Xinshun 1730

Chapter 64 Laughter and Sadness

Chapter 64 Laughter and Sadness

In the next two days, the tune of the "Song of the Vanguard" began to be sung in the city.

The whole army knew that there would be an interception battle in a few days, but everyone was in a good mood.

There were no casualties even in the capture of the fortress, and there was an ambush with mental arithmetic and unintentional, what is there to be afraid of?
Everyone shared more than a dozen taels of silver, and some fur goods.Although the military order forbids women to be touched, it is a fly in the ointment, but if you get a lot of money, you can still endure it for a few more days.

Thinking that these rewards will be divided into three parts, as long as the ambush battle is over in a few days, they will be able to receive another part, and everyone is gearing up.

In the song, everyone was called a hero comparable to Yue Wumu and Huo Guanjun, and everyone thought it made sense.As soon as the musket is fired, there will be no more generals in the world. If we can brave the lead bullets to meet the enemy, how can we not be heroes?Zhao Zilong entered seven times and exited seven times, so he is still not allowed to make cold shots...

Although I dare not really compare with Grandpa Yue and Zhao Zilong in my heart.But listening to the lyrics, it was the first time I heard soldiers singing, even compared to Zhao Guanzhang, and I was delighted.

The already festive melody became even more joyful after the gypsy people gathered together, and the whole castle was filled with a relaxed atmosphere, which did not look like a war was about to be fought at all.

The officers are as relaxed as the soldiers. The recruits are afraid of field battles, and the veterans are afraid of siege.This fortress was captured so easily, the officers' admiration and trust for Liu Yu could not be increased.

The only thing is that the officers felt that Mr. Liu's aesthetics were a bit like the Tang Dynasty, as if Mr. Liu had just crawled out of the loess in Shaanxi.

In the past few days, Liu Yu took the officers to enjoy the gorgeous dance of those gypsy girls.The twisting waist like a water snake is really seductive, but Tang Shi's Hu Wu smell is too strong.

Nowadays, literati and bureaucrats all like women with bound feet, and the taste of the cultural world drives the customs, and military officers are called old rough Qiuba, who have no qualifications to define beauty.

The thicker it is, the more I want to get closer to the aesthetics of those scholar-bureaucrats.

This kind of dance that seems to be whirling in Tang style suits the taste of these "big and rough".

While the officers watched with relish, they couldn't help pondering.I thought in my heart that Mr. Liu's aesthetics are just like that, the parents of Zhong Ming Ding Shi's family are no different from us.Very stupid.

After the dance was over and some money was rewarded, several officers stabbed Du Feng, and Du Feng asked: "My lord, during the Wanli period of the previous dynasty, someone took the strategy of keeping captives at bay. They said they wanted to lure the vulgar, so that they would The woman learned the Chinese law and bound her feet like a bow, which confuses the man, weakens his energy, and makes him lazy to stab. She thinks this is a good way for the weak to control the captive. According to my lord, the Raksha people would like to bind their feet. woman?"

Liu Yu didn't answer, looked at Du Feng with a smile, and asked, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Du Feng smiled shyly, glanced at Jiaolaobutu and said, "I heard from Lord Shu that when I ambushed the Raksha Cossacks, I met a good fighter. If they weren't wearing armor, they would have died. These people are indeed brave, and they are not weak to me. Wait. My lord also said that the Raksha camp is far superior to the Cossacks... Now that the war has started, I thought just now that if there are other ways to defend against the enemy, I can lose some of the Raksha people's bravery."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the officers looked at Liu Yu.

Liu Yu said in astonishment: "Mother Qianye, aren't you afraid? You rely on women's foot binding to defend your home and country? Then what are we people with handles doing alive? Just cut that thing off."

These words hurt the hearts of everyone, Du Feng hurriedly said: "The grandson is afraid. My lord, we are not afraid of the bravery of the Raksha people, but... but..."

"But what?"

"I just heard from my lord that the land of Rakshasa is thousands of miles wide. Your lord should know that recruits are afraid of fighting and veterans are afraid of walking. If you really want to fight Rakshasa, it is really hard work to travel thousands of miles to Petersburg. If there is a weak enemy Naturally, I hope that the imperial court can use this policy, so as to save me from traveling thousands of miles."

The rest of the officers also nodded, and said in response: "My lord, don't insult us. We are really not afraid of fighting, and we have merits in fighting. But I am really afraid of walking thousands of miles, especially going north. It is really too hard."

"The Rakshasa is brave, and is next to me. The court must be worried. The court has its own story to follow when dealing with a brave enemy."

