Blood tax

Chapter 138 Griffith Needs to Regroup His Troops

Chapter 138 Griffith Needs to Regroup His Troops

"Follow the knight!"

A young man in the city defense army raised his arms and shouted, and rushed into the crowd following Griffith's footsteps.

Griffith chopped down the red flag with one halberd and killed several people. Wherever he went, he was like a wolf joining a herd of sheep.

From south to north, from east to west, he specially picked up piles of rebels to attack.Many armored rebels were not without the idea of ​​​​fighting back, but once Griffith arrived, they could not hold on immediately.

After repeated attacks like this several times, the crowd of rebels gathered many times and was dispersed many times. Finally, hundreds of rebels on the high ground exploded like a flooded ant nest, sending out earth-shattering cries.

"It's defeated!"

"It's defeated!"

They threw away their weapons and fled to the shallows to the west, where the water was shallow, and they could flee all the way to the camp in the southwest.There is also a large group of warehouses fleeing into the north slope.Hundreds of hands pushed each other, hundreds of big feet stepped on the fallen companions, howling and crowding on the slope of the mountain road.

"Chasing, follow me!"

Griffith shouted loudly that the battle had achieved results beyond expectations, and as long as he worked harder, the northern camp could be completely destroyed.In this way, not only did he defeat a rebel position that was always threatening Sonia's safety, but the reinforcements from the northeast also gained a foothold across the river.

The first independent command of the battle can break the camp, such a record is much more glorious than bullying goblins stuck at the small intersection in the village!
Dozens of soldiers in the demoralized city defense army howled and rushed forward, holding wooden guns and rushing towards the rebels who couldn't dodge.

"Defeated, defeated!" The soldiers of the rebel army ran everywhere like ants on rotten tomatoes. Many people even rushed into the warehouse to snatch food and supplies, and then went crazy and set themselves on fire, burning the warehouse and colleagues. The gown burned into a fireball.

Griffith had also planned to arrange people to set the fire, but he did not expect that not long after the collapse of the rebel army, the barracks and tents on the top of the low mountain were set ablaze.The fire spread along the bushes and woods, billowing the entire hill with smoke.

Chaotic rebels were looting and burning their own warehouses everywhere on the high ground, and almost no one dared to stop Yambol's city defense army.

But the soldiers around Griffith also melted like ice cubes thrown into boiling water.Before he rushed into the depths of the camp, he found that there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, and many of them disappeared in a blink of an eye by the warehouses and tents.

Although the battle was extremely smooth, Griffith's troops were disintegrating at a rapid rate.

He just wanted to defeat the rebels and rescue Sonia, and he didn't pay attention to the situation in front of him.

When they were in the east, Erza led them into the villages and towns of orcs and trolls several times.Even in the fierce battle, there are always comrades who disappear without knowing it.Erza had to regroup every once in a while, and even so, some people would never be found again for no reason.

In the end, she had to arrange in advance who would burn the nest and who would open the box in formation and group, one by one.

Erza Valkyrie has a famous saying that often hangs on her lips-"Rooting, no, expropriation is an art."

Griffith didn't expect this at all, and when he found out, the situation was already out of control.

"Focus on me!"

"Don't scatter!"

He shouted again and again.But the overwhelming screams and chaotic shouts completely suppressed his slogan.Even if he shouted his throat, he couldn't regroup his soldiers.

Griffith realized that his vague feeling before the battle was not a hallucination, he had really forgotten a particularly important element.

His troops had neither banners nor drums and horns, no timing for extending victories and retreats, no means of rallying his men to give them orders!

The advancement and retreat of more than 100 people depended on his shouts, and they completely lost control after entering the chaotic battle.

"Retreat!" Griffith, who was chasing after Dasheng, gave up and shouted to the subordinates who could be found around him who were robbing frantically, "Take your belongings and go back to the ship!"

Must retreat as soon as possible.

Although the battle went smoothly, the Griffith Squadron also exhausted their already low organization while defeating the bandits.

The whole squadron was scattered, except for some timid and cautious people who followed him, the bold soldiers and the scoundrels summoned from the street disappeared.

Not long after killing the rebel leader Mosmoke, the organization of the city defense army and militia has disappeared.

Although Griffith's momentum is overwhelming, his heart is already beating a drum.

