Blood tax

Chapter 462 Long Distance Orbital Assault

Chapter 462 Long-Distance Orbital Assault (Ten Thousand Words)

"Take off her head and put it on the gun."

Iseus said to the monsters, as if talking about how to organize the wardrobe lightly.


Dedius let out a heart-piercing roar, but the mournful cry turned into a buzzing roar in an instant.He is merging with Berthier, wrapped in the flow of particle light, and transforming into the form of the elemental lord.

Ophelia suddenly grabbed Desai who was about to fight to the death: "Bring Miss Kumansha to break through, and bring a horse."

Not waiting for the second-level team leader to take the order, she said to the others:

"Nefti Kumansha must not fall into the enemy's hands, at any cost, understand?"

At any cost... Desai's expression turned pale, and he beat his chest in salute:


"At any cost."

"I'll open the way!" Ophelia raised her hand to wipe between the blood-stained eyebrows, and then sprinkled the blood all over the sky.

The red psionic roar from the Twisting Nether instantly unfolded like a whirlpool.In the center of the violent storm, the black cracks the size of rice grains are extremely dark and pure, and the psionic storm that devours the world weaves a web of red arcs between the sky!

"Darkness overwhelming!"

Iseus hurriedly dodged and retreated, but the violent arc had captured him.With his position as the center, the spiritual energy storm tore at the nearby monsters, and they were torn into pieces in an instant, and their flesh and blood flew in the burst of "cracking".


Iseus let out an inhuman scream, and his whole body collapsed and shattered like a melting candle.

Killed!Worthy of being an extraordinary person!Desai clenched his fists excitedly.He saw with certainty that the mighty Iseus had been shattered, blasted into a thousand splintered pieces.The monsters surrounded on all sides were also petrified, and suddenly lost their movement.

Ophelia, who cast this powerful blow, shook slightly, and blood flowed like tears from the corners of her eyes.She covered her mouth and took two steps back, her face was extremely pale, obviously she had suffered a strong backlash.

At this moment, a broken gun that fell on the ground ejected strangely, stabbing towards her.

The broken gun made a sharp howl.Even with Ophelia's skill, she barely turned sideways to avoid the vital point, but was still shot through the shoulder armor by the broken gun and nailed to a wall behind her.

"Captain Ishtar!" Desai jumped up.

The powerful Miss Extraordinary hangs on the wall like a butterfly that only needs to be stuffed.Her face was already pale, and the corners of her mouth curled up reluctantly:
"Calm down, soldier.

"In your duties, there is no such thing as mourning for the chief."

Not far from them, Isius, who had just been crushed, gathered up again like glue.Countless fragments squirmed like living creatures, gathering human form little by little.

Neferti in the crowd was too scared to speak.Suddenly, she saw Desai turned around quickly, picked herself up and carried him on his shoulders, jumped on a military horse reserved for the wounded, and ran wildly from among the stiff monsters towards the bloody road that had just been torn apart by the psionic storm and go.


Others followed suit.They didn't have their mounts, they just led the wounded on foot, and they couldn't escape very far, but they happened to block the front of the monster that was ready to go behind Desai.

Iseus is converging.

He regained his human form, and even his shattered robes were once again flapping in the wind.Finally, he looked at his unscathed body with satisfaction.

"Hmmm~ The transcendent of the rare path is so powerful.


"Immortality, immortality, ultimate mystery, hahahaha. Look, even the attack just now can't destroy me. There is nothing to be afraid of in this world anymore!
"Nefti was taken away? My monsters didn't respond, cut, these low-energy creations. But it's nothing, where can they go in such a short time, the frog's piss is farther than them.

Iseus took a deep breath and looked at everyone:

"What a delightful beauty...

"My friends, did you ever know—

"Mystery is alive."

A large group of monsters have gathered and surrounded the living people.

There was only the gurgling of blood in their ears, and all the living people stared at Iseus, a member of Homenworth, telling the original intention of his atrocities like a priest.

