Blood tax

Chapter 348 The Green Night

Chapter 348 The Green Night
Roland exchanged some greetings and said goodbye.He turned over the side of the boat and disappeared into the darkness.All the while, the Brenhill's tight night watch had failed to spot him.

Griffith inspected the new ammunition for the conviction, recalling the conversation just now.

Roland said a lot of important information, but it didn't seem to be particularly urgent. Is it really necessary to secretly tell him at night?
The Hand of God, the Righteous God and the Outer God, Aaron and Naira, the ancient stone slab, the fief of Verona... Are these elements related to each other?This information is indeed important, but why say it today?
Griffith thought hard.Roland is a riddler who has nothing to say. He may be avoiding something and dare not tell the clues clearly.

The gods have their own divine choices, granting them extra grace, protection and power.Above God's Choice, those who receive extra protection are the favored ones.Extraordinary people of the same sequence, those who have the qualifications of favored ones or God's Chosen are far stronger than ordinary Extraordinary people.Among Griffith's acquaintances, Umber is the God of Thunder and Storm, and Galadia is the favored one of Silver Moon and Queen of Stars.The hand of God can obtain the authority of the god position, and its importance is higher than that of the chosen and favored by the gods.

After experiencing the Canaan incident, Griffith learned that the people of Galadia were turned into ashes and dispersed with the wind, and also knew that there was a powerful existence sleeping in the void.That's when Griffith first heard about The Last Breath.This is the name given by Ms. Aviana of Yalan to the organization that attacked the Villanoy family. It is an official cover-up, and the real existence refers to something else.

Roland brought up the title "Breath of the End" and pointed directly at the threatening Outer God.

Griffith became more and more distressed.

Hey, if Ms. Aviana can give some more straightforward information, just tell me what task to complete, who to kill, or where to set fire, I am familiar with this, and I can better protect her daughter !

Roland has a very close relationship with the elves, so he must know about such an important event.In his mouth, "Breath of the End" is not an organization, but a powerful outer god that empowers "that person".In other words, part of the purpose of Roland's visit today is to remind him to be extra vigilant about the "Breath of the End".

Griffith loaded an adamantium bullet into the barrel and fired the hammer.The crisp trigger sound calmed his nervous heart a little.

Galadia's mother, Lady Aviana left the Archon and a human and ran away when she was young.

Galadia's cousin, Tidwighe and Roland are lovers, the two ventured together, and later got married.

I originally thought that the women of this family seemed to have a special feeling for humans, but if their status, race and mystery are connected, is this distinctive preference related to their fate in their teenage years? !

Griffith's hair stood on end.He knew that the encounter with Galadia was guided by the goddess of prophecy, Iruvash, and the goddess of silver moon and starlight had always taken good care of them.

From the start, this wasn't just a boy-meet-girl story.

Griffith remembered—

According to Ms. Aviana of Yalan's express and hints, the "breath of the end" is a source of nearly unlimited spiritual energy, the source of magic, and will devour some mortals who use its power.Some special elves were chosen as sacrifices to calm the devouring desire of the fifth being in the void.It was probably this existence that destroyed the people of Galadia.

At the banquet in Canaan, those noble elves looked at Galadia in a strange way, as if they were expecting something.It was an uncomfortable gaze like appreciating food.Thinking about it now, these creatures addicted to magic crystals are looking forward to sacrifice Galadia, just as they have done repeatedly in the past thousands of years, using their clansmen to appease the restlessness of the Outer Gods, so that they can continue to live on the ground. The Kingdom of God enjoys the blessings of endless spiritual energy.

For unknown reasons, Galadia narrowly escaped being devoured.But will The Last Breath claim tribute again?There are many powerful members of the Villanoy family, they seem to have not even the slightest resistance, they just disappeared like their own servants...

Such a powerful force, if he wants to claim Galadia, who can stop it!

Griffith shuddered.

This terrible possibility has been haunting him since the adventure of Canaan, hanging high above his head like an irresistible magic sword.If the magic sword falls, it will be too late...

Yes, when Griffith and Krista met again, it was actually too late.His every effort just pushes the girl to her inescapable fate.Now, a similar scene is about to repeat itself, and by then, it will be too late...

Roland is warning me!Tell me to act quickly!Griffith stood up, his eyes burning like fire.

Aaron and Naira may both be Hands of God.They carry the secrets and plots of the gods, and if you follow their tracks, you may be able to find clues to the next move of "Breath of the End".


Griffith left the cabin and walked slowly on the deck, letting the sea breeze soothe his nerves.At this time, he heard some whispers.

"Hi, hear that?" a sailor whispered in a subdued voice.He seemed to be a senior sailor. He was old and his voice was steady and hoarse. When he spoke, the others listened with bated breath.

"Hear what?" asked another.

"That, that, that guy Lu Jun, I passed by and heard a strange sound."

"Yes, I heard that too," said the third, "like mice in a cemetery eating corpses, and like witches dripping rot into a cauldron."

"What is he calling for?" the fourth man whimpered in horror.

"I think he's sacrificing us," said the old sailor at the beginning, with assured dignity, "on a night like this, the green night, the night of the living dead, and he's calling—"

The sailors whispered together in horror: "Calling for what?"

The old sailor said:
"The great ship of the land of the dead will appear in the fog. It is a black warship, built of the fingernails and toenails of the dead, and it will carry an army of ghosts and bones.

"Those mortals who died without blessing were slaves of this terrifying ship.

"It's coming, the giant ships of the land of the dead will attack us tonight.

"We are accursed, and with the mighty and beautiful Brenhill, we are accursed."

The whisper of the old sailor seemed to come from an ancient ballad, uttering a creepy name:
"It is a ghost ship of the sea of ​​tranquility, coming and going without a trace,
"It is the shadow that dooms all ships and sailors—

"Giant ship of the dead - 'Aronbis'."

 One more chapter today

(End of this chapter)

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