Blood tax

Chapter 181 Breakthrough

Chapter 181 Breakthrough
As soon as Griffith finished speaking, he raised his gun and rushed towards a group of living corpses surrounding the rout.The war horse raised its front hooves and stomped heavily among the corpses. The ice shield ran over the carrion, making crackling and crackling sounds.

This layer of solid frost shield can provide protection close to that of heavy armor before it is destroyed, and it will not bring additional weight and restrictions.After the shield is destroyed, the shattered ice will explode and sweep around, causing large-scale damage and impact.

After suffering losses in the battle at the port, Griffith has already thought about how to deal with the dangerous period during the cooldown of the spell and maximize the power of the ice shield.That is to maintain mobility, avoid falling into continuous melee, grab the enemy's core to launch an assault and then leave immediately.

Inexperienced and unskilled cavalry can easily charge blindly, exhausting the stamina of their horses in a short period of time.But a rider like Griffith, who is skilled in riding and can serve as a cavalryman, will not be like this.

He kept looking for clusters of living corpses approaching the rout, and crushed them with the impact of the ice shield and horses. After breaking through the corpses, he immediately opened the distance and slowed down to maintain his horsepower. He observed the battlefield again to find the next impact target.

Although there are many living corpses, they have to bypass the fire and form a long formation in the wilderness.Griffith is like a sharp dagger that constantly strikes the middle of their ranks, or strikes and breaks them up when they gather.

Some of the fleeing rout soldiers rushed into the city directly under the leadership of Horus, and it seemed that they were going to support the extraordinary in the battle.

The rest of the people noticed that one person and one rider repeatedly charged towards the living corpses, and the terrifying tide of corpses was all fragmented wherever they went.Seeing some people under the cover of Griffith protruding from the encirclement and running towards the safe south, they all shouted:
"Knight, save us!"

Griffith looked back and found that there were still several groups of people trapped in the tide of corpses.They were originally a large group of people gathered together, seeing the armored cavalry rushing forward, they spontaneously resisted the attack of the living corpse for a while.When some people were rescued, everyone started running for their lives, and the already chaotic front suddenly collapsed.

"Help!" Many rout soldiers shouted anxiously, trying to keep up with the soldiers who ran out.But in a blink of an eye, the living corpses rushed over from two directions, blocking their escape route.

A lot of people were thrown to the ground, and the rest grabbed the few weapons and watched eagerly as the armored cavalry broke out and let out heart-piercing screams.

"You keep moving forward!" Griffith said to the people around him, raised his hand and pointed to the south, clamped his mount hard, turned around and charged into the corpses again single-handedly.

He raised his lance and poked at a group of living corpses.The horse galloped, the wind was strong, and the spear pierced through the head of a living corpse. The huge impact hung it on the spear and rolled over in the pile of corpses.The charge of the lance continued unabated, and immediately pierced the second living corpse.

Griffith clenched his lance and swung it, then turned around and stabbed at the living corpse that was rushing from the side.This blow sent a violent tremor from the gun shaft, crushing several living corpses, but under the shock of the huge force, the long gun also made a whine that almost broke.

Griffith felt like his hands were going numb.The blow just now sank into the flesh and bones, and he trembled, almost unable to hold the weapon in his hand.Before he could drop his lance, monsters in all directions had already jumped up, hanging on the barrel of his lance one by one.

Blood thorn, if blood thorn is in your hand, you can clear up these miscellaneous things with just one sweep!

Unwilling to throw away the lance, Griffith drew the sword at his waist and slashed at the living corpse. While taking the vanguard shield, he swiped it with a sharp and solid edge.

With great difficulty, he scattered the living corpses, rescued a group of rout soldiers and retreated, and immediately heard a group of rout soldiers shouting in the tide of corpses.When the soldiers saw two groups of people escaping from the sky, they all shouted.

"Knight, save us!"

"Wait!" Griffith shouted, riding his horse without stopping.While fighting, he searched for Ophelia and Midianmaia.They are both friends and reliable comrades-in-arms. They are the main targets of the rescue, and the next operation cannot be done without their support.

However, he did not find the figures of these two people.On the contrary, more than 100 broken soldiers gathered together, surrounded by hundreds of living corpses, forming a large encirclement.

The dark tide of corpses is pressing from the north, east and south, and will soon form an impenetrable wall of corpses.

A living corpse jumped over and almost jumped into Griffith's face like a cockroach.Both he and the war horse couldn't help but took half a step back, and chopped the living corpse to death with a sword.

"Knight, save us!" The rout soldiers in the encirclement saw that the savior moved a little away from them, and their cries for help became even more desperate.

Griffith clenched his teeth, inserted the saber back into the scabbard, raised his right hand upwards, and a icy halberd immediately appeared in his hand.

Bloodthorn, if I have bloodthorn in hand, how could I be blocked by these things!

Griffith raised his halberd and let out an earth-shattering roar:


"Wan Sheng!"

Amid wild cries, Griffith rushed towards the corpses.The frozen halberd waved like a windmill, and countless sharp claws grabbed him from all directions.