He put it this way:
"The more mysterious the high position is, the more manifest its will will be.

"A long time ago, from the moment I touched it, I knew that I already possessed the authority comparable to the hand of God, able to command all armies, and fetch wonders from the edge of the world. strength.

"But, friends, it is not the hand of God that manipulates this power, but the will of the mystery itself."

Nona stood in front of everyone.She retracted the cross sword to her chest, glanced back at the tragic scene in Kulala not far away, suppressed herself tremblingly, and stared at the murderer coldly:

"Don't you want to use such absurd excuses to defend yourself? It's the mystery that made you kill...

"Nonsense lunatic, I want you to regret living in this world!"

Iseus replied indifferently:
"Mystery's command to me is very simple, that is to exercise power and increase power; to become His incarnation in the world, to have supreme blessings, and accordingly, you have to pay a price. This is the mystification of personality, the mysterious personify...

"Divinity is strengthened, humanity is weakened.

"If Griffith was here, he would probably understand. He would certainly understand.

"It's futile to try to resist.

"So I acted. For, He said to me—

"I don't need you."

These words are the clarion call of battle, the verdict of death.

Nona sank, turning into a golden light in an instant and rushing forward.With vigorous steps, he rushed to Iseus's distance in a blink of an eye, and stabbed him head-on with a single swing of his sword.


Iseus actually raised his hand to block the sharp sword, his wrist intersected with the edge of the sword, and a dazzling fire flashed.Sequence 7 Judgment Knight Nona only felt a violent shock all over her body.At this moment, she understood why Kulala was hit through the chest!

As a wizard, Iseus's muscles surpassed steel impressively, and his fists and wrists were covered with metal scales, which forcibly blocked the sword thrust.Obviously, his physique has been blessed to the point where it surpasses the limit of human beings!
This is the extraordinary life of the monster path, a powerful physique that can only be possessed by monitor lizards and walking dragons!A body of steel that completely crushes human beings!
"The defense is good, but the lethality is not enough," Iseus sneered slightly, singing at an elusive speed,

"The Light is not watching you, my friend."

At this moment, Nuo Na felt as if her whole body was covered with a dark haze, heavy and stagnant, suffocating.The protection bestowed on her by the Holy Light was taken away.

Iseus waved his hand and hit Nona in the chest.This punch was like thunder, and it was not something the slow Judgment Knight could dodge.

Nona only had time to pass sideways, and raised the diamond-shaped shield in her left hand to block it.

"Useless! Brontosaurus - stab!"

Iseus punched down.With his current strength, he can undoubtedly penetrate the shield and smash the lady paladin behind him!

The momentum of the heavy punch even surpassed the Weihe hit by the giant beast, and it easily penetrated the shield, causing the steel to make a piercing sound of tearing.

However, Iseus didn't feel like smashing flesh and blood at all!A solid shield hangs over his hand, blocking vision.At the same time, a vigorous figure swung past the shield, swung the cross sword and slashed at the upper arm without scale protection!
"What—!" Iseus hurriedly dodged.Between the lightning and the flint, the arm with the shield was broken at the elbow, and dirty liquid splashed out!

As soon as Nuona succeeded in the blow, she immediately changed from a chop to a pick, and wiped it away with a sword towards her neck.However, a mass of jet-black matter spewed out from the fractured part of Iseus's elbow, forming dense tentacles and sweeping towards Nona as if he had come to life.

Nona's spirituality was touched, she subconsciously flashed in a hurry, and a hot gust of wind swept across her cheek, knocking off the helmet.


The anger and fear in the chests of the Byelan soldiers and students of Homonwarts present were suddenly condensed by the bleak chill, and penetrated into the bone marrow.

From the broken elbow of Iseus, a strong rotten breath rose up, almost turning into a black-purple cloud.Groups of dark, indescribable substances churned and rolled over the wound, and the dripping pus fell on the ground, sizzling like sulfuric acid, and churn out extremely unpleasant purple smoke.

