Blood tax

Chapter 303 The Teutonic-Rum Battle Part 1

Chapter 303 The Teutonic-Rum Battle Part [-]
After leaving Pierfon, Griffith rushed to Teutoburg with the squadron.They traveled along the border roads in excellent condition, sometimes in carts and sometimes on stage horses.On the left front of the road, among the undulating mountains stands a magnificent fortress, as if an ancient giant beast is crouching here, ready to drink blood at any time.

This solid fortress built of black rock dominates the southern exit of the Neck River Valley, giving people a heavy sense of security.

Here is a nail embedded in the valley, where the armies of men and the alliance of clans have fought for many years.Relying on this solid stronghold and a well-developed road system in the rear, the army can obtain sufficient logistical support without worrying about the rear.Even if they are defeated occasionally, the defeated soldiers can retreat to the safety of the castle to lick their wounds.

Relying on the strong national strength, Byelan fought the orcs repeatedly here, and finally exhausted the courage and blood of the orcs, and pushed the defense line to the depths of the valley little by little.

On the way to Teutoburg, Griffith heard countless disturbing news.Giant beasts roam the fields and devour innocent farmers, the dead rise from the graves to ingest the souls of the living, and dark wizards bewitch the fragile hearts of mortals.

The cloud of war has shrouded here, and a large number of residents are migrating to the safer south.The believers of the Holy Light along the way prayed devoutly for protection.

After observation, Griffith found that Teutoburg was not an isolated stronghold.Together with the western frontier and Fort Meyer to the east, it formed a smooth northern frontier.

The western border is where the fighting broke out a few days ago. It is blocked by mountains and mountains. The army may be able to cross the border by small roads, but the difficulties of roads and supplies doom it to be unable to gather a strong army to launch an attack there.

The army of three thousand orcs that attacked Krista was indeed unexpected.They conceived a conspiracy to ambush the Anjou Saintess, drilled out of the mountain path to launch a surprise attack, if Bayeran and Odessa's mobile forces did not respond quickly enough, it was really possible for them to succeed.

Of course, marching operations cannot expect such a conspiracy to succeed every time.All the energy of the orc army was put on the siege of Christa, and there was no wolf cavalry on the road that could scout and guard.Griffith marched 600 miles in five days with about a thousand reinforcements, and wiped out this lone army in one round after meeting.

The Duke Meyer Castle in the east is on the bank of the Tierne River, separated from Teutoburg by the mountains on the east side of the river valley.Griffith passed there when he traveled along the Tierne River in summer, and it was a fortified area consisting of many fortresses and lines of defense.The duke who guards there is a great nobleman, a good comrade and close comrade-in-arms of King Bayeran.

Griffith looked at the invisible dukedom, thinking that this big man was everywhere.

I don’t know him, but I’ve attended his balls, and the peach juice is delicious; I also used notes from the Meyer Bank, and as a member of the military committee in Raven, I accepted bribes from the logistics company under the Duke’s name, ah bah , donate.There is also a weapon smuggling trade in dukedom and orc territory...

"Griffith," Christa, who was riding slowly, patted his arm, "Why are you smiling so silly."

"I'm thinking of Duke Meyer on the other side of the mountain. His company gave bribes to Erza and me. Oh no, donate!"

"Ai, Lu, Sha~" the girl said with a long voice, "I used to call her the captain, but now, okay, dear."

After leaving the crowd of believers of the Holy Light, Krista hummed softly like an ordinary girl.Griffith froze for a moment, ready to say something quickly.

"Is Erza married?" Krista asked suddenly.


"Then you still have a chance." The girl looked down at the road.

"My focus was on Duke Meyer!" Griffith gritted his teeth.

"Well," Krista stroked the ends of her hair by her ear lightly, "Who doesn't like a mature and beautiful big sister?"

"Krista!" Griffith hurriedly pointed to the town on the side of the road, "Come on, let's go to a nearby tavern and have a chestnut cake!"

Teutoburg is the most important fortress in the north, but also a large border city, located at the confluence of rivers and roads.To the west of the city are the Loire and Baiy rivers, with bridges on the rivers.To the northwest and northeast of the city are rolling mountains, and to the north is an ancient fortress.

In times without war, the cities under Teutoburg operated border trades with clan alliances, and nearby towns prospered.

Just as Krista was about to agree, a horn sounded in her ear.Her pretty cheeks suddenly became tense, she adjusted her military uniform, and cast her gaze to the road south.

An army appears.Although it is hard to say that this is the army from the appearance and momentum.

