Xinshun 1730

Chapter 915

Chapter 915 Nanyang Development ([-])
The Jiedu envoy of Jiangsu still trusted Liu Yu's ability to handle affairs, and knew that Liu Yu was not the kind of rascal.It is impossible to say that just for this year’s event, I will ignore it in the future, pretending to talk about the young crop loan, but in the end, the people disappeared, and there was a civil uprising in the second year.

If something happens, his role as Jiedushi will end.How will the court view this matter then?Is it because his plan to pay off debts caused the people to be unable to borrow money?
If Liu Yu could really engage in youth loans, of course there would be no such problem.

The most difficult thing is when you don't pick up, after that period of time, you will basically be stable.

It is nothing more than the relief and exemption from the imperial court, which cannot cover the vast rural areas.In the final analysis, it still depends on the local gentry to undertake some low-level stable things, such as lending.

Therefore, the imperial court couldn't get tough on the issue of lending at all.Da Shun Law clearly stated that the interest rate cannot exceed 36%, but in fact the interest rate is ridiculously high.However, the imperial court can only turn a blind eye and close one eye. After all, the imperial court does not grant loans. It is better to borrow usury when it is not accepted than to starve to death.

It is better to live than to die, and two years to die late is two years.

As long as it can be confirmed that Liu Yu can really engage in young crop loans in several counties, and the funds are definitely sufficient, it is a trivial matter to do something special.

The government intervened, saying that it is not allowed to not let people go because of the debt problem, and they are willing to go to Nanyang to take away all of them. The debt is not cancelled, but only that it can be repaid in the future. If the person dies, the debt will be eliminated. .

This year is tantamount to reneging on debts, using official power to coerce and subdue.

"Since the Duke is right, why don't I believe it? This year's matter is fine. I just don't know how big the young crop loan will be for the Duke?"

Liu Yu only said to try it out in a few counties first, mainly to try it out in the counties where the traffickers took people this year.

"Now we can only do it in these counties first. For things like money, it is only useful if the price is stable. In a disaster year, it still depends on food, seeds and the like."

"In these counties, I am sure to bring in all the grain and seeds. No matter how far inland counties are, it will be difficult to do so."

"Moreover, going to the South Seas is the solution to the symptoms and the root cause. If you travel too far from the sea and travel hundreds of miles, you will consume a lot of food."

I clicked on the names of several counties, which are not only the disaster areas this year, but also the areas relatively close to the coastal ports.

The Jiangsu Jiedu Envoy nodded frequently, thinking that the difference between money and food, you have already thought of it, so what else is there to say?

Green crop loan can’t just lend money. If money can’t buy rice and plant, it’s meaningless. Those who control grain and plant will raise the price and take the money into their own hands.

Liu Yu said again: "Not only do you need money and food, but you also need needles, threads, iron tools, etc., which can be borrowed and borrowed. You don't have to worry about this. I have done similar things in Jinghai and Wendeng. stuff, it's not that hard to do."

"But the main thing is the support of the adults. Without your support, there will inevitably be some troubles in the future. This is not at the time of Jinghai. Say hello to the place."

Jiangsu Jiedu envoy hurriedly said: "That's easy to say. Although this Qingmiao loan has nothing to do with the government, and it must have nothing to do with the government. But after all, it is a plan to benefit the people, and the officials have their own sense of proportion."

While agreeing to Liu Yu, he thought to himself, as long as you don't use the name of the government for this thing.

As long as you don't name the government, everything is easy to talk about.When the time comes and you can't get the money back, you either occupy the land or sell your wife and daughter.

It's not good for the government to do this.

Anyway, as long as you don't let trouble happen when you don't pick up next year, I'm fine with it.Anyway, I am the Jiedushi of Dashun, not the Jiedushi of the late Tang Dynasty, and I left after working for a few years.

As for saying that you are worried about the local tyrants playing tricks, that's unnecessary.It's okay for them to bully and bully the common people, but who has nothing to do with your property?Although this is not a sea of ​​whales caught by your military and government, there is still order.