At his order, less than a quarter of the men withdrew to the barge with some loot.Others ran down from the high ground one after another with large and small bags in their arms.

Their shield wagons were gone too, and everyone was loading valuables and frivolous possessions on board, and some even wanted to go back and do it again.

There was no movement in the muddy water below the high ground, and there might be vague figures and smoke in the far Bate Manor.However, behind the high ground out of sight, it is unknown whether the rebels in other camps are moving or sending reinforcements.

The high ground where hundreds of rebels were stationed was huge, and scattered enemies and burning buildings were everywhere in the field of vision.The leader of the camp, Mosmoke, had been killed, but Griffith wasn't sure if there would be more and stronger Beyonders.

The rebel army has a sword master who has stepped into the extraordinary!

If the Sword Saint Lansenis that he met last night appeared here, Griffith reckoned that with his own ability, he would have his head chopped off after a few rounds, put a gun point on it, and hung it on the wall.

Griffith is here to harass and contain the rebels. It is of course good to be able to break through the camp, but if you are too greedy for the results of the battle, you will be finished.

"Retreat! Go back to the boat!" Griffith shouted, "This is an order! Come back with me if you want to live!"

Some city defense troops and militia gathered around him.

It could be seen that they really wanted to go to the camp to grab something again, but Griffith, who beheaded the rebel leader in one round, was also a powerful and terrifying knight master in their eyes, and his orders were still to be obeyed.

Griffith glanced at them coldly, thinking in his heart that this is the only time I yell, if you want to die, go ahead...

Only half of the team of more than 150 people came back one after another.

After a while, the city defense soldier who had followed Griffith's charge just now came back.He didn't bring any belongings or packages, but he was holding three companions from the city defense army.These city defense troops also carried big and small bags like everyone else.

"Mr. Knight, wait for us!"

The pawn ran out of breath, and finally caught up with everyone before they left.

Griffith took a deep look at him: "Get on board!"

The city defense troops gathered to the shore were quickly assigned to flat-bottomed boats, ready to set sail.This time there was no rush car, and the load on the flat-bottomed boat was only the goods that everyone had just robbed. Dozens of soldiers pushed out of the shallows on the shore together.

"Sir, Lord Knight," a bold militiaman quietly approached Griffith and asked, "There are still many people who have not come, do you want to wait for them?"

The nearby soldiers also cast inquiring gazes.Only half of the people on the three ships that came together withdrew back, and the others either ran away or rushed into the rebel camp and started looting in disorder.

"Take all the punts away, we will come back later, if they want to come back, they can use the rafts of the rebels," Griffith waved his hand, "If anyone volunteers to stay and wait for them, you can Leave."

The militiaman who asked the question was just asking, and immediately fell silent.

"Start the boat!" Griffith grabbed an oar and rowed vigorously.With him as an example, the three flat-bottomed boats retreated quickly and left quickly towards the return route.

A few minutes after the punt left, a rebel army came into view.Their ranks were in good order, and they began to counterattack the remaining government troops.

Griffith looked at the distant camp. In the flames soaring into the sky, the city defense troops and militiamen who were left behind were running away with their heads in their arms, desperately running to the shore, and then were overwhelmed by the overtaking rebels.

Their screams came from far away, and the people on the flat boat showed expressions of fear and joy.There are also some people holding the belongings in their hands, with very complicated expressions on their faces.

If I stay and lead them to stand firm and fight back, maybe I can completely defeat these rebels and destroy the camp here... Griffith shook his head and drove away the idea.As the only commander who can organize battles right now, he can't take the risk of throwing himself here.

With a slight sense of guilt and regret, Griffith lightly stroked the Anima breastplate he had just snatched.

The workmanship of this breastplate is very fine, and when you look closely, you can still find that the frame is made of brass, and the silver is woven into a complicated network pattern.Grooves made of precious metals are reserved on the shoulders, waist and chest.

Although the gems in the groove had been lost, Griffith was overjoyed by the faint fluctuation of magic power on the breastplate.

This is an enchanted breastplate with a magicweave structure drawn. As long as magic crystals and gems are embedded in key positions, the breastplate will provide more powerful buffs.

Even without expensive gemstones, this breastplate provides decent protection against both sharp and blunt weapons.

