Xinshun 1730

Chapter 907

Chapter 907 Nanyang Development ([-])
After clarifying the imperial court's attitude with these merchants, Liu Yu invited these merchants to watch the garrison drill at Longyamen again.

It is also telling these businessmen that there is no problem in investing in Nanyang with confidence and boldness. With the protection of these troops, there will be no such situation as Dashun replacing the Netherlands and being replaced by others.

After ensuring the minimum security for investors, Liu Yu talked with these people about Dashun's plan to develop Nanyang.

On the whole, the "city" is the plantation, and the "wildness" is the surrounding area of ​​the plantation.

Because of the huge difference between Dashun and the Netherlands, Nanyang did not belong to the Netherlands before, but belonged to the Dutch East India Company; but now, Nanyang belongs to the court of Dashun, not the Nanyang Company in the true sense that Dashun did not exist at all.

In addition, the land issue in Nanyang is complicated. This is not North America that has been slaughtered, but a place where a large number of foreign populations have not been completely disintegrated.

Therefore, the land issue must be resolved by the Dashun court.

Either buy, rob, or cheat, after all, this is not something these businessmen can touch.

Firstly, if these businessmen are allowed to touch it, it will definitely trigger many conflicts.A businessman knows no bounds.

Secondly, it is not easy for these businessmen to meet each other.They don't have an army in their hands, and they still want to build land without an army?

Therefore, the imperial court will use various methods to obtain land from Nanyang.

After getting the land, it will be divided into different blocks and leased to those who intend to develop Nanyang.

The lease term can be set to 100 years.

There are two main directions of population migration in Southeast Asia.

Those who migrate spontaneously, such as Fujian, Guangdong and other places, or those who visit relatives and friends, or those who have acquaintances in the clan, this is not mentioned.

The imperial court didn't care about these people at all, they came if they wanted to, and when they came, they had to pay taxes and pay taxes.

The other is the hired person.

This is what Liu Yu is promoting now.The former is brought by clan ties, and he can't control it at all.

In this way, huge plantations will be densely populated with hundreds or thousands of people.

These people usually have to spend some money, so there will be hawkers centered on the plantations.

At least sell some needles and threads, eat and drink, snacks, medicines and the like.

Presumably, there must be no shortage of taverns, brothels and the like.

With the plantation as the center, villages will gradually form around it.And in these villages, people who have worked in the plantations for the full term will choose to cultivate nearby, or people from the Fujian and Guangdong regions spontaneously migrated here.

In short, it is centered on various large plantations, gradually forming a "starry sky" structure in Nanyang, instead of the previous situation where there were many Chinese in a few big cities, and completely changed the proportion of local ethnic groups.

At the same time, try to absorb as many immigrants as possible to ease the conflict between people and land within Dashun.

In terms of cost, the Huanghuai area is the cheapest.In places where disasters occur frequently and the population has long exceeded the capacity of the land, recruiting workers is very simple.

Not to mention the extreme ones, just wait until the disaster year to give a steamed bun, just give some money, or promise to eat three meals a day, it is enough to recruit enough people.

In addition to plantations, some mining areas will also be contracted out, except for special gold and silver mines.The gold and silver mines are based on the model of the Yantai area, under the supervision of the imperial court, a part is withdrawn according to a percentage.

Since Dashun wants to gain a firm foothold in Nanyang, it must be aware of the huge difference between Dashun and the Netherlands, or the huge difference between Dashun and the Dutch East India Company.

The East India Company could practice forced plantation, but Dashun would not.

Because Dashun is not going to engage in an internal monopoly in Nanyang, of course outsiders, especially Europeans, are not allowed to buy spices in Nanyang.

What Dashun is most familiar with is the land tax system.

Compared with the forced planting system that purely pursues high profits, the land tax system that Dashun is most familiar with is the most suitable for Dashun.

Only in this way can the disintegration of Nanyang Village be completed as quickly as possible.

In an accelerated way, the village head of the village community seized the public land and became the first batch of landlords.

At the same time, because there is no shortage of people in Dashun, it is necessary to consider how to accommodate a huge population in Nanyang.

Then, logically, this kind of plantation system has become the optimal solution.

Nanyang’s valuable and profitable coffee, cocoa, rubber, palm, coconut, cotton, indigo, madder, etc., should not be forced to grow.

Instead, the original village communes were allowed to follow the previous tradition, and they could grow whatever they wanted, and the imperial court didn't care at all.

Just pay mu tax on time.

These valuable crops are planted by the plantations organized by Dashun Capital.

Of course, the exception is the Banten area, which has already decided to make a basic plan, carry out drastic land reforms, and completely wipe out the priestly and aristocratic class.

West Java will be Dashun's basic military base in Nanyang, and we cannot simply consider profit.

At the same time, due to the development of trade in Dashun, these crops in the plantation can be sold to Europe, and in fact, some of them can also be sold in economically developed and wealthy coastal areas.

Coupled with the needs of the fleet and the army.

As well as raw materials necessary for industrialization such as cotton, indigo, and madder, it can be guaranteed that these large plantations will definitely be profitable.

Even coconuts can be used to extract oil, and a whole set of industries such as glycerin and soap developed in conjunction with the alkali industry.Instead of drinking coconut water.

In short, the group of old school bureaucrats in the imperial court defined Nanyang as a place to accommodate the increasing population.Now that the poll tax has been abolished, the extra people are all "worthless" Duoyuren. In their view, they wish they could all get out.

The officers and officials of the New Studies Department defined Nanyang as the place of origin of raw materials.They uphold a different attitude from inside and outside, and will strictly investigate Nanyang's industries.

