Blood tax

Chapter 198 Do you really need so many people together?

Chapter 198 Do You Really Need So Many People Together?

Galadia announced her decision and left, leaving the restless Griffith to think nervously.He was excited, nervous, and a little scared.

After a brief blank in the brain, he quickly calmed down.

According to Sidious, the elves of the Villanoy family tried to kill Griffith in the mission, so as not to cause a scandal because of his closer relationship with Galadia, or damage their interests.These elves are so powerful that they can even hide from Earl Lamor for a short time and use the official power of Bayerland to plan a conspiracy.In order to achieve their goals, they did not hesitate to offend powerful figures like the Earl, which shows that their will is also very firm.

Galadia knew about this.However, she still tried to bring Griffith to Canaan and put it in front of the tribe.

Today's topic is undoubtedly a follow-up to the previous topic about knight athletics and laurels.Although Galadia covered her ears during the conversation that day and dared not continue, but after a period of hesitation, she had clearly made up her mind and was preparing for something.

Griffith sat on the hospital bed clutching his chest, rationality and sensibility intertwined in his heart.

She is a wonderful encounter in a distant world, a travel companion, a close friend and a classmate who gets along day and night, but not only that.Even if you are in a tired march or hesitation on the edge of a conspiracy, you can't help but think of her, think of her exquisite face, joyful words, intimate touch, soft black hair and pointed ears, and think of her when you leave and see off. Leaving attachments and tender hugs.

There are indeed thousands of incompatibility between each other, long-lived elves and short-lived humans, noble daughters of famous families and ordinary second sons of knights, not to mention the hidden conspiracy and deadly aura detected in the encounter and the past. Danger.

The encounter that day was not accidental, even hiding under the quilt and covering your head could not change this fact.If you get closer, those lofty gazes and lingering plots will come to you sooner or later, and no matter how dull you are, you should understand this.

The encounter on that day was probably arranged. Shouldn't the reasonable judgment be to quit early and close your eyes and ears to complete the rest of your studies at Homenworth?Or, more safely, go to Pasha to Erza and Amber and find another happy and fulfilling life.This looks pretty good too...

No, I refuse!what am i thinkingGriffith shook his head vigorously.

Galadia's personality is joyful and ecstatic, but she is such a smart person~ So far, when she couldn't answer, which time did she not carefully avoid the question?

As the consul's daughter, doesn't she know what it means to bring a human to the tribe?She just didn't write it rashly on her face, nor did she say the answer early.

Galadia has done a lot in places I don't know about.This invitation meant that she had made up her mind and was ready, just as I would fight with her name on her face and give her my laurel wreath.The significance of it needless to say.

Now is the time for me to act.

Griffith raised his head, stared at the distant sky outside the window, and said to the new gods and old gods, to all those beings who were watching them:
"Come on, the dice are rolled."


July is approaching, hot summer and happy summer vacation are coming.

Although the exam has ended, the experiments and lectures of some courses will not stop.After the day's Potions class and experimental work, Griffith slipped out after two quick mouthfuls of dinner.

He brought a bit of edible fragrance made by Sonia.The girl just thought it was a fun experiment in class, but when she heard that this thing can also be eaten, Griffith thought about it. After class, she begged for this thing and prepared to add a little bit of it to one of her pumpkins to try the effect .

Summer vacation is coming soon, and he will be away from school for a long time.Before that, he had to handle the bootleg wine business properly, and inventory management couldn't be careless.

He walked quietly through the deserted corridor, and ran towards a storage room that no one knew about.

Homenwarts is a big amazing castle with many mysterious and hidden places.As an auxiliary staff member of the Potions course, he found a well-ventilated and dry hidden storage room facing the sea from many empty houses without people as his secret base.

This small storage room is built on the foundation of the city wall at the southeast corner of the castle. The sea breeze can blow in through the small windows. It is hidden and cool. It looks like a hidden outpost dug during the war.

Griffith walked very carefully, deliberately turning back from time to time or observing if anyone was following him at a fork in the road.Recently, he seems to be able to feel that there are eyes following him, but he has never actually found it.


Griffith pushed open the storage room door, sighing contentedly.

His big pumpkins and barrels were neatly arranged on strong shelves, and there were twenty of them.This is all he found an opportunity to get it from Kroger and Baltimore Town, and finally got to the scale it is today.

While his recent missions had earned him a good deal of money, the stipend and salary of the prospective knight was also generous.However, he spent money like water, and all his savings were used up in the process of upgrading the spell level, repairing equipment, and making potions.

What's more, the sneaky business of bootlegging is so addictive!When I think that this is an illegal act, I feel so excited!
The sweet and intoxicating aroma of wine has spread, and the whole cabin is full of intoxicating smells.It's time for another batch of bootlegs!

