Xinshun 1730

Chapter 941 Consciousness

Chapter 941 Consciousness ([-])

Perhaps it is because [-] times of preaching is not as good as doing things once in reality; or it may be caused by the thousands of years of tradition of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business.

What Liu Yu didn't expect, such as "investigating the market, setting prices according to consumer groups, and expanding trade volume" and other "right business ways", these people are really far behind and lack awareness.

However, "collusion with the government", "state interference", and "imperial government support" and other "crooks and crooked ways" can be understood at any point, or even without any point.

In fact, if you think about it, it is true, just like the incident of "carving a boat and seeking a sword" when the Ryukyu paid tribute back then.

So many businessmen who accompanied the tribute envoys had never examined the impact of policies on trade before, nor had they considered the lifting of the sea ban, which would lead to the disappearance of Ryukyu’s special transit status. goods.

However, rioting and setting fires in Shuri Castle, bribing the ministers of tribute, and using the power of the celestial dynasty to force the Ryukyu king to eat the goods are instincts that come easily and do not need to be taught.

This situation is almost similar now.

For the investigation of demand and pricing in the European market, Liu Yu needs to teach them that they should do this and that.

However, in the pamphlet on the issue of spices, there was a cryptic reference to the country’s interference in trade. Now, in fact, all countries are backed by force to determine whether trade is prosperous or not. These people don’t need Liu Yu to interpret it.

It is really the traditional government-business relationship that makes these principles easy to understand.

After waiting for the discussion time to pass, Liu Yugang wanted to use the matter of the price of spices in the Netherlands to talk about the current era. The strength of the country is the pillar of the "freedom" of trade. If the country has no strength, even if the monopoly raises prices, it will be afraid of wolves and tigers. Time.

I don't want these businessmen to make a consciously generous statement one by one.

"Duke, how come we don't understand these truths?"

"That is, who does big business and doesn't want to deal with the government? This is in the country. I am from this state, so I have to rely on the relationship of this state; he is from another state, so I have to rely on the relationship of other states and other governments. "

"Internationally speaking, this official government is the court of each country, there is no difference."

Not only was he able to understand this level, but he also showed his own experience.

Some talked about smuggling to Japan, some said that the Ryukyu king was forced to eat all the goods in Shuri Castle, and some said that the ship was detained in Batavia and the price was reduced.

I really listened to the cries of imperialism. The Ryukyu country was weak, so it was bullied by others; the Netherlands was strong, so it was able to bully others; Ruihe, so the Danish business house can be taxed.

These principles are much simpler than yesterday's research on the market, supply and demand, pricing, and profits.

Who hasn't come here before?Before the cooperation and monopoly, didn't any internal business war require the help of court officials?

Listening to the self-conscious statements of these businessmen, Liu Yu was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing what to say for a long time.

He originally thought that the difficulty lies in making these businessmen understand that free trade is just a fantasy at this time, and trade among countries is actually a competition of national power.

As for some business logic, market research, and pricing decisions, on the contrary, they are real truths and universally applicable truths, which are easier for these people to accept.

Never thought it would be the other way around.

"Uh... what this officer wants to say is exactly what I mean. If the price of this spice is only calculated based on business, it's easy to say. I mainly want to say... But, I don't think it needs to be said, you guys I understand it all. It saves me a lot of talking."

"It seems that you have too much power in the yamen. It makes perfect sense to change the yamen into a country."

The merchants below were all laughing, and someone said: "What the Duke said, is this foreign government office not a government office? Then when we were in Nagasaki, didn't we have to give gifts to Nagasaki? Another example is this British government office. As for the cotton cloth ban that the Duke said, I think the money given is not enough. If the money given is enough, this can also be changed.”

"Is there any businessman from other countries who understands the truth of the yamen better than we do?"

After all, someone laughed and said, "Yes, we have seen a lot about the Dutch spices that the Duke said about not daring to raise prices. In some transactions, we really dare not show too much profit, otherwise Mr. Wang , Mr. Li's relatives are coming to seize the property. Isn't this the same reason?"

"Master Wang and Master Li are replaced by England, and those who benefit too much are replaced by Holland. What does the government rely on? Isn't it relying on government officials or the army?"

Liu Yu was stunned for a long time, then smiled helplessly: "Well, I didn't worry too much. I didn't know that this dynasty has its own national conditions. You are very clear about this kind of thing."

"Since that's the case, I will say it. Now that the spices are in hand, whether to increase or decrease the price, we have the final say. But the premise of what we say is that the imperial court's garrison in Nanyang is strong enough."

"I said before that it takes money to build ships. As for dividends, in addition to saving enough money to receive next year's goods, you need to accumulate more. Including garrisons, fortresses, warships, and navy. It is possible to use the total gross profit, minus the cost of shipping, minus the cost of purchase, as a dividend.”

