Blood tax

Chapter 114 Black Territory Part 1

Chapter 114
"Western Territory, isn't the situation there unstable? What are you going to do?" Galadia suddenly became nervous, "Is there any danger?"

Griffith succeeded, and managed to draw the elf's attention into it.While copying the report, he said with one mind and one mind:

"The veterans who were suppressed on January 1 are all from the West Border, and they have been sent back to their places of origin."

"Well, I read in the newspaper that the number of bandits and rebels there surged last winter, and they were attacking the remote noble territories near the mountains," Galadia said solemnly, "Even if only some of these veterans joined the bandits With the ranks of the rebels, a war is inevitable."

Griffith nodded:
"The Senate obviously expected this. After the resolute suppression, they immediately repatriated the survivors and left the crisis to the West to handle.

"There were many rebels hiding in the mountains. I have fought with these veterans. If they join the rebellion, it will be hard to say whether the local nobles in the western region can resist..."

Before he finished speaking, the elf grabbed his arm and said with concern and concern: "You can't go, security warfare is the most dangerous, the enemy doesn't wear uniforms, you don't know who you can trust, you don't even know the farmhouse where you live Is it safe to eat something!
"You can't go, if you have an order, tell me and Sonia, we will have a way to prevent you from going!"

Griffith patted the girl's hand and shook it lightly:
"You misunderstood, I will not be sent to fight security warfare.

"The nobles in the western region are very conservative. They are loyal to the Grand Duke of Verona in name, but in fact they are only loyal to their own mines, farms and plantations. Bayeran has worked hard for hundreds of years, but it only controls the old town, The two ports of Varna, and a few nearby towns."

Griffith should have withdrawn his hand, but he couldn't resist the delicate and warm touch on the back of Galadia's hand.After he shook it lightly, he was ready to put his hand there.

Miss Elf withdrew her hand and tilted her head to look at him.

Griffith continued to explain: "This is a rare opportunity. Byelan is eager to take advantage of this crisis to destroy the Western Territory, so that the local nobles, distant knights, and the dream of the manor will perish together.

"We will not be sent until the rebels smash the traditions of the Western Territory and destroy the order that has been passed down to this day.

"At that time, not only me, but also Sonia, the patriarchs or heirs of the major families of Bayeran, the regular legion and the assault cavalry will invade in the name of supporting the western region and defending the king's vassals. The army can clean up as much as it can, and then occupy the territories of the eliminated nobles.

"There is no war in the entire kingdom now. The lords of the western region have weakened themselves because of their greed, and carrion vultures are watching."

Galadia fell into deep thought, and asked after a while, "Is this what you thought, or who told you?"

"I think," Griffith said, patting the books beside him, "Similar things happened in history, but the scale was small, and the truth was covered up by layers of stories about knights and heroes.

"This time it happened in front of me. I rushed into the queue of veterans, and even knocked down one with the back of my knife, killing two children. If I don't have my own thinking, I'm too sorry for the tragedy of that day."

There were various strange expressions on the elf girl's face.

She looked at Griffith, and seemed to be looking back at some past scene.

"You've grown, Griffith.

"You're more mature than when we first met.

"No, I can't say that. I felt that you were different when we first met. At that time, I thought it was just the army that trained you better. But today I can be sure that what you said just now is beyond the imagination of a legionnaire , you are indeed different."

Griffith laughed.The girl's heartfelt exclamation was regarded as a compliment by him, and it was very pleasant to hear.He chuckled twice: "Books enrich my mind, just like a whetstone sharpens a sharp sword."

"However, are you still going there?" Galadia thought for a while, "Even if you're not going to fight, it's still very dangerous!"

Griffith nodded and said: "I will be sent to the territory directly controlled by the kingdom to conduct intelligence collection, city defense force training and inspection work, submit several reports, and make some preparations for future invasions for the Earl's Palace and the Senate .

"This is a relatively easy and decent job in the mission system. The local area will attach great importance to my arrival. It is safer and I can also gain merit points."

"Okay," the elf shook his head regretfully, "tell me if you need anything."

Just waiting for your words!
Griffith came to his senses, and whispered to the position only a few centimeters away: "Today is February 2!"

Miss Elf's face turned red immediately, she looked around and didn't know what to do.

"Last time, um, just that day, I saw you spoil a piece of chocolate!"


The girl looked astonished.

In front of her, Griffith showed an ecstatic expression: "The failed product is for me!"


Fast forward to March.

On March 3, everyone ate breakfast as usual, worrying about the daytime classes.A few brownies walked into the hall pushing the trolley and distributed stacks of reports to everyone.

Based on these reports, each college was divided into several groups and a travel itinerary was planned according to different destinations.All will be heading out in the near future to begin spring camping.

