Xinshun 1730

Chapter 975 Suspicion Chain

Chapter 975 Suspicion Chain
This move is actually the most effective counterattack to the reform of the salt administration.

Because this kind of reform, in Wu Jingzi's view, is a temporary benefit.

About the same as Kinta.

After Juntian, there will indeed be a wave of prosperous dynasty within a few decades.

But after the land is equalized, free trade is still allowed, so in the end it is nothing more than a merger. If the merger is completed and the land is equalized, it has already reached the middle and late stages. Is there still that execution ability?

Treating the symptoms does not cure the symptoms.

The progress of industry and commerce and the speed at which big fish eat small fish are much faster than land.Wu Jingzi saw in Songjiang Mansion that the annexation of large-scale industry and commerce and the speed at which small workshops were suppressed. The speed of land annexation was far behind that of capital industry and commerce.

The principles of the world are the same.

History has indeed proved this.This kind of salt policy reform, similar to the land equalization after the merger, treated the symptoms but not the root cause. In the first three to five years of the reform, the people did benefit greatly and the fiscal revenue increased.

But a few years later, before the uprising broke out in the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom, the Jiangxi Salt District had already collapsed, and the private salt completely defeated the official salt, because small traders had no capital and were unwilling to go so far away; then the Hubei Salt District also collapsed Because of disorder and freedom, a large number of small traders entered the market and squeezed into big cities such as Wuhan. Salt was unsalable, and a large number of salt merchants collapsed.

And... It is true that the salt guide is gone, but the wealthy families have cooperated to buy out the salt tickets, and then resell the salt tickets, which is exactly the same as the previous sale of salt.

It is similar to the core of some land policies of Mr. Zhongshan, who later used the Lena River as his pseudonym: using [girly innocence] to formulate policies, the subjective purpose is exactly the opposite of the objective one-although it is said that it is because From Chinese to French, then to Belgian, and finally to Russian of Nevskaya Star. Many translations led to some problems in the translation of the land policy, but if you don’t dig into the details, the overall evaluation of the policy is correct: polar opposites, The theory is not solid.

These officials are similar, delusional relying on the means of merely changing the legal basis, and harboring the beautiful illusion of anti-monopoly. As a result, they formulate pure, accelerated, orthodox, capital-based, and inevitable industry monopoly policies after rapid mergers.

It should be said that Wu Jingzi's thinking on land annexation and what he saw and heard in Songjiang Mansion allowed him to find the biggest loophole in Dashun's salt administration reform this time.

If this knife is inserted, it seems that it is indeed a breaking point.

But...he forgot to consider one thing, Dashun is different.

Therefore, after Zheng Yuxu, a great salt merchant, listened excitedly, his heart skipped a beat and then turned cold again.

Looking at Wu Jingzi again, I feel something is wrong.

If... use capital to draw a line to ensure that you can only enter the market by yourself, it must be no problem if you did this before.

In the entire Dashun, the only salt merchants who could instantly withdraw millions of taels of silver.

It's not that other people didn't have money in the past, but that land and the like are real estate.And the business model of the gentry does not require a lot of working capital.And salt merchants need a lot of cash and working capital, and they also hold enough silver in their hands.


At least it used to be.

But now what?

Now doing this, isn't this "making wedding clothes for others"?

than capital?
Than silver?
than liquidity?
Those "upstarts" in Songjiang Mansion are afraid of this?
What they are afraid of is that they are not more than capital than silver.

What I am afraid of is comparing relationships, clans, courts, and social networks.

How much is the ticket worth?Want silver or gold?Or is it the pearl of Ceylon North America?
Engage in "capital verification mortgage"?A group of Haimao Group, which is almost Dashun's "silver note-issuing bank", would be afraid of using the courtyard property as a pledge, but how could they be afraid of using silver as a currency verification mortgage?

For a moment, Zheng Yuxu wondered if this Wu Jingzi was bought by the chaebol from Songjiang, and came here as a dead man?

Do it like this, go ahead.Not now.

Moreover, those who are currently inspecting the salt industry in Huaibei are precisely the backstage and behind-the-scenes masterminds of those Songjiang businessmen.

Thinking about Wu Jingzi's method again, is it really just a coincidence?
I'm afraid that ordinary people don't think so.

Zheng Yuxu is just an ordinary person. It was his ancestors, not him, who started to sell salt in the streets and alleys step by step with baskets on his shoulders.

And the salt merchants are similar to those who sat at home and sold tea, porcelain and silk at the port before, they are all waste.This is also one of the reasons why Liu Yu doesn't like them very much: it's too easy to make money while lying down, and it makes people useless. will do.

Even normal people would doubt it, what's more, what's more, this kind of disabled ones, after bankruptcy, can only let their wives pick up customers at home and sell them for money?
The suspicion was even worse, and Zheng Yuxu had to guard against it.

"Brother Minxuan, your method is wonderful. It's just that I don't understand one thing."

Wu Jingzi thought it was still some technical problem, and thought that it was already like this anyway, so he said it together, and he had the right to settle his mind. From then on, I don't owe you, and you don't owe me.

"Brother Zheng, but tell me."

"Brother Minxuan is unrestrained, he knows a lot about Jiangnan, and he often satirizes the rich and noble people of the gentry, and he is penetrating. To put it bluntly, we, the salt merchants, have a bad reputation among the people."

When Zheng Yuxu talked about his bad reputation, he smiled, and continued: "Officials think that we are rich people, so that official salt is no match for private salt, it's all because of us; ordinary people think we are rich There is a lot of jealousy and resentment in my heart for being rich and unkind. When the news of the salt reform broke out, how many people clapped their hands and cheered."

