Blood tax

Chapter 107 Shock

Chapter 107 Shock
The earth trembled like thunder.

The crowd chanting slogans at the intersection dispersed in a rush.Soon, a heavy cavalry man in harness appeared in the place they moved out of the way.

Then the second, the third...

More and more armored cavalry gathered at the end of the street facing the Wall of Veterans, lined up in a dense battle line knee to knee.Various coats of arms were painted on their breastplates, shields on the side of the saddle, and the jackets of their horses, and the brilliant armor gleamed in the sun.

General Macdonald summoned a selection of armored cavalry from the prestigious Byeran family.They split into several groups and appeared near the Senate Square at the same time as a clock.

When hundreds of iron-clad heavy cavalry appeared at the intersection, the Senate Square, where the slogans were blaring one after another, suddenly fell silent.The infantry and hussars who had been deployed there watched silently, watching the cavalry's fine armor and tall horses, and retreated to the wings led by their discouraged officers.The civilians who waved flags in solidarity on nearby buildings also lost their ability to speak for a while.

In the cold winter, the shining silver wall pierced everyone's eyes.

"It's time." General MacDonald tapped his pipe contentedly.

"Cavalry, advance!" shouted George Longbottom, the veteran of the veterans.

The sound of passionate drums resounded through the sky.


The armored cavalry began to start slowly.They spread out at the entrance of the streets and squares like clouds and flowing water, weaving into a majestic fence with an unparalleled degree of organization.

Under the command of flags and drums, thousands of horseshoes made a terrifying roar.

They are the elite of the elite, and they can ignore the curse and fear with a dignified attack, and face all powerful enemies directly.Some superhumans who didn't believe in evil once tried to challenge the group of armored cavalry head-on, and their experience and insights have never been circulated.

The veterans gathered in front of City Hall pursed their lips.They are all too familiar with the heavy cavalry in front of them.

This is a cluster shock tested by the East.

However, no one had the experience of directly facing the impact of this force.

The deployment of armored cavalry is very fast.In several positions there were civilians standing in solidarity, but they disappeared as soon as the cavalry arrived.

Griffith and most of Sutoral are on this team.After they received the horses and armor from the Fengjun family, senior officers and great knights came to arrange everyone's positions.

Although the cavalry from different families and troops have no experience in cooperation, it is not difficult to advance together.Today's mission does not require the use of difficult lances.They lined up in a tight straight front line as if they were in a festival parade, stepped on the drums, and raised a forest of swords to press forward.

Griffith, who had just been beaten up, was at a loss, and his body and the horse under his crotch subconsciously moved with the drumbeat.

He is wearing a beautiful plate armor that can be used to participate in festival parades, and the horse under his crotch has been trained to be extremely loyal, which is not inferior to the equipment provided by the Alandelle family.Although it was the first run-in, the cooperation between the cavalry and the mount was flawless.

But this……

The veterans in front of the Senate Chamber were silent, neither advancing nor retreating.

The two sides met only two or 300 meters away.

A woman in shabby clothes came out and sang in front of the silver fence.Her vocals are bright and clear.

"While I'm on my way to Oldtown, woo hoo, hoo hoo

"While I'm on my way to Oldtown, woo hoo, hoo hoo

"While I was walking on the way to Old Town

"With a cane in my hand, tears in my eyes
"Heard the weeping widow
"Ronnie, I hardly recognize you."

Her singing is gentle and stern, but it pierces the hearts of the listeners.

"With your snare drum and spear, drumbeat and callsign, woohoo, woohoo

"With your snare drum and spear, drumbeat and callsign, woohoo, woohoo

"Take your snare drum and spear

"The enemy almost killed you

"My dear, you look so embarrassed
"Ronnie, I hardly recognize you."

Her singing is gentle and melodious, and the stage of the Bayerland Theater should be opened to her.

The armored cavalry marching towards her seemed to have been struck by lightning.The thunderous hooves of the horses beat the earth to the accompaniment of her song.

"Where did your once tender eyes go, woohoo, woohoo
"Where did your once tender eyes go, woohoo, woohoo
"Where did your once gentle eyes go
"At that time, my heart was also cheated by you
"Why did you leave me and the children
"Ronnie, I hardly recognize you."

Armored horses rode forward like a wall, and the sound of horseshoes like a torrential rain made the heart twitch.

"Saber ready!"

Griffith was almost overwhelmed by the singing.He subconsciously looked at Lana who was riding beside him.

"Hey, Lana, what are you saying... what are we doing?" Griffith stammered.

The brave hussars bit their lips and stared at the wall of veterans ahead.

Hey Lana, what are you doing!

Griffith looked to the left again.The bronzed face of Murat sent by Iseus was now whiter than snow, and the hand holding the rein was trembling.

"Hey, Murat, what are we doing?" Griffith couldn't control his tongue, and made a gurgling sound, "Isn't the one in front of you a veteran of the Eastern Legion?"

"Huh? Are you stupid? Griffith, are you stupid?" Murat turned his face away, looking straight at his companion like a living dead.

"Of course it is to execute the order! Don't you understand the execution order?"

Griffith's head turned stiffly back to the way it was going.There was a black line in his vision.