After this battle subsides, we must ask the Lamor family to assist in aligning the gemstones on the breastplate.


It was getting late when Griffith returned to Yambol Town, and the city defense army and scoundrels who had snatched the things went back happily carrying the seized supplies.

Although half of them did not return, these missing soldiers did not have many families.Even more scoundrels and vagrants, drawn by the battle capture, begged Griffith to take them to make a fortune too.

"Very good, very spirited!"

Griffith happily gathered them together, and casually armed them with wooden spears and wooden shields.

He still has dozens of city defense troops and nearly a hundred rogues in his hands.After the sun rises on March 3, he can launch another attack, and even try to get close to Beit Manor.

If he was lucky, he and the city defenders could approach Baron Bett's castle by means of a flat-bottomed boat, and Sonia and everyone who were blocked by the flood could escape.

As long as you meet them, the matter will be more than half successful.The trapped people have mobile tools, and Griffith also has long-range fire support, so it is sure to highlight the encirclement of the rebels.

If the rebels patrolled closely there, Griffith would turn to the south and attack the rebel camp on another high ground, continuing to stall for time.

In the current severe situation, the Grand Duke of Verona and local forces will definitely become very sensitive.Although the local nobles in Verona are unlikely to actively deploy reinforcements, and Bayeran's regular army and extraordinary people are likely to be blocked by Verona to delay time, but this does not mean that Griffith has no reinforcements.

Four teams from Minerva Academy in Homenworth came to Verona.After hearing the news that Sonia and the others are in distress, the other groups will definitely flee towards Old Town and other ports.

There are two groups that are relatively far away and may flee directly back to the school.One of the most powerful first-year storrals, Ophelia with the magic eye, seems to be hopeless.

But one group is close.

The extraordinary wizard Professor Lobo and his team also set off from the waterway of Old Town. They took different paths, and they could only retreat to Old Town after the crisis happened.In this group, there are members of the same famous big family. Even if they and the professor are not willing to risk their lives to join the war, this is a high probability thing, and Shutoral in the same group is also a force that cannot be ignored.

LS, Miyo, Gérard, Reye and Mira from the Eastern Legion are in this group. They have fought with Griffith, robbed the village of the orcs together, and have done some other big things. Big and small bad things, last winter they were beaten side by side by magic wolves.

They are all great warriors, loyal comrades-in-arms and experienced non-commissioned officers, and Sonia's kindness for them in the Whispering Forest will never be forgotten.

La Moore and Earl Chalon will definitely try to get them to participate in the rescue.Even without their coordination, the five Xiutorals headed by LS would not sit idly by.

As long as they arrive in the old town, under the influence of the central government and the arrangement of Professor Lobo, these five Xiutorals will try to take away the command of the old town defense army and militia belonging to Bayeran, at any cost Come to support.

Griffith is convinced of this.

Time, the key now is time.Griffith must try his best to prevent the rebels from attacking Beit Manor.

According to the initial reconnaissance and the small amount of information provided by the captives, thousands of rebels in Lance were distributed in four main camps along the Beit River and Velo, and surrounded Beit Manor together with the flooded river.

The northern camp that was broken today is the weakest camp, and there are powerful leaders and thousands of troops stationed in the rest of the camps.

Griffith only has more than 100 unreliable city defense troops and rogues recruited on the street. The situation is really unfavorable. Where do we start?

Just as he was thinking about his actions on March 3, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, and then someone pushed the door in.

"Mr. Knight, there is a sergeant asking to see you." The person who knocked on the door and came in was the soldier of the city defense army.

He is neither tall nor short, with a good appearance, but very young, very thin, and looks no more than 15 years old.When the rebels were defeated, he was the first soldier to follow Griffith in the assault. After the battle, he did not participate in the robbery, but grabbed his comrades and rushed to join Griffith.

Brave, self-disciplined, and a little brainy.

Griffith looked at him with interest.If the pawn had moved a little slower at that time, he would have been left behind along with the dozens of city defense troops and militiamen.Griffith would not take risks for these unreliable soldiers.

"What's your name?"

"Pasio, Pasio Wamuu, son of Victory Wamuu, Mr. Knight!" The young pawn replied loudly, his face flushed with excitement.

