Blood tax

Chapter 358 Chaos

Chapter 358 Chaos
what happened?
Griffith couldn't understand the scene in front of him.Neferti sucked the blood from her fingertips, stood up, took two steps back as if nothing had happened, and walked back to her small tent not far away.

Arendelle rubbed her forehead, trying to calm down from the shock.After a while, she reluctantly asked:
"I think you must have some kind of high-level sealed item of death path, not the two items you seized in the battle, but other items.

"Or, you secretly ~emmm..."

Griffith nodded first, then hurriedly shook her head, affirming her first guess.

Although the bone ring Minos still hides many secrets, it is no problem to regard it as a high-ranking sealed item.Mastered the resurrection and domination of the undead, and the bone ring with the three runes of frost, blood and undead is not below the extraordinary person of Sequence 6.

Minos can draw source matter and psychic energy from battles to strengthen himself.Although it doesn't provide detailed instructions, the battle in Odessa must have given it a more powerful source of energy.After the bankruptcy of the Void Realm's life-woven descending plan, didn't the lost Extraordinary characteristics and psychic powers not be quietly plundered by Minos?

The answer could not be more clear.As an object, Minos has its own soul, will and goal.Its relationship with Griffith is a cooperation between allies, and hiding its strength is essential.

A ring equivalent to a Sequence 6 Soul Binder, even close to a Sequence 5 death knight...

Neferti, who has a mysterious connection with the ghost ship and even summons it to her side...

Griffith thought of some new abilities that Minos had acquired recently, and couldn't help but feel cold all over his body, and some tragic and terrible things were connected in series.

Just as he was about to delve into the matter, a strange sound suddenly came from the quiet night.

There is some kind of strange rhythm faintly mixed in the night wind, like the tinkling of a flute.Ruoyuewu's flute sound covers a very wide range, evoking some subconscious memories, touching the spirituality, making people feel restless, even horrified.

The bone-chilling chill seemed to resonate from the depths of the soul.Griffith felt a burst of anxiety and fear, but fell into an inexplicable drowsiness and dizziness, unable to get rid of the drowsiness, his head lowered lower and lower.

This is hypnosis?We were attacked?This strange breath doesn't look like a person in the camp, is it a monster in the dark?

Griffith's heart was tumbling up and down, but his body didn't listen.A dangerous thought loomed on the horizon.

If there is external darkness, then, at this time, the primary goal is...

Suddenly, he felt his hand being held tightly, and immediately woke up.He turned his head stiffly, and saw that Alandelle was tightly attached to his arm. Apart from the shaking bonfire, there was extreme panic and helplessness in his eyes.

Following her line of sight, a few meters away, in an open space near the campfire, a black hand emerged from the impenetrable night and was reaching towards the fire.It is like a shadow, but it has no body, it is as flat as a painting on the ground, it does not wriggle or crawl, it just elongates a little bit, in the sinister flute sound like music, it keeps stretching towards the bonfire.

This indescribably strange scene surpassed Griffith's cognition.Just when he was in a state of confusion, that hand touched the flame, paused suddenly, and then made a "clench" movement.

The bonfire went out in an instant.

The black hand "stolen" the light.

Several other bonfires in the camp were also extinguished at the same time, and plunged into darkness, only a few mysterious items still had a faint gleam.The people on duty and those who were half asleep jumped up, screaming and the sound of weapons rubbing together.

The wizard quickly cast the light spell, and the bonfire in the center of the camp was relit, and everyone in the camp rushed there from all directions.

"Back-to-back vigilance!" the extraordinary demon hunter Diaz roared, "Keep the lights on, don't go into the darkness!"

Hearing this order, the members of the camp group gathered more closely.

"what happened?"

"Is there anyone who hasn't come over?"

"I feel a dark and mysterious aura, it's too thick, it's everywhere!"

"Pastor, where is the pastor? Say your prayers!"

Some people faced the fire, trying to find clues from the extinguishment without warning; others faced the darkness, back to back on guard.Professor Lafayette immediately counted the number of people, and found that only the priest Bolton was missing.

The extraordinary demon hunter Diaz's listless gaze has become as sharp as a blade: "Some kind of power has extinguished the light, and its appearance is accompanied by a spiritual touch."

"I felt it too," Miss Willow said. "The moment the light reappeared, it hid. I speculate that the places that the firelight cannot illuminate will be attacked."

Everyone looked nervously at the darkness.Due to the unprecedented circumstances encountered, language has become pale and discussions have no direction.

"Are we going to stand here all night?"

After an unknown amount of time, someone finally murmured in the solemn atmosphere that was almost freezing.These words resonated, and Miss Wendy even took two steps outside, ready to make a move.

"Tick, tick..."

There was a sudden rhythmic knock in the silence, and the highly tense camp almost exploded. Witch Wendy, who had moved less than two meters away, rushed back with a whoosh.Several wands and sabers were pointing in the direction of the movement.

I saw a small echo hub a few steps away making a slight sound.This movement means that there is a new message transmitted from the forward group.

"Light up the camp," said Professor Lafayette. "If something comes out of the darkness, capture or destroy it. I want to see what Professor Julian sent us."

