Blood tax

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
The extraordinary characteristics of the path of the undead cannot be integrated with human beings, otherwise, strange flesh and blood or strange organs will grow, and even the brain and spirit will be corrupted, turning into distorted mutant creatures.Therefore, living people cannot obtain the power, memory and knowledge of undead creatures by absorbing their extraordinary characteristics.

However, the Extraordinary characteristics of the Glutton can become the main material of precious sealed items, the special effects are mainly to control undead creatures, attack with black magic, or improve the holder's defense and life recovery ability.

Amber picked up the Extraordinary characteristic that radiated a strange beauty, and asked Griffith, "Give it to me, this thing is very useful for demon hunters."

"No problem," said the knight-to-be. "Is there anything else you would like?"

"Yes!" Amber's eyes lit up immediately, but after thinking about it, she still suppressed a smile and said, "Let's retreat to the center of the town first. According to the situation, there will inevitably be a bad battle."


Griffith led the team to quickly withdraw to the town center in the lower city.The defense there is being strengthened, and people's hearts are also very stable.After the undead creature lair in the direction of the cemetery was destroyed, the overall situation became reassuring.

However, the connection in the upper city was completely cut off.The City Defense Army closed the bridge over the Ruiwen River, neither letting them in nor letting them in. When they asked them what happened, they didn't answer, only saying that their superiors had strict orders.

Griffith sent some carrier pigeons and ravens to contact, and then returned to the meeting room to wait for a reply and sort out the situation.

Thonos, the ghoul, was impressed by his dialogue during the battle.He once thought that this undead creature still had the will of human beings, and it could be an object for communication and cooperation.

What's the point of what Thonos told me?Why do you do this?Could it be that after being hit hard, it finally awakened the human will for a short time, and wanted to leave some messages for me as a person who came over.

I really thought about resurrecting Iloti, but I didn't have enough intelligence and knowledge to dare to act rashly.If there is an intelligent undead creature to assist, it must be much safer.But why did Tonos guess my mind so quickly?Did it try before its death?What exactly is the indescribable pain, regret, and despair?
It's a pity, the memory of the extraordinary characteristics of the undead creature must be polluted by the existence of evil, even if it is preserved, it cannot be believed.The answers to these questions may be difficult to answer.

While Griffith was thinking about it, Amber, who was taking a nap on the sofa, suddenly jumped up.She looked out the window.

A strange bird was banging against the glass, trying to fly in.

Griffith came to the window and found that it was a strange familiar made of mud and feathers.A faint magical atmosphere enveloped it, with a feeling of disintegration at any time.

The clay fiend landed in Griffith's hand and made a familiar voice:
"Griffith, I'm Ophelia and I need help!
"The wave of corpses covering the sky is rushing to the upper city, they have killed thousands of residents in nearby towns and villages, and the atmosphere of terror is getting stronger every moment.

"Lourdes asked us and the Extraordinary teams to defend the western suburbs outside the city wall and cover the escape of the surviving refugees. But I noticed an extremely terrifying aura hidden in the darkness, and the battle will definitely turn into four Extraordinary The earth-shattering battle with that terrifying creature, the aftermath alone will kill us!
"My reconnaissance also found that the horde of corpses was beyond imagination. The idiot Midianmeier insisted on holding the barrier just like everyone else to buy time for the refugees. No matter how much I tried to persuade him, he would not listen.

"After the battle breaks out, our defense line will be penetrated in a short time. Griffith, you can go to our left flank. It is not covered by strange black mud. It should be possible to open a passage. Bring some horses over and we will Can get away!

"Please help me, I will give you an undeniable offer!"

After the mud bird conveyed the message, it immediately broke into pieces of mud.

There is no reason for any refusal.Griffith looked at Amber, got up and began to pack his equipment.

"I'll go with you!" Miss Huntress Apprentice said immediately, "You don't need to bring militia this time, just the two of us."

Indeed, militias are of little use in mobile warfare.Griffith nodded gratefully, and immediately arranged the next work.

Under the management of the military committee, the lower city has been able to operate normally. Griffith and Amber took a few horses to say goodbye and quickly went to the outskirts of the upper city.


They did not leave the urban area. On the one hand, the bridge over the river had been closed, and breaking through would cause unnecessary disturbances and conflicts; Even if they barely pass, they will run into the tide of corpses rushing forward, making their actions difficult.

