Blood tax

Chapter 396 Two Demigods - Griffith's New Unit "Brutal Beast"

Chapter 396 Twelve Demigods—Griffith’s New Unit "Brutal Beast"

On July 12, it was just dawn.

The citizens of Bayeram, who had been hiding in their futons in fear the whole first half of the night, finally had the courage to leave the house.In the past night, except for the necessary municipal work and the vigilant city defense army, all the civilians have closed their doors.

This doesn't seem to make them any safer.

A city wall in the north of the city was breached, half a block was missing in the south, and the last horror came from the center of the city, with earth-shaking explosions followed by explosions, and finally, according to those who dared to poke their heads out, there was a The sun rose.

Griffith walked in the rubble with one deep foot and one shallow foot.He didn't pretend to be, and appeared in his true colors majesticly.

After being intervened and stopped by the demigods, the chosen ones withdrew individually. Investigators, military police and city defense troops quickly came from all over to establish blockades and survey the losses.For some investigators, it's not that this kind of thing has never happened before, it's already commonplace.They will efficiently sort out the losses, and then call the people together with ease, appease them, and resettle them quickly.After the homeless refugees, tension and fear are removed together, Baiyelan will regain its prosperity and harmony, and the scene of singing and dancing.

Griffith was at a police cordon and presented documents to the investigator in charge, demanding access to the scene.

From the end of the battle last night to the present, he has walked the entire scene. The area in front of him is managed by an official investigator team called "Natural Disaster Response Administration Division [-] Division [-]".

Seeing the investigators clearing up the razed blocks little by little, and digging out the buried victims, Griffith couldn't help but feel that the term "natural disaster" is quite appropriate.

The captain of the team is Inspector Alice, a trainee inspector, who is young but born in a noble family.She and her subordinates were disgraced, and the volunteers who came to help were exhausted, but not many victims were recovered from the rubble.

"Miss Probationary Inspector," Griffith came to the squad leader, showing a letter of introduction that the earl had obtained from the reserve army headquarters, "Youth Guards, Second Assault Squadron Commander, Griffith De Ravenel, I have obtained permission to investigate this area, please give me the convenience and necessary assistance."

"Good morning, sir." Alice saluted the knight solemnly.It can be seen that she has just started her apprenticeship not long ago, and it is the time when she will not slack off in doing anything.After reading Griffith's letter of introduction, she said to a tall sergeant beside her:
"Captain Orlando, I'll leave it to you to take care of this place. Find some shovels!" Inspector Alice gave the order majestically. "Also, put that kitten down. It's healthy and will take care of itself."

Corporal Orlando, who received the order, was a burly and surprisingly strong man, not inferior to the mountain monster, with several scars on his dull face, looking very fierce.In a panic, he stuffed the cat in his arms into his coat, and ran away in a hurry.

"Please take me to the place where the remains of the monster were found."

"Follow me, Mr. Knight." Alice wiped away the dust all over her body, and led Griffith to the ruins.

Although the collision of energies was distorted by the demigods, it did not occur in populated areas.However, a large block of blocks below the explosion center was still reduced to ruins in the shock wave.

During the battle, Galadia encountered an equal opponent. Together with the prince, she entered a state of ecstasy in the violent collision. Even Griffith could not stop her from activating the Noble Phantasm of Mass Destruction .

When Galadia came back to her senses, knowing how heavy casualties and pain she had caused, would she be able to bear it... Griffith walked silently, planning to meet Miss Elf as soon as possible. How to get along.

"Knight, when you came from the headquarters, did you hear what they said about the curfew this time?" Alice's words interrupted his reverie.

I have never been to the headquarters... Griffith shook his head: "What?"

Alice said: "Some people say it's an announcement, a demonstration to those who tried at the beginning of the year and are going to try again in a few days."

The two came to a pool of dark green wreckage.This is the wreckage of the Son of Dormon destroyed by Erza, later buried by the collapsed ruins in the explosion, and it took a while to find it.

Griffith bent down, extracting tissue fluid and fragments from the wreckage, while allowing Minos to absorb the source.Hearing the words of the trainee inspector, he couldn't help asking: "Will the veterans still start riots?"

"It's not veterans this time," said Alice, "it's residents of the new provinces to the east and south."

Seeing that the knight didn't understand the situation, Alice, who had nothing to do, watched him take samples, and said to herself: "Over the years, Bayerland's investment has bought many farms and mines in new provinces. , Food, clothing and supplies are several times more abundant than in the past.

"However, I have met many residents of the new province. They say that their hometown is going bankrupt."