Industries such as cocoa processing, coffee processing, oil extraction, and sugar extraction can be allowed.

However, a nail, a shovel, a musket, and a ball of needlework all have to be transported from Dashun.

For Liu Yu, this large plantation model has another purpose.

If we say that the first step of British industrialization is the textile industry.In turn, it gave birth to the use and development of steam engines.

Then, the first step of Dashun's industrialization cannot use the textile industry, so another method must be found.

The steam engine is already usable, but the weaving machine, the spinning machine and the like are not yet available.

But who said that the steam engine must first be used in the textile industry before it can develop and grow?
Without the loom, the steam engine was still a source of power.

It can be used to power blowers, yes; it can be used to saw wood, yes; it can be used to squeeze sugar, cocoa, oil, cottonseed, and water.

And for example, there are simple machines for squeezing sugar, but they are just driven by cows and horses.If you replace it with a steam engine, you can use it directly, not like the textile industry, where you have to develop a textile machine to produce a steam engine.

At the same time, Liu Yu had to consider the impact of the use of machinery on the small-scale peasant economy, so he hesitated to make efforts in the textile industry.

However, most of the things produced in the Nanyang plantations have no conflict with the small farmers in Dashun.

In Dashun's climate, there are only a few places where these things can be grown, and basically none of them have been grown yet.

The steam engine was first applied on a large scale in Nanyang plantations, which can perfectly avoid the impact on the small-scale peasant economy in Dashun.

Before India took over, the industrial revolution led by the textile industry in Dashun was death.

That would be a more visible shock than the one that followed the Opium Wars.

After all, at that time, it had to be shipped across the ocean, and the labor cost in Europe was still high, plus shipping costs and a 5.00% tariff.

Now that this is a production at home, the impact will be multiplied.He dared not move.

Foreign industrial products will cause shocks.Could it be that the industrial products in China, Songjiang Prefecture, Suzhou Prefecture and other places have special magic and will not cause impact?

Dashun has its own national conditions here.

Now that the monetization reform of silver has been completed in the previous dynasty, and at the same time the taxation is the collection of silver, the common people are counting on the little cotton cloth to change their clothes and pay some taxes.

This is an era when rags can be pawned for money, and the little cotton cloth rubbed by ordinary people is sometimes life-saving money.

If you can't move, don't move first, and if you move, you must prepare to deal with a peasant uprising at the level of the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom when your strength is insufficient.

Dashun’s national conditions are here. The bourgeoisie’s victory over the feudal landlords and the Li family dynasty does not depend on whether the bourgeoisie can overthrow the feudal landlords, but on who can solve the peasant land problem between the feudal landlords and the emerging class.

This is also very different from Europe.

Dashun's Li family definitely can't solve it.

But it is at least a way to suppress mergers, emphasize agriculture and suppress business, and destroy industries in a reactionary manner.

Regardless of whether it is inevitable to die in the future, at least not now.

The emperor's thinking is very simple: If I can't solve the problem of peasants in the new era, then I can just retreat?

Therefore, Liu Yu's idea is to promote the application of steam engines first in places where the impact on small farmers in Dashun is the least, and to raise a steam engine factory.

In other words, a factory for machining.

With enough skilled workers, waiting to win India, they can produce enough steam engines and all kinds of wonderful machines in an instant.

Don't cut the meat slowly, take advantage of the natural disaster that causes the collapse of the small farmers' economy in Bangladesh, and directly destroy the cotton handicraft industry and silk industry in India.

Anyway, natural disasters are natural disasters, and with the addition of industrial shocks, that's all there is to it.After being stabbed three times and then once, it is better than being injured three times and then getting another knife.

During this period, a large number of plantations and steam engines demanded by Nanyang Mining will also greatly promote the development of industries such as iron smelting, mining, and coal mining.

And if you want someone to use a steam engine, you have to build a plantation.

Foolishly learning from the Netherlands, engaging in forced planting and paying tribute for land rent, this is a direct refund of the medieval tax in kind.

Moreover, scattered small farmers, village communities, may be able to afford steam engines?

At the same time, the forced planting system will also affect the income of the plantation, and it will also arouse serious resistance, which is really unnecessary.

For such a small profit, a country with purely commercial thinking like the Netherlands is fine.

It is impossible for anyone with a little brain and a little industrial thinking to do it.

It seems to have made a profit at the beginning, but in fact it has lost a lot.

Dashun has no real Nanyang Company.

The Nanyang issue does not need to be accountable to the shareholders, but only to the court.

The imperial court is not a shareholder, so it will not stare at the financial statements every day, it must have this little benefit in front of it.

As long as they don't lose money... and obviously they can't lose money, the imperial court will not implement the forced planting system. Instead, according to Dashun's inertia, it must prefer to collect land taxes.

Of course, the imperial court will also support these industries.

Including the fact that the imperial court just throws here a bunch of people who can read and learn, but can't be an official through the imperial examination.

Before that, they are given special training in plantation.Because they were literate before, it must be easier to cultivate than illiterate ones.

A group of literate people who are marginalized by society and have no chance to become officials in the imperial examination wander around in big cities all day... In the eyes of the emperor, this is not a good thing.If someone rebels, there is no need to worry about Confucian scholar-bureaucrats monopolizing literacy who are loyal to the emperor and patriotic and will not participate. There will be rebel groups who are literate in the reserve...

By the way, some retired officers can also be thrown here.If you can manage a company, it is not a big problem to come to the plantation to manage hundreds of people.

For the imperial court, some "surplus" population was relocated; a group of educated people who were literate but unable to take the imperial examination to become officials were thrown away;It can be regarded as killing three birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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