Blood tax

Chapter 376 In the room are the king, the pope, the rich man, and a mercenary

Chapter 376 Sitting in the room are the King, the Pope, a rich man, and a mercenary

Homenwalts students would go home as fast as they could after their final exams for the holidays, unless it was Frost Day or something else.

In the second semester of 1444, there is still a whole day to go, but everyone has been eager to return to their hearts in the past.When Griffith woke up in the morning, there were hardly any students in the cafeteria having breakfast.The port of the small town outside the school was full of clippers, and the sons of those famous families couldn't even wait for the Feiye at noon tomorrow, and were going to board the commercial clippers early tomorrow morning to escape.

Griffith was carrying two large packages and dragging a box.It was full of clothes and books for Galadia and Sonia, to be sent to the port for shipment.According to school regulations, students are not allowed to use servants on campus, and they must go to the town to hire porters.

He stumbled down the stairs in the girls' dormitory, and almost rolled down halfway.Lana was already waiting on the first floor, guarding her and Fiona's luggage.

Last night, Lamor and Earl Chalon especially told everyone to go together, and Griffith and Lana were to be fully armed along the way, taking turns to be vigilant, and not to relax for a moment before arriving home.

"Look at you, I really think one is enough." Lana carried his horse-slaying sword on his back, and looked at Griffith, who had a big bag and a small bag.

"I also want to pack it in one box, because there are more things." Griffith put down the box and looked up to see if the two girls had come out of the room.

"I'm not talking about boxes..." Lana chuckled twice, "Last night was really exciting. We were caught by the dean from outside the school, and those frightened friends were sent to the infirmary to calm down water, where the weeping did not subside until the wee hours of the morning."

"Well, the picture projected by the Zhenzhi crystal ball is too real, and many people are not mentally prepared," Griffith said with a serious face, "Has Fiona been notified?"

"What notice?"

"Is there any notice to participate in a mysterious ceremony? That's a good thing." Seeing that Lana didn't know anything, Griffith relaxed, "Sonia didn't receive it either. But Galadia received some News, an important competition will be announced today, and she is one of the chosen ones."


On the evening of December 12, the Hall of Homenwarts was still as magnificent as it used to be. The gleaming porcelain and silver goblets shone in the light of hundreds of candles. Four long tables were filled with people. Whispering students.At the front of the hall, professors sit at a fifth table, facing their students.

They looked serious and said nothing.If the lights in the hall are turned off, people will definitely think that they have come to an ominous haunted house.

The expressions of the professors are like this, which makes people feel that a catastrophe is imminent.

"Lana Lana," Fiona leaned over and asked her trainee knight in a low voice, "is it after 12 o'clock, we are on vacation, can we sneak out? I want to go home."

"There is a gate control before six o'clock in the morning. It is a violation of discipline to leave school before that." Lana replied in a low voice, and then patted her shoulder lightly, "Don't worry, I don't think the next thing has anything to do with you."

Maybe it really has nothing to do with Fiona... Griffith stared at the professor at the front of the hall, thinking about it.

Professor Lordes, with a pale face and messy black hair, was scanning the students with vulture-like eyes, as if he could find his own food soon.He had just been promoted to the head of the subject, and now he was the headmaster's confidant, and he was about to reach Salorian's position.

Beside the professor sat the headmaster, his silver hair shining in the candlelight.He was wearing a gorgeous white robe embroidered with intricate magic patterns, his slender insect-like fingers were joined together, and he held his chin, staring at the enchanted ceiling.

Griffith also looked up at the ceiling, where under the blessing of the magic spell, the outside scenery can be reflected, usually the brilliant night sky of the galaxy.Freshmen who have just entered school are often distracted and forget to listen to the speech on the stage or forget to eat.

However, not many people are willing to look up tonight.Black clouds of the storm billowed on the ceiling, lightning flashed from time to time, and there were bursts of thunder.

The most powerful existence in the human and elf world, the twelve demigod committee members who have been in charge of the Arcane Council for many years, another one fell last night.This is also the second demigod spellcaster to fall after Canaan consul Lord Vilannoy.

The tragic attack was not made public, but the screaming, crying and frantic witnesses throughout the night have spread the horrific scene to everyone's ears.

A terrifying being, a demigod who controls the evil way of "death" has descended.His strength can even kill a demigod of the same rank.

At this moment, Headmaster Tiberion stood up.There was no need to be urged, and the hall was silent for a moment.

The principal said:

"Good evening, distinguished scholars, my lovely students, we are starting winter break tomorrow, and on this relaxing evening, I am honored to announce that a very exciting event is about to take place, It hasn't been held for at least a century."

Principal, are you serious?Griffith immediately felt that this venerable demigod was speaking ironically.However, the excitement and enthusiasm on Tiburion's face looked very sincere, as if he was not disturbed by last night's tragedy at all.

"Are you kidding me!" Someone suddenly shouted in the hall.

The person who spoke was a senior from the fourth grade, a well-known figure in the whole school.Her name is Laura de Lockhavert, and there have been several consuls and members of the Arcane Council in her family.