As soon as these words came out, the Extraordinary people present also deeply agreed.They lighted the orbs and lit the torches, illuminating the entire camp like daylight.At this moment, Griffith felt that the dangerous atmosphere that was still lingering in the night just now disappeared.

Professor Lafayette picked up the fifth message and examined it.

"What did the people in front say? Professor."

However, the professor did not answer.The long-term lack of light and the excessively pale face became even more lifeless, and the slender fingers repeatedly flipped the piece of paper that recorded the message, and the lips trembled slightly.He closed his eyes and slowly handed the paper to everyone.

The piece of paper that recorded the message was empty, without a single word.


Someone in the restless crowd asked, "Is it malfunctioning? The people over there bumped into it accidentally."

Professor Lafayette shook his head: "No, the Echo Hub needs powerful spiritual power to activate, and there is no possibility of accidental touch. That is to say, as long as there is a connection, it must be opened actively."

He was indifferent for a while: "I'll contact them now and ask them if something happened. Get ready and bring Bolton back. He is the only clergyman here."

As soon as the words fell, someone in the crowd shouted.I saw Bolton staggering out from behind a tent and staggering towards everyone.

"Wait a minute!" Diaz pulled out the magic gun with his backhand, "Bolton, raise your hand and approach slowly."

"I'm fine," Bolton yelled, raising his hand, and then began to vomit violently.As a powerful Extraordinary, his physique is already strong enough to fight most diseases.However, he suddenly became weak like a mortal. In front of everyone, he first vomited his dinner, then his stomach acid, and finally almost vomited all his bile.

This surprised the camp team.Since Bolton is the only clergyman in the group who knows how to heal, no one else knows what to do.Knight Milban prayed for him from afar, but after the holy light descended, the situation did not improve, but black smoke rose from Bolton's body as if he had been burned.


The pastor screamed in front of everyone and shouted loudly.

"Stop! I'm fine! Mirban, are you a fool for drinking? Stop your bullshit blessings, I'm fine."

He was throwing up as he spoke, but seemed to be in good spirits.

"Let's go and check him, he may be infected by something." Miss Willow said, and she was about to lead someone forward after speaking.

"Slow!" Diaz growled, pointing his gun at the bewildered Bolton, "Turn around and let me see your back."

"I told you I'm fine." Pastor Bolton muttered, but he still turned around obediently.

The moment he saw the pastor's back, Griffith felt his scalp explode.

The back of the pastor's skull was gone, and clusters of snakes, maggots, worms, centipedes, and gnats grew out of his brain, intertwined like seaweed.His back has also been corroded, leaving only the spine and dilapidated organs. Countless poisonous insects gnawed at the last flesh and blood. As his body shook, they fell to the ground together with the blood clots, and then wriggled and fled into the dark. corner.

"I told you I'm fine," Pastor Bolton said hoarsely.He turned around, his mouth, ears, nostrils, eye sockets, all the gaps and holes all over his body were pouring out clumps of snakes and insects, tearing his face into a distorted and terrifying smile.

"Ah!" The people present screamed in fright at this scene.

Griffith pulled out Hanguang and protected Arundel behind her.

This is an aberration!
Griffith once encountered such a monster on the Vernal Equinox.Quaxor, who stole the "Collection of Profound Abyss", just turned into such a terrifying form.The body of the deformed body and the ever-growing snakes and insects are a complex parasitic life structure. Although its unbroken brain still dominates consciousness, it has become an irreparable monster.

"What the hell is this!?"

Amidst the shouts, the demon hunter Diaz drew out his sharp blade and rushed forward.With a flash of the silver blade, Bolton's abdominal cavity was opened.The spleen and intestines tumbled down, and among the densely packed wriggling snakes and insects, there was a mass of smooth flesh wriggling violently.

Before Diaz could make a move, the mass of flesh and blood shot up and entered the mouth of Wizard Reker at a very fast speed.The unlucky ghost fell down on the spot, grabbed his throat with both hands, and struggled heart-rendingly.

"Get it out for me!" Diaz yelled.Others rushed over to help.None of them were doctors, nor did they know how to treat them, but common sense told them that they must not let that thing stay in the stomach of Wizard Lake.

The camp was in disarray.Wizard Lake convulsed violently, blood spattered like a rotten orange, and let out a heart-piercing wail.

Griffith stood still. He looked around and found that Neferthy had covered his eyes and shrunk into a ball. Professor Lafayette's face was full of fear and cold sweat.Only Naira was as calm as a piece of ice.He watched the blood-spitting wizard with neither pity nor joy nor pain.


The wizard who had been penetrated by a foreign object suddenly burst open.Between the splattered flesh and blood, a mass of bloody and indistinct objects fell to the ground, squirming ferociously.

It was only the size of a puppy or a monkey. It had a smooth head and a long head without eyes and nose. A gap was slowly opened in the lower jaw, revealing layers of fine fangs like jagged teeth.


The monster shook its body and let out a terrifying cry towards the humans around it.

"Don't kill it!" Naira yelled, but Diaz had already struck.The flame spear smashed half of the monster's body, but the remaining half rushed into the darkness, as fast as a shadow.

All the Odessa people present were ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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