Blood tax

Chapter 149 Armored cavalry advancing

Chapter 149 Armored cavalry advancing
"After being driven by dust crystals, the Paris-Scholtz configuration will form the energy output of the light system, and the rate of change of the output power is this formula."

Sidious was scribbling on the blackboard, and everyone in the big lecture hall was crackling and taking notes.

"The properties, dosage and ratio of dust crystals are all important variables of this model. Let's run the function." Sidious started the test directly in the classroom. The reaction we talked about in the previous class appeared next, and the effect of sustaining diffraction presents a complex function form..."

I don't understand, speak human language...

Griffith paled.What is Sustained Diffraction?ever taught?What page is the Tver model in the book?
The battle hero of Verona, Griffith of the military command department, was at a loss in the intermediate spell theory class.This professional course for Minerva's magic science students is mandatory for Sutolar to take, and there is also an exam, which will be included in the final grade.

Griffith understands nothing, understands nothing!He looked at Professor Sidious with a look of despair like all Sutorals.

Galadia, help me!Hey, her back is so pretty...

Returning to Homemonwarts is a full day of classes.Galadia sat in front of him and listened to the class seriously, and his brother Sidious was on the podium.

The gentle and charming gaze of the extraordinary elf wizard makes girls born in noble and mage families mesmerized.However, there will always be a moment when his eyes will be filled with disgust, critical and critical gazes, and then move away full of disgust.

Several times Griffith wanted to whisper to Galadia, who was sitting in the front row, or pass a note to her.Whenever he started to tinker with this small idea, Sidious's unfriendly eyes would cover him, making Griffith feel that he would kill himself with a bolt of lightning at any time.

Sonia seemed to have something to do and asked for a whole day off.She would have explained it to Griffith during recess.

Finally, when get out of class was over, Galadia went to ask her brother questions with her textbooks in her arms, followed by a large group of girls.

Griffith trudged toward the dining room, feeling a deep sense of despair about midterm exams.

I'm probably going to get a zero... Sonia will definitely catch me up late.

While eating lunch, Griffith received an encrypted letter from home.

"My dear brother,

"Congratulations on your great victory. We saw the battle report of the Battle of Boulogne, and my father made a rare comment during dinner. Mom and Saya are very happy. Let me write to ask you when you will be free to return to your new home Come.

"We prayed for Iloti. Father asked me to tell you to think twice about everything, and when the time is right, someone will come to assist you.

"Don't act recklessly.

"We have settled down in Carolan, the largest city in the south, and the new address is enclosed with this letter.

"After I came to the south, I gradually discovered that my father's plan was beyond our imagination. If any bastard thinks that we are a weak and weak family of lower knights, so he dares to hurt our relatives, we must make him pay the worst price. Regret coming to this world, even if it is him.

"When taking important actions or encountering major dangers, contact us immediately through the communication function of the Echo Hub. Take care of small things by yourself.

"According to gossip, the higher-ups may elevate my father's title to become a senior knight, that is, a grand knight. If it is implemented, we can add 'de' in front of Brandon's surname. I don't know if my father will accept it. I think Just accept it, you have come to such a remote place in the south, so there is nothing to worry about. Although it has nothing to do with you, it is not a bad thing to hear it well.

"Saya is getting cuter and cuter. This is not good. If she is cuter, the world will be destroyed. Mom decided to send her to Homonwarts next year and give her to you to monitor. You have to hurry up and grow up to protect the cuteness." sister.

"good luck,
"Your invincible brother, Hilopus Brandon."

The knight of Brandon, who was transferred to the southern province, finally wrote to his son.Although this has nothing to do with Griffith, who has no inheritance rights, he is still very happy.

Attached with the letter are some investigation reports of the Knights' family on the Neopolis incident.The letters had been encrypted, and they had learned some of the peculiarities of the Primordial Call, pointing to possible dangers.

Mrs. Brandon Knight reminded her son at the end of the investigation record, pointed out some possible variables, and repeatedly told him to be careful. When his sister was in the third grade, he would come to Homonwarts to enroll. Don't mess with yourself before then. died.

The investigative report is similar to the intelligence Griffiths had in Iloty's final moments.The call of the ancestor can activate the latent extraordinary characteristics, turning the seemingly ordinary life into a terrifying devourer.