He took a closer look at Liu Yu again, thinking, but, is this really the only way to make money in Nanyang now?To engage in 15% low-interest loans that are almost the same as doing charity, how much money does Nanyang have to make to make up for the shortfall?
I just heard that they seem to be farming in Nanyang, and can farming make money like this?Could it be... Could it be that Duke Xingguo was digging for gold in Nanyang?If it wasn't for digging for gold, I really couldn't figure out how to make money.

He murmured in his heart, wondering if he should send someone to inquire about what is going on in Nanyang.

If it's enough to make money, I should invest some myself.

However, Liu Yu didn't really care whether he lost money or made money, and he didn't even intend to ask those people to pay back the money, including working in the future to pay back the money.

This of course knows that this is obviously a money-losing business.

And it's the kind that will lose the bottom line.

What's more, he has always sneered at this kind of benevolent act of losing money to maintain the old system.

It's just that he had the intention of killing people before coming here, so he had to prepare in advance.Since those people make him unhappy for a while, then he can only make those people have no chance to be happy or unhappy.

He wants to solve all kinds of problems in northern Jiangsu, or those who create them.

Rebellion has a rebellious solution.

There are solutions within the system within the system.

Rather than saying that this is a well-intentioned Qingmiaodai, it is better to say that it is a spy agency and investigation agency that finds a way to let the power go down to the county and township.

Since the wisdom of the predecessors can make "Refugees Map".

Why can't he follow the wisdom of the predecessors to make "The Spectrum of Evil Gentlemen"?

Many actions, even in Dashun, are felonies.

Moreover, Liu Yu had pinpointed the emperor's pulse.

Since the emperor spent tens of millions of dollars, he planned to control the Huaihe River.Whether it can be cured or not will not be mentioned first. Abandoning the water transport and governing the Huaihe River is obviously hoping that the rule here can be stabilized.

If you want to be safe, you have to move the land.

If you want to move the land, you have to find a way.

The foundation of Dashun was small farmers, and the emperor knew this well.The cancer of the empire in the Huanghuai area cannot be solved by water control alone, and the emperor knew it well.

Especially the annexation and gentry problems here, because of natural disasters, floods and droughts, etc., are more serious than elsewhere.

How to deal with it?

Juntian is too scary.

But Liu Yu is in charge of looking for crimes, and when the time comes to accuse thousands of people, a big case that involves a lot of ties and is well-known in Dashun will be solved after the emperor spent tens of millions of taels on the Huai River. The emperor will support the land issue.

Since words can be the name of the prison.

Then naturally there can be other names, and a big prison can be raised.

There is always a reason.

The key lies in the emperor's attitude.

If the emperor's own mentality is half-dead, and he completely abandons the Huanghuai District, then no matter what he does, it will be meaningless.

Since the emperor invested so much money, the emperor must also want to solve many problems in the Huanghuai area. As long as this point is grasped, the biggest case since the founding of Dashun can be raised.

Even, maybe the emperor would still wish that Liu Yu "knows my heart well" and pulls up such a big case.

Liu Yu also counted the time.

It will take about four or five years for the [-]th tax reform in Songjiang Prefecture and other places to stabilize.

It will take about four or five years to dig through the Huaihe River, solve the water transportation, and completely abolish the water.

It will take about three or four years for Nanyang Caomi to have a stable supply and ensure sufficient security.

Once the [-]th tax reform in Songjiang Prefecture and other places is over, the Huaihe River is basically dug through the mouth of the sea, water transportation is completely abolished, and Nanyang rice is stabilized, this case can be detonated.

Taking advantage of the drastic changes, complete the reform of the tax system in the Lianghuai region.Relying on methods similar to literary inquisition, creating a case of evil gentry, even arresting, killing and implicating thousands of people at one time is not ranked among the major cases of previous dynasties.

And when the time comes, the emperor will hold "righteousness" in his hands-I really don't deal with them for the land issue, nor do they deal with them to suppress the powerful, let alone deal with them for the stability of Huanghuai.

I punished them for overreaching, usurping, hurting people, lynching, robbing tenants, using tenants as slaves, occupying land by force, lending money at super-interested rates, and so on.

For Liu Yu's "Tao", it also provides a stable population rear for the subsequent industrial development of Songsu District and the development of Nanyang.