Griffith carefully lifted a lid.The sweet aroma touches the heartstrings. Life must be incomplete without drinking wine made from pumpkin!
A room full of bootlegs, and soon, Griffith would be a Homonwatts liquor tycoon.When he enters the second year and holds the title of nobleman or officer, his business will dominate the underground business in Homenworth!
"Many years later, my son will ask me: 'Dad, did you really fight with those great heroes?'

"'No, my children, I am master of their pleasures, and they are masters of me.'"

Ah ha ha ha ha! Griffith thinks about it more and more proudly.His throat squirmed, and he couldn't wait to find the crystal cup he had prepared earlier.

Look at the bright red liquid flowing into the crystal vessel, shining holy light in the evening light from the window.Griffith felt his heart was drunk, completely immersed in the joy and happiness of harvest.

He shook the wine glass gently, seeing the dark red liquid droplets hanging on the wall of the glass, couldn't help but close his eyes, and lightly sniffed the intoxicating aroma.

At this moment, a pair of cold hands suddenly covered his eyes, and a seductive voice sounded in his ears:

"Wait-you-it's been-long-time!"

Griffith trembled with fright, and dropped the wine glass in his hand.But the hand covering the eyes was extremely swift, catching the falling crystal glass without spilling a single drop of wine.

"I can help you if you don't drink!"

This is Galadia's familiar jumping and joyful voice.The elf girl put one hand on the apprentice knight's shoulder, while gracefully raising her wine glass, she took a small sip.

"Hoho! Not bad, well done!" Galadia patted Griffith on the shoulder and shouted to the door, "Come on, come on, it's even more mellow!"

Who is coming soon?Why "more"?Griffith's face turned pale, and he turned his head to see Fiona rushing into his secret base first.

Then came Lana.Ophelia also poked her head around the door, then slipped in with Midianmeier, opened the pumpkins one by one and looked inside.

Finally, Sonia walked into the storage room with a face full of curiosity.She really wanted to go up and see what was in the pumpkin, but she was a little embarrassed.

"This one and this one are ready to drink," Galadia pointed to the two big pumpkins familiarly, "Put the rest away."

After hearing this, the robbers who rushed into the storage room immediately put away the other pumpkins, and took the best two down.

Miss Elf took out Griffith's wine glass as in her own living room, poured a little for everyone, and poured half of Griffith's glass in a considerate manner, and then raised her glass gracefully: "Please taste and comment."


"Then I'm welcome."

"I'll just drink a little."

"Thank you for hospitality!"

Griffith seemed to be in a dream, watching his friends who didn't pay use their own wine glasses to fill the private wine he had prepared painstakingly, and then drank it all in front of him.


Everyone who drank the wine gave out joyful admiration.The cold taste brought by underground storage is impeccable.

Sonia held the wine glass, and after the sweet red liquid rolled into her delicate red lips, her somewhat restrained face bloomed, and the shady storage room seemed to be brightened by the beautiful morning sun.

"It's delicious!" Sonia caressed her lips in disbelief, "It has a completely different taste from the red wine I've ever had before. Griffith, you are amazing."

"Yes, is that so? Hehe." Griffith looked at the girl's blushing smile with some dull eyes.

Galadia raised her eyebrows and poured another glass for Sonia: "You're welcome, have another glass."

"I'll have another drink too!" Fiona pulled up her collar, and like a girl playing by a country stream, she pulled up her long skirt and tied it around her waist, exposing her slender and round legs, and tapped Lana with her hand. shoulder, "Lana, don't stand there! Did you bring the appetizers?"

The burly Lana nodded, took out two roasted golden lamb legs and a knife from the package and said, "Sitting here is too boring. Let's go to the vineyard outside the city wall. There is no one there now."


Griffith and his friends sat around the sunset, in the vineyard pavilion under the city walls.The wine tastes soft and sweet, and there is an indescribable comfort and comfort in the mouth when drinking under the refreshing sea breeze.

It is an irresistible and pure taste at the first entrance. After everyone drinks a big pumpkin one cup after another, the long-term drunkenness will emerge.Ophelia was already drunk, and she was dancing prairie tap dance with Midianmeier and Lana's arms.Fiona shook her long hair, tearing at the pillars of the gazebo to dismantle it and light a bonfire.

Galadia was like a wife who entertained guests, filling everyone a cup after another. Griffith sat silently on the side, watching the private wine he carefully stored dwindle quickly. At first, he was a little sad. Gradually began to like this feeling.

Sonia came to Griffith's side with a wine glass in her hand, and sat on the bench in the gazebo, leaning slightly on his shoulder.The girl's fair cheeks were already more flushed than the sunset glow in the sky, and there were waves of autumn water in her somewhat bewitched eyes.

It was a sight Griffith had never seen before.The daughter of the Lamor family always wore an impeccable and exquisite smile, and she could still faintly see a faint sense of boredom and exhaustion at the banquet.But at this time, she was like Fiona a few steps away, with her collar open and her long skirt tied around her waist, humming softly.

This is a song, so familiar, yet indescribable.

