Blood tax

Chapter 317 The Eagle of Bellimion Part 3

Chapter 317 The Eagle of Bellimion Part [-]
There is a strong white stone bridge at the ferry under Berrimion Mountain, which is flat and wide, connecting the two sides of the Kingdom Road.Starting from Kazika Village and passing the stone bridge, there is a large open flat land, hundreds of meters to the south, the terrain changes and slopes, extending towards the high mountain called Berrimion.

This road is very easy to walk, and there used to be a small town at the bridgehead.With the arrival of the orc army, the nearby residents have fled, leaving desolate ruins.

Warlord Manggulus Bloodaxe and his five thousand men were stationed east of the bridge, on the plains near Mount Berrimion.If you go southeast, you can attack the front of the camp of the remnants of the Teutonic Group, and if you cross the bridge west, you can detour, bypass the direction of the prince and Maximus from the downstream ferry, and attack their rear.

After uninterrupted marching and fighting along the way, and after the two forwards were eliminated and defeated successively, Mangulus temporarily had no troops to launch a new attack.He ordered the construction of a position on the west side of the bridge, where strong antlers and fences were erected, waiting for the Bayeran army to attack.As long as the follow-up troops of the Tilney Front Army arrive, he can still start from here and continue his mobile warfare.

Early in the morning, the sky is not yet bright.The Overseer was suddenly awakened by his subordinates.A small enemy force sneaked across the Loire River last night, silently killed the security squadron stationed on Mount Berrimion, and had already camped on the mountain.

He rushed out of the camp and looked up, only to see that the efficient human soldiers, regardless of the hard work and toil of trekking all the way last night, erected arrow towers and wooden fences on the hillside with thick trees as the main body, and dug out The excavated soil also built a low wall on the hillside.Orcs who directly hit the wall will be exposed to the condescending arrows of the archers.

This camp can also have a clear view of the camp below the mountain, and communicate with friendly troops on the other side through semaphore.

It should be an elite soldier who can quietly cross the river and kill the garrison on the mountain, but the transportation capacity on the river is limited, and there will not be too many people.The warlord checked in his mind whether there were any mistakes in his deployment, and finally decided that he did not have that many troops to deploy defenses around while building the Qiaoxi camp.

The human commander is a warrior with a head.While putting pressure on me head-on, he can also dispatch a few ships to turn around. He is an opponent worthy of attention. All in all, we must eliminate them as soon as possible.

"The Byelan rats have resumed their profession," the warlord immediately ordered a captain, "Take down this lone army after breakfast."

Half an hour later, armored soldiers of trolls and orcs stormed the camp on the hillside.They attacked the simple camp in the middle of the mountain, and some fell into the trench and were pierced by sharp wooden stakes at the bottom.The rest rushed to the bottom of the earth wall, threw hooks and ropes up, and some simply set up low ladders to attack.

"Free fire!" Hallanduil yelled.His half-elf ranger flashed out from behind the palisade.Accompanied by the continuous sound of bowstrings, there were all kinds of strange screams and groans everywhere under the wall.Whether it was a burly orc, a lean half-orc or a tall troll, all were killed and injured by the close-range shots of armor-piercing arrows.

The attacking brigade sent by the Overseer found that the defenders on the mountain were tough beyond imagination.There are archers with superb archery skills. When the warriors finally broke through the wall, warriors in solid armor and holding sharp blades would rush out, and a single recoil drove the warriors out of the trench.

The attack lasted half the morning, when the second attacking brigade retreated to rest.The Clan Alliance heard the rumble of war drums resounding across the hills and rivers, and a well-organized army appeared from the forest in the west and moved towards the river.

A large number of human soldiers with heavy shields followed behind the siege vehicles.The punching cart is made of thick wood, and the top is covered with iron or cowhide for protection, making it difficult for spears and bows to penetrate.

These ugly vehicles approached the camp on the west side of the bridge, and began to hit the gate of the camp under the rain of arrows like locusts.The gate is recessed inwards and is sandwiched between two walls.The orcs guarding here flashed out from the protruding earth walls on the left and right sides, and shot sideways at the humans who had no frontal protection against the car, shooting down several of them in an instant, and the others hurriedly raised their shields, but were also suppressed and could not move. .

There are even groups of figures moving ballistas on the dirt wall.

"This won't work," Nona straightened her breastplate and picked up her strong bow. "I'll take someone to suppress the enemy shooter. Miss Countess, Captain Berthier, we can't delay here, Griffith's tactics require us to suppress them." I can't breathe on the other side."

"I'm with you." Galadia also grabbed her weapon.The three druids who followed her panicked for a moment, and tried to dissuade her.

"Meow disagrees!"

"There's a lot of orc archers out there!"

"There are also crossbows, miss can't take risks!"

Galadia waved her hand: "The half-orc's crossbow can't threaten me. However, you are right, Krista, we need the cover of you and other priests."

Krista is in charge of the main attack in the morning.After listening to everyone's opinions, she looked around and pointed to the 603 Squadron and other engineers who were concentrating on the right wing:

"Griffith discussed this issue with me before departure,
"Next, let the artilleryman speak."