Icicles splashed everywhere.As soon as Griffith's halberd cracked and shattered among the broken bones, a long knife made of frost took shape in his hand.

Griffith raised his knife and slashed at the group of corpses, lifting a piece of broken head.Immediately, he threw away his blunt ice blade and took an ice lance to fight.

He first overturned a group of living corpses and rescued a group of people.But in the blink of an eye, another group of rout soldiers shouted for help.

As the battle progressed, Griffith was a little lost in his direction.

In the rapid impact, only the shadow of the city wall that occasionally flashed through the gaps in the helmet visor allowed him to identify the direction.Most of the time, he could only see groups of black corpses and splashing icicles and snow flakes flashing past his eyes alternately.

From time to time, one or two strong living corpses could rush to his side against the splashing ice storm, and their whole body was covered with sharp shards of ice, pounced fiercely!

Griffith only felt that there were crazy and twisted undead creatures in all directions, and even a random sweep of the sword could cut off four or five rotten heads.

The Frost Rune is rapidly depleting, and the shield of the Eagle Riding Medal is also used up.The physical exertion began to bring about bouts of dizziness, and sweat almost covered his eyes.The visor of the helmet was also smeared with something disgusting, and it kept dripping down.

What's more troublesome is that he doesn't know the current situation of the war horse under his crotch.Although there were ice shields to provide defense intermittently, the horses were not armored. Running rampant in such a dense group of corpses would definitely cause a lot of damage. Once the horses couldn't hold on and fell down, Griffith would be caught in the tide of corpses.

Suddenly, his vision became clear, and the living corpses that had covered the sky just now disappeared.

Griffith took a closer look, and found that he had unknowingly cut through the siege of thousands of living corpses, and broke out from the other side.

That horrible tide of corpses was actually rushed out of a gap, scattered limbs and intestines all over the place.The defeated soldiers should have escaped from the siege, or they had been wiped out by the living corpses.

A dark green stream flowed from the melted ice among the corpses, and there were still indescribable organs and tissues floating on it, just looking at it made people sick.

After the wave of corpses under the city wall was pierced by this blow, they frantically rushed towards Griffith.The densely packed living corpses filled the gap that had just been pierced in a blink of an eye, rolling towards Griffith like a curved long whip.

There are only a small half of the runes left.Griffith twisted his body, and there was no numbness anywhere, and the army horse under his crotch was also trembling, looking like he was about to fall down at any time.

He decisively turned the horse's head and let the horse gallop towards the south of the city.

Relying on the speed of the horse, Griffith quickly got rid of the pursuit of the living corpses.Although he wasn't seriously injured, the inexhaustible enemies that covered the sky and the sun still made him fear and exhausted from the bottom of his heart.

In this case, as long as there is a slight negligence or an accident, Griffith may be drowned in the tide of corpses.

At this moment, a powerful aura suddenly appeared.The golden storm streaked across the sky, opening a gap in the tide of corpses in front of Griffith.

Thick, stinky blood rain crackled and slapped on the ice shield and armor, and Amber's brilliant golden hair appeared in the storm.

Behind her were several Extraordinary beings, attacking the living corpses that were intercepted.

"Amber save me!"

Griffith yelled.

The trainee huntress waved her hand: "Griffith keeps maneuvering and goes directly to the south of the city. We will clean them up."

Griffith naturally did not dare to rein in his horse and continue to trot along the city wall.

Soldiers who had been in disarray had begun to recover.Midian Maier appeared in the crowd, organized them into multiple horizontal lines with extraordinary momentum and charisma, and retreated southward slowly under the cover of archers alternately.

Ophelia is shooting arrows like a rainstorm, constantly killing strong and swift living corpses.The tide of corpses, which were already insufficiently protected and lacked commanders and elite fighters, could no longer move this organized team.

Whoops, saved!Seeing so many familiar faces, Griffith felt relieved.

He was just about to catch his breath when suddenly his body lightened and he flew out with his horse and man.

Griffith's hands were flying in the air, trying to grab something, but he smashed it towards the ground like clouds and fog.He hastily adjusted his posture, trying to avoid the ending of landing on his face, and then he slammed heavily on the ground.


"His neck is fine."

"It's not his blood, don't worry."

In his vague consciousness, Griffith raised his eyelids.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and blurred figures were swaying in front of his eyes.He could hear people's voices, vaguely knew who was speaking, but couldn't tell the difference.

He moved his fingers and found that his whole body was as heavy as cotton swollen with water.He raised his right hand with all his strength, and saw a pair of arm armor that had been stained black with filth.

The scene in front of me gradually became clear.

Griffith found himself lying on the shelves of a carriage.Outside the carriage, many disgraced people lined up, waiting silently for something.All the tired faces were filled with the joy of surviving after the catastrophe.

"You're finally awake, Your Excellency the Knight!" Apprentice monk Lansarda knelt and looked at him, helping him to sit up, "I thought you might need logistical support, so I brought some carriages and militiamen to join you. Lord Amber is leading everyone to be vigilant."