According to this Homemonwatts spring camping plan, Minerva College will take a week-long trip to the unstable Verona region in the near future.With the exception of Galadia, who will be staying at Homemonwatts for her promotion and will not be making the trip.

The other academies are fine, they go to normal places.However, Minerva College's travel arrangements were simply crazy, and the students who couldn't understand suddenly became agitated.

Griffith observed the reactions of everyone at the long table, and found that the heirs of the nobles with the highest status had expressions of helplessness besides worry and nervousness.

"Sonia, why is this happening?" Griffith asked in a low voice.

"Well, what about this~" the girl's finger tapped lightly on the itinerary plan, "We heard about it a few days ago, and we also told our family how dangerous it is, and whether we can cancel the spring camping. But, I don't know Why, this plan is still finalized."

"Maybe it's okay, our journey is concentrated in the plain area near the old town, where it's relatively calm," Fiona threw the itinerary aside, and took out a map, "The college is divided into four groups to go to different areas, each Each group is led by the professor of Sequence 6. Our group visited the noble manors and castles along the way by boat, and then returned by water."

Iseus also nodded:

"In case of accident, we can quickly evacuate to Old Town by convenient waterway.

"My idea is that all parties in Bayeran have reached a consensus that a large-scale war in the western region is imminent, and a staff trip must be carried out before a full-scale war breaks out to collect intelligence for the next operation. This time we can Get in touch with the main lords in the eastern part of the Western Territory, and learn a lot about the local human geography."

Griffith watched him calmly.Sonia prepared multiple batches of information about the Kloseel family, and Griffith only read part of it.

The family of Iseus no longer has a voice in Bayeran.

Although the Kloseel family he belonged to has a long history and a prominent reputation, all the outstanding talents of the previous generation fell in the war, and the young Isius did not enter the political and military circles. Voice and influence.So far, no suspicious clues have been found.

Sonia sighed, and said to the two boys sitting not far away:

"Mr. Berthier, Mr. Dedius, we are in the same group."

The two people whose names were mentioned nodded politely.They are the heirs of two big families, and they also have their own Shutoral. Among the first-year students, they are relatively conspicuous and powerful, and they have their own small circle.

Berthier of the two was calm and knowledgeable, and after a little thought he came up with an idea:

"Now that this matter has been settled, there is no point in getting tangled up.

"Whether the school and the top management think it doesn't matter, or want us kittens to play with mice, we must be ready to fight.

"Our team has five Xiutorals, and we need to make them fully armed, apply for the use of the family's sacred artifacts and sealed items, and then recruit some local city defense troops to follow us.

"We have to prepare ourselves for battle. Although the family and the big figures above didn't say it clearly, I can smell the conspiracy."

Everyone present nodded, and Fiona started writing letters to her family on the spot.

While everyone was contemplating, Sonia opened a new letter.She was stunned for a while, and then said to everyone in frustration:
"There are no five sutorrals anymore, only four, at least halfway through.

"Griffith, you are scheduled to go to Varna Port at the same time for a short-term intelligence analysis mission, and participate in checking the combat readiness and inventory there."

Such a coincidence?Griffith immediately began to think about various possibilities and reasons.

Sonia handed over the letter and the task: "This order comes from the reserve army headquarters, and a copy was sent to the Earl's House. Dad already knows about it. The task looks okay initially. If you have time after finishing this task, you can Come join us by water and be safe."

"Okay." Griffith took the order and read it.I found that it only mentioned the arrival time and general situation, without the task details, difficulty and reward information.

Galadia was even more nervous than him. She held a newly bought crystal close to her forehead, as if she was divination.Soon, she whispered solemnly:

"Griffith, my divination is not very successful, and I have a bad premonition!"

On the surface, this is a simple intelligence and inspection mission. Although the specific work needs to be picked up on the spot, it looks very comfortable.Griffith carefully thought about the location in that area, and said to the girl:

"Varna, it's close to Lord Salorian's territory. If there is any danger, someone will take care of me."

Salorian is a big figure in the mysterious world who is comparable to the headmaster. I can ask him for instructions in advance.However, the suspicion of Velonos has not been cleared, and the possibility of conspiracy cannot be ruled out.

Griffith mused.He even thought of Pepe Lanci and the call of the ancient gods, wondering whether this mission would be related.

The elf girl didn't know what he was thinking, and asked worriedly:
"Then what about your spring staff travel points? How can you do without Sonia? Why did the Earl's Palace agree to this mission?"

Griffith said that this is nothing: "This task can be used for practical course credits. Sonia and the others will also travel mainly on water, with the care of the professor, as well as Lana, Murat, Nona and Kulala. Let’s go together, don’t worry too much about your safety, that’s what the Earl’s Mansion said in the letter.”