"I'm afraid that when the battle begins, Your Majesty will inherit the story of Sejong from the past, Li Ting Liaodong, Sweep Cave Monan... When the time comes to travel thousands of miles and weaken Luocha, we have been on the banks of the Songhua River for a long time. How can we not know the suffering of such places? "

"We are not afraid of death, but we are afraid of suffering. The tears of the husbands in the Han and Tang Dynasties were not crying for the cruelty of the battlefield, but the suffering of the frontier expedition."

"If there is another way to reduce his bravery, maybe there is no need to sweep the hole and plow the court for a thousand li expedition?"

In the end, it was Du Feng who told the truth.

"Well... my lord, if we continue to expand the land, we will be the ones who will guard the border in the future. We... really don't want to go north any more. My lord doesn't know, it's really too hard. It's okay here, but if you go north thousands of miles away, you have to What does it look like?"

"Your Excellency has also been to Yongning Temple in person. This road is okay, but how about going north? If you go east or west, even if you go back to the Anxi Governor's Mansion in the Tang Dynasty, I will not be afraid. But going's really non-cultivating A place to live. My lord has been to Yongning Temple once, but those of us may have to guard the border for generations."

"The Raksha people are able to guard the northern border because there is no one to control them and the villages are self-governing. They collect Yasaks and rob tribes, and they get money. Can the court allow us to do the same?"

Liu Yu suddenly realized that this was what these frontier soldiers were really afraid of.

Fearing that the imperial court will move northward, they will go to a more bitter and cold place to guard the border...

He went around in a big circle, not because he was afraid that if the emperor wanted to learn from the Han Dynasty, but because he was afraid that he would become a guard in the Anxi Dufu of the Tang Dynasty.

They don't care about the conquest, but what about after the conquest?

There must always be someone guarding the border, I'm afraid that the hard life will begin at that time.

Everyone knew that Liu Yu was the Duke's son and a guard, and they all wanted to get a little bit of inside information from Liu Yu.

To what extent is the imperial court going to fight?
Where is the border they want to guard?
Thinking that since the war has already started, Liu Yu also heard what everyone really wanted to ask, and said with a smile: "Okay, before you become an official, you should learn to circle around first?"

Du Feng lowered his head, and Liu Yu said, "Don't worry. Hit Petersburg? You really dare to think about it. Do you know where Petersburg is? You can learn and sell now, and you can use whatever I say?"

"I don't know what the imperial court will do. However, I can give you an idea. Before I came, His Majesty had already sent Qi Guogong to contact the Rakshasa Mission."

"If North Korea pays tribute, does the Duke of Qi need to go? Ryukyu's tribute is just to send a fifth-rank person to the matter. Even if Wanli resisted the Japanese and aided the dynasty and was canonized as the king of Japan, he only sent Xunwei, from the third-rank Supervise everything."

"Have you ever heard that Zuo Zongzheng, the hereditary prince and clan mansion of the dynasty, was sent to communicate with other countries just to contact the mission?"

When the words were clear, these officers immediately understood, and each of them showed joy.

"What does your lord mean, this battle won't be long? Surely there will be talks?"

"Nonsense, if you don't talk about it, send the current prince to the court?" Liu Yu thought to himself, sending such a high-ranking official there, obviously the bottom line of the court is to recognize the Russian throne.Does Russia understand the subtle oriental characteristics of a hammer?

Qi Guogong said nicely that day, saying that "there is also an earl on the opposite side, so it is reasonable for him to go".

Thinking about it now, this is wrong. North Korea is a prince, not more than an earl?When it was canonized, it was just a matter of getting a minister of the Ministry of Rites to go over for a cutscene.

If it weren't for the fact that they were prepared to recognize the other party's emperor title, recognize that they are equal powers and not engage in a tributary system, let alone send a hereditary prince, it would be considered a big face to send a servant.

There are many things, and the court's attitude can be guessed from some details.

Liu Yu guessed something and knew something, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he could only point to everyone from the side.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that grandson is afraid of war, as long as he doesn't continue to go north to guard the border, I would like to fight a big battle, so I can get more credit.

While relaxing one by one, the hanging heart was completely let go, and they prepared for the follow-up battle wholeheartedly.

Not long after, the scouts from upstream reported that reinforcements from Rakshasa from upstream had arrived.

Everyone was overjoyed, knowing that there was another head that could be exchanged for money, and they could also share [-]% of the property promised before.