Griffith didn't know her well.But following the sound, a beautiful woman with blond hair can be seen.She has a sexy body and a beautiful face.She herself is an unshakable number one in her grade, her name is often in the news, she is extremely curious, she is an archaeologist who often does deadly things, and a Sequence 6 extraordinary wizard "Secret Peer".

It could almost be seen as Sonia a few years later.

However, the senior seemed terrified.She already knew what was going to happen, didn't care about school rules, and was terribly afraid.

"Principal, are you kidding me?" She looked at Shutoral beside her, "I don't have a boyfriend yet!"

The tense atmosphere that filled the hall was broken.

Almost everyone laughed, and so did Tyberion.

"I am not joking, Miss Lockhavert," he said, "since you mentioned a joke, I heard a good one the other day about three noblemen sitting in a room, the king, the pope, and the rich man .A mercenary stood between the three—"

Ms. Marianne, the provost, cleared her throat loudly.

"Well—maybe it's not time for a joke yet," said Tyberion. "Where did I go? Well, a once-in-a-century event, some of you don't know what's going on, so I hope that those in the know will allow me to explain a little bit so that informed students can focus on something else.

"We have received a mysterious enlightenment, and the trial that is about to start is called the Sacrifice of the Chosen One,
"In my opinion, this is a friendly competition that originated in the early days of the first era. Each Extraordinary Path will select one or several champions as representatives to compete in a series of challenges.

"It's a great way to create a connection between young people, and if there are too many deaths, the game will be stopped."

"Death toll?!" The hall suddenly became noisy.Galadia, who was sitting next to Griffith, pricked up her ears and grabbed his hand tightly under the table.

Everyone started whispering.If you don't have to die yourself, this competition is really exciting.

"For centuries wise scholars have sought to inquire into the nature of the Chosen One's Sacrifice," Tiberion went on, "without success, however, we can be sure that the Trial One will have the good fortune to reach It is a great honor to be the source of the world. The final victor can even grant any wish."

"We don't know the location of the contestants selected by the honorable twelve committees of the Arcane Council, but we can be sure that it will be held during the winter vacation. At that time, every contestant will receive revelation from the gods."

"I want to join!" someone yelled.

This is what the demigod said personally, the winner can realize any wish!
Any wish, this is not a casual talk!At every table students could be seen either looking intently at Tiberion or whispering excitedly to their neighbors.But when the Tiburion spoke again, the hall fell silent again, listening carefully.

"Although I know you all want the once-in-a-century honor," he said, "the gods will hand-pick the chosen ones, and I ask you not to waste your time nominating yourselves."

Tiberion shook the note in his hand: "The oracle has been issued, and in my hands are the names of the three chosen ones. They will participate in this memorial ceremony as the champions and fighters of Homemonworth I'm about to announce that some of you may already know.

"they are--

"Miss Laura de Lockhavert, take courage, my boy, and oh my God, who sent her to the infirmary.

"Second is Aaron Rendelos."

The gray-haired headmaster nodded in satisfaction to his beloved student, and then looked at the little piece of paper.

Griffith felt the hand that was holding him tightly tremble violently.

"Miss Galadia Villanoy," Tiberian finished reading out all the names, "from now on, I suggest that the three of you get ready, pay attention to safety, rest fully, and enjoy this incomparable honor to the fullest. When I was young, I didn't have such good luck.

"Everyone else, you're going to have a fun winter break with me."


Halfway through the dinner, Galadia lost her appetite.She was so nervous that she quietly pulled Griffith and asked him to take her back to the room.

The two walked through the corridors and gardens in the silence of the night.There was a faint fragrance in the cold air, and Griffith felt that the girl was completely leaning on his arms.The dormitory that used to feel far away is here in a blink of an eye.

"Come up and sit for a while~" Galadia pulled Griffith's sleeve and refused to let him go, "Sonia and the others won't come back so soon."

Griffith looked at the small building in the girls' dormitory: "The dorm manager may stop me."

"Aren't you a superhuman?" Miss Elf bit her lip, "Why do you have to take the stairs~"

Well, that's right... I climbed in through the window, and when I go downstairs, there won't be a team of halberds blocking me... Griffith nodded, let Galadia go up first, and sneaked up Sneaking around into the garden behind.

There is a ginkgo tree there, and it is possible to jump from the treetop to the windowsill.Griffith had noticed the tree several times.

He observed carefully for a while, making sure that there was no one around, and then climbed up with hands and feet.

Griffith's heart pounded at the thought of going to Galadia's room soon.Thinking again that there was no report this time, Sonia and the others would come back at any time, and it immediately felt even more exciting.

Humming and humming halfway through the climb, Griffith heard a familiar greeting when he was about to reach the treetops:
"Good evening, my student."

"Wow!" Griffith exclaimed, almost falling from the tree.He hugged the tree trunk like a bear that had been attacked, and looked down, only to see Professor Salorian standing there, looking up at the knight hanging on the tree.

"Can I say a few words before continuing your adventure?"

Griffith immediately slid down from the tree with a flushed face, and stood up in front of the demigod: "Please teach me, my mentor."

Salorian just pretended not to see the ginkgo tree and the small window upstairs:
"Are you wondering why you don't make the just-announced Chosen List for holding my badge.

"That's because the meaning of this badge is not an invitation, but—


(End of this chapter)

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