"Where did your legs go when you used to run, woohoo, woohoo
"Where did your legs go when you used to run, woohoo, woohoo
"Where did your running legs go
"When you joined the army to be able to carry a gun
"Gone are your days of dancing

"Oh, Ronnie, I almost don't recognize you..."

The woman's singing has become desperate, like a rose covered with frost.She and those ragged beggar-like veterans were just a few dozen steps away from the wall that danced like a dragon, and her bloodless face was already ashen.


"Byelan - Wansheng!"

The call for mobilization went unanswered.Amid the mournful singing, the armored cavalrymen held their sabers stiffly and began to speed up from a trot.

This scene has happened countless times in the east, but the infantry who followed the cavalry at the beginning became the target of the charge.

Griffith's mind went blank, as if he was the one being charged head-on.

"I'm glad to see you come home, woo hoo, hoo hoo
"I'm glad to see..."

The horses slammed violently, and amidst the sound of thunderous hooves, one after another, figures flew upside down and were caught in the rolling iron hooves.

The charge of Bayerland's most elite armored cavalry fell short this time, and the speed-up in the final stage was a mess, and several cavalry even knocked their own people on their backs.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Griffith screamed like a baby on his first battle.Among the chaotic crowd, an old soldier suddenly rushed towards him, waving his hands.He subconsciously chopped off with the back of his saber.

The veteran let out a scream, and disappeared in the splash of dirty snow in a blink of an eye.


Sonia watched this extremely crazy scene from a distance in the crowd. The silver cavalry engulfed the gray crowd like a raging wave, leaving wriggling and twisted figures everywhere they went.

Terrified, Fiona let out the screams of a dying animal and passed out.Sonia covered her mouth and twitched, and found that she had lost the ability to speak, and she couldn't look straight with her head down.

At this time, a big hand supported her delicate cheek, forcing her to raise her head.Sonia was taken aback by such a rude move, and stared angrily, only to find that Earl Lamor had come to her side.

"Open your eyes and look," said the count indifferently, "look carefully."

Griffith, who was sleepwalking, found that there was no gray crowd in front of him.

The screams of human beings, which have never been heard before, are like the tide, and countless men and women are running for their lives.They fled into the shadows of corners and alleys and were driven out, into dilapidated tents and trampled together.

Many emaciated old people and children mixed in the crowd, desperately trying to grab the escape gap from under the cavalry's feet.

The armored cavalry was also crushed by this charge.

They were in a mess, some stood there dumbfounded, and some swung their sabers and slashed into the air.There were even a few slender and vigorous cavalrymen who looked like master cavalry had already thrown themselves motionless on the ground.They are all elites from all over the world. In the fierce battle with the orc army, they can repeatedly penetrate the enemy's defense line with arrows and guns. It is common for them to step on the bloody mill with iron hooves.

But after only one round of charging, the steel-wrapped wall was already defeated.

A large group of infantry and policemen followed, and their commanders roared to them to follow the cavalry in formation and start sweeping.

"Take people to search there, second-level squad leader!" A school officer tapped Griffith's shoulder armor with a cane, pushing him and the soldiers forward.

A squad of soldiers staggered like walking corpses and followed Griffith deep into the depths of the nearby park.The ground is littered with debris, garbage, and ashes from campfires, and every now and then a screaming civilian or two walks past the front of the line.

The small officer leading the team was also in a state of sleepwalking, following Griffith around in a daze.

One by one they inspected the abandoned veterans camp.According to the order, if anyone is found staying, they will be arrested and taken away.

Griffith's iron hooves ran over a small tent, and there was a clanging sound under the cloth.A small pot filled with half a bowl of wheat porridge rolled out of there.A small figure rushed out of the shadows, like a cockroach in the sewer, pounced on the small pot, grabbed the porridge and put it in his mouth.

Griffith couldn't hold back the horse's hooves, so he touched his head.The little figure flew out with a scream, making a bone cracking sound that shouldn't have happened.

Griffith and the soldiers stopped, looking at the figure that was knocked into the air.It was a little boy, his arms were as thin as bamboo poles, almost only bones.The elbow of his right hand was bent at an impossible angle and he had passed out.

"No!" Another figure rushed out, I really don't know where they are hiding.The newcomer was a little girl who hugged the fainted boy tightly and cried.

"Take, take them back." Griffith stammered.But none of the soldiers present paid any attention to him, and the officer leading the team simply covered his face with his hat, his shoulders trembling.

Griffith felt that his worldview was about to collapse.He jumped off the horse in despair, took out a piece of healing potion and held it in his hand.

"Stay away from him!" The little girl picked up a stone and rushed towards him.Before Griffith could react, she bumped her head against the solid breastplate and fell to the ground.

Griffith opened the little boy's mouth with trembling fingers and poured a potion worth a gold florin, then grabbed his arm and exerted a little force to put the bones back in place.

After doing all this, Griffith suddenly felt a little lighter and took a breath of relief.He took out the chocolate that he didn't want to eat, and patted the little boy's head: "Hold on, you'll be fine soon."

However, the little boy didn't respond...

Griffith was stunned, the temperature on that emaciated arm was rapidly draining.

