Xinshun 1730

Chapter 810 The Holy Monarch

Chapter 810 The Holy Monarch
Wu Zixu was not an eunuch, but a real good man in the pre-Qin period.So you can exhume graves and flog corpses, you can anger Fucha, and you can look at the subjugated country with your eyes before you die.

Wu Zixu couldn't do what Liu Yu had done all these years.

Tian Zhenyi saw that she had explained everything thoroughly, and also saw Liu Yu laughing awkwardly there, she couldn't help but sighed and said, "Third brother, this is the way of the world. Since the Tang Dynasty, if you want to get things done, you have to be like this."

"You know that such a request is actually very difficult to do."

"If you have your ability and insights, you may be able to follow the emperor's wishes and make the best use of the situation to accomplish the right thing."

"If you don't have your ability and your opinions, it's easy to just learn to figure out what you want, obey the emperor, and become a bunch of treacherous ministers."

"However, the third brother needs to remember: For those outside, they can neither enter the court nor govern the local area. There is a difference between inside and outside."

"The emperor would rather have a group of courtiers and lucky ministers. He doesn't want the group of people outside to have their own ideas, principles, pursuits, and ideas."

"If there is the ability of the third brother, Nanyang and Xiyang will win the game; if not, they only know how to please the emperor, and they will lose. What can they do if there is a sea blocking them?"

"Yes, there is a difference between inside and outside. The emperor needs a group of 'eunuchs'."

"Furthermore, for this group of people, I would rather become courtiers and lucky ministers in the future than become important ministers, ministers, ministers, ministers, ministers, and ministers with ideals and thoughts!"

"The orthodoxy of the country should not be chaotic. Once they want to be admonishers, ministers, and go up to the court, this will be a dispute over orthodoxy. There should be no chaos inside, and there should be competition outside, so there is a difference between inside and outside."

Although the word "eunuch" is not very pleasant to hear, the truth seems to be the same.

Liu Yu paced around a few times with his hands behind his back, thinking about what he had done before, and thinking about the emperor's possible worries, and he was convinced that Tian Zhenyi's metaphor of eunuchs was very reasonable.

The emperor would rather let those people become treacherous ministers or even villains, and he does not want them to enter the world and become important ministers, especially because he does not want to cause many disputes: the emperor asked Liu Yu to do some things, and Liu Yu is the default in the eyes of scholars all over the world Fortunately, ministers and ministers, there is no shortage of big black pots; however, some things, once people from Liu Yu's lineage, as court officials, are arguing at the court meeting, the meaning of the matter will be different.

A "eunuch" can do evil, but the eunuch cannot say his "evil" is the right way.You normal people are on the wrong path.

The more he thought about it, the smoother his thoughts became, and Liu Yu's brows gradually relaxed.

Tian Zhenyi's words cannot be said to those people directly.If he said it as it is, the emperor would not be able to keep his face, and everyone would feel disgusted when they heard it.

However, Tian Zhenyi's idea of ​​"great loyalty, second loyalty, and lower loyalty" can speak nicely and decently.

The content is still the same, the connotation is still the connotation, but it doesn't sound so "insulting".

Tian Zhenyi saw that the frequency of Liu Yu's pacing gradually decreased, and the acquaintance who had lived for many years also knew that Liu Yu's thoughts were almost sorted out.

"Third brother, let me give them another ancient poem to make these words more beautiful."

[As a general of frost and snow.As bright as the sun and the moon. 】

[The state has a great destiny.You can't tell anyone.Let him bow down. 】

[Phoenix Qiuqiu.It has several wings.Its sound is like a flute.There are phoenixes and there are phoenixes.The heart of Yue Di. 】

[The long night is slow.Yong Si Qian Xi.Taikoo is not slow.There is no wrong with etiquette and righteousness.What kind of compassionate words come.A trickle of water.Not congested. 】

[The hub is broken.It is its spoke.Things are lost.It's too heavy.Ink thinks it is clear.The fox is pale. 】

"Superior ministers, if they are threatened by chaos, poor in official positions, and have nothing to avoid, they should admire their beauty, praise their goodness, disobey their evil, hide their failures, talk about their strengths, and not blame their weaknesses. , thought it was customary."