A chaotic battle was imminent, and the crowd did not know who took the lead in shouting a slogan.

"Follow Master Liu and win battles every day!"

"May your lord be noble and healthy forever!"

Liu Yu had a smile on his face, and his mother was a critic in his heart, and he said in his heart that you should curse me.


It is different from the stories of immortal battles on the banks of the Heilongjiang River without much bloodshed.

A bloody battle has been going on for nine days in the upper reaches of the Nen River, hundreds of miles away.

It used to be the Mulijiwei of the Nuer Gandusi in the former dynasty, and now it has become a Rakshasa castle.

The ambition of the Rakshasa explorers back then has actually been realized—three castles in Heilongjiang and one castle in Nenjiang can control the entire Heilongjiang River Basin.

This castle is located in an important position.

To the east, Heilongjiang is only a hundred miles away. There are mountains blocking it, but there is a valley road, and the riverside plain of Heilongjiang is just out of the valley.

To the west, there is the Daxing'an Mountains Broken Ridge, which goes up along the tributaries. At the end of the tributaries, you only need to walk a few dozen miles of mountain roads to reach the Hailaer River.Down the Hailar River is the end point of the Sapphire Expedition: Bell Lake, Fishing Sea, Hulunbuir of later generations, and the wider Onan River Grassland.

To the south, you can go straight into the Songhua River, go upstream, capture the Jilin Shipyard, and use the Songliao Watershed as a cut to divide the entire Northeast into two.

Since the bottom line of the court negotiations is to control the Heilongjiang River Basin and expand westward to the Onan River, this castle, which is located at an important point and runs through the east and west, must be conquered first.

Thirty heavy artillery pieces, [-] elite soldiers from the Fifth Battalion, [-] elite sword shields from the Fujian Navy, [-] light cavalry soldiers from the Songhua River Army, and [-] heavy turtledove musketeers from the Northwest Hetao Frontier Army, totaling more than [-] elite soldiers The warriors have been attacking for nine days.

Four thousand soldiers plus [-] heavy artillery, in this place farther from the capital, than from the capital to Taiwan, is already the limit of the court's soldiers.

On the protective slope in front of the bastion, there were thick corpses piled up, and in some places the corpses had already filled up the first moat.

The water in the ditch was dark red, and piles of flies were not afraid of the sound of the guns, hovering over the corpses, and the buzzing sound could even cover up the gunshots.

There were constant sounds of corpses swelling and exploding, as if a cannon had been fired, blasting out countless maggots and flies.

The emperor has orders, and military orders are like mountains.

It is not possible to siege the city, it must be broken within 20 days... because in [-] days, the leaders of the Khalkha Mongolian tribes will come here.

And this will be the place where the emperor accepted their pilgrimage, and it was also the place where he declared force and suzerainty to Khalkha Mongolia.

Tactically, the city should be besieged.

But strategically, we must attack fiercely.

In the besieged camp outside the city, a group of honored veterans and officers were drinking their last bowl of wine.

Wuqiwei, Yunqiwei, Feiqiwei, Xiaoqiwei, Qiduwei... There is not a single white soldier, and the biggest one has already been hacked to the fourth-rank Shangqingcheduwei.

Everyone took off their armor and put on light military uniforms.

"Emperor Taizong once said that he only dies for the country on the battlefield, so why return the shrouded body in horse leather?!"

"Today's hard battle is just when we are waiting for the country to die."

Captain Shangqingche finished speaking, drank the strong wine in the bowl, and threw the bowl on the ground.He took off his helmet, silently picked up the samurai red scarf on the table, and tied it on his forehead.

The rest of the people also understood that today was the time to fight hard, and they had to rely on honored veterans and officers to break through the last section of the slope.

This is the last fight.Everyone knows that if there is no breakthrough, the morale of the army will collapse.

"You only die for the country on the battlefield, why return the shrouded body in horse leather?!"

Dozens of people shouted in unison, and after drinking the wine in the bowls, they threw down the wine bowls with severed heads, threw away their helmets, removed the armor that could not stop the lead bullets, and only tied the warrior's red headband on their foreheads.

The sound broke, and when they left the tent, someone took out all the silver on their bodies and threw it at the soldiers who stood silently to send them the last journey.

Money fell like rain, but no one picked it up.

"Brothers, buy a bowl of wine after the war, and treat it as my own!"

"I can't use this thing anymore!"

After all, these dozens of the most elite veterans and officers went to the battlefield to break through the slope where more than [-] corpses had already been laid down.

If you can't break through, the morale of the army will really collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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