Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1402 Migration Road

Chapter 1402 Migration Road ([-])
In Dashun, the history of private ownership of land is relatively long.Therefore, the foundation of a series of morality, culture, and consciousness is actually the private ownership of land.

The reclamation immigrants who came here earlier were worried about two things.

One is that these lands are cultivated, are they their own?

Don't waste your energy, after cultivating it, it will be official land.

Second, after these lands are reclaimed, how much is the mu tax?

Don't cultivate dozens of acres of land excitedly, but the tax per mu is half and half, two-one tax, three-one tax, following the official land tax system in the early Ming and early Ming Dynasties, then fuck it.

As long as these two things are resolved, the enthusiasm for land reclamation will still be high.

Moreover, the more land, the less busy.

For example, in the North China Plain, if you cook three times in two years, you really have to be busy.

But here, the time for planting spring wheat and spring corn is staggered.

The spring wheat harvest season is not the corn harvest season.Once the time is staggered, the land is enough, and the climate of Fenglin Bay is rainy from autumn to April of the next year, and the weather in the wheat harvest season is quite good.

Therefore, the grain of more than 5000 households to be moved in Dashun has already been saved.

Anyway, the food they grow is a bit embarrassing. In Dashun, the food is basically easy to sell.Although it is said that cheap grain hurts farmers, at most, the cheap grain is not so high that the grain cannot be sold at all.

But here, there is indeed the embarrassment that the grain cannot be sold.Food needs to be exchanged for the goods they want, and the goods they want are controlled by the immigration organizers.

By the winter of this year, the early immigrants were organized, saying that a new batch of immigrants was coming soon and they needed their help.

The past two years have been pretty good, and the main reason is that private hoarding of land is strictly prohibited in Dashun, so the mountains, rivers, marshes, and even the grasslands and forests are the official land of the Dashun court.

Therefore, there is no so-called contradiction between natives and tourists here.

On the east coast, there is a conflict between natives and tourists, and it is very serious, because the early arrivals are like dogs peeing, and the land is enclosed. Naturally, there will be a plain area with a population of two million or so in the strange thirteen states. Contradictory things came out.

On the west coast, Dashun has put an end to such things from the very beginning.

There is no conflict between natives and guests, and if it is reflected on specific people, there is no need to worry about people who come later stealing their land.As a result, the enthusiasm for compatriots surged up all at once.

Dashun is taking a route similar to the classic Manila galleon, relying on ocean currents, so it is necessary to organize immigration in Shandong before the Dragon Boat Festival wheat harvest, and the season here is usually winter.

Dashun's officials here also issued a notice in advance, and now they have to repeat it again.

"Newcomers, we have to stay at your house for a few days. Don't worry, just like you, you have received cowpox before boarding the ship."

"Although it is very inconvenient, since we are all pioneers, we can help each other. We will only live for a while, and we will organize them to build another village."

"Since it is built according to one hundred and twenty households and one village, each village must receive a certain amount."

"Although it's not very cold here, the weather is humid, and you need a warm house in winter. Every family has its own woodland, and every village community has its own woodland, and there is no shortage of firewood. In my hometown, even when the beans are harvested, they have to dig out the root of the beans with a rake, in order to get rid of the problem of not wanting to start a fire..."

Some things are indeed the characteristics of Dashun, especially the characteristics of North China.

For example, I am reluctant to light a fire, and go out to bask in the sun in winter.

There's really no way out of this, Leng was forced out.

The North China Plain has been planted for more than 2000 years.In some densely populated areas, the only woods must be cypress trees, and they are basically cemetery circles.

The same goes for the popularity of sorghum in North China.

On the one hand, it was promoted in the Ming Dynasty, because it was needed for water control, and sorghum stalks could be used as materials for embankment repairs.

On the other hand, it was also forced out by the firewood problem.

The countryside is not the capital city, and the capital city can cause many troubles because of the coal problem.The problem of burning fires in the rural areas of North China is indeed a serious problem.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration, but a fact, to say that in some families, in autumn, women take small rakes, dig bean roots and so on, and go to the fire to cook.

Especially in the key areas of immigration, Shandong, there is no "public land" for a long time, and it has been completely privately owned for a long time.Public forest land does not exist, but there are some trees, which are also private.

Raking bean roots is not for heating, but purely for cooking.

Heating...Heating is naturally in winter squatting on the sunny side in front of the house, basking in the sun.It is said that it is much warmer outside than at home, and that is true.

Here, many habits need to be changed.

Difficult and simple, it depends on what it is for.There is obviously plenty of firewood, and it is meaningless to work hard and plain for the sake of hard work and plain living.

It is not only a village community, but also a bit similar to the ancient Jingtian's idea-limited to the layout model of nine villages and one city-so officials such as Nongzheng were also sent over.

They are all honed by Whale Sea immigrants. At least, there are skills such as building a kang and making a fireplace.

The houses in these villages are basically carved out of the same mold.As for how to do it in the future, that is a personal wish, but now, it is still made according to a model, which can be regarded as teaching these immigrants not to go outside to bask in the sun in winter, but to hide at home and burn firewood-there is no sun in winter, Can't do it.

