Blood tax

Chapter 124 The Prophecy from Sidious

Chapter 124 The Prophecy from Sidious
A mythical creature that looks like a giant earthworm and the village that has accompanied it for hundreds of years...

Griffith experienced the feeling, and it was difficult to empathize.However, he can somewhat understand that from the perspective of the earth burrower, human beings are human beings, and they have been busy around it for hundreds of years without any change; My gratitude and friendship may have been forgotten over the years, and the ancient guardian finally turned into a big earthworm who lingered and couldn't communicate.

Hundreds of years later, trees will grow beside my tombstone. How will my descendants look at Galadia?What would her life be like in the years to come?What a memory I will be to her...

Griffith stood there silently.Miss Elf didn't say a word after she told the memory of the worm.

They are like two statues, thinking about their own things.

It wasn't until the icy chill rose from his feet that Griffith looked down, only to find that the clear water had covered his ankles.

"Quickly, find a door panel or tree trunk or something." Galadia shook her head, as if trying to drive away some thoughts, and stuffed the jade into Griffith's hand, "The sealed object is disintegrating, I remember you said here In reality it's a reservoir."

After being reminded, Griffith hurriedly searched around the altar, only to find a large piece of wood that could float on the water in a nearby hut.

The water from nowhere rose higher and higher, and even this higher hill was quickly submerged.Those living corpses that followed Griffith for a short time were almost wiped out, only the huge butcher living corpse remained.

It is a little different, staring at Griffith and the jade in his hand, slowly approaching, stretching out his hand towards the jade, and then disintegrating into pieces.

The cold flood submerged here.Griffith put the elf on the board and went up to try it himself.

"No, no, it's going to sink!"

Griffith found that it could not carry two people.He lost the double armor, most of the weapons and supplies with a painful face, leaving only the shield and the corrupted feather fencing, put the potions and the rest of the chocolate in a small bag and threw them on the wooden board, soaked in the water and pushed forward.

The black dome that shrouded the sky had disappeared, and the icy water looked like a smooth mirror under the moonlight.The world showed itself as it was - a calm and cold reservoir.

Galadia glanced into the distance, pointing out the direction like a captain: "Come on, Griffith, we will win if we swim out!"

The icy chill enveloped Griffith, and the coolness of the early spring night even covered his face with a layer of white mist.At first, I just felt that the water was a bit cold, but with the exhaustion of physical strength and the prolongation of time, Griffith began to find it difficult to even breathe.

This reservoir is astonishingly large.Although Griffith was able to persist for a long time due to his extraordinary physique, he also gradually felt his body temperature drop.

The shore was as far away as if it would never come... He felt like his brain was about to freeze, and his feet paddling underwater became heavier and heavier.

Galadia immediately noticed his strangeness, and stretched out her hand to hold the back of his cold hand: "Come up quickly, I will replace you."

"Your physique won't last long," Griffith shook his head, "I'm fine."

The elf girl's fingers are slender and slender, very beautiful.Griffith, who was terribly cold, admired these hands in a daze, and unconsciously felt a trace of warmth.

His mind regained a little bit, and his frozen body seemed to become flexible in a trance.

Griffith yelled inwardly.People who have been immersed in icy water for a long time will experience a brief period of pain and chills, which is a danger signal.

Am I dying here?Griffith swam vigorously.The shore was still several thousand meters away, and I couldn't hold on any longer.

"There are still some strength-enhancing potions in my package, but drinking it now may speed up the drop in body temperature," Griffith's mind was unusually calm, "Chocolate, give me some chocolate, this military ration can replenish calories."

As he spoke, he moved his fingers and pointed to the small package thrown on the wooden board.

The girl who heard this panicked, hurriedly opened the paper bag of chocolate, and handed it to his mouth.



Suddenly, the flustered Galadia dropped all the chocolates into the water.Seeing the loss of the baby, Griffith almost swallowed his last breath in grief.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The elf was about to cry, and picturesque brows were full of anxiety. If Griffith hadn't stopped her, she might have jumped into the water.

The lake water in early spring can be so cold.

When he finally landed on the shore, Griffith was so cold that he had no air to breathe.He saw the elf rush ashore with a whoosh, scramble into the grass for stones, rushes, and twigs and start a fire.

