Blood tax

Chapter 383 The Enemy of Life

Chapter 383 The Enemy of Life

The conversation fell into an awkward silence.Oscar and another courier who came to meet Aaron were silent in frustration, and Mika, as always, was like a sharp dagger, waiting for his master to wield it.

Ghulam?Their previous official name was Westeros. It seems that Oscar and his companions have established a new armed group, and it is still on the side of the rebels... Griffith is very curious, but now he has no further opportunity to learn.

"Iluvash's guidance is with you, gentlemen."

Aaron nodded, announcing the end of the conversation.The three messengers bowed helplessly to him, turned and left.

"Belia, guide these gentlemen away," Aaron watched the messengers disappear into the shadows, turned to the other side of the aisle and said, "and invite my guests over, please? I can smell it from here His bloody smell."

Griffith straightened his collar, tapped Hanguang lightly, turned on the hammer of conviction, and walked out of the hiding place unhurriedly.Bellia followed in small steps and came to Aaron's side.

"We meet again, Son of Prophecy."

"Good afternoon, knight, there are always many unexpected things in life," Aaron replied with a smile, and then glanced at the girl beside him with her head bowed, "You have done unnecessary things again. I have repeatedly told you , excessive curiosity and action lead to madness and destruction, my Belial."

"Yes, Lord Aaron, I was wrong." Belia lowered her head and apologized softly.

"Please carefully reflect on the source of the error, what made you feel the need to displease Miss Villanoy and her knight. Now, give me and Mr. Knight some time."

The girl backed away in a hurry.She just glanced at the lantern flickering black fire, and the vision began to fade.Griffith heard the loud commotion again.

Numerous figures turned from unreal to real, and the teachers and students of Homeworth once again appeared on the boat.They didn't seem to realize what happened just now.

"This is the unique ability of Belia and her sealed items. It is very powerful, but it is a joke to match her own weak combat power and self-protection. Like many Extraordinary, we must be cautious about their power, and we must also Restrain and guide," Aaron said to Griffith, "This world belongs to them, and belongs to all Extraordinary beings who can touch psionic energy. It is also ours, yes, in the final analysis, it is still ours."

Aaron expressed his meaning clearly with his eyes.This us refers to him and Griffith.


"We," said Aaron, "after the little encounter in the Whispering Forest, I was puzzled for a while why you ruined the plan. I used to regard you as equal to Belia and the others. Now, I have Change this view, Mr. Knight, you, like me, are destined to do something earth-shattering and great. We have no reason for such outstanding people to be hostile."

"If the mountain monster wasn't used to attack Homemonwatts, and the goblin didn't get your instruction and support, I have no reason to be hostile to you."

Aaron smiled and didn't answer Griffith's words.It seemed to him that the unhappiness of the past had been put behind him and it was not a big deal.He stretched out his hand to retrieve the lantern that Griffith was still holding, and said in a gentle and honest tone: "Miss Villanoy is very interesting and charming, but she is in danger. I can help you protect her.

"From a long time ago, the elves, as the first group in the world to systematically explore psychic energy, opened a dangerous door. They obtained inexhaustible psychic energy from a certain god and squandered it wantonly.

"This kind of thing will naturally not come without a price. The gods outside will come to the door and ask them to pay the price. Isn't a family as powerful as Villanuoy almost swallowed up? This is just the beginning, the end is coming That moment is not far away.”

Aaron's tone seemed to be declaring, and also seemed to be persuading: "Look, Mr. Knight. Miss Elf will disappear sooner or later. I can't say when exactly, it may be later than the time you left her. But, the elf The absurd race is doomed, and humans will replace them and become the masters of the world.

"Then, most of the human beings will repeat the same mistakes and do the same stupid things. At that time, no one will be able to save the world anymore."

Aaron pointed to the vast sea and looked in the direction of Baielan:
"I hope to gain your friendship in the upcoming Festival of the Chosen One. I have a feeling that even though you are not the Chosen One, you will still play a pivotal role in the future.

"I must win this trial, and together we will lead the world to purify and move forward.

"We can't repeat the folly of the past two eras. Human beings must make full use of the weapon of psionic power, transcend the confinement of the skin and the starry sky, and go to the sea of ​​stars. As long as I win, helping your lady elf is a matter of little effort."

