Blood tax

Chapter 121 Black Territory Part 8

Chapter 121
At the corner of the wooden house, the water seeped through the soil on the surface, drawing clear traces and penetrating downwards.

Griffith pulled out his sword and inserted it into the gap, then slid it left and right and lifted it upwards.Under a thick wooden plank covered with earth, there is indeed a basement hidden.

"The planks are very thick and covered with clay. It's hard to find this place when you knock and check." Griffith lit a torch and went to the basement. "I'll go down and have a look first, you wait for me here."

The basement of the cabin was damp and dark.There was a foul smell in the small space.Griffith stepped on a soft mass with one foot.He shook the torch and found that it was a grown man dressed as a country gentleman.The squire's neck was twisted behind his back, and his face was distorted.

Further forward lay an old man.His body was severed at the waist by a sharp knife, and his intestines flowed all over the floor.

There are signs of wrestling here.In the innermost part of the basement, a tall and burly man sat by the wall.Griffith kept his distance, checking by the firelight.

The giant man was naked to the waist, with a greasy sackcloth around his waist, and he had been dead for a long time.He has a big round head, and his body height is quite similar to the monster who attacked the two.The strong muscles seemed to have been repeatedly stabbed by sharp knives, and there were blood holes and scars everywhere.The fatal wound was in the neck, where some terrible weapon had cut his throat, and the blood had seeped into the ground, staining the nearby soil a deep black.

Galadia jumped down and inspected the scene with Griffith, and after confirming that there were no other discoveries, they moved the giant man's body away together.

The dead man was so heavy that the two of them had to push him away from the wall with all their strength.At the base of the blood-soaked wall, there was a notebook left behind.

The clear and neat handwriting does not seem to be written by the giant man in front of him.Griffith even doubted whether he could hold the pen with his big hands.The beautiful little book is not something a big man would use, but it looks like a diary written by a dead squire.

【Diary [-] with unknown date】

"The envoy of the earth dragon is certainly stupid, but the village chief Vlad is too stubborn. We just want to move to a better place to live, not to completely break with the past inheritance.

"We will stick to our belief in the earth dragon, which is the guardian of the village just like it has been for hundreds of years.

"Master Demer Harker, the resident mage, listened to my distress. He said that he could help me, but he needed to prepare. During this period, I must imprison the village with the envoy for a long time, so as not to let the conflict between the villagers and the earth dragon Further intensification. To be honest, I don't think it's good to do this, and the villagers will be more worried. But since the Master Mage said so, it must be reasonable. He is the smartest person in the world."

【Diary with unknown date [-]】

"I did as the mage ordered.

"The village chief was very angry, and I promised him that he would be released as soon as the garrison mage arrived. Until then, we can't continue to let the village chief and the envoy clash in front of the villagers."

【Diary [-] with unknown date】

"I heard that the garrison mage has come to the village, but I haven't met him.

"The pig-killing bastard has a very bad attitude towards the village chief. Hell, it's impossible to reconcile the contradictions like this. I obviously tried every means to tell him to be respectful and calm! Why would the ancient earth dragon find such a fool to serve as the envoy?

"If it wasn't for his clumsiness in words and his inability to clearly convey the will of the earth dragon, how could the conflict develop to this point today?

"In the past few days, I have been thinking, isn't it just moving? How could this happen."

【Diary [-] with unknown date】

"My lord mage and master knight are missing.

"There are many people in the village who say that the envoy wanders around in his greasy torn bag, exudes a foul smell, looks at the villagers with strange eyes, and wants to eat people.

"But, it shouldn't be. I clearly told the envoy to hide in his hut and keep an eye on the village chief before he was mediated by the resident mage, and he promised to do so. Why do people still say that he appeared in the village to cause trouble?
"What should I do? Maybe I should let the village chief out, the basement really smells bad for the old man's health.

"Well, I have to go and let him out."

【Diary [-] with unknown date】

"There are figures haunting near the angel's wooden house, and there are big scary cockroaches, I am very scared.

"A monster appeared, he disguised himself as an angel,
"Oh no, they were fighting, it was terrible. The envoy was defeated and seriously injured, and we hid in the basement together.

"Who will save me!"

[The last scribbles]

"He's coming, he's spotted us, he's up there!"

Galadia put away the diary and shook her head slightly at Griffith: "This is troublesome."

"Indeed." Griffith was about to leave after confirming that there was no other missing information in the basement. "Let's go to the Earth Dragon Altar and prepare for the battle. It seems that we must fight that monster."