Therefore, they made a circle from the suburbs, followed the river to the western suburbs, and came to a small highland overlooking the western suburbs.

Although Revan belongs to the Eastern Province geographically and administratively, it is still far away from the war-torn front line.The western suburbs outside the city wall were originally beautiful manors and villas, but now they have all been turned into a charred ruin of rubble.Farmlands and small towns were covered in endless black mud, and hundreds of carrion and skeleton remains scattered on the ground.

"Did there be an earthquake?" Amber, who had just climbed the low hill, saw the small stones and gravel on the ground bouncing up and down, and trembling came from a distance.

Bursts of urgent and shrill bugles echoed on the city walls and watchtowers of Revan, as if they saw an unusual horror, and tried their best to warn the whole city.

Looking from Griffith's position, a hazy mist covers the whole field.In the elusive distance, some shadowy silhouettes swayed.Several giant black towers protruded from the mist, and the rotating green crystals on the top of the towers reflected the ominous light.

After the gray-brown tide like an ant colony or a stream gushes out from the distant buildings and woods, it gathers on the flat land to form a tumbling tide and approaches, flooding farms, streets and residential areas, in waves one after another. The wild waves beat over.

There was a whistling sound above his head.

Griffith raised his head and saw red fireballs and flames streaking across the sky, flying from behind the city wall towards the gray-brown tide.These incendiary bombs all come from the heavy trebuchets arranged in the city, which are heavy equipment specially used to suppress the enemy's siege weapons. They are more clumsy and heavy than the ones Griffith used before, but their range and power are also amazingly powerful.

A volley of fireballs with six long red and yellow trails left heavy trails on the dim sky.

Whenever these fireballs fell to the ground, fiery storms of fire rose into the sky, and houses, bridges, and forests wherever they went were reduced to ruins and ashes in the soaring flames.Violent shock waves swept away crazily, and the air waves and ground sounds even spread to Griffith's side.

Ruiwen is one of the important towns in the Eastern Province. It has well-established port roads and beautiful towns. There are a large number of Extraordinary reinforcements. The city even has two brigades of city defense troops stationed there.However, the situation deteriorated to an extremely serious level in a short period of time, and the officials even unreservedly used heavy firepower on the suburban counties.

Three unconnected and irregular positions have been set up in the streets and alleys near the city wall in the western suburbs.There are deer villages and wooden fences all over the periphery of the position, and the main intersections are firmly locked by relying on walls and buildings.

The billowing flames dropped by the incendiary bombs are licking the ground, but they cannot stop the endless madness.

The first wave of brown tide slapped on the edge of the fortress in the western suburbs, making a mournful roar like a turbulent wave hitting the shore. At the moment of impact, there were even waves of gray-brown splashing.

Amber was shocked by the scene in front of him and took half a step back.Griffith also stared at the scene solemnly.

Countless living corpses formed this frightening wave, and the splashing waves were broken heads and limbs.

Most of the corpses are yellowish brown or pale white skeletons, and some are highly decomposed walking corpses.Raven's cemetery has been continuously expanding since the day the city was built, and I don't know how many old people have been buried.The endless dead bones and rotting corpses did not know where they got their strength, they struggled out from under the black mud covered rotten soil, and rushed towards the city with their shattered and shattered wreckage.

There are also many relatively complete living corpses mixed among them, which should be the victims of the towns and villages that were swallowed along the way.

Many clawed corpses gathered together as they ran, tearing apart each other's bodies, entangled each other with hair and black silk threads of unknown origin, and mutated into fat and bloated stitched corpses after a flash of green light.

Those stitch monsters moving slowly among the countless walking corpses grabbed the beams and stone pillars picked up along the way with terrifying strength, and used them as rams to smash towards the camp guarding the intersection.

Behind and near the ramparts some soldiers and large numbers of the population were fleeing.They screamed and fled in all directions, looking back at the approaching undead monster from time to time.

Amber observed for a while, took out a reconnaissance binoculars and shook it: "Our position is higher, we can use this to observe the battle situation, when will we join in?"

"Wait a little longer," Griffith took over, carefully observing the battlefield, "In this dense wave of corpses, even Extraordinary people cannot resist the siege from all directions, we must try our best to avoid falling into the siege too early.