This is definitely not a human being, not even the flesh and blood of a creature!
"That's right." Iseus didn't change his expression, but looked at his wound with some interest, "Mura praised you very much, indeed.

"Fighting with you made me understand why the great mystery of life wants me to fight with you!
"Really, it's great.

"When I kill you and put the spear on the tip, Griffith, Lana, Aaron, Galadia, those champions sent to the world by His Majesty, all Shutorals will come to join me Let's fight!

"One by one, together with this illusory world, they hid like hibernating bears and refused to sacrifice their full strength in the Chosen One. Then, let me wake them up!"

Nona bit her lip tightly, regaining her composure amid blood rage, murderous intent and shock.Right in front of her, the severed arm of Iseus had sprouted disgusting granulation, wriggling crazily, and formed an intact arm in a blink of an eye!
Everyone present was stunned by this scene.It was amazing enough for Iseus to gather from a puddle of mud just now, but at this moment, he could clearly see the madness in his body, tearing apart human reason more clearly.

"So that's the reason why you can break through Kulala's defense from all angles!"

Ophelia pressed her forehead, seeing the evil and filth hidden in the flesh, her eyes trembled uncontrollably.Finally, her rationality overcame her madness, and she suppressed the dizzy shock of witnessing the astonishing scene with all her strength: "You didn't dodge her attack, but were shattered by ice spikes, thus penetrating her defense.

"This life hidden in flesh and blood, self-healing like a curse, this is the power of the undead! I understand——

"Iseus, it's impossible for you to use so much extraordinary power without a price, the body has its limit, even if simulated by magic, your body can't carry it!

"Iseus, your real power, what you want to fight for is the authority of the life weave in the virtual world that Neferti points to!"

Iseus nodded silently, raised the finger that had just been repaired, and pointed to the direction in which Desai and Neferti fled:
"Spiritualization of life, spiritualization of spiritual energy. The key to the ultimate life that our ancestors sought for thousands of years, the ultimate answer to the ancient inheritance, has been found."

He didn't give the order, but the army of monsters that had been waiting nearby suddenly moved, as if instructed by his arm.They twisted ferociously, howled and roared, and swept down overwhelmingly.

The red moon hanging high in the sky radiated evil light, as if it had come to life, reflecting the earth below in a strange and viscous way.

"Come back, everyone!" Ophelia struggled to down a bottle of potion, and said to her companions who were already enveloped in rage and panic, "He wants to sacrifice us.

"Cover me, comrades. The difference between life and death."

An almost illusory crystal mirror condensed from the palm of Iseus and rose towards the sky:

"Your blood sacrifice will be presented in the hall of Hormonwarts, and the blood and screams will become the smoke of strife. Hee hee hee, I am really looking forward to the mythical creatures after Rathel, Murat, and Midian Maier lost control form."

"Open your position and stop them." Berthier ordered loudly.

Nona sprinted back, blocking in front of the swarming monsters.Seeing the surviving Homonwatts students standing still in shock, she knocked her long sword to the ground.A clear echo immediately appeared in the depths of everyone's hearts, calling them back from their panic.

She raised the sword, took off the necklace around her neck, wrapped it around the hilt and held it tightly.

"Shutoral, fulfill our responsibilities until the last moment!"

"Shutoral, our honor is loyalty!

"Byelan - Wansheng!"

"Byelan - Wansheng!"

Bukharin and all the first-year Shutorals shouted in unison.At the moment when they charged, they looked back at Fengjun behind them, grinned, turned around and shouted Wansheng with their comrades.They didn't have horses, but charging on foot was better than thousands of troops. With the majesty of armored cavalry, they charged head-on at the overwhelming monsters, and disappeared in the sea of ​​blood in a blink of an eye.

