Blood tax

Chapter 151 Unexpected Promotion

Chapter 151 Unexpected Promotion

"Good day, Griffith Knight!" A girl who happened to pass by said happily.

Griffith nodded to her with dignified impeccable gestures.

Well, petite, baby-faced, big-breasted, shoulder-length sorrel hair, doesn't call me your lord, is an aristocrat.OK, got it!

"Good afternoon, Miss Sissy."

Today is March 3th, the third day back to Homonwarts.Griffith returned to his seat by the library window, glancing out of the window now and then, taking notes.

He has a straight waist and a dignified manner, and the knight medal on his neckline has been rubbed and sparkled, making sure that everyone will see the medal before seeing him.Everyone politely called him "Quasi-Knight", and the two-digit girls from various branches whom I met these days directly called him "Griffith Knight".

I can hardly tell who is who... I must create a file for them to manage, and I can't lose etiquette.But, if Galadia sees me, I'm doomed!

In the first year of school, he had the opportunity to capture the flag, and was directly awarded the Order of the Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves by the earl. This kind of thing is really cool in school.Griffith's limelight even overshadowed Aaron for a while.

Not to mention how good this feeling is.Griffith especially wanted to talk to Galadia and ask her to praise him.

However, this seems a bit difficult.

More and more senators, great nobles and bishops gathered in Homenworth.There are famous dignitaries everywhere on the campus, if they catch the daughter of the Canaan consul and a quasi-knight playing around or eating mutton, would it be okay?

Although he was very itchy, he could only suppress his chaotic thoughts and start preparing for Raven's mission.

He now owns several magical items or excellent equipment, namely Minos the Bone Ring, Corrupted Feather Fencing Sword, Bracers of Fear, Dark Blood Cloak, Vanguard Shield, Anima Breastplate, and Highborne Mail Armor.Except for the poor main weapon, the others are basically complete.

He was going to hurry up and prepare some deceleration potions and healing potions to replenish the previously consumed inventory.The monster's snot is almost used up, but you should be able to find it in the school.He can apply to the earl and request to use the inventory in his name. If it doesn't work, he can ask Professor Heinz for help.

After inquiry, Griffith found that the Order of the Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves could give him an extra annuity of 100 silver lang per month, which he could receive for life.His monthly income has climbed to 250 silver lang.Although there is no additional meritorious value reward, the value of the Silver Oak Leaf Knight Eagle Badge is not comparable to the meritorious value.If the rank can be promoted to reserve officer, his income will increase.

Since the Earl was in the school, the cash and material rewards for the Battle of Verona had already been distributed, including 5000 Silver Lang, 15 units of Potential Potion, and 1 unit of Refined Psionic Mixture, the value of which far exceeded his expenditure.

There was a whole big box of Potential Potion and Refined Psionic Mixture in front of him, and it was really not easy to drink them all.For him who cannot improve the level of spells through study and meditation, all spells can only be improved through this expensive and uncomfortable way.

With these supplies, he must upgrade his Freeze Nova/Ice Construct to Tier [-] before embarking on the potentially dangerous mission of Revan.

Drink, I've finished all the tea Sonia made!

Griffith gulped and drank, pouring all the medicine and mixture into his mouth.

Like ice armor, the fourth level of spells will have a qualitative improvement.

The range of action of the Frozen Nova has been increased again, it will freeze enemies within a radius of 10 yards for no less than 5 seconds, and after the freezing ends, it will cause a deceleration effect lasting no less than 30 seconds, reducing the movement speed by [-]%.The accompanying cold damage can even kill small creatures.However, the improvement of these indicators is not the most amazing. What is really powerful is that the freezing and deceleration effects will have priority, and they will be less likely to be resisted by powerful enemies and magic defense countermeasures, and the reliability will be stronger.

The ice structure will condense more ice and snow configurations at a faster speed.This qualitative change allows the ice structure to continue to take effect within 5 minutes. He can create the frozen structure whenever he wants, but just like the blood bat storm, the continuous structure will continue to consume Griffith's spirit force.

Freeze Nova/Ice Construct still has a 15 second cooldown.While under the influence of Griffith's "Focus" talent, the cooldown is reduced to 13.65 seconds.

In addition, he has some extra gains.

The weapons, shields, heads and Extraordinary characteristics seized in the Battle of Boulogne-Plachen totaled up to 25000 silver langs from the auction.If it weren't for the shield being obtained by LS at a low price of 2500 silver lang, everyone might be able to share more.

Griffith's financial situation improved all of a sudden.


"Is the holy light fooling me?" Berthier saw his father's car driving into the campus, and said to everyone in horror, "Could it be that Bayeran is going to move the capital?"

"No, you idiot," Fiona said in a low voice, "didn't you see it was a parent-teacher meeting?"

A large group of prominent figures walked up and down in Homeworth, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

From the window, Griffith saw His Excellency Cardinal Corvaren, the head of the Church of the Holy Light, jumping off the carriage.He is the leader of the Church's Armed Forces - the ruthless Punisher unit responsible for annihilating black magic believers.No matter what the newspapers said, he didn't come to read scriptures.

Senators, earls, and bishops lived in the guest rooms of the school and the professor's rooms, and their retinues and officers filled the town.In the past few days, Earl Lamor talked to his daughter several times. The first time Sonia entered the study, her face was brisk, the second time she was serious, as if she was about to do something important, and the third time she was shy. Looking at Griffith, wanting him to go in with him.