"Okay, you have to be careful." Galadia looked very uneasy, "Do you have any mission information for me?"

"No, just inform me to go to Varna Port with full armor to report," Griffith repeatedly looked at the letter. There were only time, address and boat ticket on the letter, and the mission was issued by the Reserve Army Command.

"Speaking of which, how was your promotion trial?" Griffith asked.

"It's okay." Galadia waved her hand, "The prophecy has already given guidance, just let it be."


3 month 16 day.

After several days of preparation, the spring camping in Homonwatts started.

Minerva's various groups took a boat from the private port of Homenworth to Verona for investigation and travel according to the established route.

In the past few days, the rebel army has become more and more powerful, has entered the plain, and began to harass more nobles' territories.The Grand Duke of Verona has begun to mobilize the lords under his command, and has reorganized some of the local regular legions that can still be counted on.

There are several pages in the newspaper full of confident speeches from the Western Territory officials. The majestic Verona knights will use their courage and honor that have been tested over the years to smash "those rogues", the king, the Senate and the Arcane Council Just wave the flag for them.

The Grand Duke of Verona also pointed out that the groundless speculation and negative evaluation of the situation in the western region is an insult to the noble lords and knights, and the resulting avalanche of securities and bond prices is purely unwarranted. Speculators and commentators are ignorant bastards.

The mogul further attacked the short-selling mechanism in financial markets, giving it a strong contempt.

The King and the Senate fully supported the Grand Duke's opinion, and expressed their good wishes and unconditional trust to the Western Territory. They neither mobilized the legion nor took any measures to punish those nonsense newspapers.

Griffiths smiled and tossed the newspaper into the trash.

He boarded a merchant ship in the town of Baltimore, outside Homeworthy, and headed alone to his destination, Varna.

Galadia stood aside, watching him check his bags and weapons one last time.

"Have you checked all the armor?"

"I have a piece of mail armor, and I bought a set of leather armor from the school." Griffith picked up a set of thick leather armor and knocked on it. "It's rare to see you care about my armor so much!"

"Is the weapon ready?" Galadia didn't answer his words, but walked over to check the saber and feather fencing on his belt.

"No problem, I have plenty of spare hatchets and daggers, and a short gun."

The elegant lady elf lifted the breastplate, helped him put it on the outside of the mail, fastened the buckle, and tightened the belt.The two cooperated tacitly and quietly. Although separated by the cold mail, the touch from time to time made his heart feel warm and nostalgic.

This feeling is really strange.

For the first time in his life, Griffith felt a feeling of not wanting to perform the mission and wanting to stay.

"Bring these bows and feather arrows." Galadia handed him a rucksack. "It's not enchanted equipment, but it is well-made, so don't worry about wear and tear. You must pay attention to safety when you are alone.

"If you encounter strange things like Neopolis, you must hide far away, and don't get involved in the mysterious world and the conspiracy of evil gods."

The girl's tone was calm, but she said a lot of irrelevant things in a long-winded manner.

Although he doubted whether he would be able to escape from the clutches of the evil god if he really encountered an evil god, Griffith still asked cautiously: "Have you found any bad omens in your inspiration or divination?"

"No." Galadia shook her head. "It's not that no bad omens have been found, but that no clear divination results have been obtained at all, and there is too little discernable information."

On the sailboat not far away, the sailors are already greeting the guests to board the boat, and the time to set sail is coming.

"Understood, I will be careful," Griffith nodded to her, "Then I'm going."

"Did you bring food?" Galadia hurriedly added, "The food on this kind of boat must not be delicious."

"Bring it well, enough to eat Varna!" Griffith will not be negligent in this kind of thing, "And I brought the failed chocolate material, which is the one you broke."

"Have you eaten it? How does it taste?" The elf covered his face.

"Not yet, but it smells good."

Griffith patted his rucksack and walked to the hanging ladder on board.

"Wait a minute." Galadia chased up from behind and took out a small bag that she carried with her. "This is for you. You can dispose of it on the way."

Griffith's keen sense of smell immediately caught the familiar smell.He opened the packet to find another bar of chocolate.

The confection is made up of three irregular circles that resemble a teddy bear's head.There appears to be something painted on the front of the chocolate, but it has been dissolved into an unrecognizable mass during the production process.

"Too polite!" Griffith exclaimed, "I don't think this is a failure."

Miss Elf blushed and glanced at the ugly and indescribable chocolate block, stammering:

"This is, well, a piece of experimental product that I named 'Mother of Success'. I wish you all the best in your mission."

 There is only one chapter today, and the easy daily life of the third volume ends with this chapter.Having found some valuable material to round out the plot, I'm going to revise the next chapters a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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