Xinshun 1730

Chapter 814 The big thing is done

Chapter 814 The Big Thing Is Done ([-])

Qi Guogong met with Louis XV, and the matter as a whole was relatively smooth.

Except for talking about military affairs with Louis XV and having a woman next to him listening to it, he was a little unaccustomed to it, but everything else was fine.

Straight to the point, when it came to the signing of a subsidy treaty between Russia and England, Louis XV couldn't help but curse.

The translator can only be very careful, and in less vulgar language, say that the Russian Elisabeth Petrovna is a snake-like woman.

France is a Catholic country. Snakes have special meaning in the Bible or Catholic culture, especially when they are used to describe women.

Louis XV had a deformed obsession with women. In fact, he also admired Queen Elizabeth, which was more to his taste.

His whole family had died since he was a child, and he was less than eight years old. The female teacher who took care of him since he was a child, and whose relationship was more like a mother, was also taken away from her.

So all his life, he tried to find maternal love and get comfort from women.

Including the mistresses he found, they were basically other people's wives. He didn't really like that kind of young girls.

They look highly on women, especially those who are mature, strong, who have been other people's wives, or who are particularly slutty and assertive.

Under this kind of complex, being able to yell at Queen Elizabeth, who is very in line with his appreciation taste, shows that the Russian-British subsidy treaty made Louis XV feel very depressed and depressed.

After scolding, Louis XV complained like a child.

"She was able to become the tsar because of the help of China and France. Without the funds and intelligence provided by the French embassy, ​​and without the marquis of your country detaining those ministers, how could her coup be so easy?"

"I should have known a long time ago that she is a woman who can use men. The Swedes also helped her in the coup, but she didn't show mercy to Sweden..."

The Duke of Qi smiled secretly, and said in his heart that you are also the king of a country, and now the monarch of a country with five tyrants and seven heroes on this earth, how can you still believe that the king is affectionate?

But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Louis XV was short of money, and the ginseng and mink fur trade in Dashun greatly eased the situation of Louis XV's private money.

It is said that the real estate and manor of the very beloved "concubine" beside him were bought with part of the ginseng trade royalties. Now that he has the manor, real estate, coat of arms, etc., this woman is already a Pompadour woman. Marquis.

Liu Yu has already hooked up with this line a long time ago, giving money, gifts and books. The last time he came to France, he had already started to make arrangements.Now that he has been favored, it will be beneficial to Dashun in the future if he blows more pillow wind.

Talk about human relations, of course.

The Duke of Qi waited for Louis XV to finish complaining, and then said: "Your Highness, China can still put pressure on Russia appropriately. However, it can only give a certain degree of pressure as a help to its allies. Although the border between China and Raksha is long , but Petersburg is too far away from the capital, and it is not easy to send troops. As for whether the pressure will be effective or what results will be achieved, this is really not guaranteed."

"As an ally of France, the Celestial Dynasty has done everything in its power to help Your Highness. Because of the countries in Europe, only France has the power of the monarchy. The Celestial Dynasty is really unwilling to let Britain, the Netherlands and other countries gain power, and the monarchs and ministers are always chaotic."

"This is the rule of the world."

He reiterated Liu Yu's "true reasons" for helping Russia and France.This reason has a unique view of the world and a universal view. It is an ideological dispute, which seems to be higher than the interests of the country or the nation.

At least, as an excuse or reason, it is very persuasive, especially as France is a religious country, it is easy for them to understand this "world" view that transcends nations and countries.

Of course, the main reason is that nothing else makes sense.

Cultural and religious.

One is the eldest daughter of God.

One is the celestial dynasty that worships oriental idols, leading Japan, North Korea, and Vietnam in the cultural circle to ban religion.

Economic and trade.

One is Kolbe’s national industrialism, which is to replace it with domestic production as much as possible, even silk and porcelain can be produced, and refuses tea and coffee for the benefit of the country’s colonies.

One is that the handicraft industry dominates the world, and the internal market is dominated by a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy. It is eager for a country that can ship goods in Europe.

national self-confidence.

One is the center of the world map, facing Paris; he thinks that French is the most beautiful language in the world; he is the guide of court etiquette and elegant culture of European soil turtles.

One is a great dynasty, and all the people outside the world are barbarians; they never think that there is anything wrong with their own culture, and even when later generations are beaten and humiliated, they firmly believe that only strong ships and powerful guns are far superior to others; the etiquette and etiquette of the Eastern world are great achievements By.

There is probably no better reason for these two countries to become allies, apart from sympathy for centralized power and autocratic monarchy.

Voltaire said that the Chinese monarchy is the best system of mankind and the benchmark of the rule of philosopher kings.

Liu Yu can only say that France is the hope of the European monarchy and the last hope that Europa will not fall into the Anglo-Dutch model.

Although it is full of nonsense, after all, it is said that when the British nobles took an oath to the king, they said, "We, who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than us, that we accept you as our king."

