Xinshun 1730

Chapter 70 Transactions with Unmarked Prices

Chapter 70 Transactions with Unmarked Prices
Liu Yu's words of "loyalty to the country" made Li Gan a little bit incomprehensible.

It is nonsense to say that there is no one who is selfless and dedicated to the country.

Duke Wu of Zhou went to Wumu, there are countless in the 23 histories, but Liu Yu's special status made Li Gan have to think more.

Ordinarily, Liu Yu had studied Western learning but was not baptized.When I was questioning at Jinshuiqiao that day, I also bit those missionaries hard, saying that they were hiding their secrets, and there were a lot of unwarranted words of punishment.

But after the hot air balloon soared and shook the capital that day, everyone in the capital knew what Liu Yu blew out: I, Liu Shouchang, have strong western knowledge, and there are few people in the world who can surpass my right, especially strong.

From the beginning of the Jinshuiqiao interrogation, this Liu Yu has been thinking about learning Western knowledge, contacting Western countries, and being able to understand China and the West.

Li Gan was thinking, is it because Liu Yu is planning to hold Yang back to himself?

If it is necessary to communicate with Western countries in the future, it seems that this person must be the person in charge of the matter in the DPRK and China.

At that time, the closer the contacts with Western countries, the higher the status of Liu Yu.

The pressure of the war made Li Gan not averse to foreign exchanges, and he also knew that the level of the Western countries was not low, but he was only worried that there would be a group of people colluding with foreign countries in the DPRK and China in the future.

However, this idea flashed by, and Li Gan immediately vetoed it himself.

Liu Yu was born as a noble son, so he doesn't need to go astray, just go to the Martial Virtue Palace normally.

Now that he has this meritorious service, he is one of the few among the noble children who can fight.As long as there are no mistakes, there is every chance to get to the top, and it seems that there is no need to go astray.

Instead of taking the flat and ready-made road, go to the rugged path?Unless you're mentally ill.

As for Liu Yu's "loyalty", Li Gan knew it well.

Since the Battle of Jingzhou in Xinshun, the theory of protecting the world has become the source of legitimacy of Dashun. The so-called "a gentleman follows the Dao and not the Zhou", Liu Yu is loyal to the "Tianxia", not necessarily to Li Gan.

Sometimes it's one thing to look at, but sometimes it's definitely not.Regarding the difference, Li Gan has received royal education since he was a child, so he can probably tell the difference.

This kind of person, you say he is a loyal minister, he is also loyal.

As long as your "Tao" is the same as the "Tao" he thinks, you are absolutely loyal, so loyal that you sacrifice your life for righteousness, there is no problem.

But say no.

If he thinks your "Tao" is not the "Tao" he recognizes, this kind of person will really dare to imitate Hai Gangfeng and Wei Wenzhen if he commits a crime.

It's okay for me to go boating in the rivers and lakes alone. I can't see each other and I'm not upset.

Afraid of thinking that my way is alone, what can I do?I have to let my way not be lonely, so I read a poem, "I have a good heart, even though I died nine times, I still have no regrets", and then I did some big things, which is not good.

Li Gan thought to himself, this is a talent, but there must be an explanation for how to use it.Now there is something that can be tried and tested.

Seeing that Liu Yu was still kneeling on the ground, Li Gan coughed lightly and said, "Your words need to be discussed further. Having said that, I also want to test you. You should see the Mongolian riders outside the city , I also know that the leader of the Khalkha tribe is here, do you know the meaning of it?"

Liu Yu thought to himself, isn't this a lice on the bald head?

After thinking about it for a long time, I choked out a word that was a little bit cultural.

"Your Majesty follows the story of Emperor Shun. If you hold on to Qi Wu, you will be obedient if you have seedlings."

Li Gan nodded slightly, and hummed, thinking that you are very cute, if you don't say this sentence, I have to slowly drag the conversation to this sentence.Now that you have said it, it saves me an extra circle.

"During Shun's time, there were seedlings who refused to obey, and Yu would cut them down. Shun said no. He had studied teaching for three years and practiced Qi Wu, but if there were seedlings, he would obey. When I first read about this, I was puzzled."