Griffith found that his field of vision slowly raised, and he could see his breastplate and two legs clearly.He looked around in a daze, as if his vision was separated from his body, which was unreal.

"According to the opinion of the military committee, everyone should be cleaned before entering the town. We have reached the south bank of the Raven River and are temporarily out of danger. We are going to rest by the river before going to the center of the town." Lansada continued, He waved to the side, and immediately two men in thick gloves came over to help Griffith take off his armor.

Lansada did a good job in organizing transportation and cleaning work. He is a talent who can check and fill in gaps, and has independent and creative thinking.Go back and introduce it to Sonia to see if the new army that Earl Lamor said has any need for the clergy.

Griffith thought about it one way or another.Suddenly, a bucket of cold water was poured on his head with a "hula".

Griffith almost choked to death with a mouthful of water, and before he could recover, the second bucket of water poured over his face again.

"Hey! You guys, how polite and cautious you are to the knight!" Lansada asked loudly.The two militiamen who were in charge of cleaning Griffith hurriedly nodded and bowed to help the prospective knight who was about to choke to death, and cleaned him carefully.

All the routs and refugees were gathered by the Raven River, where they were cleaned.

"Miss Amber said that some ordinary people who were bitten or scratched also mutated into living corpses. After I checked, I found no such cases. I speculate that the severe infection and mutation of the wounded should be caused by some of the death knights. It is caused by a special ability. For this reason, I suggest that the injured be isolated separately." Lansada reported her findings.

Griffith nodded.He looked around, and found that the militiamen in the lower city had cleared out a temporary camp by the river, arranged for security, and cleaned and disinfected the retreated Extraordinary and city defense forces.

It would be best to have someone to consider such a specific matter.He will prepare the next battle plan next, and must save his energy.

Griffith's mount was also lucky to survive.It tripped over the corpse while retreating, threw its owner out, and threw itself to the ground.After the fight just now, the horse, like the rider, was already filthy, and was being carefully cleaned and healed by a group of militiamen.

Griffith told Lansada not to worry about himself, but to deal with the work of the temporary camp.He changed into casual clothes and walked around.The people in the temporary camp by the river were busy with their own affairs, but when they saw him passing by, none of them greeted him loudly, and looked at him with gratitude and respect in their eyes.

Although it was only rotten and dirty ordinary living corpses that were destroyed by him, and only a few hundred city defense troops, militiamen, and a small number of low-level Extraordinary people were rescued, the official may not give a high evaluation when evaluating military achievements.However, this gratitude is genuine.

Griffith smiled back at everyone, feeling full and satisfied.The act of rushing against the tide of corpses under the city wall to save his comrades and defeated soldiers was an action from the heart. If he sat indifferently and watched them be slaughtered, his faith and reason would probably collapse.In such a critical situation, as many people as possible survived, this is the best reward.

Ophelia and Midian Maier had also finished cleaning, watching Griffith not far away.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the two of them gathered a small group of people to retreat to the city wall, and from there they moved south.After Griffith launched the attack, their pressure was relieved, and they easily protruded from the encirclement.After meeting with Amber, they cleverly attacked the flanks of the corpse tide, killed a large group of living corpses, and then retreated out under cover of the entire team.

There wasn't even a scratch on Ophelia's beautiful leather armor, but the blood and tears shed from her left eye looked very scary, and Amber was taken aback when we first met.

Midianmaia was equipped with heavy armor and a heavy shield. He was only slightly injured in the battle, but his physical strength was exhausted.He begged two loaves of bread from the logistics soldier, and gnawed on them with dried meat and vegetables.

Ophelia stared at the figure of the quasi-knight with gleaming eyes, and whispered to her companion:

"We have to thank him very much. Could you do the assault just now?"

Midian Maier nodded seriously.He chewed the jerky, and while tearing the bread, he muttered:

"I can't do it, I can't fight through the tide of corpses, and I can't last as long as him. The sacred weapon he holds is very powerful, and he can achieve a long-term continuous defense against attacks of a certain power. Only by breaking through his ice armor shield Only later can the armor and flesh be harmed."

"Isn't that better than you!?" Ophelia raised her eyebrows.

"That's not what I said," Midian Maier shook his head and said, "I'm good at fighting large monsters with high damage in a single attack, but the dense attacks of living corpses make me hard to defend against. Besides, I don't have the ability to disperse them either. It is easy to be surrounded. Griffith's situation is just the opposite, as long as he maintains the effect of the frost spell, he can penetrate the dense defense line of small creatures."

Ophelia looked thoughtfully at the quasi-knight walking around, her bewitching eyes and deep eyes seemed to be able to see through his heart.She folded her hands on her chest, leaned on the carriage beside her and said:
"I understand that heavy infantry or mutant beasts can withstand the splash when the ice armor shatters, and carry weapons that are difficult to defend with two-handed axes or armor-piercing spears. Having a numerical advantage will pose a threat to him!"

Midian Maier swallowed the bread:

"Don't underestimate him. Griffith's ability is already so extraordinary just in front of everyone. He must have a stronger hole card."

"I know, I know!" Ophelia shook her fist and said, "Who hasn't had an adventure yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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