This is in Dashun, just the phrase "I want you who are no better than us", I dare not say too much, the three tribes of Yi are guaranteed.

This has nothing to do with national characteristics, the key is the balance of power, otherwise "Dogfoot Zhen" and "Chengji Killing the King in the Street" can be understood as the pioneers of anti-feudalism and anti-imperialism... If you think so, it is the same as Voltaire's view of the east. Before the captives entered the customs, they were democratic and free, and they didn't know what authority was. This is the same way of thinking.

In his heart, Louis XV basically believed what Liu Yu said at the beginning and what Duke Qi repeated now.

Using their way of thinking, Tianxia is similar to a variant of the Messiah plot.It is quite easy for the French to understand an ideology that transcends the nation.

And just like the joke that Kang Bushao said before, France, which took chestnuts out of the fire, didn't eat a single chestnut, and burned off a pile of hair on its paws, not only did not resent Dashun, but wanted to say something to Dashun thanks.

In any case, Dashun destroyed the Dutch financial industry.

Although this is considered a loss of two hundred for France, after all, France also has to borrow money from the Netherlands, and French freight still needs Dutch cargo ships.But relative to the enemies of France, the losses must be greater.

Now that Dashun has offered to put diplomatic pressure on the Russian side, Louis XV can only thank him again and again.

Regarding Russia's dispatch of troops, it is depressing to be depressed, but it does not mean that France is directly pushed to the brink of desperation.

Although Russia is said to send [-] troops, it will not directly scare France away.

First of all, this is just a plan, and follow-up negotiations will take time. Who knows when Russia will send troops?

The second is the Russian labor expedition. Although the logistics supplies can be robbed, the French in the Austrian Netherlands have been raising food on the spot for several years. Now there are thieves and bandits everywhere. What do the Russians eat when they come?I'm afraid we still have to retreat every autumn.

For one reason or another, Russia will not scare France away.However, with Russia contributing troops and Britain contributing money, it will be able to last for a while.However, France is now a bit unable to hold on.

No money!
Duke Qi of Dashun also directly said that although the border between Dashun and Russia is long, it also involves many problems in Mongolia and Central Asia.However, it is not easy for the two countries to really fight.

This point, other countries may not understand, France certainly understands.

Now let France use Haiti in the Caribbean for a parallel Canada, France will never do it.France is not stupid, but Dashun is?Let the good Nanyang not operate, and fight Russia for some places that are more desolate than Canada?

Canada also has ginseng mink fur, as well as Newfoundland fishing grounds.Dashun goes further north, where even ginseng and sables don't grow.

Therefore, Qi Guogong said that the most Dashun can do is to put a little diplomatic pressure on Russia.Otherwise, I can't really do anything.

Although there is still an option to instigate the Turghut Department to make trouble, the question is whether the Junggar Department has been slaughtered, and there is no place to resettle it. Making troubles in the hinterland of Russia, shedding his own blood for Dashun?

Besides, the Empress of Russia has also started to adopt a soft policy. The Yellow Sect and the Green Sect are treated differently. Lama can declare his allegiance to the Tsar before he is allowed to preach... because even if it is allowed, it is useless. The Yellow Sect can't spread it to Dongzheng or Green Church , You can only play with economic and political privileges in your own small circle and small tribe, so yellow and green are treated differently.One is tolerant, and the other is relentlessly suppressing the mosque.

Louis XV had already said something when he saw Dashun, and he couldn't ask for anything more than gratitude.

At that time, Liu Yu had a secret discussion with him on some strategic matters, and Louis XV heard a lot about it, but whether he was going to use it or not, it was up to the two of them.

As for governing the country, it was Louis XIV who had been very successful since he was a child, and he took over from Louis XIV's class. This shadow is too great.

Now we don't mention women, but only talk about governing the country. How does Louis XV feel?
A year ago, he finally reached the stage of strategic counterattack that Liu Yu had told him about.

Sure enough, the Prussians once again fought undeclared wars and violently attacked Austria; they attacked Southeast Asia and destroyed the Dutch finances;

What is the situation?
According to this situation, the next step is to cede the Austrian Netherlands, the puppet Netherlands, the Stuart family landed in Scotland, the restoration of the United Kingdom as a Catholic country or the independence of Scotland, the United Kingdom's renunciation of the French throne, and the independence of Hanover no longer with the United Kingdom The republican monarch, the elector supported by France became the Holy Roman Emperor, and the dismemberment of Austria left Austria with only Lower Austria and Hungary, which rebelled at any time...

Dashun and France are called the two emperors of the East and the West.Find a longitude line and draw it, mine here, yours there.

If this situation continues, what is the historical status of Louis XV?
If this is the case, Louis XV can be regarded by the French as "Louis who surpassed the Sun King", not just "Louis who is lovable".He can truly walk out of the huge figure of Louis XIV and become the second Sun King.


(End of this chapter)

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