They bought a few seconds for the princes and wizards behind them, and cast several atmospheric positions on the battlefield, sealing off the surrounding area, leaving only a narrow gap.

Nona grabbed a fallen Byeran cavalry sword, dual-wielding the gap.She beheaded a Chaos Beast, and chopped off a Harpy in half.

More than a dozen Chaos beasts pounced on her and shot petrified rays towards her from a distance, hitting the shield of the newly born Judgment Knight, and only one or two broke through the shield.

Nona's hands and feet froze for a while.A porcupine-like humanoid charged forward and dug its razor-like spikes into her belly.Nona's eyes went dark all of a sudden, but she still instinctively raised her knees and kicked the porcupine up on its back, stabbed it into the tip of its nose with a sword, and stirred it vigorously.

After finishing the monster, she grabbed the corpse and put it on her shoulder, and slammed sideways towards the swarming monsters. She was forced between the high pressure walls, crushed the Chaos Beast and the Harpy, and created a bloody path. .

The densely packed monsters couldn't rush over, so they attacked her with stingers and venom from a distance, tearing the porcupine shield into pieces in a blink of an eye.Just as they were about to attack again to break through the gap, a long flaming whip suddenly swept over.


Seven or eight monsters were broken by this blow.

The energies of ice and fire are merging, bursting out a terrifying magic vortex.The fog of red and blue particles swirls rapidly in the air!
A huge spherical lightning descended on the blood swamp.At the core of the lightning, it is completely symmetrically divided into flames and frost.It floated at a height of half a meter from the ground, its whole body was covered by an extremely thick and strong silver shield, and the fire and frost magic balls were spinning rapidly around its wrists.

It wields a long flaming whip and a great sword made of ice, and sends out an inhuman and frightening growl at the monster army rushing towards it like a tide:
"Elemental Lord Berenus,

Ball lightning roared.Contradictory and chaotic forces converged into a distorted psychic turbulence. Anger drove the terrifying elemental lord to pass Nona, rushing into the monster and rampaging. .Its dull voice growled:

"We are burning, we are freezing!"

The entire blood swamp boiled in ice and fire.

Iseus stared at the bright ball lightning, the unyielding Nona, and the solid atmosphere, and shouted in a low voice:
"Daedalus, come out."

A majestic figure stepped out of the monster army.The tauren warrior, who seemed to be cast in bronze, was as tall as a hill, swinging a steel ax the size of a carriage, stepping over the corpses everywhere.It collided towards the atmosphere, and even for a while, the invisible wall trembled and shattered.

"Don't let it break the ground!" Nona shouted.The ball lightning immediately rushed forward, and the two huge creatures collided with each other, making a roaring sound like heaven and earth shattered.

The giant ax of the Minotaur split Berenus, causing the shield to crack like glass, and the latter immediately condensed a stream of fire in his hand and chopped it down, chopping off a horn.

Just when the ball lightning was barely pushing the Minotaur back, its shape inexplicably became unreal, as if its connection with this world was being stripped and torn apart.

"Back to your void, elemental!"

Iseus raised his wand, unleashing the power to disturb time and space.An illusory door suddenly appeared behind Berenus who was fighting, and countless tentacles spewed out from the deep darkness.

The ball lightning composed of psionic particles disintegrated and cracked under the tearing of the tentacles, and slid towards the darkness that devoured everything, leaving only the bodies of Berthier and Dedius standing there in amazement.

"How many abilities does he have! Could it be possible to copy all the mysteries in the world!?" Dedius growled, and was about to activate a sealed item, "Berthier, I still have the power, do it again!"

Before the words fell, Dedius flew out backwards.Iseus swept across the battlefield like a gust of wind, passing through the obstruction and cover of others, and attacked him.

"Nona, save him!" Berthier exclaimed.He couldn't see the details clearly, but only vaguely saw the afterimages of Iseus hitting Dedius' shield in a continuous combo, shattering and bursting it in the blink of an eye.