"Very attractive proposal, Aaron," Griffith nodded. "So, at what cost?"

Aaron opened his hands, as if embracing the sky and the earth:

"This imaginary world."


After Griffith left, Aaron's friends Holof, Beria, and Trotsky gathered around him.

"Why do you care so much about Sonia's knights?" Holof asked, "Desolate Knights are indeed powerful, but they are not really powerful enemies. Prince Commodus and Odessa's Eternal Denier, we have joined forces with at least one of them It makes more sense."

Aaron pursed his lips, shook his head at his companions, and walked away muttering: "Unobservable psychic invisibility, overwhelming impact on the caster, such power is something that is not in the book, how can the Desolation Knight will have such power.

"The experience in the Whispering Forest may not be a coincidence...

"Is the old enemy buried in the dust of history really awakened? Is it for the end, or for me?"

He came to the deck alone, jumped to appear on the top of the mast, looked down at Griffith who joined Galadia and the others, and looked at the small boat carrying the rebel messenger quietly away:
"If so, let me prepare the game and the game, the perfect game,

"Before the fateful battle begins, Griffith, let me see your true strength."


At night, Feiye fell asleep amid tension and anxiety.

A slender figure got up quietly, and walked into the secluded cabin with his hands and feet.There, there were already two people waiting for her.

"Good evening, Miss Villanoy," Neferty raised the hem of her nightgown in embarrassment, "Good evening, Knight."

This afternoon, Griffith and the others found Neferti and asked her to meet at night, otherwise they would expose her blood sucking.

"Good evening, Neferti," Griffith replied while sitting deeply in the chair, and then said to Galadia on the side, "The experience not long ago made me discover that Neferti has a certain affinity for blood. An abnormal desire. When she couldn't get blood, she had to attack small animals.

"In addition, she is likely to be the core of the sealed item-the ghost ship 'Aronbis', and can summon and control this battleship to a certain extent.

"With this mysterious warship, we will gain an unparalleled mobility advantage in the second phase."

Neferti widened her eyes in horror, looked at the knight, and then at the elf lady: "I still can't get in touch with Alombis well, and whenever I enter that state, I can't control myself. Think about it something weird."

Galadia said if she realized something:

"This is a case of soul fusion. Neferti's consciousness acts as the soul of the ghost ship to a certain extent. Doing this can effectively improve the operational efficiency of the sealed item, but one day it will swallow her consciousness , the two will be fully integrated.

"Resisting this kind of fusion requires strong spiritual support. Her blood-sucking urge is not because she is a vampire, it may be a degenerate phenomenon after the weakening of humanity. Griffith, your breath of life seems to be able to curb this trend. very effective.

"Miss Neferty, until we find a better way, all we can do is use Griffith's blood to maintain the status quo. When we arrive at Bayeran Port, I will contact my clan to investigate the use of sealed items method and maintain your own consciousness."

Hearing this, Neferti breathed a sigh of relief.She was very scared, worried that her secret would be leaked, and she was afraid that she would not get blood, and was driven by the boiling desire in her body to become a monster.

She bent down, and the nightgown almost slipped off her shoulders, revealing her white and round shoulders and arms, and approached Griffith carefully, begging softly:
"Yes, can you give me something of that it?"

Griffith has already experienced this situation once...

However, it was still very embarrassing.

Griffith glanced at her, and stretched out his index finger to her mouth: "Is there any requirement for the location of the blood?"

"No, no."

The girl opened her small cherry mouth, and bit the knight's finger with her canine teeth.

There was a slight tingling pain from the fingertips, but it didn't seem to have been bitten through the skin.

Galadia covered her face and turned her head away.

Nefertiti protested loudly, and the little tiger bite hard but still failed,
From the point of view of a vampire, Neferti is simply too weak to suck it out for a night.Griffith twitched his fingers, ready to cut himself and give it to her.

"You're such an incompetent vampire~"

Griffith cut a small slit in his finger with a knife and stuffed it back into the girl's mouth.

"It's all because you are too... woo... woo woo!"

Galadia covered her face and escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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