"Yu is also a sage, don't you know about teaching? How could Emperor Shun think of Miao clothes for Qiwu envoys, but Yu couldn't? Later, I read "King Hui of Liang" until I read "Neither Do Not Do It" , It’s really impossible’, Fang suddenly realized.”

"Yu is also a sage, don't you know how to cultivate religion? If you don't do it, you don't know how to do it. It's not Yu's specialty to be a cadre."

"When I ascended the throne, there were frequent wars in the Northwest and Rakshasa's repeated invasions to the south. I have tasted more flavors. If the ancestor Emperor Gaozong, he would raise [-] armored soldiers and come to Tianshan in a year."

"I am not as far behind as my ancestors when it comes to fighting, and I can't compare with the rough and rough. Do you think I will have a seedling to conquer this time?"

Liu Yu almost blurted out that sentence...Your Majesty can't use soldiers but is good at generals... As soon as the first word of this sentence has spewed out, Liu Yu almost bit off his tongue and stopped the rest of the words.

These words are not only unlucky, but taboo.

Although even if he said it at this time, the emperor would not be furious, but maybe the emperor would be upset.

Drenched in cold sweat, but his mind was spinning fast, Liu Yu also tasted two tastes, but he didn't know if the taste he smacked was the one the emperor wanted to taste by himself?

Take a gamble!
He tentatively replied: "Your Majesty, Dayu may not know how to perform Qi Wu, but among the officials there are those who can teach others to perform Qi Wu. When Miao comes back in the future, seeing that Qi Wu is still the same, most of them think Dayu will, Naturally, I am convinced."

"The country has its own enlightenment, so it knows that there is no king's land in the world, and there is no king's minister on the shore of the land. Your Majesty only needs to bow down to rule, and his own group of ministers are good at their own fields. Your Majesty only needs to deploy. The enabler If everyone does their best, they will all contribute to the virtue of the Son of Heaven."

"The Khalkha Mongols are the people of Huawai, and they don't know how to educate. They are afraid of power but not moral. The leaders they choose are not judged by virtue but by martial arts, and they don't know the meaning of hanging down and governing. It is an individual, not a country's culture and virtue."

"For the people outside of Hua, you can't use the ideas of the ministers inside. Your Majesty should teach them to think that His Majesty has abundant martial arts, and after they are convinced, they can slowly educate them."

"Your Majesty has the courage... Your Majesty is requested to deploy the formation map and command in front of the battle. The ministers and others are all staff officers, and they have drawn up various plans. What kind of plans will be adopted, please Your Majesty to order."

"In this way, when the city is broken, the people of Khalkha will believe that His Majesty is full of military virtues, and will be convinced; the soldiers will also know that His Majesty has far-reaching plans, and they will respect him."

"Your Majesty can also set up a staff department in the future, and the staff will formulate plans for marching, logistics, battles, etc. His Majesty's holy order will select and guide the soldiers, and also let the front-line soldiers know your majesty's reputation for fighting. I don't know what will happen."

Quietly glanced at the emperor's feet, thinking that being an emperor is so tiring?

You don't know how to fight, and you want to make the army think you are fierce, so you can just say it?I have to go around such a big circle, and I have to be a courtier so boldly beg you to do this...

I just don't know if the emperor has been going around in circles for a long time, is that what he wants to say?
Li Gan stared at the back of Liu Yu's head a few times, thinking that you are on the right track.It seems that he is not the kind of person who accepts death, but is quite flexible.

If you know how to work around, it's easy to handle.

But he didn't immediately agree with these words, but asked rhetorically: "In the Song Dynasty, the royal map was mostly used as the formation, and the soldiers did not dare to overstep, and they were often defeated. How can this be avoided?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, if Your Majesty comes to the front line in person, you can summon the general staff, and the Holy Judgment will determine the tactics. If your Majesty does not come to the front line, you will only do strategy, not the front line such as formations and field battles. Now that Your Majesty is coming to the front line in person, it is natural It is necessary to personally visit the battle formation and guide the siege, with a strong army, the soldiers will have high morale and courage several times when they see His Majesty ordering troops in person. When the city is broken, the soldiers will surely shout long live, and Khalkha Mongols can also know your Majesty The ability, the heart is obedient."

Li Gan smiled, his words were very much to his liking.