Nona rushed to catch up, but Iseus's high speed was beyond her reach.

In a blink of an eye, Dedius was hit by a series of blows and flew into the sky, completely losing control of his body.Iseus bent his knees with the agility of an extraordinary witcher, leaped into the air, and smashed towards his chest.

Immediately, Dedius's roar disappeared, and his chest sank amidst the sound of bone cracking.However, he is also a resolute warrior, and he activated his own sealed item at the moment of dying.

Transformation, fire elemental!

Dedius' whole body was instantly enveloped in flames, transforming from a human body into a dancing human fireball!In the state of an elemental creature, he was completely immune to the bone fractures, bleeding, and pain caused by the severe injury just now, and he was even exempt from the stiff state when he was attacked. He began to adjust his posture in mid-air, preparing for a counterattack!

This is the ultimate hole card for the caster of Bayeran.

Once the situation is critical, experienced battle wizards will pay a certain price by changing their life form from organic to mythical creature or elemental form, merging themselves with mystery.To kill such a wizard, it is definitely not easy to do it only by physical attack!

However, what he is facing, at this moment, is the almost omnipotent Isius under the mysterious blessing of a high position.

The real world rippled like the surface of water, and an illusory living creature riding a huge black horse came from the vague illusion and appeared behind Iseus.It held a scale in its hand, filled with wheat, flagon and flesh, and made a hoarse and unidentifiable sound that echoed in everyone's mind.

Somehow, Dedius sensed an indescribable abnormality.He was haunted by fear, and the scene in front of him unexpectedly showed the illusion that the earth was withering and everything was dying.The spiritual energy in the world seems to be swallowed by the vortex, shrinking at an alarming rate.

This is the power of barrenness!
A void fissure that was almost a black hole unscrupulously devoured psionic energy, and Dedius' fire elemental form disintegrated in an instant, pulling him out of the elemental state abruptly.

The mysterious state of the fire element was swallowed by the power of barrenness!

Iseus raised his hand, and a short knife shot out, piercing Dedius' left eye with a screaming sound, coming out from the back of his head, and pinning him to the ground.

Dedius, killed in action.

"Ah, another drop of blood, I can feel it,

"I'm upgrading."

Iseus fell back to the ground abruptly.He felt that he was becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming stronger every second.

He took a deep breath, turned around, and faced Nona who was attacking with a sword.

"Nona, step back!" Berthier screamed almost heartbreakingly.At this moment, the whole world seemed to slow down, inexplicably clear, everything was clearly imprinted in his mind.

Nona split Iseus's neck with a sword, tearing from the left shoulder to the right abdomen.The cross sword blessed with extraordinary power was so sharp that it was about to split Iseus in two.

However, a strange scene appeared.

Iseus' shoulders, neck, and chest that had been split shuddered like a ball of paste, even gluing along the wound.Nona's attack was like breaking water with a sword.When her sword blade reached her waist and abdomen, she was already frozen and unable to move.


Iseus smiled, and even looked curiously at himself who was almost torn in two, and then looked up at Nona with a determined face.Then, he raised his hand.


There was a chilling tearing sound, and Isius' right hand turned into a long whip, breaking Nona's right hand at the elbow.The trainee knight lady who was severely injured hurried back, but saw another cold light sweeping across her eyes.

Iseus's right limb had now become a long whip like an octopus' tentacles, and he rolled up the long sword still stuck in his body and threw it at Nona, piercing her breastplate.

Nona crashed into the crowd and rolled at Berthier's feet.

The sacrifice at the moment of the red moon licked the blood mist of the sacrifice with satisfaction.The atmospheric mirror in mid-air sent this bloody scene far away.

"Hormonworth is watching you," said Iseus, "but they can't save you. No one can cross the world to come here."

He raised his hand and pointed to the sky.On the ground, monsters have surrounded the remaining living people from all sides.