"Superior ministers, if you have to serve a foolish ruler or a ruler who has gone the wrong way, then you should talk more about the monarch's strengths, not to mention the monarch's disadvantages. Don't speak out against the monarch who has done bad things. Anyway, he is a foolish monarch. Objection is useful. Is it? Follow the trend, please the monarch, and do things quietly."

"Phoenix Qiuqiu. It has several wings. Its voice is like a flute. There is a phoenix and there is a phoenix. The phoenix-like voice, reasoning, and praise can not only make the emperor happy, but also achieve the righteous way of the phoenix."

"But if you don't have this kind of ability, if you want to please the emperor while doing things quietly, then you will only learn the first half. If you can't make a phoenix, why can't you make a pheasant, say it is auspicious, and please the emperor's heart?"

"With His Majesty's temperament, he will never think that he is the master of incompetence, and he will never think that he can't control the situation, or that he can't cope with new things."

"However, because of his temperament, I firmly believe that the crown prince is far inferior to him. I am afraid that after the crown prince succeeds in the future, his ability will definitely be inferior to him. I don’t know how to control the new situation.”

"In this case, you successors who have embarked on a new path, don't be ministers, admonishers, and assistant ministers, but fight for reason, or even lead a group of ministers and officials to fight against the strong emperor and the emperor. The king's life, the importance of stealing the king, the thing against the king, the danger of the country..."

"If you have the ability, you should admire its beauty, promote its goodness, disobey its evil, hide its failure, talk about its strengths, not its weaknesses, and achieve success quietly."

"If you don't have the ability, you should only admire its beauty, promote its goodness, disobey its evil, hide its failure, talk about its strengths, and don't blame its weaknesses... Throw away the most important thing of "quietness and success" Bar."

"Do you think, with His Majesty's temperament, conceit, and pride, will he feel that the crown prince will be stronger than him in the future? He has already tacitly agreed that the crown prince is not as good as him, that's why he said this today."

"It's not only worrying that the country will not be in turmoil, but also worrying that the situation that was so easy to open will go to waste... If you only worry about the former, it would be easy, just stop the pioneering business. But I am reluctant, and I am worried that I will not be able to control it in the future. I am in a dilemma. , that's all."

"He is not only the Son of Heaven, but also the representative of what Westerners call China's sovereignty. But he is also the head of the Li family."

"It was one thing in the past, but it's not the same thing now in the world of great controversy. I'm afraid he himself doesn't understand how important and how important it is."

Tian Zhenyi looked up at the grass, trees, blue sky, and white clouds outside the window, and thought that the emperor was just a person after all. She sighed and said for a long time: "The emperor asked the seventh prince to take charge of the navy, and there is no restriction on walking with you. I'm afraid he doesn't know it. Where will Zhu Xia go in the future, I always have the idea of ​​"leaving a fork in the road", and I also feel that the old road will not work. It's just that I don't want to admit it, I don't want to admit it."

"The Seventh Prince's condition is too poor. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible, and the minister will never admit it. But if such a poor condition is achieved in the future, it can be seen that the old way is completely rotten."

Liu Yu didn't care much about this, and felt that Tian Zhenyi was thinking too much. If the emperor had such awareness, it would be fine.

Thinking that if she continues to follow this line of thought, she will add a lot of worries, worrying that she will be involved in the future, it is far better to escape from afar and be a spectator, to see the historical inevitability, not less than 30 or 50 years.

So Liu Yu deliberately disturbed Tian Zhenyi's thoughts with a joke, and said with a smile: "If this is the case, Dashun is really qualified to be better than Li Tang. Father is kind and son is filial, brother and friend are respectful, and the inheritance law of the imperial guards, hahahaha... Seriously orthodox."