She was not good at this at all, her numb hands were still wet from the cold, she failed to light the fire several times, and Griffith, who was lying on the bank beside her, was almost silent.

Galadia prayed to all the gods she could think of, and Silver Moon and Starlight Queen, who looked after her, didn't seem to care about lighting the fire.She chanted the real names and rituals of many great benevolent and lawful beings, and there was no answer to her chaotic prayers.Desperate, she began to curse, from the holy light and the lucky lord all the way to the god in charge of the hearth and brewing.


The little flame finally illuminated the darkness of the night.Miss Elf didn't know how many gods she had to scold before she succeeded. She was so happy that she almost fell to her knees and kissed the dirt lightly.She hastily set fire to a nearby branch before thinking of taking off Griffith's soaked clothes.


This is a bit strange~ it turns out to be such an experience.It's not cold anymore, and my strength is recovering.

Griffith moved his eyelids, feeling like he fell asleep for a while.He was covered with a half-dry safari coat.In addition to the warmth of the campfire, there is also a beautiful body temperature and a jade-like touch.

He felt a reassuring heartbeat in his arm.

"Is this better?" Galadia leaned close to his side.

Griffith immediately realized that the feeling of his body was not the effect of the reflection.

He bounced like a spring, and cast a quick glance at his companion.

Galadia was only wearing tight-fitting unlined clothing, and her slim body lay beside him.

Griffith's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Seeing him regain consciousness, the elf sat up happily, covered himself with the semi-dry coat, and smiled softly: "I'm so hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

Griffith shook his head regretfully, he had already lost all his food along with most of his weapons and armor, and the chocolate was gone!
Suddenly there was an astonishing disturbance in the air, as if a transparent and illusory door had been torn open.In front of the two, Sidious's figure was gradually becoming clear.

The son of the Canaanite consul appeared in front of the two of them wearing fine armor, a war blade on his waist, and a silver-white luxurious robe.

"Brother, you are finally here!" Galadia said happily, "Every time you talk so big, you still come so late in the end."

No, it came so fast, it turned out to be a teleportation spell that doesn't need the assistance of the target location!I haven't even heard of it, is the magical power of Canaan and Sidious so strong?Griffith thought a little nervously.

Before Sidious had time to greet his sister, he was shocked to see that Griffith was almost naked, and then looked at his sister who had just got up from him and was also not properly dressed.

The stunning appearance of the high-ranking elf mage was instantly filled with storms and thunderclouds.The astonishingly powerful magic ball spun around Sidious.His anger almost turned into flames, and he was about to burn Griffith to death.

"Damn bug, you will pay for Galadia's reputation.

"I want you to regret coming to this world. Even being a goblin in your next life will be better than this experience."

Galadia pushed away the bewildered trainee knight and turned him around, and said to the furious brother, "Don't be naughty, take off your robe and give me the cocoa biscuits Hand it over!"

Sidious quickly put the robe on his sister, then untied the belt around her waist and tied it on her.Galadia took out the biscuit and ate it, and gave Griffith a piece.

"Where is this place?"

"The lake not far from Varna is within the area covered by the sealed artifact," Sidious said. "The vision has been lifted. I will take you to the nearby mage tower to rest."

"Well, how about you, Griffith?"

"I went to the nearby military camp to report that the task was completed, and I still had time to meet Sonia and the others near Old Town." Griffith thought for a while, "Please give me a ride, the army here may murder me. "

"No problem, we will go with you!" Galadia replied immediately, "Brother, give him your mail armor."

"I can't make it. (I can't.)"

Griffith and Sidious said together.

Galadia glared at Griffith first, and then stared at her brother covetously: "Should you take it off yourself or let me do it."


Although Sidious came quickly, the three of them still had to walk to the nearby military camp.

Without prior arrangements and sufficient supplies, even a Transcendent like Sidious would be greatly reduced in mobility after the teleportation is completed.He must have had many ways to hurry, but there was no other good way to take Griffith who was in the way and his sister who was not equipped.

Some strangeness began to appear on Galadia's body.She became very tired and drowsy, as if she would fall asleep at any moment.

This is one of the symptoms that may appear after the trial is completed. She has gained greater strength, but her body is not yet used to it.

"You rest here for a while," Sidious cleared a clean grass and let his sister lie down.Galadia immediately fell asleep.

Griffith, not knowing what to do, looked at Sidious nervously and awkwardly.