Desai took Neferti and ran to the nearby hillside.When he looked back at the bloody swamp, those officers and sergeants who were stronger than him and older had disappeared. The last ones had lost their shields and helmets, and only had a few daggers in their hands.

He was panting heavily, and his chest was like an old bellows.The blood all over his body was about to solidify, making him shiver in the cold.

Desai saw helplessly that Berthier was pouring the final potion. Nona, who had lost her arm, pulled her right hand from the hilt, pulled it a few times, and took out a necklace to put on for herself. .

"Berthier, stop the bleeding."

Nona's silver breastplate has been dyed crimson.With the corner of her mouth trembling, she pinched the blade inserted into her chest with her left hand and folded it forcefully, breaking the rare sacred artifact into two pieces.Half of it remained in the chest, and the other was held in the hand, "I can still, poof—"

Before she finished speaking, she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hey, guys, I'm ready," Ophelia's red left eye with two-color eyes burst into a bewildering and magnificent light, "I'm okay too, just a little delirious."

"Let me sum it up, my dear ladies," said Berthier, "this is the case—we're lost."



Nona and Ophelia nodded together.

"Therefore, we have to make arrangements for the next battle," Berthier said, "We want to block Iseus' intentions and pave the way for Griffith's battle."

As soon as the words fell, the intertwined spiritual energy surged forth.

It was so deep that it was pure darkness, and the starlight like fine sand gathered into an illusion like an eye, occupying the vast expanse of the entire starry sky.

During this sharp and heart-piercing psychic surge, Ophelia's eyes were instantly stained with a layer of blood, and warm and viscous liquid flowed out of her nose unstoppably.

Iseus suddenly noticed something.He raised his wand and pointed at Ophelia.The broken swords and spears that fell on the ground all flew up, roaring towards the fallen Ophelia.Berthier, who was blocking the shooting track, was shot through the shield first and fell to the ground.Just before hitting Ophelia, a figure suddenly rushed up and blocked her.

"Boom, poof, poof-poof!"

In a series of piercing howls, first the blade trembled violently, followed by the sound of tearing metal and flesh.

Nona stood in front of Ophelia, her half-cut sword shattered and six weapons pierced her body.Her left eye was pierced by a broken sword, three javelins were wounded in her chest, and two swords were pierced in her legs.


Miss Shutoral, who was all in armor, fell to her knees.She swayed, her body twitching uncontrollably.The javelin on her chest supported the ground, hanging her on the gun shaft, unable to fall down.

Woo, uh, I can't breathe, it's so cold, it's so hard, something is stuck in my throat...

Murat's necklace...

Is it a necklace, strangling me?
Nona struggled to raise her hand, pulled down the necklace around her neck and held it in her hand, clenched it tightly and raised it towards the sky.She seemed to see a vague, familiar figure that had come to her side.

A smile appeared at the corner of the blood clotted mouth.She couldn't speak, but murmured in her heart:
"If so, if we didn't meet in this world, if we didn't meet in such a miserable place, where we only have ordinary daily life, I can definitely let you know.

"Heh, there is probably no result, but I can be brave and not end with regrets..."

Big teardrops slid down from the corners of her eyes, flowing through bloodstains, forming dripping tear stains.

"I'm so sorry, even if it's just to say what I want, it's good, isn't it... I really want to say it... It's so embarrassing, I shouldn't become a resentful spirit...

"There is no chance, and everyone is too. It is a pity that it is so regrettable...

"This twisted world."

Nona clenched her left hand for the last time.

"Mura, smash this distorted pieces!"

Her left hand was raised vigorously, and then dropped down.

The 1443 Shutoral, Nona, died in battle, on the same day as Kulala, Dedius and five 1444 Shutorals.

It's over, my sacrifice is complete.For the rest of the captives, I can... eh?

Isius, who was thinking about it, suddenly raised his head, and a flash of surprise and fear suddenly flashed in his eyes, who had been about to declare victory to all creatures and the world.

