Blood tax

Chapter 373 Main Line

Chapter 373 Main Line
Griffith still had time before the Frostfest party.

He vaguely felt that Salorian would involve a deadly and terrifying danger, and this danger was something he couldn't escape.

It was a winter afternoon, Griffith looked out from the corridor on the edge of the cliff, and saw the spectacle in the northwest composed of roofs, spires, distant mountains and hazy oceans, burning in the setting sun, like an apocalypse, pure The white snow scene is used as the background color, mixed with bright red, golden yellow, lavender and even a little strange green.The whole world under the setting sun is covered with a mysterious atmosphere.The marble dome of Hormonwatts Hall rose out of this mass of vague outlines, a gap in the tinted stratus across the burning sky, and the dome of the ancient building halo.

On the cliff that stood almost vertically, Griffith seemed to see some extremely mysterious and ancient parts of the castle.

Thalorian was one of the most learned wizards alive.Not long after Griffith entered school, he joined the research group led by the polymath's assistant and student while serving as an assistant in the alchemy course.

The topic he chose was precisely "The Call of the Ancient Gods".To this day, Griffith still remembers that the moment he heard the word "Old God", it was difficult for the Supreme Mage's old and serious face to detect his emotions, but his heart was never peaceful under the appearance.

It was not the first time for Griffith to visit Salorian's mage tower, but when he passed through the deep garden and corridor, a huge black shadow suddenly flashed past his eyes, looking extremely scary people.

This shadow was too shocking, even to the point of being unreal, reminding Griffith of the terrifying shadow under the Turan Swamp.

How could such a monster appear in Homewarts?And it also appeared near the mage tower in Salorian?

Holding the holy sword in his hand, Griffith chased after him all the way.He had a distinct feeling that this mysterious monster had something to tell him.Soon, he followed the looming shadow to the basement, and then entered the dark underground pipeline.

You can't see your fingers here.Griffith felt that he was probably the first student to walk in these Holmonworth tubes, heading in an unknown direction.Griffith followed the sound, through the deep darkness, along the vertical steps, past the ancient gables built as early as the first era, to the shaded garden.

Finally, when he looked around clearly, he realized that he had unknowingly arrived outside Professor Salorian's office, inside the Mage Tower.It was a stately building, huge pine logs casting soothing shadows on the snow outside the windows.It stands alone on the edge of the cliff, and the ancient gables exude a gloomy atmosphere, immersed in a mess of decay.

The evil and ancient wizards in the stories lived in this kind of place.

The strange sound disappeared here.

Griffith clenched his swords tightly.He has vaguely grasped some key clues, but they are still vague, which may lead to new answers, or lead to some unknown and terrifying doors.

Professor Salorian is a renowned scholar and demigod.However, unlike the astonishingly profound knowledge, comprehension and insight revealed during the lectures, he seems to be deliberately avoiding the use of magic.His devotion to alchemy, creature configuration, and new technologies is very different from that of other extraordinary wizards.He was too enthusiastic, even in the world of wizards, he seemed a little weird.

However, even so, he is still a gifted, leader-like figure.After Griffith's experience has increased, when he looks at this big man again, he can see the outstanding self-control and profound critical spirit from his eyes.These are completely different from the benevolent white-bearded grandfather who sent gifts to everyone like the Frost Festival.

It is a passion for criticism and departure that cannot be concealed.

Griffith was almost led here by this mysterious trail.If not an ambush, then this is the special meeting the mighty Thalorian has prepared for him.

"Good afternoon, my student,"

Professor Thalorian appeared at the door, solemn and gentle, as lofty as an omniscient god, "Please come in, I have been waiting for 'you'."

"Good afternoon, my tutor,"

Griffith saluted respectfully, "How did you know I was coming here?"

"I found that you have the breath of the mixed body left on your body, which must have been left by you from your little adventure in Odessa. This will attract my creation to you. And you, who can hear its voice, track Its trail, which is even more interesting.

"The Devourer of Shadows is a magical creature I created. It looks like a mutated, corrupted deep-sea squid in appearance. It was a test subject not too long ago. It escaped from the pool in Verona Tullian Valley and found it in the Whispering Forest. Offshore attacked you. I didn't get it back until recently."

The professor didn't mean to apologize.On the contrary, a burly and majestic humanoid creature stepped out of the next room, standing respectfully in a corner of the room.

"Let me introduce you. This is my squire, Zulu the Uruk. My hound.

"He is a purely magical creature without a mother. It is bred in test tubes from the genes of elves, humans and orcs. It has the advantages of agility, tenacity and strength. Zulu is the most perfect boutique among them.

"You have been to the Tuyang Reservoir and solved the out-of-control sealed item 'Black Domain', can I assume you understand this creature?"

Griffith nodded quietly.Then pull out Hanguang to write and draw on the ground and make notes.The mighty orc was quietly listening to them, his powerful hands never leaving the scimitar at his waist.

Salorian, he created the monster that attacked the Flying Leaf that everyone boarded when they entered school!

Thalorian, the Orcs are his work!Then, he is likely to be unfavorable to Galadia.

"Researching magical creatures is my main job," Salorian continued. "Other magical creatures are not my own creation, and they don't all obey me. You must have seen many similar creatures, such as those weak Goblins, brownies, or sad Westeros soldiers. However, they have a common shortcoming, that is, they have an extremely weak affinity for magic. They can use some simple magic or weak psionic powers, However, no matter how you adjust it, it will be very weak after all.