"Come here, I have something to tell you." The high-level elf wizard tried not to pinch his nose as if he was talking to a bug.

Griffith followed him, anxiously walking to the lake not far away.

"What did you do to Galadia?" Sidious said coldly while touching his sword, but he seemed more nervous than Griffith.

"Nothing!" Griffith said hurriedly, "I lost consciousness due to low temperature, Galadia took care of me, she just..."

"Okay, stop," Sidious interrupted him, "Did she tell you why you're here?"


This is also a concern of Griffith.He could sense that Galadia had concealed important information about the trial from him, but she fooled her a few times.

Mysticism is a rigorous system of theory and practice.Although there are still endless unsolved mysteries.But the authoritative theory believes that the mysterious world is a world of universal connections, and there is an inevitable connection behind seemingly accidental events.

This theory has been tested by practice for hundreds of years.

The encounter between Griffith and Galadia, the subsequent series of events, and the reasons for appearing in this trial can all be explored.

"Huh, what a sarcasm." Sidious looked at him seriously, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate his heart.Griffith felt terrified and even wanted to run away.

Sidious's gaze full of disgust and contempt gradually turned into a smile.He withdrew his extremely oppressive gaze, and said to himself like his sister:

"According to the prophecy, only when Galadia ventures alone in a place called Manisa in the Eastern Province will she find her destined Guardian. In hindsight, it was you. Make an exclusive sacred contract under the gaze of her. You are destined to appear when she is in danger, and the reason behind it remains to be investigated."

Griffith was taken aback.No wonder Galadia never explained in detail the true purpose and rewards of her adventures around the village of Manisa.Of course she would be embarrassed and unable to say such a thing.

Moreover, it meant that Galadia would one day find out about his pact with Sonia.Both deeds are exclusive!

Sidious didn't pay attention to his expression, and continued:

"Although it sounds absurd, you are the guardian revealed to her by the prophecy. Some of your undiscovered characteristics are of great significance to her, and you are destined to connect you together.

"My people are naturally aware of this problem. According to past cases and speculations, you two will make some shocking scandals sooner or later, just like Roland and my cousin Tidwigs, which is shameful and absurd. Farce, ultimately harming the interests of Canaan.

"Therefore, some of my clansmen acted. Through careful arrangements, they sent you to perform the mission of death before Earl Lamor noticed, without arousing the vigilance of Bayeran."

Griffith paled.

The idea that Canaan's consul wanted to kill him because of his daughter was sometimes taken by Griffith as a joke of his own.He didn't actually think the Archons would actually do that.

You can hate cockroaches, but setting traps for a cockroach to rush into someone's house and kill it is too much!

A smile flashed across Sidious's face:
"Hehe, look, they failed. I knew they were bound to fail as soon as I was aware of their plan.

"Is Iluvash's prophecy a divination trick in the backstreet? Their clever tricks finally sent you to my little sister who knows nothing about the world. If it weren't for your existence, her simple and reckless character would be really It is possible to die in the trial."

Thank you, you're welcome.This is what I should do.Griffith said in his heart.

Before he could finish his thoughts, a chill suddenly enveloped him.

Sidious's whole body exuded a terrifying aura.His eyes lost their ordinary brilliance, as if he had reached the origin of the world, more powerful than the legendary dragon.

Griffith once thought about fighting Sidious.But under such coercion, he found himself as vulnerable as a grass on the side of the road.

Sidious pressed on step by step, and asked in a joking tone:

"Griffith, are you proud of what I said?
"Feeling like the protagonist of the story, there is a beautiful and innocent princess delivered to your door without knowing it? You can choose from her and other flowers at will.

"Well, take it easy, Galadia doesn't want me to kill you. It's a small matter.

"You can continue to be the protagonist, I will fulfill you.

"It's just that it's not the hero,

"It's the heroine."

An extremely sharp ice blue long sword appeared in Sidious's hand.It is a combination of lightning and thunder, a mysterious and irresistible broken steel sword.

"I'm here to help you, Griffith," Sidious laughed, grabbing the throat of Griffith who wanted to escape, "Hurry up and prepare yourself a new name, something nicer and cuter , for a beautiful female knight. I come to help you and open the door to a new world,

"Hehe, I'm not a devil after all."

(End of this chapter)

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