Originally, the purpose of his personal conquest, one is to facilitate the direct surrender of Khalkha Mongolia after the war, and the other is to gain prestige in the army.

But the prestige of the first battle was not very good.Li Gan also knew that he was too heavy, and he couldn't do such things as micromanagement before the battle.

Liu Yu fought well in the east, if Liu Yu was asked to give an idea, and he pretended to be the commanding officer, the effect would definitely be good.

It's just that in this way, it is inevitable that Liu Yu's fame in this battle will not be revealed.Although thunder, rain and dew are all holy grace, it is not good to pull down your face and let the courtiers give you the credit.

Since Liu Yu was on the road and took the initiative to say it, it was simple.

As for this credit, of course I will keep it in my heart.

Although the success of the siege is lost this time, as long as Liu Yu doesn't go out and talk loudly in the future, saying "I actually commanded the siege of Yuerhai", he can slowly benefit in the future.

Seeing that Liu Yu was very good, Li Gan couldn't directly agree to this matter, he seemed a little impatient, so he could only take a small offense first, and then said: "I saw that you fought well in the east, but the siege here was frustrated. Then I thought about transferring you to be the vanguard of the city. But the Dukes of E and Jing said that you are still young, so I am afraid that the soldiers will not accept it."

Liu Yu kowtowed and said: "What Jing Guogong and E Guogong said is very true. I am a young minister, just an honorary guard, and has no official status. How can I convince the frontline soldiers? Although I have a little crude strategy, I ask your majesty to allow me. As a staff, draw up a variety of siege formations, and if His Majesty's holy orders and holy words are conveyed to the soldiers, the castle will definitely be captured."

Li Gan took advantage of the situation and said: "That's right, I didn't think carefully before. If that's the case, get up. You can take some people to the west to check Rakshasa Castle, and draw up some siege strategies."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"By the way, what you said about French military uniforms, remember, don't get too close to the Raksha Castle. The skin color and eye color of the French people are different from those of the Middle Earth. If you get too close, the Raksha people will notice the difference. Then the King of Poland You should write it down as soon as possible, and send it to Qi Guogong as a negotiating tongue."

Li Gan said a few words of nonsense.Idiots know that pretending to be a Westerner should not get too close, and it will be deceptive if people can see the face and eyes clearly.

But these two nonsense words made Liu Yu very happy, which meant that Li Gan agreed with his solution, and there was no need to discuss this matter anymore, at least it reserved a gap for the future.

After thinking about it, Liu Yu felt that he had made a lot of money.

Originally, my military exploits in the east were enough.

Can't you really be a siege vanguard here, and be knighted at the age of seventeen or eighteen?
The few votes in the east, fluctuating up and down, are between Du Weixun, the fourth-rank upper light car.

With my own age and status, this is already scary enough. In the future, if I take the normal path of Martial Virtue Palace, I will definitely climb much faster than others.

I should not take the credit for the few votes to the west.

Since the emperor wants to gain prestige in the army, he should hide it and let him use it.

It is said that the most difficult thing to repay is the debt of favor. If the emperor owes a favor to a favor, he will definitely take care of him in the future, which is better than those few military exploits who attacked the city.

If you really don't know how to advance or retreat, even if this battle is over, Lao Tzu's first victory in the siege of the city, and the title of Viscount at the age of seventeen or eighteen, it will be difficult to go in the future.

Take a step back now, there is still a long way to go.

Thinking about it again, the emperor should also feel that he has made a profit.

In the future, I will pay more attention to other people's promotions. Official positions are public assets.

The prestige in the army is the private property of the emperor.

It is appropriate to exchange future public property for private property.

Isn't this a win-win deal?
Thinking about the emperor's question before, Liu Yu secretly took a deep breath, thinking that if he had said "Your Majesty can't command soldiers but is good at generals" at that time, the emperor might have thought: Well, then you go to generals, I see Let's see if you can become Marquis of Huaiyin?
"Damn it, the emperor really isn't a good bird." Cursing softly, Liu Yu quietly turned around to look at the big bright yellow tent, thinking that it's better to get down to business quickly.In the future, don't get mixed up in the court, if you can let it out, run outside, and play with the people in the court, you don't know how to die.

(End of this chapter)

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