"Bankruptcy? Why?" Griffith also encountered a blind spot, "Didn't they get the investment?"

"That is to say," said the trainee inspector, shaking her head, "but the investment is concentrated in agricultural products and minerals. Other industries are in depression, even the original farms and mines are in depression.

"The wheat, cotton, and phosphates of the Emun province in the south met the Anatolian province in the east, where farms and plantations went bankrupt one by one; when the copper, iron ore, and dust of Anatolia When the crystals are sent to Amon, the latter's miners can only give up digging poor ore, and leave the work that has been done for generations to find another way of life."

"After maritime shipping is stabilized, trade will allow regions with higher industrial efficiency to squeeze the living space of regions with lower efficiency," Griffith defended the kingdom's policy. "On the bright side, the South has obtained better quality Iron ore, and a lot of food was sold, and the East also has its own income."

Although he understood what the trainee inspector lady meant, as a member of the Eastern Legion who had paid a huge price to get through the shipping, Griffith still couldn't help but defend it a few words.

"That's what you say~" Miss Alice was serious about Sonia, and discussed with the knight who met for the first time, "But the farms in the south and the mines in the east are all controlled by Byerland's investment, right? In the end The money earned will still come back here!"

Miss Probationary Inspector stomped the ground with her boots: "Moreover, cotton is also made into clothes through the textile mills in XC District and distributed to the whole world. Various commodities produced in the capital of the world, knives and forks from Solingen, glass from Rayne Metal , Farben’s fuel and medicinal materials, and Urban’s fertilizers, no one can compete with them everywhere. In the end, all the money-making things are monopolized by the nobles and rich people of Bayeran.”

She raised her hands and shouted loudly: "Even if you think about it with general economics, the common people in all provinces will become poor, and the rich people in Bayeran will become richer and their prices will be higher. Here The poor will have a harder life!"

"What you said makes sense," Griffith nodded. "Are there any signs of instability in the city?"

If the contradictions accumulate to a certain extent, they can only be resolved by riots and suppression.Griffith is extremely disgusted with the suppression mission he once carried out. If it happens again, he will not accept the order.

"Yes! I heard that many people went directly to Verona to join the rebels, and most of the rest, hey~" Alice said with a worried face, "Originally, the plan of the city hall and the nobles was to hold a A lively winter competition, increasing the quota of free bread, let everyone have fun, lest they turn around and laugh at us. As a result, the Arcane Council actually fast-forwarded to use the sacrifice of the chosen one to open everyone's eyes, yes Is it not big enough?"


The trainee inspector chatted with Griffith for a while, and after venting her dissatisfaction and worries, she went back to help.

Griffith has extracted the source quality of Domon's son and handed it over to Minos for experimentation.

In the successive battles, he already had a unit combination of zombies, ghouls, stitch monsters, self-detonating balls and undead dragon eagles.This army of undead creatures is tough, thick, and powerful in assault, but lacks effective means of long-range attack.

The battle between Domon's son and Erza opened a window for him.Minos lived up to expectations, and soon had a reply:

"Son of Domon, the source quality is highly complex and disordered, it takes time to analyze, it is difficult to replicate, and consumes too much energy, it is recommended to give up.

"Minos extracted some source quality fragments, fused with existing units, dismantled them, and formed new combat units."

The new unit that Griffith obtained is called "Brutal Beast", a very slow, large ranged unit that needs to consume more biomass, psionic energy, or extraordinary characteristic crystals than ghouls and stitch monsters to generate.

It's hard to see the resemblance between a beast and a human. It has six thick jointed limbs supporting a huge body, like giant crabs and cockroaches. It can heal incomplete or damaged organs by absorbing nutrients from the soil, and even overdraw its own vitality for treatment. other creatures.

The Brutal Beast is derived from the mighty Son of Domon, but it cannot replicate its amazing combat power and mobility at all.By refining the compounds in the soil, it has an extremely thick carapace.The special secretory tubes in the mouthparts can secrete corrosive saliva, combined with the proliferated bone spikes, which can be sprayed out through the expansion and contraction of the surrounding muscles, which is enough to threaten and destroy heavy armored troops.

This terrifying monster will be the artillery and heavily armored sniper unit of the undead legion.Vulnerable archers and musketeers will be helpless in combat with it.

The Brutal Beast filled a gap in the Undead Legion, allowing it to gradually have the ability to confront regular troops; the disadvantage is that it is very slow, and can only keep up with the walking speed of ordinary people when moving on the black mud.

Under the constraints of limited resources, undead creatures always have many problems.But the process of making and tweaking them is an almost divine experience.

For the problem of slow movement, Griffith has thought of a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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