Mrs. Blanton Knight wrote:
"Only those ancient existences that have become myths can be affected by the call of the ancestors and wake up from the long sleep and seal. Once awakened, the host with extraordinary characteristics will frantically absorb the spiritual energy and vitality of the outside world, and show it A terrifying gesture in ancient mythology.

"The monster between plants and animals that lurks in Ilotti looms in the ancient myths of the southern continent. In the upper reaches of the Karolun River, a plateau is hidden deep in the desert and oasis. There is Crazy and ancient legends say that certain clans of trolls worship crazy avatars that look like plants on the stairs.

"Its existence is too ancient, and the truth is hidden in countless lies and fallacies. I will prove it carefully. Griffith, you must not take the initiative to pursue this secret."


When it was time for dinner, the atmosphere on campus suddenly changed.

Wearing a double-breasted blue-and-red-collar cavalry uniform-style coat, black trousers, boots, and a long sword at his waist, Griffith walked through the long corridor to the hall to prepare for dinner.According to the revised school regulations, Shutoral can carry a sword with him, but he cannot wear armor unless there are special circumstances.

He wanted to talk to Galadia, although he hadn't seen her for a few days, but he missed her very much, very much.

Everyone around me is weird.

Several beautiful girls of noble birth walked past him.Usually, they kept a social distance from Griffith, but today they boldly glanced at him, with a look of scrutiny and evaluation in their eyes.

Something is going to happen! ?
Griffith immediately realized that something was happening again that he didn't understand.He subconsciously started to activate the bone ring, preparing to flee back to the dormitory and put on armor to face the enemy.

However, it seems that this is not the case.Far away, the halls of Homemonwatts were being decorated with festoons and coats of arms, only on festive days.

He looked around suspiciously, and asked his fellows in a low voice.

"Lana, is something wrong?"

Lana is happily chatting with Fiona.Neither of them heard his question.

"Mura, have you heard anything?"

Murat was smirking with a portrait and ignored him.Nona on the side glanced at it, and sighed helplessly and disappointed.

what happened?Have you started the holidays yet?
At this time, Kulala came over.The girl who had just recovered from her injury was wearing a slim and beautiful dress with exquisite makeup, not at all like Shutoral.


"Hey, what's the matter?" The girl with long silver hair came up to her immediately.

"What happened?"

"Hey, you don't know yet?" Kulala looked at him suspiciously, "That's right, do you have a fiancee?"

"No, why ask this?"

"Do you want to consider me!" Kulala gave an amazing proposal with her big eyes blinking.

"Huh—?" Griffith leaned back in horror, afraid that Galadia would hear this in some corner.

Nona walked over quickly, grabbed Kulala who was making a face, and turned her head to Griffith and said:
"Quickly fix your clothes and hair."

Hello!Can you stop everyone from talking only half the time!
Griffith tensed up. Although he didn't know what happened, he also realized that the upcoming incident was related to him.

Galadia has not appeared until now, and she has always been positive about eating.

Sonia saw Griffith from a distance, and immediately walked towards him.She'd been avoiding Griffith since the yogurt and lap pillow thing, but this time she was heading straight.

She was wearing a beautiful dress, not the seductive long dress at the ball, but a dress for formal occasions, with a small handbag.

She grabbed Griffith and led him into a room off the Hall of Hormonwatts.

This is the dressing room, which is often used by the girls who perform.

Do you want me to go up and sing at dinner time later?dance?I won't!
"Sonia, what happened?"

"Wipe your face first." Sonia ignored him, but handed over a hot towel, then deftly opened the cosmetic bag, and looked at Griffith's face with both hands.

She seemed a little angry and depressed, but generally had an okay attitude.It was really Griffith's faux pas to move on someone's leg.

"After a while, you can follow the waiter's instructions. You can give a military salute and don't need to speak," Sonia said without thinking, looking left and right seriously and confused, "I don't care about men's makeup." I understand too well, in a word, it’s right to highlight shadows and outlines.”

Griffith was about to speak when Sonia took out her foundation and patted it on his face.

Standing on her toes, she carefully groomed Griffith's eyebrows, and her soft little hands slid across the resolute face, making people feel itchy.

