Xinshun 1730

Chapter 85 Testimonials and About This Book Is a Fan

Chapter 85 Testimonials and About This Book Is a Fan
First of all, this book is a fanfiction.

It's just that the original work... um... Even if it's still a frightened egg, it's already sharpening its knife to Tintin, who knows if I'll see it in my lifetime.

Therefore, this book dare not and cannot use the name "Xin Shun". The setting of "Xin Shun" has always belonged to the original setter, and it's too early to bear the burden.

I am a newcomer, Little Transparent, and I have never had contact with him, nor have I been authorized.

As a newcomer, I probably know that those who still write Sanjiang's testimonials in this year are old antiques.I didn't want to write it at first, but I wanted to explain it, it is also a kind of respect for the original author.

The reason for writing this book, or the chance, is that I accidentally saw Zichai hate opening a new book, and thought of his Xinshun colleague "Three Thousand Beauties".

In addition, when I swiped B before, I saw a question: Is Li Zicheng a national sinner?Then I followed the recommendation and saw another question: Is Li Zicheng the historical sinner who caused China to fall behind?Should it be nailed to the pillar of shame of the Chinese nation?Without Li Zicheng, the Ming Dynasty would have had capitalism, the industrial revolution...

Immediately amused by these two questions, he thought about it.

In addition, I feel that the times have changed, and it can be regarded as my own commemoration for the bronze age of Internet literature that set the party rampant in the past.

At the beginning, I actually wanted to write about a system and technology that was a little more advanced. Everyone worked hard and sprouted and blossomed.

After thinking about it, let’s forget it. If it is a little more advanced, it may be written as "a cannon fire invades the Forbidden City, and a bowl of wine is placed on the guillotine". If you eat too much 4O4, it will be easy to hold on.

I remember that there is also a fan art called "Xin Shun: The Iron Century", which is even more popular.

The reason why the protagonist’s identity is honorable is because I am convinced that feudal dynasties are all like a bird, and the status of a commoner is the difficulty of hell, including rebellion... The rebellion of this era is not the rebellion that took the bird’s position in the past , but smashed the rebellion of the bird bit.

The reason why I chose the Northeast as the starting point is because the entanglement between Neo-Confucianism, Psychology, and Eastern Zhejiang School is not easy to write, and it involves too much, and it is not appropriate to talk about Confucianism with a low status.

The study of meritorious deeds of the Eastern Zhejiang School can be modified, but also because of PTSD in the late Ming Dynasty, the sense of déjà vu in the Southern Song Dynasty was too strong, and some elements of overcorrection will definitely appear.

I am not a fan of any dynasty, what should be praised, what should be scolded.At the beginning, let the protagonist's home be settled in the old house of Xu's family, Duke Ding of the former dynasty, let the protagonist make five prostrations and three kowtows, let the protagonist's family not take 1000 taels seriously, and say that the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon—he The family's money does not always fall from the sky.

I don't read book reviews, but I can guess that there must be a lot of scolding.

What happened at the end of the Ming Dynasty, a word could cause a lot of trouble, not to mention that the Ming Dynasty disappeared immediately, and it became a dark and dirty background.

And the "Dashun" here deliberately magnified Nanming's dirty things in public opinion for the sake of "orthodoxy"—From the perspective of the founder of Xinshun, to infer how Dashun will manipulate public opinion to smear Nanming—— So you can imagine.

As for the history of the Southern Ming Dynasty, people say that Han books can be served with wine, and Tang books can also be served with tea.Nanming history, I want to make an appointment, watching Nanming history is definitely more useful than drinking, and my blood is surging.

The attitude towards the Ming Dynasty is very clear: it should perish.It's just that the subsequent history shouldn't be like that, it's unavoidable to regret.

What is regrettable is not the fall of the Ming Dynasty, but what is regrettable are heroes such as Li Dingguo, Li Laiheng, Gao Yigong, Liu Tichun, Yuan Zongdi, Li Guo, etc. How did it end like that?

These heroes who resisted for survival in the first half of their lives and stood up for the righteousness of the nation in the second half of their lives fought with Hong Chengchou and others in the first half of their lives; they still fought with Hong Chengchou and others in the second half of their lives.

He didn't even change his official position, it was nothing more than Hong Chengchou, the prince and Taibao of the Ming Dynasty, replaced by Hong Chengchou, the prince and Taibao of the Qing Dynasty.The magic is speechless.

As for the pen name Wang Shumu Xihe, it is not Sun Moon Zhiming either.It just so happened that I played too many games at that time, and I hoped that Shu Yuyue would poke and poke all day long, and he got a name with ease.

It's a superficial setting itself, and it's also a superficial setting. The rationality and so on must be far behind. I also hope that everyone can read Guan Haihan.

Besides, I don't have historical data, what do you want me to check?Manual dog head~
As for the part of foreign history involved, it is either simplified, or it is too troublesome to just give an overview.

Thank you to every book friend, thank you for rewarding, voting, publicizing, angrily scolding, angry, etc., etc.

Thanks for editing Qing Zhou.Thanks for editing Huya.

Thanks to Senator Xiang Tianying, the setting of the Jedi counterattack after Jiugong Mountain came from his fiction; thanks to Wen Changqing, the name of Leng Fengyang, a hundred households of Jinyiwei, came from his textual research on the fate of Jinyiwei in Ming Dynasty.Although they don't recognize me as a little transparent, and they may not see it, they are still grateful for sharing knowledge, and anyone who shares knowledge.When three people walk together, there must be my teacher.Thanks to every teacher who shared their knowledge.

Then, thank every book friend again, thank those who rewarded, voted, promoted, scolded, angry, etc., etc.

And, thanks to the original creator of this book's fans, Zao Slow Bear.I hope you don't mind if I don't mind that I scrapped the interesting idea of ​​the female officer replacing the eunuch.

Finally, this book is just a fan, please forgive me for the bad writing.I also hope to see more perfect fans.


Finally, I quote the last chapter of Yao Xueyin's "Li Zicheng".

"Emperor Yongli has been dead for five years now, who are we defending the land for? The name is not right. The whole of China has been occupied by the Manchus. How can we fight against the Manchus in this little place? If we continue to defend today, everyone Let’s not talk about dying together, there is no legitimate name. In the Ming Dynasty, there is not even a clan whose surname is Zhu, who are we going to guard the land for?”

After saying this, many people nodded their heads one after another, saying that it is meaningless to die now, it is better to surrender.

Li Laiheng was very angry. He slammed the case, stood up suddenly, put one hand on the hilt of his sword, and said:
"Never surrender to the barbarians! Whoever wants to surrender to the barbarians must do it himself. I, Li Laiheng, am a man of iron, and the only way to die is to die for the country. Whoever wants to surrender, please do it yourself."

...Someone replied unconvinced: "Those who surrender are not necessarily afraid of death. A man must know the current affairs. He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Who will guard the soil today? Who can tell?"

Li Laiheng clapped the case and said:
"Defend the land for the Chinese, for our good people, for our former emperors and civil servants and generals who died in the Dashun Dynasty, and for the Yongli Emperor!"


Maolu Mountain is high, and the bandits die in Sheji.

Let's eat!

(End of this chapter)

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