They wore motley civilian clothes, no armor, simply gray burqas over the top.They wore fur or cloth caps, and carried spears, and some carried wooden shields inlaid with iron.

Under the leadership of some priests and squires, the army marched in six ranks, holding the banner of the Holy Light and the emblem of the six-pointed star, like a gray tide, slowly coming through the open road.

The leading priests cheered happily when they saw Krista over here.The army behind them was also like a surging wave, with doubts on their tired faces, and then replaced by ecstasy.They stood excitedly on the road, watching her with eyes full of respect and love.

"Praise be to the Light! Behold, there is the Saint of Anjou!"

Krista's face became solemn and solemn, and the girl's playful expression was completely gone.She raised her sword in salute, and the believers of the Holy Light immediately cheered her with almost crazy piety.

Bishop Clariant, who Griffith had met, even ran out of the team, Bishop Horus Osiris, the Word Bearer he knew in Raven.The latter was not a local promotion, but he also came with the army.

The two bishops came to the front of Krista, humbly kneeling on one knee, greeting the girl and offering their blessings:

"Saint of Anjou, those who love you have come to follow you!"

Griffith sighed, turned around and ordered: "Ace, let someone know the size and composition of this army. Ace?"

He found that Gilles de Ace, who was born in a noble family, had subconsciously turned over and dismounted following the movements of the two bishops, and was at a loss when he heard the order.The situation of the few people who believed in the Holy Light in the team was similar. They were infected by fanatical emotions, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Even Lansada, who has always been very intelligent and positive, and Joshua, who is gentle, were also affected, staring at Krista's direction intently.

Griffith couldn't help marveling at the powerful appeal of the saint who walks the world.From this point of view, after the person who was exterminated from the record was eliminated, it was reasonable for the saintess system to be abolished, and it was mostly restrained by the secular forces of Bayeran and other Holy See.

With the Saintess of Anjou's reputation so far, it would be inconceivable if there were not a large number of forces within the Holy See to take advantage of the opportunity to act.


This army was discovered in the direction of Teutoburg, and a regular army was quickly sent to this side.

These soldiers wear plate armor, iron helmets, large shields and conical armor-piercing guns, swords on their waists, and colorful feathers on their helmets.They are the elite infantry of Bayeran, served by experienced veterans, skilled in combat, specializing in fighting against enemy cavalry and large monsters on the battlefield, and often serve as the commander's guard.

Part of this elite army organized Christian armed camps, and others found Griffith and Krista and they went to Teutoburg.

The castle has become a huge military camp, with more than 4 troops deployed.

Griffith and the others were taken to the headquarters in the castle, just in time to meet Sonia and a group of nobles.Seeing Griffith, the Countess ran towards him happily.She ran for two steps, but felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly changed into a steady pace.

The girl was wearing exquisite silver armor, engraved with the coat of arms of the Lamor family, setting off her delicate face under the warm sunshine, and her neat white cloak and gloves were spotless.

"Look at it!" Sonia came to Griffith, showing off her beautiful silver armor like a proud lark, "It is solidified with advanced magic shield, wind grace, spell deflection and, this, Who is this……"

"Saint of Anjou, Christa," Griffith turned around and looked at the Countess, and found that she was looking at Christa, "Krista, this is Sonia de Lamor, my lord."

Christa walked by and greeted the Countess with a very cordial manner.

"Thank you for your support, Countess. Without Griffith's assistance, Pierre Feng would be a tragedy."

"It's an honor to be able to help you," Sonia said. "Have you known each other before?"

"She is my former comrade in arms. (We are connected by fate.)"


Sonia was taken aback for a moment.

Griffith glanced at Christa, who tilted her head to him with a smile, and then turned to the countess: "Fate guides the knight to come to my side."

Does this mean to praise Griffith for coming in time?Griffith's rapid march was indeed powerful... Sonia felt a little strange, but the meeting was about to start, she didn't think about it, and nodded to accept the saint's kindness.


Griffith followed them and walked towards the command post in the castle hall.The episode just now made him very confused, and he was thinking wildly as he walked.

I have a life-and-death bond with Krista, and I don't deny it, and I don't feel guilty about it.Even if the gods question it, I will admit it frankly.

My love for Galadia is not half false.Even if the world is exchanged, it can't match my love for her.

Wait a minute, this, this makes me a scum with two feet on two boats?
Griffith's expression stiffened immediately.He was in a state of confusion.He has never encountered such a thing before, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels a headache. The reality shows that he is a scumbag, but how real are the two relationships?

Is it my fault?This is wrong!Fortunately, Galadia is not here, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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