In the past few years, if you engage in young crop loans, you will definitely lose money if you lose money.

But with good luck, if there are no major natural disasters, the Huaihe River can basically solve the flood and create irrigation areas, and Nanyang rice can be stabilized, the compensation will only be paid for four or five years.

After four or five years, it doesn't make much sense to pay or not.

The land is only redistributed, disintegrating the local powerful landlords in the Huanghuai area, and has not touched the change of the land ownership law.

Whether it should be privately owned or privately owned; whether it should be able to buy or sell land.

The number of small farmers who have nothing to lose every year is still enough for the needs of workers in the Songsu Industrial Zone and the population carrying capacity for the development of Nanyang.

Dashun wants to take the road of industrialization, and it must be different from the UK.

The UK is able to enclose the labor force, and Dashun is trying to trap the countryside as much as possible and not produce too much "labor force"——Before the industrial capacity is not enough to support so many people, those people living in the cities in the British enclosure, In Dashun, there is another name: refugees, the main force of the rebel army.

According to the set of cheap labor that encloses land, during the uprising at the end of the Ming Dynasty, labor was absolutely cheap, and they didn’t need to be paid, and they could work with a meal.The question is, if you add up all the current British, French, Hope, etc., can you afford the "cheap labor" in Henan Province in the late Ming Dynasty?

How big is the bowl, how big is the meal.

Even if Lianghuai is re-developed into small-scale farming, the newly bankrupted people every year will be enough.

Of course, Lianghuai cannot be counted on as a consumer market.

Farmers love the land deeply. Once they have hope, they will find ways to save money to buy land instead of spending it quickly.

Before Qingcroi Loan was deeply involved in the private sector, tenant farmers would try their best to accumulate cash to prepare to buy land after acquiring land. This made it possible to rely on the banknotes of Nanyang and Songsu Handicraft Industrial Zones to quickly penetrate into the Lianghuai area.

Tax reforms, tax increases and apportionment cuts will increase land prices.The increase in land prices due to tax increases and apportionment reductions, as well as the reduction of the burden on small farmers, will reduce the annual rate of return on land.When the annual yield of land decreases, it is easier for capital to run to industry and commerce instead of buying land frantically.

There are some things that cannot be blamed on the landlords and merchants.In extreme cases, you can buy an acre of land with two or three taels of silver, and you can get a rent of six or eight buckets of rice, with an annual yield of nearly 40%. Only fools invest in industry and commerce, only fools buy British national debt with an annual interest rate of 5%, and only fools invest in East London What about the Indian company's 11% fixed annual interest rate return.

For these two points alone, the money lost before is not considered a loss.

Even from a purely commercial point of view, this is a huge profit. Paper money is used to replace precious metals. A large amount of paper money is in circulation. As a shareholder of a bank that issues banknotes, will you lose money?

Once the reputation is established, with Nanyang and Songsu as the foundation and farmers in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River as the reservoir, banknotes can be issued in excess to revitalize the economy and reduce dependence on European and American silver as much as possible.

Conversely, the imperial court’s Caomi was changed to tax and silver compradors, and the imperial court did not have to worry about not being able to spend the banknotes collected.

Because the place where banknotes were first circulated was Nanyang, where grain rice was exported; and the place where grain tax and silver were the most and banknotes were paid the most was precisely the southern Jiangsu area.

Such a slightly deformed cycle caused by Dashun as the capital but the capital is not the economic center can be set up as a framework.

At least paper money can be collected and used by the imperial court, and the rest is easy to say.

In this way, there is absolutely no need for Liu Yu to really ask those people who went to Nanyang to repay their own debts after paying off the boat ticket money to the plantation owners.

It seems that he is being taken advantage of by doing good deeds.But he didn't think it was a good deed, but he felt that it was a good deed to solve the problem of serfdom in the Yellow River and Huaihe River by organizing the largest case in Dashun, involving thousands of people.

Whether it was the Jiedu envoy of Jiangsu or the governor of Huanghuai, they couldn't think of Liu Yu's murderous intentions.They either think that Liu Yu is purely out of compassion and has a lot of money to spare; or they think that Nanyang can really make a lot of money, and if they can not pay, they must have dug gold.

(End of this chapter)

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