What, how could...

At this time, the young officer beside him had just helped up the girl who was upside down.His palms were covered in blood, and he looked at Griffith in disbelief and murmured:

"She hit her head when she fell. I didn't do it, don't blame me."


Griffith had already forgotten how he returned to the Earl's Mansion, as if everything had been disillusioned and torn apart.

The officials greatly appreciated their loyalty and determination when they launched the charge. Every cavalryman who participated in the charge was rewarded with 2 points of merit and 200 silver Lang, which was comparable to a highly dangerous mission.Without the slightest delay and review, everyone got the reward immediately after withdrawing.

A total of 3 meritorious points rewarded before and after the entire mission of Neopolis Island will also be issued together.

Griffith had already forgotten how he took off his armor, and returned to the attic of the Earl's Mansion with the money bag and the certificate.

The servants were very considerate and didn't bother him, they didn't even bring him dinner.

The night of this day was extremely long, and screams and wailing from a distance could be faintly heard outside the window, and the flames were faintly visible.Everyone in the Earl's Mansion held their breath, and no one even dared to speak loudly.

As the night deepened, Griffith, who was rolling on the small bed, sat up suddenly, panting heavily with sweat profusely.

The old soldier's screams and the boy's icy face lingered in his mind, almost tearing his head apart.He didn't even dare to think about it, the fear left by that Beamon was nothing more than that.

At this time, there was a light knock on the door of the attic single room.

Griffith put on his clothes and opened the door, and found Sonia standing outside in her nightgown, holding hot milk and some biscuits in her hand.

"are you hungry?

"Anna said you didn't have dinner?"

Griffith didn't smile or thank him. He took the food indifferently and took two steps back, sitting on his small bed again in a daze.

It's a bit cold. Griffith's room doesn't have a stove.Sonia pulled the robe that was draped over her shoulders, and sat next to the apprentice knight, not getting too close to him.

"It's delicious with some milk." The girl nodded towards the milk and biscuits.

"Hmm." The trainee knight took a mouthful mechanically.

Ah, what am I talking about!Just want to eat.Sonia lowered her head a little, and sneaked a glance at Griffith in embarrassment.

His chiseled side face is particularly cold under the moonlight. It is different from when he first came to Baiyelan. It is less plain and rigid, and more stern and mature.

Griffith seems to look better than before.Sonia suppressed the sudden discovery and said a few words out of words.

"The plate armor you are wearing today was ordered during the New Year, and I plan to let you wear it in the military parade in early summer..."

God!What am I talking about, is the next thing to ask is he happy to stomp people in his new armor?Sonia, what's on your mind!
As soon as these two sentences were uttered, Sonia was already ashamed and wanted to hide herself.

From now until the distant future, I will raise the sword to the civilians for them?Griffith silently put the milk and biscuits on the small table, and turned his head to look into the girl's eyes.It's not the eyes of partners who get along day and night, it's more like a monster that just crawled out of hell.

The fierce gaze made Sonia move a little to the side of the bed in fright.Feeling that something was wrong, she stood up and walked slowly towards the door.

"Well, good night, Griffith, see you tomorrow." Sonia pulled the cold doorknob, trying to slip out through the crack of the door.

It's not Sonia's fault, it's my job to protect her.Isn't what I did today justified?So, why do I feel sorry for what happened today?

No, no, what's the difference between today's things and cultists, is there anything crazier than this?Is this correct?
Griffith's sharp eyes became melancholy. He always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell.The more he thought about it, the more he had a splitting headache.Contradictory, absurd and unanswered questions made him feel irritable and tyrannical, and he even wanted to grab anyone and tear him to pieces.

Whoever it was, it would be nice to tear Sonia apart, maybe it was her fault.Her nightgown seemed quite soft.

No, no, it's not Sonia's fault, and it's not my fault, it shouldn't be my fault! ?

Gotta think of something else, something else, I still have so many unanswered questions.Think of something else.

Think of something else.

Gotta think of something else.

Suddenly, a thought that had been on his mind for a long time popped up, completely rescuing Griffith from his unanswered distress, and threw him into another thought.

He stood up and caught up with the girl who had just moved to the door, and slapped the small door.



The small door that had just been opened was slammed shut. Sonia let out a small exclamation, her hands holding the collar and nightgown trembled slightly, and looked up at the imposing trainee knight.

"Sonia." Griffith paid no attention to the girl's reaction.

Sonia opened her mouth to ask what happened, but she was speechless. Her broad shoulders and strong arms surrounded her like mountains, and the hot breath that was close at hand brushed over her pretty cheeks, almost melting her.Sonia felt that her knees were trembling. If it wasn't for the lack of space, she would have fallen to the ground.

"I have to go to the incredible house of wonders again." Griffith demanded in an irresistible tone.

"Okay." Sonia agreed reflexively, and it took a while to react.

Wait a minute, where are you going?

 Due to the rhythm of the plot, there is only one big chapter in these two days, and adding chapters will destroy the continuity of the story.Although I am sorry for the reader, but, um, there is no way to switch the plot.The next chapter begins to resume normal double changes.

(End of this chapter)

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