Krista gathered the remaining artillery of 603 Squadron, as well as all the artillery that could be found, a total of 6 eagle cannons and 4 snake cannons, and concentrated them all in front of the fortifications on the west of the bridge.

The orc army has already erected horse barriers and wooden fences there, but there are no low walls and earth barriers in a hurry.The commander of the camp had just repelled the rushing car, and before he had time to pursue him, he saw a row of black gun barrels appearing more than 200 meters away, and his big brown face turned white in an instant.

"After breaking through the outer barrier, send foot knights to attack and break through the formation, and then the Urenas brigade will expand the results. We must chase the stone bridge as soon as possible and start forming in the east of the bridge." Krista completed the arrangement, Coming to the artillery team, raised the silver long sword and pointed:

"Fire bullet, test fire."

A snake cannon was the first to fire at the horse-repelling fortification, and a hot flame was emitted from the muzzle, and an iron ball flew out of the thick smoke like lightning.The two-wheeled gun mount took a big step back under the strong recoil.

The orc leader watched as a big iron ball slammed into his antlers, cracked open a piece of wood, bounced and fell into the middle of the soldiers behind, took the head of a half-orc, and then took the head of another orc. Walking on big and small calves, rolled out of a bloody path before stopping.

There was a commotion among the soldiers lined up behind the fortifications, and scattered around the landing point like a broken dam.

"During the battle, everyone was too far away to see clearly," Krista turned around, and said to Sonia, officers and nobles who were not far away, "My lords, times have changed."

what--!She looks like Griffith!Galadia yelled in her heart.

Before everyone came back to their senses, Krista had ordered again:
"Full artillery team, three salvos."

The roar that drove the soldiers of the Clan Alliance sounded out again.This time it was not a single cannon fire, but continuous shelling.The shells whizzed past like groups of banshees, and smashed down towards the defense line.

The orc leader watched as his defenses began to crumble.Round after round of shells rushed through the horses that were strong enough to resist the heavy cavalry, pierced through the infantry line behind, and tore them into fragments and rolled all over the ground.

There was a violent commotion on the Qiaoxi defense line, and no matter how hard the officers and warriors suppressed it, they could not restore order.And they are also unable to block the power of shells.These Extraordinary beings can stand upright even if they are cut with swords, but once they are swept by shells, they will be pierced through the chest and broken bones on the spot.

Three rounds of shelling ended.Krista ordered again:
"Load shotgun and fire three salvos.

"The foot knights go out, drive them down."

The clan alliance army formation attacked by solid bullets was followed by a shower of shotgun shells.The commander watched his officers being taken away by pieces of lead bullets, even if he wanted to organize a small team to fight back.

As soon as the terrifying shelling ended, a group of foot feudal knights and apprentice knights in heavy armor rushed out of the smoke.They were all elite soldiers from the Byeran or Odessa Auxiliary Legion. They could not fight as cavalry due to lack of property or the death of their horses. However, they were also well equipped, including heavy armor, iron shields, giant swords, and warhammers.

Berthier organized them to attack as a commando.Nona went up and grabbed him and pushed him to the back, then led someone to jump on him.

More than 20 foot knights held heavy iron guns, and led their subordinates and followers to push away the antlers that had been blasted by the shelling.Only a handful of orc warriors and their soldiers remained.Seeing the elite human soldiers rushing forward, these warriors brandished their battle axes and began to charge back, buying time for the follow-up troops.

"Throw the gun!" Nona, who was leading the charge, shouted, and the warriors following them pulled out the javelins hanging behind the shields and threw them at the orcs who were close at hand.

The attack power of throwing guns is not comparable to that of bows and arrows.The orc warriors who raised their arms and shouted were shot down three or five by the heavy and sharp javelins on the spot.

After breaking up the orc formation with javelins, the foot knights drew their heavy weapons and rushed forward.The remnants of the orcs couldn't resist and were killed one after another. Seeing that they were invincible, the rest turned around and fled to the other side of the bridge. Some even jumped into the river in a panic.

The camp west of the Bridge of Berrimion has been captured.

Christa raised the eagle flag high, and under her leadership, the infantry passed through the camp, chasing the retreating enemy across the stone bridge to the opposite bank.They did not pursue, but stretched to both sides in marching ranks, forming a broad horizontal formation with their backs to the water.The change was done in one go, occupying the position of Qiaodong before the enemy counterattacked.

"I didn't expect this army's attack to be so sharp." Mangulus, who was supervising the attack on Berrimion Mountain, looked away from the mountain.His army was at a disadvantage in the battle, and the west camp was breached in a blink of an eye, and a large group of human infantry had rushed to the east of the bridge to occupy the bridgehead, and the defense line was in jeopardy.

The warlord couldn't hold back anymore, and summoned his commander:
"The first battalion continues to attack the camp on the mountain. The battalions follow me. We will drive the Byelan mice into the river.

"Where's my ogre?"

(End of this chapter)

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