"There's a reason."

"On the other hand, this dynasty is quite different from the Netherlands and the UK."

"If companies in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are short of money, they can borrow money and issue bonds at an annual interest rate of 5%. This is not possible in this dynasty, because at 5% annual interest rate, they cannot borrow a penny. arrive."

"So, companies in this dynasty must either expand financing and issue new shares."

"Either, you can only increase accumulation from dividends, or you will end up with insufficient capital."

"Choose one, you choose one."

The merchants really didn't even think about it this time, and they all shouted: "Of course we choose the second one."

"That is, let's choose the second one, and don't issue new shares. If you are short of money, just invest more in dividends. Besides, how can people from other places have so much money?"

Some people even shouted: "The Duke may as well go to the court and talk about it. Every time the court adds tariffs to the Danish company for one year, we will pay the interest on the Huai River water loan borrowed by the Dutch in this year! If the court can close the British East Indian companies, taking back Macau, closing the business houses of various countries, or increasing taxes on them, we will pay twice the loss of customs duties of the imperial court!"

"The interest rate is 7% for one full year, and the interest is only 40 taels a year. Just closing the Danish business hall, not to mention anything else, but the profit from the zinc block and brass trade is more than that in a year. Still How about tea porcelain? Don’t you think so?”

Such an "outrageous" idea, which seems to be a power-for-money deal with the imperial government's policies, also made the surroundings applaud.

Liu Yu hurriedly said a few words on the scene, saying that the imperial court increased taxes on Danish business houses because Denmark had disrespectful words, so don't talk nonsense.The previous closure of the British business house was really because of the smuggling of opium by the British business house. The Celestial Dynasty is reasonable, and it is business-like, not for the benefit of the company as you think.

There was a lot of talking on the scene, and I understood everything, thinking to myself, who doesn't understand what's going on?
But after the scene, they did so, and it was the first time that the imperial court contributed to foreign trade competition. This made these maritime merchants and financial capital unions feel that the imperial court attached great importance to them.

Ordinarily at this time, Liu Yu should strike while the iron is hot and talk about the unification of rights and obligations.

At the very least, the principle that whoever develops will protect it; whoever pollutes will treat it is also reasonable when applied to the change of Dashun's trade focus.

The changes in the traditional trade routes in Lingnan resulted in the unemployment of about 15 laborers and affected households. It is supposed that those profit-making people in Songjiang Prefecture should pay the money.

After all, Dashun's current taxation model is so incompetent, the national tax is not much, and the local government has to raise its own money. Guangdong must be quite dissatisfied with this matter.

The same is true in the era when compradors were rampant in history. Originally, Guangdong had an exclusive monopoly on the comprador industry. As a result, after the Opium War, the five-port trade agreement, the opening of Shanghai, and the tea transportation in Fuzhou led to the immediate collapse of Guangdong's comprador economic system.

Probably this is also one of the reasons for the historical phenomenon of the so-called Cantonese revolution and Jiangsu and Zhejiang people's money.

At present, the national tax reform in Dashun is only carried out in several prefectures in southern Jiangsu. In Guangdong, due to the unemployment wave caused by the change of the trade center, the imperial court does not give money, or has no money.The surplus money was invested in the Lianghuai River. It stands to reason that the 10,000+ unemployment resettlement should be paid by the benefited classes in Songjiang Prefecture.

But Liu Yu pretended not to know the root cause of this incident, and did not mention it at all.

These businessmen may have heard of it, but if Liu Yu didn't say anything, how could they take the money on their own initiative?

This is not the same thing as they choose to support foreign expansion.

External expansion can benefit them.

And helping the poor people in Lingnan, they can't earn a penny.

Besides, Liu Yu hopes to use their capital to emigrate, and now the people from the two Huaihe Rivers are being relocated, and now they can only suffer first from the people of the Dayuling trade route.

After all, the people in Lingnan still have the opportunity to go to Nanyang spontaneously, while Lianghuai has no such spontaneous opportunity at all.

If you think about it in the dark, maybe even the court understands, but just pretends not to know.

The emperor probably calculated that if the unemployed people in Lingnan revolted, it would be much cheaper to kill and suppress the massacre than to spend money to resettle them, especially after the military reform.

If the emperor doesn't mention it, and the court doesn't mention it, it is naturally impossible for Liu Yu to take the initiative to take this shit pot on his head at this time.

Not to say that the suffering of the people in Lingnan is their responsibility, but because of the special circumstances of these businessmen, they have consciously understood that "the imperial court's external expansion is highly consistent with their interests." Today, Liu Yu would have given them a lesson The discussion meeting on the issue of spices in the imperialism education class also went smoothly in a harmonious, peaceful and cheerful atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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