"Why are you here, Pashu?"

"I think Mr. Knight needs a subordinate who understands the situation in this town, and an assistant who can help." Paxiu's words were smooth and loud, and it seemed that he had thought about this issue long ago.

"Oh? Do you have any information you can provide me with, or help me with?" Griffith asked calmly.

Paxiu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but felt that his answer was unsatisfactory and choked back. He froze in place for a while, his malnourished face became even paler.

This scene is a bit familiar, it was like this when I was talking to the earl, but I was standing in Paxiu's position, excited and nervous, for fear that if I didn't say something well, it would hurt the earl's perception of me.

Griffith smiled and asked, "How old are you? How long have you been in the military?"

"15 years old, sir. I joined the army for two months, no, it was three months. I was recruited shortly after the New Year," Paxiu replied hastily. The sergeant of the legion taught me some sword skills when I was at home."

Griffith blinked: "Where is Sergeant Victory Wamuu now?"

"He died," Paxiu replied, "a year ago he died in battle in the east with honor."

"Do you have any family?"

"I live with my mother and sister."

"Relying on the salary of the city defense army?"

"Yes, Mr. Knight," Paxiu replied honestly, "Before enlisting in the army, I worked for gentlemen."

"Pashuu, why didn't you bring something back like everyone else did?" Griffith asked the last question.

"I think that will hinder my battle, Knight Griffith!" Paxiu put his heels together, straightened his waist and replied loudly, "My father said that in battle, one should concentrate on nothing else and take victory as the only goal."

"Go and bring in the sergeant you just mentioned." Griffith took out a bag of silver and threw it to Paxiu, "then go home once and leave the money to your family. Tomorrow, you will fight side by side with me." .”

"Obey! Mr. Knight!"


The person brought in by Paxiu turned out to be Senamon, an engineer technical sergeant of the 12th Legion.He was not alone, but arrived at the town of Yambol with a squadron of engineers.

"I didn't want to come, and I didn't want to come," Senamon murmured, "but the big shots above seem to have made up their minds. Engineers like us can be allowed by Verona to support operations. Then he was sent to die immediately.

"Let me explain in advance that my guys and I don't have the command of an officer. We only know how to build bridges and build roads, and we know how to use trebuchets. They are useless in this muddy field."


Griffith responded.Trebuchet?No, you'll come in handy.

Doesn't this bastard know that he is heading towards a bright future?This is the task of rescuing the heirs of the great nobles, and they are not happy about it.

"So, Sergeant Senamon, do you know that I am in command of the city defense force in this town?" Griffith asked.

"I know, I know, I will fight with you, as long as you don't harm me," Senamon said depressedly, "I also know that you just won a battle, defeated thousands of rebels, and captured a camp You are so powerful, how did you get the command, how did you let a group of scoundrels follow you to fight?"

"I'm very good at convincing people," Griffith said.

"You must be planning to trouble the rebels tomorrow, right?"

"That is inevitable."

"I can help you guard the town of Yambol!" Senamon said immediately, "We are all under the direct control of Byelan. You must agree that I am more reliable than the locals!"

"That's right, I also think you are more reliable than the locals, so I'm considering giving you a future," Griffith nodded solemnly, "My lord, the Countess of La Moore, is trapped far away from here. Bate Manor is not far away. The Verona Local Legion brigade that rushed to assist her was lost in the flood, and I am regrouping the troops."

Griffith showed the sergeant a map of the coast.

After the flash floods, the topography of the Beit River from north to south and the Weiluo River from west to east changed drastically.But the camp of the rebels will definitely be built on the original high ground.

Griffith tapped the map and pointed to the other side of the river not far from the southern plateau.

"Senamon, take your trebuchet and go to this location tomorrow morning."

The tech sergeant shook his head like a pendulum:
"No, no, no, no, no! I'm an artilleryman. You threw me into the mud by the river. There is such a large highland on the other side of the river. The location is so important. There are at least a thousand rebels there. As long as a boat comes, I will have no way out. Ah! No, I won't go."

"You will go," Griffith stood up, grabbed the technical sergeant who wanted to escape and pushed him back to his seat, "not only will you go, but you will also take your men and four catapults with you.

"I'll give you a reason you can't refuse."

(End of this chapter)

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