"Although the number of undead creatures is astonishingly large, they have to gather from different locations, and their speed of action is also fast or slow. There are only a few roads leading to the city gate in the suburbs that are not wide, and they want to form an endless stream. To attack the city wall, a large number of attack waves must be assembled and launched in this field.

"The Transcendents should rely on the terrain to gradually consume the enemy's strength. This is just the beginning, the position can still be supported, and the Transcendents have not made a move yet."

On the front of the nearest position to Griffith and the others, hundreds of soldiers were stabbing with spears the living corpses who wanted to climb over the barrier of the deer village.

Although there is a sense of security in terms of distance, after the spear penetrates the zombie's body, most of it just penetrates their rotting flesh and blood, and is often stuck by the bone and difficult to pull out.

The city defense army who launched the stab had never fought against such an enemy, and was a little at a loss for a while, seeing that the zombies were about to jump over the deer village and rush upwards.

At this time, a figure in solid armor jumped up on the ground.He carried a large rectangular shield with three pointed cones on his shoulder, and rammed head-on at the charging skeleton.

Griffith could feel the shock of the impact from a distance.The two skeletons hit by the shoulder shield shattered into a pile of broken bones on the spot, and the invisible shock wave spread out in an arc, and all the living corpses in the arc area at a [-]-degree angle in front of the shield were blown away by the shock.

The line of defense that was about to be breached was stabilized immediately, but the tide of corpses that had just been repelled immediately rushed up again.Facing the surging tide of corpses, the shield guard did not retreat but advanced, crushing the head of the fallen ghoul with one foot.

He withdrew his right foot a little, and stood upright like a rock, holding the heavy shield on his left shoulder horizontally, and pulled out a single-edged battle ax with his right hand.

The ax head of this battle ax was very wide, and a crimson flame flowed from the curved ax blade, and the suffocating heat waves spread out to the surroundings.

The shield guard waved his flaming battle ax to face the black tide of corpses, as if he was facing a pile of dead wood waiting to be felled.He blocked a wave of impact with his shield, and then swung his ax at the crowd of corpses rushing forward.

Crescent-like flowing fire and wind swept across the group of corpses, and the dozen or so living corpses clustered in front of them were immediately broken, and they all shattered from their waists and chests, and the low wall was swept away in an instant.

Griffith realized that such skills and equipment must be the Extraordinary elites who were ordered to come to support, and the flaming battle ax in his hand was likely to be a powerful sealed item.

With this Extraordinary shot, the line of defense that had been loose just now stabilized immediately.Soon, dozens of soldiers rushed up to the fortification with bows and arrows in hand, aiming the lit arrows at the monsters below.

Not only this position, but also the archers of the city defense army on the two nearby positions were throwing flames at the densely packed living corpses.The rest of the city defense soldiers also began to fight back against the living corpses with heavy hammers and axes.

The shield guard didn't like to fight. After repelling the corpses here, he retreated and turned to support elsewhere.With his maneuvering around, the defenders on the wall can also kill zombies in an orderly manner or throw kerosene bottles, constantly consuming the power of the tide of corpses like a meat grinder.

Relying on the resistance of these barriers, many panicked citizens fled to the city gate of Revan frantically.

As the perspective moved, Griffith found that the beacon's apprentice demon hunters Uros, Dylan, and Pella were also fighting in nearby positions.

In addition to a large number of living corpses, the undead creatures that attacked their position also appeared Griffith had seen ghouls and stitch monsters.Among these two kinds of monsters, the ghouls are quick and fierce, often hiding in the living corpses and violently injuring people; the stitch monsters rely on their strong vitality to resist the arrows and javelins projected by the defenders and forcibly attack the barriers fortifications.

A powerful stitch monster held a thick iron chain, swung it brazenly in the tide of corpses, and threw it towards the shooter on the wall.

There was a sickle-like iron hook at the top of the iron chain, whizzing past at an extremely fast speed, and nailed it to the shooter's shoulder.The shooter immediately uttered a miserable scream, and the comrades around him also rushed to help him free from the iron hook.

At this time, the rotting suture monster rotated its fat body and pulled the iron chain forcefully. The unlucky archer was torn off from the arrow tower, dragged for more than ten meters between the ground and the fortifications, and was finally pulled into the tide of corpses Divide the corpse.

Under the threat of these stitch monsters, the archers on the ground had to be cautious, and the support for the following immediately became weak.

 It may be too late today, update as soon as possible during the day tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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