Ophelia, who had lost her combat effectiveness, knelt on the ground.She seemed to be at one with the world, with the stars, sending her call to the planets.

The blood-stained world is lit up.

Ophelia sang intermittently.She is about to lose consciousness.However, the Eye is still carrying out orders to guide the tracks of distant beings in the Astral Plane:

An orange trail flashed in the dark depths of the sky.

What it is--! ?Ishuston didn't smile at all.

He was sure of what he saw!Some kind of unknown and subversive existence flashed past in the distance of the sky, soaring straight into the sky!
"What's going on? What's going on! Am I being targeted?" screamed Iseus, "You're channeling the Tears of Luna! Ophelia, you mad woman, don't you know this will only Crush you, and I, am I immortal?!
"Wait, it's not right, the breath is wrong! The ripples of psionic energy are also wrong...

"It's not like the thing that crashed in Odessa!
"What are you doing!?"


Raindrops beat on the roof, and thunder came roaring on black clouds.The teleportation array connecting Homenwatts and Sevasto is being activated at a high speed, and someone is about to return from there.

"Griffith!" Galadia, who was anxiously waiting by the teleportation circle, stood up, "Iseus is offering sacrifices, and spiritual energy is pouring into reality! Nona and the others, everyone..."

The girl wiped her endless tears and tried her best to make her words coherent: "Are you going there?"

The War Knight emerges from among the particles of magical light, thick and cold like an ancient sculpture.He nodded and gently wiped away the elf's tears: "The war is calling me."

"There seems to be a dragon there!"

"There is indeed a dragon there," Griffith nodded lightly, "There has never been a dragon in our story. The Outer God sent his minions, and the mystery is increasing.

"The Hand of God and their enemies are at war.

"Galadia, although the world is vast, we have no way out."


The crystal of true knowledge kept in the Hall of Hormonwatts showed an image just now.Sonia stared blankly, the scene in front of her eyes completely shattered her world, everything was so miserable that it didn't seem like reality.

All the teachers and students in the school who had learned of the attack on Berthier's column last night saw the tragic death of Dedius. Nona was pierced by a spear and a long sword, but she still supported herself with a cross sword, half kneeling on the ground, Like a knight taking a break, he still maintains the posture of getting up and fighting again.

Kulala's beautiful head was hung on the gun point, and the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, as if she had fallen asleep with infinite nostalgia.Bloodstains slid down like teardrops, and there was a hint of sadness between the crooked brows.

There was a crackling sound in the cold and silent hall.The marble floor let out an unbearable whine, then burst open with a bang.

Russell bowed to his lord, and left the hall without looking back.Behind him, Murat and Midianmeier also left their seats.

The four graders, one after another, bid farewell to the lord and walked towards the exit of the hall.There, rows of breastplates, spears, and shields have been lined up, and Lord Salorian, Dean Marian, and Professor Lordes, entrusted to preside over the work of Headmaster Tiberion, who is already a consul, are waiting there. watching them.

"Go back and submit a formal application for combat, and don't forget your duty and sense of proportion!" Professor Lordes yelled at them coldly, "You who have not yet become extraordinary can't even use the teleportation circle, what can you do?"

Ms. Marianne also dissuaded: "My students, the mage tower in that area has long lost contact, and the nearest teleportation array is a day's journey away. I understand your feelings, but... you see Griffith is also here. Restraint, eh, what about others?"

Lord Salorian just stood there without saying a word.His student, Griffith, has disappeared.

"The professors are right," Lana said to everyone. "Seniors, this is our war, and we must fight the first battle."

Heidirich Himmeier, one of the leaders of the [-]rd and [-]th grade Shutoral, inspected Lana, and said for the gathered companions: "You go, we will try our best to recruit reinforcements and supplies Support you. However, this is a war for all Shutoral, if you can't handle it..."