"Okay, don't think too much about it. I'm afraid the emperor himself didn't think about it that way, but you added a lot of thoughts to him. Don't worry, what I said on the hot air balloon that day, I meant it. , then flee away. It’s not bad for 30 or 50 years. Whoever wants to make a fuss can make a fuss, you and I don’t care.”

"It's all okay. Now that I have seen the future, all these things are nothing more than ants and dust. Let him go."

Tian Zhenyi hummed, walked over and gave Liu Yu a gentle hug, and said: "Then, you must keep your word. Go, go and make a noise with your eunuchs."

After finishing speaking, he smiled lightly and pushed Liu Yu away.


Back in the living room, after waiting for a long time, Li Yan came slowly.

After some etiquette, everyone sat down in their seats, and the people did not talk about what happened in the Forbidden Palace, but waited quietly for Liu Yu to speak.

Li Yan also knew that he had only come now, and Liu Yu must have known about it already, so he didn't need to say any more.

Liu Yu has already organized the language in his heart. According to the idea given by Tian Zhenyi, he will use the connotations of "eunuch", "syringer" and "lucky minister" in a very quaint, open-mouthed "Book of Songs" and closed-mouthed "Xunzi". The skin spoke out.

Everyone present is not stupid. Although they have read less scriptures, they still have some basic skills.

After explaining the general truth, I interspersed with the embarrassing marginal status of these practical departments, so I didn't say it clearly, and I understood everything that should be understood.

Between the cups and cups, Liu Yu pretended to use the strength of the wine and said: "The ancients said: Those who serve the sage should obey and never argue."

"I said, 2 plus 3 is equal to 3 plus 2."

"Then, what the ancients said actually means that if there is obedience and no remonstrance, the king who does things is the sage!"

Everyone thought, Jing Hou is talking nonsense, how can this be understood without changing his face?

Because he is a holy king, he can be obedient and have no remonstrance.

But the other way around, it's obviously not true.This is obviously not the reason why 2 plus 3 is equal to 3 plus 2, but the sun comes out and the rooster crows, so the rooster crows out of the sun.

Doesn't this mean that we'd better not talk in the future, as long as the emperor says something, we should follow suit and shout that His Majesty is right and His Majesty is wise?

This is really quite different from the way of being a minister.

They are not from orthodox Confucianism, but the characters shaped by the outstanding figures of the past dynasties are so moist and silent that they cannot be erased.In their subconscious minds, they still take the ideas of "the poor will be good for themselves, and the world will be benefited if they are successful", "if the king has made mistakes, he will be admonished, and he will not continue to admonish" as a kind of human criterion.

This is not something that can be easily changed.

Because of this subconsciousness, when I heard Liu Yu's words, I felt something was wrong.

However, this nonsense was too much, so everyone raised their glasses together and said: "What the Marquis of Whale said is true, it really makes me wait for the sun to clear the clouds, and I will be enlightened!"

Liu Yu raised his glass and refused to drink, but with a sense of madness, he dismissed heroes as heroes.Following the emperor's wishes, when he talked about Wu Zixu, he was disparaging, and then said: "So, according to the current system, Wu Zixu is doing something wrong."

"Since the monarch did not accept the suggestions put forward, such as you. With the current system, then transfer to the Navy's reserve service. You should receive a salary, you should eat, you should drink."

"If there is a crisis, when the country employs people, transfer from reserve service to active service, use your own ability to fight the enemy and protect the country, this is the right way for a minister."

"Therefore, don't be like Jizi, who will not succeed after admonishment, and go far away to establish a Korean state; don't be like Wu Zixu, who will not succeed after admonishment, who is full of anger, slays himself with a horizontal sword, and sees the country's destruction in a fit of anger. As for Zhou Gong, Yi Yin, Marquis Wu, all saints, are beyond human capabilities."

"Now that the navy system has been established, if you really transfer to the reserve service, your rank will not be lowered, and you will not be short of food, clothing, salary and salary. Song Taizu said: life is as short as a white horse passing by, so if you want to get rich and honorable people, you just want to accumulate more money. Much entertainment to keep future generations from want. Isn't that all right now?"

(End of this chapter)

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