"How unfortunate they are.

"Our world is hidden in the shadows, like a dying patient. All the light that magic can give, human beings have spread in the world, it is a dim light. Compared with the day, it is like night.

"One pioneer after another came forward, and they brought new light, but the night fell, and the old system became a new system, and the light and darkness switched places.

"Magic has limits. The more you explore the origin of magic, the more you will be shrouded in darkness."

Salorian is also the mentor of Reed, a fallen wizard in Verona.Griffith suppressed the tension and fear in his heart, listening to the declaration of the demigod.

Professor Salorian nodded, expressing satisfaction that the knight has not done anything stupid: "In the past period of time, you have been involved in many disputes, some of which I need to take responsibility for, and you have the right to take revenge on me , and I will meet your challenge with respect and compassion.

"However, if my judgment is correct, Griffith, as a knight who is involved in a very high level of mystery and trekking in a dark fate, you must be interested in my real work and willing to continue listening. Yes Is that so? My student."

"Wise Your Excellency Salorian, my mentor, what do you need from me?" Griffith asked.

Salorian nodded slightly: "After all, human beings cannot escape the fate of endless conspiracies and endless disputes. Your performance so far has been amazing, and you already have the qualifications to be on the chessboard, but you still have to be defeated by the powerful Will-bound. You are fighting, as I was, a ray of light shooting into the darkness. Neither you nor I will burn for long. As long as someone can pass on our ideas, this small fire will eventually start a prairie fire.

"And I, who I am now, can give you the strength to fight against fate.

"Your enemies are those who will feed on you and your friends. The incident in Canaan was an unsuccessful attempt, and they will return after all. For this, I need you to help me gather information about them .When the time comes, we will fight them together.

"I need your kindness and intelligence. Ancient documents record the road signs left by the ancient gods in this world. Only with this information can I predict their actions."

Griffith followed the wizard to the reception room, where he described the general encounters in the Maw of the Abyss and the ruins of the Dream Lord on the Chaos Sea, withholding some details.

Regarding this experience, Salorilian did not show too many surprises:
"Aaron, you should be very familiar with this favorite of Headmaster Tyberion. His existence is to welcome the coming of God.

"He is not the only one. In this world, other gods have also prepared their own containers. Let us imagine whether the life strands of the void would be so reckless and tough to pass through the barrier of the plane. He It is destined to be blocked by the Seven Gods, and the possibility of consuming a lot of energy to no avail is extremely high.

"You are an excellent commander, and you should be able to understand the meaning. This is the real purpose of a grand event. The chess pieces of the King of the Undead are advancing according to his layout. It won't be long before the chess pieces will touch them The forces needed, armed and ready for the next phase of operations."

Salorian returned to his desk.There, Griffiths saw a bond prospectus.

The issuer of the bond is Westland Industrial Manufacturing Co., Guaranteed by the Verona Revival Committee and guaranteed by Roland de Sissel.

Is this a bond issued by Roland?Griffith raised his eyebrows.

"Are you interested in this?" Salorian asked with a smile, "This is what we often call Weifu coupons. The returns are stable and considerable. The scale of issuance is doubling every year. I am Weifu The chairman of the Rhone Restoration Committee should support it more or less."

While speaking, the demigod wizard took out a golden badge:

"This is for you in return for sharing your adventures. There is a secret operation underway. The young and noble Chosen Ones will compete in a jousting, a brutal jousting. Aaron, Naira, Prince Commodus , and even Miss Villanoy.

"It's going to be a feast for them."

Griffith's pupils shrank: "For what competition?"

Salorian's tone was frank, as if he didn't bother to hide anything: "Human beings have limits. In a lifetime, no matter how hard you try, no matter what price you pay, you can't break through the rank of Sequence 4, and you can never touch higher dimensions. truth of the gods.

"However, open intelligence declares that the breath of the Old Gods is changing our world, calling upon the sleeping mysteries. At a certain time and place, a gap will open to the door of truth. Only a select few It is possible to gain the grace of approaching this door and seeing the radiance of truth.

"This is the road to becoming a god, and it is a rare opportunity to break through this skin and break free from the shackles."

Griffith understood.Such an opportunity is enough to make the powerhouses all over the world crazy about it.

Salorian continued: "The vast psychic energy must come through a special way. During this process, you will witness unimaginable divinity, authority and rituals.

"Godhead, you can understand it as an extraordinary characteristic that has been strengthened countless times;
"Authority is an extremely powerful force capable of overturning the rules, a weapon held by the gods;

"Rituals are methods of summoning and manipulating the infinite powers of the Twisting Nether.

"From a formal point of view, these are not significantly different from the way Extraordinary and Extraordinary gain power. When a qualified selected person possesses characteristics, weapons, and rituals at the same time, he can break through the ranks and become a superhuman being. Any known Sequence 4 is a more powerful and respected existence.

"He's going to be 'He'!"

Salorian's tone was calm, but the nebula-like light in his eyes revealed his mood.

"It won't be long before Tiberion will announce the news. Whether the chosen ones are willing or not, they will be sent to the arena by mysterious power and opportunity until a suitable candidate is selected.

"Take the badge I gave you, it will entitle you to the competition.

"Some high-ranking beings will definitely not be happy when they learn that you have been selected."

(End of this chapter)

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