Lana responded and said to the others:

"The only Transcendents in the first and second grades who can use the teleportation array are me and Griffith. I will go find him, and the others will take the fast boat by sea and gather reinforcements to join us in Old Town."

The faces of Midianmeier, Murat, and Russell who were present at the scene changed suddenly, and they wished to grow their wings and fly to Kloseel's territory.Russell even took out a bottle of potion: "Isn't it extraordinary? I'll show you the promotion!"

"That's enough, reckless idiot! If you lose control, how can you meet Kulala in the Hall of Valor?" Lana waved his hand to take the promotion potion, and then said to Midian Maier, "Don't worry, we Make sure to bring Ophelia back alive."

Professor Lordes has been watching them coldly.He finally couldn't hold back, and asked in a deep voice: "How can you and Griffith break through the encirclement?"

Before the words were finished, a piercing roar suddenly sounded outside the hall of Homenworth, as if a meteorite from outside the sky was falling towards the earth.The heavy oak door let out a whine, and it fell to both sides with smoke and dust, causing everyone present to jump up.

The rumbling roar came from the shadows, carrying a disillusioned and suffocating coercion, which even made the professors feel resigned.

"Who!?" Professor Lordes shouted.

Griffith pressed the two swords, and stepped away the smoke and dust like lightning piercing the darkness.Every step of his was as sharp as Fenglin Volcano, and the strong winds of blood and energy hit the spellcasters so that they could not stand still and couldn't look directly.

"It's not two people," Griffith said in a deep voice, "Median Maier, Murat, and Russell are with us. Now, we are going to cast judgment on the heads of sinners."

Across thousands of miles with three companions who are not extraordinary.Such words came out of his mouth, as if the sun rises from the east, autumn and winter come, and there is no doubt about it.He seems to be riding a shooting star, from the dim dawn to the bloody end.

Lordes was shaken, unknowingly, his student possessed power beyond him.

Midianmeier, Murat, and Russell trembled excitedly, even if they were rushing into the abyss of flames, he would go forward bravely.

Even the proud Heidirich Himmeier had an inexplicable urge to follow him in the march.

Salorian nodded with satisfaction.

"Griffith, you..." Sonia rushed over, but the knight in front of her was shrouded in a mighty power, which even made her a little strange and worried.

Sonia has seen all kinds of extraordinary people.However, his own knight is so different, the scorching hot spiritual energy seems to make all the mysteries tremble and shake under his feet.This is extraordinary power, and it is infinitely close to the magnificent momentum of Sequence 5!
"Sonia, I need your intelligence support on the front line, try to contact me through our contract," Griffith saluted the Countess, and then said to Galadia, "After the battlefield is stabilized, I need to fight The means of high-level mythical creatures."

"I'll prepare (wait for me)." The two girls said almost simultaneously.

Then, you can set off.we are too late...

Griffith pulled out Hanguang and swung forward.The space was instantly torn into a red crack.The radiating red light instantly enveloped Lana, Midianmeier, Murat, and Russell.

A blood-red spatial rift was opened.The unseen anomaly shocked even these extraordinary warriors.

Griffith fetched a glass of wine, drank it, filled it, and handed it to the knights:
"Come on, drink this fine wine, and fly without scruples.

"Knights, ride with me!"

His words were like laws, and the huge banquet hall boiled like lava.

What came from this red crack was a violent roar that almost shook the world, more thrilling than a hundred thunders and lightnings.Once set foot, human beings will step into the unknown world, even reach the stars.

Is this the strength of Sequence 5!

Amidst the turbulent bangs throughout Hormonwarts, Griffith strode into the gap:

"Come, knights, time for war!

"We will ride the day until the sun goes down,

"Break free from the cage of gravity, cross the barriers of human beings,

"Long-distance Assault Noble Phantasm—Activate,

"The clouds are the boat, the dark night is the sea (Come, surf the clouds, race the dark)!"

(End of this chapter)

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