Blood tax

Chapter 185 Suppression

Chapter 185 Suppression
A long blast of horns sounded from the wooden walls and arrow towers of the ramparts.With the sound of the horn, the militiamen on the arrow tower lit their arrows one after another.

The living corpses had arrived fifty paces away.With ghouls as their core, a large group of small living corpses and skeletons waved their arms, shook their broken bodies, and quickly passed over the black mud.

Griffith looked at the enemy formation, raised his sword and shouted: "Steady!"

He didn't make a strong swing until the living corpse was finally ten meters away from the barrier.

"Fire arrows!"

The sound of dense bowstrings exploded like thunder, and two hundred ignited rockets shot towards the swarming living corpses.Wherever the arrows went, the surging wave of monsters stopped as if they had hit a dam.

Burning arrows and kerosene ignited the corpses, which then spread to form a fiery wall.The living corpses following behind jumped over the fallen ones, and rushed towards the wooden wall and arrow tower with teeth and claws.

Several ghouls jumped out of the corpses, rushing through the dangerous rain of arrows like agile cheetahs.Rising from the dead, these elite monsters have blade-like nails and teeth that resemble jagged teeth.Once they jumped onto the wall, they immediately dug their sharp claws into the gaps in the wood and climbed up little by little.

Just as they were about to climb to the top of the wall, two figures suddenly flashed above their heads.Griffith and Midianmeier each threw sharp spears at them.

The unavoidable ghoul crawling on the wall was shot flying with a bang.The militiamen competed to shoot at the climbing corpses under their feet, and the dense shooting was connected together, like a howling rainstorm beating the tide of corpses.


A ghoul sticking to the wall was shot through the head by a burning arrow, grabbed a screaming militiaman and fell straight down.The dry wreckage and corpse oil made the fire grow bigger and bigger, and soon ignited the same kind who were still biting the wooden wall nearby.

The black army of living corpses kept pouring in like a tide.The curved wooden wall and six arrow towers stand like rocks.Amidst the sound of biting and tearing, the militiamen trapped above went mad with fright, and shot at the undead monsters under their feet indiscriminately.

"Fire oil! Throw it out hard."

Midemaiah summoned the soldiers, held a fire oil can and threw them at the corpses, and then threw a few torches.The flames exploded immediately, devouring all the nearby living corpses, and the scorching fire waves even suffocated people on the wooden wall.Such a dangerous operation can only be carried out under his personal command, otherwise the panicked militia will burn the entire position in a short time.

"Quickly put out the fire!" Griffith called a team of people to follow him.They used cloth bags to carry the fine sand, and once the wooden wall was ignited by the rolling corpses in the flames, they immediately poured the sand down.

But the moon-shaped position was surrounded by densely packed living corpses. Under continuous attacks, the outermost wooden wall began to break down and collapse, but the attacking living corpses were also wiped out in large swaths of flames.

Suddenly, a section of wooden wall creaked loudly, and then fell in the flames and smoke.The thick broken wood knocked down a large piece of living corpses, but the gap was also exposed.

"I'm here to meet the enemy! You block the mouth!" Midianmai jumped down from the opening with his helmet on, and pulled out his burning blade battle ax to chop down a piece of living corpses that wanted to take the opportunity to rush in.

Griffith also jumped off the wooden wall, gathered a team of men with the rafts brought ashore, and erected a new short section of concave wall behind the collapsed gaps.

Midianmeier fought hard at the damaged position, and the militiamen erected an angled wooden wall behind him with the fastest speed, piled up dirt and patted it tightly.

"It's done!" Griffith yelled, and dropped a rope. Midianmeier stretched out his hand to grab it, and someone immediately pulled him up.

"Wooha, I swam in the sea of ​​corpses!" Midianmaia was already covered in black blood, with broken intestines hanging from his shield, axe, and helmet.

"Don't stand there, there's a gap over there!" Griffith didn't even have time to praise him, turned around and rushed towards another gap.


Amber stood on an arrow tower, anxiously watching the bloody battle between the two Xiutorals below.According to the combat arrangement, she and Ophelia, who are good at bursting but not durable, should leave their strength to the leader of the enemy army.

"When the fortifications are erected, fierce battles will definitely break out." Ophelia sat leisurely on the high arrow tower, "This is a matter of every second, and if you delay for a while, the fortifications will be stronger. The cult group obviously knows the relevant knowledge and understands the urgency of destroying the early fortifications. This wave of attacks forced them to send only fast and fragile living corpses. If the stitch monsters and acid monsters can also catch up with the offensive, the defense line The situation will become more critical.

"Their losses have almost reached a critical point, and they should retreat soon. If they continue to consume like this, even if large living corpses arrive, they will not have the strength to attack."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of abnormal fluctuations in the large tomb in the distance.The tide of corpses storming the barrier stopped.The living corpses that were biting madly just a second ago turned around and ran towards the direction they came from.