As he spoke, his eyes swept over the butcher's body.

"I'm not talking about that," the elf sighed, and said softly, "The disaster in Xiluo Village is deeply involved, and if you successfully deal with this sealed item incident, you will be in even greater trouble.

"You said that this area is Lord Salorian's territory and dam?"


"Griffith, these records have confirmed my guess about the true identity of the earth dragon," the elf explained, "It should be an ancient mythical creature that can travel underground and even possess the telepathic ability to control people's hearts.

"Its mystical name is 'Earth Burrower'. It has a long lifespan. It is a huge earthworm-like mythical creature that lives in the soil and has squid-like tentacles. Its worm-like body is wrapped in mucus. Every time it appears All accompanied by the sound of shrill horns, powerful individuals can even create hallucinations in a large area.

"The earth burrower is a quiet mythical creature. It doesn't like fighting and is afraid of water. Its telepathic ability, like a similar extraordinary ability, will make people blind and stupid under long-term influence. This is a very distinctive feature, very It is easy to expose its existence. Therefore, the burrower will not widely use this ability."

Griffith understood a bit, and said solemnly:
"Then, the events that happened in the village are roughly like this:

"In this ancient ridiculed village, some villagers worship an earth-burrower insect called 'Earth Dragon', and the stupid butcher wearing a strange pocket is his angel.

"When the village needed to be relocated due to the dam construction incident and the village was about to be submerged, there was a conflict between the worshipers of the earth worm and other villagers headed by the village chief.

"The missing squire Enazir Viktim tried to mediate and asked the garrison mage to assist. In his opinion, the earth burrower can start a new life with the village."

Galadia nodded approvingly:

"Well, but he miscalculated the reaction of the mythical creature. There must be a reason to attract the earth burrower to settle here. For this reason, it controls its worshipers and tries to obstruct the dam relocation plan. The conflict has intensified.

"Just when the garrison mage came to mediate, a new monster suddenly appeared. It has a similar appearance to the butcher, it should be for the purpose of camouflage, it is probably the monster that drove the cockroaches that attacked us.

"The monster first created panic among the already uneasy villagers, and then killed the village chief, butcher, and squire, and most likely also killed the Extraordinary team.

"At this point, the conflict between the Earth Burrower and the village has become irreconcilable, and the conflict will definitely break out at the Earth Dragon Altar. That monster will definitely appear there.

"This is the hidden secret of the sealed object Black Domain. The Earth Burrower was probably killed in the subsequent conflict, but some of its powerful power and ideas survived to form this domain."


The strong butcher's corpse became a living corpse, following behind Griffith, shaking his terrifying body, silent and obedient.

Griffith took it to the warehouse of the village office, and awakened four more members of the dead Extraordinary team.

Although there may be powerful Beyonders in front of them, at this moment they are just hideous, hideous monsters exuding a rotten, sinister aura.

Under the spell of resurrection and domination, Griffith controlled them and moved towards the Earth Dragon Altar, the final battle site.

Galadia looked at her companion with complicated emotions.Ferocious monsters staggered past her sight from time to time, making her heart shudder.

Griffith drives the undead monsters, but he looks contented, he doesn't care about the evil and darkness they imply, and even has a bit of satisfaction and confidence.If you look at his face alone, it's still reassuring.


Four skinless living corpses staggered forward with hunched bodies, and the unusually tall and ugly butcher shook his head like a mountain of meat.

Griffith surrounded by them is like the spokesperson of death.He moved towards the altar, clearly intending to cause more destruction and killing there.

He seems to have defected to the banner of the evil god and became the leader of the monsters. With a condensed temperament and stern eyes, it seems that commanding and commanding evil is not a big deal.


The elf girl called softly.

"What?" Griffith, who was hugged from front to back, turned his head in good spirits, and enjoyed watching it.

The five living corpses turned their heads along with him, and twelve evil eyes focused on Galadia, almost knocking her out.

"My soldiers, step forward and occupy our battlefield!" Griffith waved his hand and hummed twice proudly.

After saying this, the living corpses swarmed up and ran towards the altar.

Griffith watched his servant leave, and turned his head to look at the elf gently: "Is there any problem?"

His smile is natural and gentle, and even makes people feel a little warm.But he wasn't like that just a few seconds ago.

Galadia felt overwhelmed by this insane scene.She rubbed her forehead, endured the discomfort, and quickly followed the footsteps of her companion.

(End of this chapter)

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