Fiona spoke in a low voice. When she saw Griffith and Lana, she called them "Your Excellency" and "Sir", with a full sense of distance from a countess.

Farther out on the sea, the fleet brought a whole legion, waiting for orders less than a day away from the old town.Their flagpole can even be seen from inside the campus.

In the past few days, the tone in the newspapers has suddenly changed, the news of victory has disappeared, and news of the defeat and mutiny of the Verona army has appeared one after another.The tone of the commentators became weird, and they talked about a piece of news upside down - "A group of rebels who could kill a first-year student in Homeworthy were able to pin the noble knights of Verona to the ground and beat them hard."

Griffith read the newspaper several times, and finally saw a sentence between the words:

"Byelan is going to attack Verona."

While everyone was discussing in low voices, the principal's valet suddenly appeared in the library.He quickly found Griffith in the crowd, and said high and politely:

"The Earl summons you, Your Excellency the Quasi-Knight."

"Count Lamor?" Griffith asked subconsciously.

"Yes, he is waiting for you in the principal's meeting room."

The chattering long table fell silent for a moment, Sonia glanced at him nervously, and watched him leave the library with an uneasy face.

Griffith came outside the conference room and found that the Earl was eating a glass of yogurt ice by the window looking at the sea.He glanced at the quasi-knight, and stuffed his yogurt ice into his mouth.

"Let's talk about your thoughts and brains, Mr. Chevalier,

"It is said that it is miraculous. Sonia told me that you completed the staff work and logistics organization of the Boulogne battle by yourself, and also arranged for the sniping against the rebel leader."

Count La Mole has a sweet tooth as much as I do... No wonder he says he knows what I think!When I'm nervous and tired, I like to eat some cold desserts. The earl doesn't look tired. Why is he nervous?

Griffith looked at the earl while thinking in his heart, pretending not to know anything, and said solemnly:

"If Your Excellency the Earl allows, I can now report to you the complete official battle report of the Battle of Boulogne-Placine."

"Really? Don't you need to look at the materials and maps?"

"Yes, my lord, no auxiliary materials are required."

Count Lamor clapped his hands:

"Okay, you can keep your word, if you make a fool of yourself later, Ashford will deduct your salary month by month.

"We're going into the drawing room now, where a small group of people are brainstorming, and you're going to take notes on part of the conversation.

"You don't have to worry, it's definitely not a chaotic conversation. Some people may not be able to use their brains. I will correct them. Everyone takes turns to speak. Of course, I don't mean that there is an order.

"We said, remember, there will be about twenty pages.

"After the records are completed, we may come to one or several resolutions and send you to carry out the mission under a certain resolution. This mission will be very important and will give you full intelligence support, authorization and support.

"On the surface, you pretend to be performing daily combat missions. In fact, when you arrive at the mission site, you have to be careful and clever, keep a secret watch, and find out the enemies who have infiltrated your friendly forces, or find out their real purpose.

"If you complete the task and come back alive, this autumn, we will give you the command of a new type of experimental army. Before you become a formal noble or knight, you can be the commander of the army. Before you buy a building by the sea An independent house, and the dream of marrying an officer's sister back home is another step forward."

Griffith was about to refute the Earl's last sentence immediately.

The count saw what he was thinking, and went on at once:

"You have to be ready. This mission will be different than usual. You won't be lonely. Someone is eager to cast an Imperius Curse on my quasi-knight gentleman. In this way, your mission will come to an end.
"Hey, how will we know that you are dead? No matter how enthusiastic you are, you won't be able to inform us of your death."

Griffith nodded and said, "My lord, I think this task..."

The count immediately interrupted him: "Stop, Mr. Knight. Don't forget, as a junior officer, and a junior officer of your age, you shouldn't make wild guesses when you're not asked."

Griffith was deeply humiliated that he was wrong.He tried to find an excuse for the sake of self-esteem, but he couldn't find it.Suddenly, he noticed a message.

Junior officer?

The count suddenly realized that he had slipped his tongue...he explained with an indifferent face:
"The military will award you the rank of Reserve Assault Squadron Leader."

So fast? !Griffith was taken aback.

Reserve Assault Squadron Leader is a reserve officer rank and the lowest officer rank, lower than a second lieutenant, but even so he is an officer.Since then, Griffith has left the non-commissioned officer class.

In just three days, he was promoted from an apprentice knight to an associate knight, and from a second-level squad to an officer.

After receiving the Order of the Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves, Griffith had been predicting when he would be able to obtain the rank of officer, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

His first reaction was excitement, joy, and excitement about the pay increase.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

It all happened so fast.

Griffith is only a first-year student at Homewarts and is still several years away from completing his studies.Generally speaking, the most outstanding storral students can be appointed as reserve assault squadron leaders in the third grade, and it is possible to get the official rank of officer in the fourth grade.

Such a rapid promotion and promotion has already exceeded the scope of reuse, which means that the next mission has great danger, even exceeding the danger hinted by Professor Heinz.

"Thank you for your trust! Your Excellency the Earl." Griffith stood at attention and beat his chest in salute.Anyway, the Earl didn't discuss with him, and he couldn't refuse.

Earl Lamor nodded and continued:

"Assault cavalry is the Imperial Guard system. You can make independent decisions and report independently from the command of the National Defense Forces, and you don't even need to obey the supernatural beings on the scene. In the combat state, your authority is increased by two levels, which is equivalent to the lieutenant of an ordinary army. You can Exercise command over the National Defense Forces and local forces.

"You have to make full use of these permissions."

 There is another update at noon today

(End of this chapter)

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