The attack of the living corpses stopped.

Bodies two meters high have been piled up under the rampart.Most of them were burned by the flames and shrunk to a small piece of charred black.The militiamen who survived the catastrophe looked at the pile of corpses as high as a floor in a daze, and vomited one by one.

The group of corpses immediately retreated to the distance like an ebbing tide.There, some fat and huge undead creatures had already arrived, standing like a rock among a large group of short living corpses.

Griffith gripped the mithril pendant tightly.He could feel that there were some scattered and powerful fluctuations of spiritual energy hidden in the crowd of corpses, ready to go.

The will hidden in the tomb also seemed to find that the hastily launched attack could not attack the human position, but instead caused a heavy loss to itself, so it decided to concentrate its forces and attack with all its strength.


Amber, who had never made a move, couldn't help admiring when he saw the living corpses retreating, "Griffith really can find gold in garbage~ The militia composed of civilians held their positions in both battles."

Ophelia stood aside clean and refreshed, without any dust on her.She said politely on behalf of her classmates: "This is a glorious tradition of the Bayeran Army."

"What exactly is this tradition?"

"Well, well," Ophelia smiled awkwardly, "Treat people like animals to carry out earthworks, put the fortifications on the enemy's face, exhaust yourself, and annoy the opponent to death."

After the first round of attacks, the Queyue barrier by the river was already full of broken and dented potholes.The outer wall was damaged in many places in the attack just now.The militiamen had no time to repair it during the battle, so they directly erected another row of rafts inside for reinforcement.After the living corpses retreated, they desperately dug the trenches and reinforced the walls.

On the ground outside the wall, the living corpses that had just been killed gradually sank into the black mud.Most of them have been burned or crushed, and the black mud slowly swallows them like an endless swamp.

Ophelia watched the movement of the black mud vigilantly for a while, then looked at the distant crystal tower shining green in the hazy mist, and said to her companions: "This layer of black mud is decomposing all organic matter within the coverage area. , and can even capture a small amount of lost spiritual energy. It is like the root of a plant, absorbing nutrients every moment, and transporting them to the tombs in the distance through those green crystal towers as the center."

Midianmaia asked while drinking water: "Is the black mud also providing supplies to the living corpses? I vaguely feel that the living corpses within the range of the black mud will be faster and stronger. Moreover, these rotten bones, internal organs, Muscles are rotten, most of the time without any food but can still run and fight with a skeleton, even if driven by the miracle of evil gods, the vitality and strength of these dead must conform to the principle of magic, it cannot be produced out of thin air."

Hearing their conversation, Griffith also thought about it.Judging from the situation of the bone ring Minos and the necromantic spell, the resurrected living corpse can only last for an hour, and it needs to provide additional energy for supplementation to continue to survive.

What do the cultists want in this incident?

According to the known information, the sealed item "Call of the Ancestor" they activated would activate Silence's Extraordinary characteristics, and after that, they urgently needed to replenish flesh and spiritual energy to grow.

This turbulent corpse tide and killing is obviously not the purpose of the cult group but the means.They first put in some resources to resurrect the corpses for infection, and then let the black mud absorb more energy through killing, part of it is used to maintain the production and fighting of living corpses, and the rest is transmitted to the rotting soul corpse in the direction of the large tomb.

Although the form is different, and weird and twisted, its essence is not much different from the situation of Iloti in the Neopolis incident.

The Revan incident was another attempt by the cult after Neopolis.Then, if the spread of the infection cannot be stopped as soon as possible, as long as the cult group has extracted enough energy, their true purpose will be exposed.

At this time, another batch of rafts arrived from upstream with supplies.Lansada is in charge of this transport.As soon as the raft touched the shore, he jumped off and quickly came to Griffith's side to report:
"Master Knight, according to your order, I brought 15 rafts, some wood, arrows, kerosene, and two disassembled trebuchets, which need to be assembled on site."

There were traces of dust and smoke on his face and body, and his expression was very tired. It seemed that he had suffered a lot when he came from downtown.However, his eyes are bright and ready to devote himself to a new mission at any time.

Griffith looked at him appreciatively.This young man was as old as Paxiu, and his fighting ability was mediocre, but his education level and thoughtfulness were obviously superior.Moreover, he has a special persistence and drive, as if the meaning of his existence is to fight for people in distress.

"Thanks, Lansada, what's the situation downtown?"

"The living corpses have been attacking our defense line. They tried to cross the river from the upper city to attack, but the militiamen held the bridge firmly. Your Excellency Knight, you led people to contain their main force, and the citizens will definitely be able to defend it. It’s just that it will be difficult to bring you more support.”

This is to be expected.While militias are still capable of fighting when guarding their homes, wives and children, it will take a lot of time to make them capable of expeditions, or transform the lower city into an efficient war machine.

 There is still a chapter, but it has been revised and it is too late to send it out today, and it will be sent out as soon as possible tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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