"This is a new song I wrote, it's a bit strange to say, but it's like 'one light' appeared in my mind, and I will be with Galadia and Feo at the Frost Festival this year Sing along with Na," Sonia suddenly turned her head, her raised chin almost resting on Griffith's shoulder, "Not bad!"

Griffith, who was already a little dizzy, quickly said with his tongue out: "It's wonderful, it seems to remind me of some kind of memory, but it's not real."

"That's right~ It's far away and unreal, as if we have known each other a long time ago in other worlds," the girl swayed on the bench, "It's so fun to be with everyone! Griffith, your previous life was like this Is it?"

Of course not~ Griffith turned his head and looked at the girl.

In that short moment, Sonia's exquisite face and light blonde long hair reminded him of Krista's appearance deep in his memory.The temperaments of the two seemed to overlap briefly.

Sonia looked up at Griffith with azure blue eyes, and her crystal red lips were so close...

"Listen to me! Listen to me!"

Galadia suddenly knocked on the cup, interrupting the confused Griffith.

The elf held up the pumpkin with only half of the wine left, and said to everyone with a serious expression: "We can't just finish drinking Griffith's wine and just forget about it."

The quasi-knight clenched his fists immediately.Yes, you have to pay!
"If we wipe our mouths and leave every time we finish drinking, the entire storage room will be consumed in a short time!" Galadia waved her right hand imposingly, "Every time we finish drinking a pumpkin, Just store up another pumpkin wine!"

"That's right!" cried Griffith's friends together. "We're going to pick grapes for him to make new ones!"


The good grapes that had just grown in the vineyard were collected, and the robbers who were staggering on foot washed them simply.

Lana and Midianmaia found a gleaming stone trough from where they were washed, and poured all the grapes into it.

Without waiting for Griffith to ask them what they were going to do.Several girls have lifted their skirts, revealing pairs of long fair legs.

Sonia's face was blushing, she looked into Griffith's eyes with some embarrassment, and then hurriedly lowered her head: "It's my first time, I'm not very proficient in doing this."

what are you going to do!Griffith was taken aback.

"I don't know much about the skills in this area." Galadia's skirt had reached the limit height, "I can hold on longer with Sonia."

what!So what the hell are you going to do! ?

Fiona's fingers slid gently on her fair legs: "Do you really want so many people together? Will it be all over your body?"

What a tiger and a wolf!

Ophelia rolled up her drooping blond hair: "Be gentle, don't get it on your face and hair."

Four girls held their skirts and walked into the stone trough filled with grapes.

"Ah~ this," Sonia covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Why, it's so deep!"

The crystal-clear and plump fruits spread over the delicate ankles of the girls, splashing out red liquid in bursts of slight sounds.

"It feels so strange!"

“Weird, but comfortable!”

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the juice kept gushing out, splashing onto the long fair legs of the four girls.The red grape juice is like summer fireworks, jumping in bursts of laughter and screams.

Griffith, Lana, and Midian Maier, who were a little drunk just now, stood silently aside.

By the time the girls got tired of playing, the grapes in the stone trough had become the raw material for fine wine.

Galadia wiped the bright red between her legs a little, and carefully lowered the skirt: "It's getting late, let's go back first, if the school skirt is stained, it will be difficult to wash."

"We can't let the professors see it," Sonia thought for a while, "Let's sneak back through the stairs at the back door."

"Then please!" The girls waved at the silent boy, "We must cherish the fruits of our labor!"

The three of Griffith nodded together and watched the girls go back with a smile.

When the flowing long hair disappeared around the corner of the city wall, there were only three assault cavalrymen left after a night of drinking by the summer pavilion.

Drinking with comrades-in-arms like this is not known how long ago, as long as an era.However, tonight everyone regained their precious memories, reminding them of the familiar and happy days.

Everyone sat quietly, as if everything just now was like a dream, and everyone was still unwilling to wake up from the dream.Nothing is said between each other.

This is the tacit understanding and true friendship between comrades in arms and close friends.

"There is a problem, that, um~" Lana was still in the mellow intoxication, and slowly whispered, "Fiona's part should be able to be separated, after all, grapes are one by one."

Midian Maier shook his wine glass and nodded, "Ophelia is standing on the far right."

Griffith looked left and right, stood up vigilantly and walked to the side: "Since you are so persistent, you share a share of the grapes, and the remaining juice is mine."

The comrades who returned from the east looked up into the stone trough together.That is the trace of the girls' joy, the flowing bright red and pieces of fruit soaked in juice.

The refreshing cool wind blows, and the drunkenness under the gazebo has disappeared, leaving only the sharp glow of swords and halberds and killing intent.

The cold air is lingering, the momentum is blooming, and the wildness is insolent.

Lana stood up and took out the dagger from under the cloak: "You should know my attitude."

Midian Maier threw down his uniform, and bent down like a beast ready to go.

"Show your little toothpick!"

 Goblin Slayer has a similar picture, I looked for it and put it in the comment area.

(End of this chapter)

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