Since Griffith is much taller than herself, Sonia can only support his shoulders for hard work.It took a while for her to realize that there was a chair next to her, and she hurriedly sat down against Griffith, allowing herself to catch her breath.

"Is your face paler than when you first came to Bayeran?" Sonia said to herself, "It seems that the remnants of the blood race's characteristics still have an impact. Let me put some blush on you."


What can Griffith say, he doesn't know how to make up, so he can only sit upright, staring straight ahead without squinting so as not to disturb Sonia.

The girl smells really good...

The faint fragrance of spring penetrates into the nostrils.Sonia bent over, carefully applied foundation and base cream to him, and trimmed the shadows on the bridge of the nose and the corners of the eyes.

Griffith's eyes couldn't help staying between her collar, and he saw the fair neck, delicate collarbone and faintly visible deep arc.

Sonia didn't notice.As usual, she is very devoted and serious in doing what is in front of her. If she appeared on a man, she might make people feel a bit rigid, but with her beautiful girlish face and lively eyes, she is extremely cute.

Would be a good wife... A thought popped into Griffith's mind.

"Sonia!" Fiona pushed the door open suddenly and came in. "If you don't come out, I'll think you guys eloped."


Count Lamor, Count Chalon, Principal Tiberian, Your Excellency Salorian, Ms. Marianne, the Provost, Professor Heinz, Professor Erich, and several unknown big men are standing in the middle of the hall , all eyes were on Griffith and Sonia who came out of the side door.Even Sidious was there, and Galadia beside him was dressed in a costume and looked at them uncomfortable.

Griffith was taken aback by the specification.

Earl, do you want to marry your daughter to me?Can't do it!
Before his wild thoughts came to fruition, Sonia stepped aside and looked at him with a smile.

The arrogant waiter said loudly:
"Shutoral, step up in line and present the flag to your commander."

Griffith understood immediately.

The waiters handed Lance's military flag that had been prepared to him and led him to the red carpet.Lana, L. Le, Miyo and others followed behind him with the flags of the captured rebel troops.

One after another, the salute was fired, and gorgeous fireworks flew past the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hall, blooming in the air.

This is a grand festival. Amidst the passionate melody, the Shutorals stepped forward with solemn expressions holding flags.

"Griffith Brandon, capture the rebel leader Lance's flag!"

"Lana Jean, capture the flags of the Rebel Heavy Infantry II Squadron and IV Squadron!"

One by one, the ten Shutorals who participated in the battle threw the captured military flags under the rostrum under the watchful eyes of countless eyes in the Hall of Homenworth.

Every time they threw down a military flag, the drummers beat with a rapid rhythm, and then changed to a soothing and lively drumbeat, waiting for the military flag below to be thrown down, and so on.

Following the flag are the armored staff used by rebel leaders and elite units.Griffith and the others turned back to take the prepared spoils and presented them to their commander again.

The main force of Lance was almost wiped out, and the captured military flags and guards of honor were piled up like a hill in front of the rostrum.

The climax of the audience was the captured Lance's weapons and heavy armor.The bloodstains have not been wiped away, and the huge wound pierced by the spear is vividly visible.

The armor was carried through the hall by the Xiutorals. The bold students even reached out to touch the cold armor, and then immediately withdrew their hands in shock from the residual killing intent.

"Let us salute the brave warriors who fought bravely at the Battle of Boulogne-Placine! Long live the victory! Long live the king and the wise senate!" Headmaster Tiberian raised his glass and shouted, "Vive la Byarlant !"

"Vive la Byarlant!"

The audience cheered thunderously, and all the professors, guests and students of the four grades all stood up.They chanted slogans and saluted the king and the wise senate, and the cheers almost knocked off the roof of Homenworth Hall.

Sonia waved desperately towards Griffith in the audience, shouting his name.

Count William de La Moore took two steps forward, and said to the Choutoral who was lined up in front of the stage:

"Apprentice Griffith Blanton, step forward.

"In view of your extraordinary courage, perseverance, noble faith and extraordinary wisdom, as well as your major military exploits in the Battle of Boulogne-Placine, we have decided to award you the Knight Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves medal."

What medal?Griffith thought he had heard wrong.Mine is the Silver Eagle Badge, and I don't need so many people to participate in the award!
"Ob's stuermt oder schneit (whether wind or snow),
"Ob die Sonne uns lacht (or when the sun is hot),"

Laner and L.S. let go of their voices and began singing "The Cavalry Marching," stomping their feet with their heavy boots as they sang.