"Supposedly, Brother Minxuan doesn't have much...does he have a good impression of me and other salt merchants?"

Wu Jingzi did not lie, and nodded confidently.

"Brother Zheng is right. I really don't like it. It's just that a person should be virtuous."

"In the past, the Marquis of Huaiyin never forgot the kindness of a meal; the villagers stole Mu Gong's horse and Mu Gong gave wine to cure the poison of the horse's liver, and the villagers died in the battle of Hanyuan; To repay...these are the great virtues of the ancient times, but now that people's hearts are not ancient and morality is declining, although people forget it a lot, I will not forget it."

"When I was poor, I received the great kindness of my father. How can I not repay it?"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but sighed and said: "In order to repay this kindness, I cut off the mat and robe with my best friend, and it can be regarded as an end to a worry."

He spoke sincerely.

But Zheng Yuxu couldn't help but said in his heart: Nonsense!There are still such fools in this year?

Those people in Songjiang Mansion are really interesting, even if they want to come to me, they still use such an excuse?
Counting from the Spring and Autumn Period, when dozens of official histories and private histories are added together, how many people like this are there?How did I just come across it?
Others don't know the nature of this scholar, but how can I, a salt merchant and keeper, not know?When the family business is rich and rich, friends are all over the world, once it decays, even if they turn their faces and deny people, it will turn their faces faster than the woman on the Qinhuai River.

When he heard the last few steps of "verify and buy tickets" Wu Jingzi's idea for him, he had already muttered in his heart.

Once I had this idea, once I started to presuppose a position, the way of thinking further down was completely different.

Xin Dao was afraid that this was the idea of ​​the Songjiang businessman.

Now that Mr. Xingguo is inspecting the salt administration and he is a celebrity around His Majesty, he is afraid that if he directly gives the method of verifying capital and buying tickets, he will be criticized as seeking personal gain and seeking the interests of the party behind Songjiang Mansion, so it is not good Just say it.

But he sent this poor old man to come to me and give me advice. If I hadn't been smart and cautious, I'm afraid I would have fallen into his pit.

First, let me mobilize the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River to explain the possible problems that the salt reform may encounter.Then I will pay to mobilize scholars in the south of the Yangtze River to talk about the importance of capital verification and ticket purchase.

In this way, the public opinion all over the world thinks that what I said is justified.

At that time, Mr. Xingguo will push the boat along the way, so it's good for the convenience, so let's verify the capital and buy the ticket.

At that time, wouldn't the capital of Songjiang Mansion flock in?

Who doesn't know that salt is fat?

Compared with capital, I'm afraid we are still halfway behind.

When the time comes, what else can we say?

The words are our own, and the methods are our own.

It can't be said that Xing Guogong had to pretend to oppose it to show that he is just and selfless and dedicated to the community!
This is what is called pushing the boat along the way.

This is what makes you dig your own grave. If you really believe this poor man, our big salt merchants will lose their businesses!

Thinking of this, Zheng Yuxu squeezed out a smile and said: "Brother Minxuan's method really solved my urgent need! I have some silver tattoos here, just as a thank you gift. It can also be regarded as Brother Minxuan's daily reading and writing, and buying some charcoal in winter Put your hands together and buy some ice in summer to dispel the heat. Come here..."

Just as he was about to call for someone, Wu Jingzi interrupted him: "Brother Zheng's kindness, I appreciate it. But I won't take a penny for my visit this time. I have come up with such an idea for Brother Zheng that is not good for the country at the top and all the people at the bottom. I have no choice but to accept Brother Zheng's money now, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep for the rest of my life."

"The kindness of the past, in terms of money, is 200 taels. If Brother Zheng still keeps the salt industry, the profit will not be less than tens of millions in a hundred years. If I repay it ten thousand times, it can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the year and breaking the shackles of the year."

"Since then, there is no friendship between you and me."

"The words have been finished, farewell!"

After saying that, he was about to leave, Zheng Yuxu was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Where does brother Minxuan want to go?"

"Songjiang Mansion. I have seen all kinds of gentry and salt merchants. Now Songjiang Mansion is full of demons and new ugliness. I have never seen it before. I want to take a closer look. Brother Zheng, I have repaid my favor and taken my righteousness. Let us Get over it!"

They bid farewell, walked out the door without looking back, and walked towards the east alone.

Looking at Wu Jingzi's back, Zheng Yuxu thought to himself, yes, if you do this, all the profit from the salt will go to the merchants of Songjiang Prefecture, and the benefits will be indispensable to you. How can you still value my money?

My father saw that you were pitiful back then, and before you opened your mouth, he gave you 200 taels of silver. Is this how you repay us?
People's hearts are not old, morality is degraded!

Sighing twice, Zheng Yuxu thought that this matter was of great importance, so he had to rush to call the major salt merchants to discuss the matter.

When he talked about Wu Jingzi's method, these salt merchants had almost the same idea as him, and they all said: "It's a good strategy! I'm afraid it won't kill us, it won't hurt us forever! How vicious?"

"Salt merchants like me, and those who go to the East, West, and South Seas in Songjiang Prefecture, make cloth, silk, tea, and dig rivers for shipbuilding glass, have always been well watered, and we will not interfere with their business. Do not covet our salt."

"It can be seen that this man's heart is not enough, these people are not satisfied, and they still want to reach out to us? With such a method, we really think that we have never read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Isn't this just Pang Tong going to Cao Ying to offer a series of tricks?"

(End of this chapter)

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