Dashun has the foundation laid by Whale Sea immigrants, mainly the foundation of "cadres".Here, issues such as organizational skills, agricultural technology, housing technology, heating details, etc., are all familiar, just do it.

Immigrants who came one term earlier did not object to the request to stay at home temporarily.On the one hand, there are no land conflicts such as conflicts between natives and tourists. On the other hand, they are full of hope for the future after they come here.

The people in various villages are also in the slack time for farming, and they don't have much to do, so they come to Fenglinwan to help according to the organization of the village.

With the arrival of the immigrant fleet, Fenglin Bay quickly became busy.

Women were organized to cook and feed the immigrants.

Men were also organized to help with tasks such as pulling boats, transporting people in small boats, transporting goods, and leading oxen and horses.

Wang Cheng's family, who had just disembarked from the boat, felt a little uncomfortable seeing the eager atmosphere here.

The other one is seasickness for too long, and the wind and waves along the way, although not fatal, but the immigrants have suffered enough.

Now that I have finally set foot on the shore, seeing so many people and feeling the cold weather, I am still not quite used to it.

After eating some food in Fenglin Bay, in the evening, according to the assigned list, he was sent to a village near the river in the north.

In a village of one hundred and twenty households, so many strangers flooded in at once. If it was a few years ago, it would definitely not be used to it.

But the group that came first also formed the village community from strangers. In such a strange place, they need mutual help to survive.

Therefore, now that there are another group of strangers, they won't feel uncomfortable anymore.

The host was very enthusiastic and provided them with dinner, but it was a bit simple.

Cornmeal steamed bread, plus pickled mustard lumps, shredded and steamed, with a few drops of soybean oil at the end.

A huge wooden basin filled with a large basin of pimples.

In view of Wang Cheng's age, there is still the custom of respecting the old and loving the young, so he specially made two steamed buns for Wang Cheng, which can be regarded as a kindness of the landlord.

The house was warm with the crackling of firewood.

After eating, we chatted for a while, nothing more than where the family is, how many people there are and so on.

At night, there is only one room for men, and one room for children and women, and they sleep first when they are crowded together.

Two days off.

Early on the morning of the third day, the new males from each family were organized to set up the huts in the village that had already been surveyed.

The so-called shack is actually simple.

Dig a half-pit in the ground, or directly choose a sheltered place.

The wood is built into a tripod and buckled, and the top is covered with grass, which is enough to live in winter.

Naturally, people live in a rudimentary way, but cowsheds, horse sheds and the like can't be so rudimentary, they need to be properly built.

In the words here, a horse is worth more than a person.

It seems that there are 120 households, and each household has a hundred and twenty acres of land, but it is actually not that big.That is, a circle of three to four kilometers square, and the new village resettlement site is not far away.

Women are also organized to cook, fetch water, mow grass, etc.

Only old people like Wang Cheng don't have to do it; Mr. Private School, because of his status as a scholar, he came to teach, so he doesn't have to do it either.

As far as Wang Cheng is concerned, he is an old man, his age is not counted as Dingkou, and of course he is not granted land.

For Mr. Private School, he is a teacher, and the village commune has nothing to do with him. He doesn't live in the village commune, and he will live in the town in the future.

It is inconvenient to come here now, and the land is uncultivated. The key point is that the first spring planting and autumn harvesting process has not been completed, and the old man is still not at ease after all.

But in terms of shock, the life here has already shocked Wang Cheng, which at least dilutes his anger at being tied up by his son and stuffed on a dirt cart to overthrow Jinan Mansion.

What shocked me was not the steamed buns or white noodles eaten here, but this is a normal meal.

What was shocking was seeing the piles of firewood as high as a wall in the yard of the family where he lived temporarily.

And what he saw in the past two days shocked him so much that he almost scolded the "prodigal son" again-cooking, he didn't burn sorghum straw or wheat straw, but firewood.These firewood are all thigh thick and split by an axe.

Just like the few elms in his family, when they decided to leave, they sold for a price.

This is normal, some people will plant a few trees at the door, so that they can eat the leaves of their own elm trees in times of famine - in times of famine, elm leaves are not picked randomly, they are all owned by the owner. It is a great favor to pile up elm leaves to give away.

It is also for the sake of cutting down the tree and selling it for a few dollars when there is an urgent need for money.

Whether it is used as firewood, or made into wood, it can usually be sold for a few bucks.

But here, the thigh-thick firewood is actually directly burning the fire?
What shocked him even more was to ask the owner of the temporary residence: Why is the straw stack missing from your house?

The owner's answer made Wang Cheng's jaw drop in shock: It's burning.After harvesting the wheat, it was directly burned in the field.

This is the first thing that shocked the old man who lived in Luxi all his life after immigrating to Fusang.

It seems that all the logic of previous life has been subverted here.

Burning firewood, and burning straight and split firewood from thick trees instead of "little things" such as branches and straws, can really subvert the three views of many immigrants.

can not imagine.

Even... incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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