"Der Tag gluehend heiss (whatever the hot day),

"Oder eiskalt die Nacht (Still cold night),
"Bestaubt sind die Gesichter (even if the dust rolls in your face),
"Doch froh ist unser Sinn (We are still happy),

“Ist unser Sinn (still enjoyable)!”

All the Shutorals in the four grades stood up and sang with a breathtaking rhythm.Their heavy boots thundered to the ground, sending out earth-shaking resonances and tremors.

Griffith stepped onto the rostrum amid stormy applause and cheers, and all the big shots looked at him. Sonia, who was in the audience, smiled sweetly like spring flowers in April and waved desperately to him.Even Professor Lordes, who didn't like Griffith the least, sat on his seat reluctantly and raised his eyelids.

The attendants presented the Silver Oak Leaf Knight Eagle Badge on red velvet, and sent it to Count de La Mole with an extremely dignified and elegant manner.

The count hung the medal on his neckline with his own hands.




Wave after wave of cheers almost sent Griffith into the sky.

He was filled with great happiness, and now even if he was asked to attack an army of 1000 people alone, he would do it without hesitation.

The small medals were cast in silver, and the small pieces of silver oak leaves on the eagle banners were rubbed with rare precious metals, giving them powerful magical properties.The way the medal is worn is different from the Iron Eagle Medal tied on the button of the coat by Griffith. It must be worn in the middle of the collar, and the medal is tied to the neckline through a blue, white and red ribbon.

In Bajeland, there are three conditions to become a nobleman.

8. The Extraordinary Sequence must not be lower than Sequence [-];

[-]. Must have received a Knight's Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves or a higher order of honor;
[-]. Canonized by nobles above earl.

There is an additional tradition to this system.Within two years of the award of the Order of the Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves, Griffith's lord should have knighted him.This tradition has a long history, and it is mainly to solve the transition period when the recipient of the medal is still young or it is difficult for the feudal family to arrange territories and positions.

However, in any case, if Earl Lamor delays with various excuses after two years, it will be regarded as a provocation and insult to the Order and the entire noble society.

From this moment on, Griffith has entered the noble class of Bayeran in a practical sense.

From now on, he must conspicuously wear the Order of the Eagle with Silver Oak Leaves. This is his obligation and right.All non-noble people must address him as Your Excellency or Your Excellency.

In ancient times, becoming an official nobleman often meant getting a small land.In order to prevent the land in the core area from being fragmented by large and small territories, the ancient wise kings used currency to buy land from nobles, or replace it with large tracts of land in new provinces.

One form of redemption is an annuity.The king will make appropriate balances and adjustments according to the level of the title and the output of the land, and give the nobles a certain amount of precious metal currency every year. This is the earliest annuity.

Granting land is no longer popular.After all, to manage the manor, one must leave Bayeran, the center of power and intelligence.It is now fashionable to give an annuity to nobles formally promoted to the order of knighthood.2000 Silver Lang for lower-level knights.The senior knights should not be less than 5000 Silver Lang, which is roughly equal to the annual salary of four apprentice knights, and it is an income that can be obtained without working.

The improvement of status has even greater benefits. Although noble status is not a prerequisite for being appointed as an officer, nobles will definitely be appointed as officers instead of non-commissioned officers.

Griffith can now save at least 20 merit points, and he can keep all of them to promote the rank of officer instead of continuing to climb the rank of non-commissioned officer.

The dignitaries on the rostrum congratulated the newly promoted noble candidate Griffith in turn.Headmaster Tyburion also made a point of adding that he was as amiable as an old pedant:
"The medal itself is an enchanted item. It can generate and maintain a layer of defensive shield every 5 minutes and last for 5 minutes. It can continue to resist physical and magical attacks until it is broken. The shield is not easily disturbed by blood energy and has higher resistance to black magic. Sex can even bring you good luck and blessings.

"Keep up the good work, lad."

Griffith originally thought that the battle in Verona would bring him rewards of meritorious service, silver Lang and extraordinary items, but he didn't expect it to be such a precious high-ranking medal.

 I wish you all a Happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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