of red blood stretched beneath him.

Suddenly, a leg stepped on the chest of the second-level squad leader, and the last three militiamen rushed over, cursing and stabbing him wildly with their pitchforks.Desai raised his hand violently, took out his dagger and stabbed their knees.The four fought in a pool of dust and blood, and the broken pitchfork shook back and forth.



Shouting, the militiamen broke the pitchfork and hammered Desai's head with their fists.

Desai was about to die, he didn't know where the dagger had pierced, and the blood on the armor was frosted in the icy cold air.Amidst the dizzying rattling sounds, he vaguely heard a clear and ethereal prayer.

who?Who is praying?To whom?
A dazzling red light shot up from the sky, and an unusually powerful aura suddenly surged from a distance like a tide.The black clouds pressing down on the sky were flying away, and there was a strange sound of flapping wings in the strong wind.


Suddenly the militiamen uttered a piercing scream, as if witnessing unspeakable horror, and fled into the woods, leaving the dead and wounded on the ground.

What's coming?What could have terrified these brave men?
Desai felt his body go cold, and his hot head cooled down.He vaguely saw Neferti kneeling not far away, like a little rabbit under the eagle's claws, her nimble eyes filled with despair and trembling.Soon, he himself clearly felt what a terrifying and powerful aura was crushing him.

The man-eating monster opened its bloody mouth!

In a daze, an inhuman, monster-like tentacle rolled towards Neferti in the air, its open mouthparts were like spiral petals, and there were layers of finely serrated fangs with minced meat and bone foam hanging on them.Doomsday-like despair hovers between the jagged teeth, with a chaotic and terrifying will, trying to swallow people into endless death and terror!
This boundless evil, this twisted will, is Iseus, attracted!

This crazy monster suddenly appeared in the treetops, barely human except for the face.It has huge bone wings and a bone tail, and spear-like bone spurs protrude from the back. The original left hand has been replaced by a huge curly black horror worm!
What a monster!Desai's mind suffered a terrifying blow, and was almost about to explode amidst the frantic flute sound.But he withstood the onslaught, and was well aware—

Wait, there's one more...

The red light flickered in the sky, amidst the howling and roaring sound that tore through the air, the extremely oppressive and terrifying sonic boom and howling stirred in the eardrums, coming one after another!

Black and red electric lights intersected in the air, knocking out the pure darkness that swallowed air and light.The moment the terrifying tentacles fell from the sky, a purple-red lance pierced through the air and shot the tentacles in the air.

Every inch of Desai's nerves was trembling!Although he wasn't sure what was going to happen, every cell was telling him—

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore!
Desai opened his eyes, only to see a knight wearing a silver breastplate and holding a purple lance surrounded by dazzling electric arcs.The knight struck the ground with his lance, and the crimson lightning cheered immediately, surrounding him and his horse with red light, forming a shield like water droplets.

A grim smile appeared on a familiar face.

Neferti, whose dress was all torn, jumped up from the ground happily, almost tripping again.She shook her long silver hair, running towards the familiar figure like a kitten seeing its master coming home, shouting as she ran.

"Griffith Knight!"

Desai had a strange feeling.It seems that there is something stuck in my heart, but I can't tell clearly.

Griffith rode on the cold bone army horse, holding a bloody thorn in his hand, and glanced at the girl on tiptoe and the fallen Desai, his sharp eyes under the dark golden visor were like scarlet The tremor and fear that made people unable to look straight into the bone marrow echoed silently in the depths of their hearts.

"From now on, I will take over the battlefield.

"Griffith de Ravenel."

While whistling and whistling, Griffith galloped towards the barren hills and hills beside him.Suddenly another haze swept across the sky, and the sun was also blocked by this sudden shadow.

"Let's fight, little fish!" Iseus spread his bone wings and flew across the air, roaring and chasing after the war knight on the ground, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time, really, I'm so excited!"

He has already become a monster with all kinds of spliced ​​limbs. He is bloated and huge. He will crush and hit everywhere he goes. Forests and rocks are all trampled and crushed.

"Want to run? Can you escape this overwhelming firepower!"

Iseus chased after him with all his strength, and human arms grew out of his torso and limbs. He swung his wand, drew magic patterns, and threw beams of light and fireballs all over the sky to chase Griffith's traces.

Griffith raised his gun and galloped, the whistling wind turned into the sound of whipping, and where the sharp edge of the bloodthorn went, there were only afterimages and lightning.

In just a split second, Iseus suddenly lost his capture and lock on Griffith, as if the other party was invisible.

Immediately afterwards, a fireball caused a violent explosion.

Iseus flew in the wind, skimmed over the burning earth, skimmed over the fire.

This must have hit the Transcendent, the spell-casting materials and psionic weapons were killed in order to have such a large-scale explosion.

What about the body parts?Guys like Griffith are blown to ashes?After all, the omnipotent spellcaster is stronger...

A mixture of ecstasy, wonder, and luck flooded the deformed brain.For a moment, Iseus even regretted that the victory came so easily, without torture and whining as seasonings, it was a little less interesting.

Suddenly, his spirituality suddenly sounded a shrill scream.The terrifying psionic energy splashed into an invisible raging tide, and the suffocating oppression made the soul sob.

The monstrous killing intent suddenly appeared behind Iseus, at the side and rear of the flight path.

Wait, no, too little residue!There should be more wreckage from the explosion of a fully equipped Transcendent... This, this is a trap!
You plot against me, Griffith!
In the waves of fire on the ground, violent killing intent rose up like mountains and seas.Griffith was hiding in the strong light of the explosion, holding the blood thorn, and expanded the projection posture to the limit!The blood thorn is eliminating the entity, turning into a bolt of lightning, sending out a blast that pierces the air, leaving layers of vortices that break through the clouds.

This full-strength blow fell in the eyes of Iseus, and he felt that the knight in front of him was accumulating all his emotions of pain, joy, sadness and happiness, and then condensed, sublimated, and condensed into a devastating blow!
Howling cavaliers and terrifying wind pressure filled the field of vision.The whole world of Iseus is a sharp killing intent, reaching to the abyss of destruction.

In the chaos, Iseus no longer knew what he was going to do!

He trembled all over, terrified by a force he had never seen before.

Every cell in him was screaming to run away, run now!But stuck in the boundless swamp, unable to move an inch.The whole world seems to be an enemy, presenting it to a terrifying blow.

He witnessed the sharp lightning, and felt fear and trembling from the soul, only the arrogant and false bark emboldened himself:

"If you want to kill me, it's 1 years too early!
"I have the protection of the god of the undead!"

Griffith's pair of flame-like eyes cruelly and decisively strangled this sad soul.

This blow will wipe out all your shields, blessings, magic enhancements, healing spells, and even the gifts of the gods.Fear, I'm going to beat you back to worms!
Griffith murmured silently in his heart, and then shouted the real name given to the weapon, all-out throw:
"God, bow down to me!
"To the dead and to the dead (Morituri te salutant)!"

(End of this chapter)

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