Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1376 The Treaty of Versailles

Chapter 1376 The Treaty of Versailles ([-])
This group of people in North America has changed from "singing high-profile" to "talking about interests", which is directly related to the core interests of Dashun.

Because of differences in productivity levels and handicraft capabilities, the focus of post-war negotiations in this "World War I" was fundamentally different between European countries and Dashun.

Such as Britain, France, Spain, etc., the focus is still around Barbados, Menorca, Jamaica, Hannover and the British separation, lowland areas and so on.

But Dashun's focus is on free trade, the Netherlands has completely become the general commercial customs of Europe, and the demarcation of North America.

For the sake of the war, if Dashun wanted to drag it on like this, in fact, the war in Europe could be regarded as over.

Up to now, Berlin has been captured by the Russian army, a sailor uprising broke out in the United Kingdom this year, demanding to improve the treatment of sailors, and there are raging debates in France about reforms and legal gentry preferential treatment for bought nobles.

There was even a controversy over the "conscription law" in France. For example, Dashun needed to build the Yellow River. Although France did not have the Yellow River to build, but the situation in France could not dig canals, only roads could be built. Therefore, France has road-building labor labor of.Should this road construction labor be changed?What to change?Can rich people pay for immunity?Wait, wait, the debate on the tax law has come to this point, and the crisis has actually reached a point where it cannot be adjusted.

Now there is nothing to fight, and both sides are basically unable to fight.

Then the dawn of peace has emerged, but Liu Yu is busy deepening some memories for the dawn of peace.Strive to elevate anti-war defeat to anti-aggression. Even if it fails, it must reach the level of anti-war reflection.

Naturally, this kind of "education" is carried out by physical means, such as the Acadian revenge operation that is being supported.

This second Philadelphia meeting in North America may not be a big deal from the European perspective of the entire "World War I".But for Dashun, this is a major event second only to the free trade of ports in the Netherlands.

This time, the British side also sent people.

The person who came was Benjamin Franklin, the postmaster general of North America. After all, the British side did not send people directly to participate in this illicit meeting.

In return, Lord Bute, already Prime Minister, gave Franklin's illegitimate son, William Franklin, the seat of "Governor of New Jersey."

This is nothing to be ashamed of. In history, Franklin went to Lord Bute, hoping to find a governor's job for his illegitimate son he had already admitted.

Very normal.

As a royalist, Lord Bute was also happy to see the struggle between the "new landlord" and the "old landlord" in Pennsylvania, and he readily agreed.

Of course, due to the different cultural environment, the factions in Pennsylvania in history were not called "new landlord faction" and "old landlord faction".

Instead, they are called "anti-patent land faction" and "support patent land faction".

But in fact, it is a group of new landowners who oppose the "morning car" people headed by the Bin family, hoping to take the land in Pennsylvania from private ownership to the state.

In history, Franklin was also eliminated by the Pennsylvania Assembly because of this, and even lost his position in the State Assembly.

However, now, Lord Bute took advantage of the chaos, and the Royalist faction completely occupied the parliament.Now nature has given Franklin great support. He is the postmaster general of North America, and his son is the governor of New Jersey as a reward, so that Franklin can coordinate.

Because, after Dashun put forward the prescriptions of "shock" and "free trade", the British Royalist Party has to pay close attention to North America.

We can't... We can't take tens of thousands of unemployed handicraftsmen in Manchester and other places to prison, and throw them all to Sugar Island as prison slaves.

If a large tract of land in Pennsylvania can be nationalized, it will definitely greatly alleviate the huge internal conflicts that are about to erupt in the UK.

The 12 square kilometers of the Bin family's land is not all cultivated land. What if it is 12 square kilometers of cultivated land?It refers to the fact that the Bin family has feudal sovereignty over the 12 square kilometers of land, which makes it generally more expensive to pay one-third of the feudal privilege exemption tax when "granting land"-similar to power, of course Pennsylvania No, but there is something like that.In other words, the land actually needs to pay two cents: one is the money you buy the land to cultivate, and the other is the money you want to buy out the feudal rights of the landlord. For example, you bought the right to cultivate the land, but the landlord You have the right to hunt on the land. In the same sentence, the landlord may not actually go hunting in your wheat field, but based on procedural justice and legal justice, you have to hand over the money to the landlord, and the landlord’s hunting rights on the land must be paid. Buy everything.

In other words, it is even simpler. According to the European tradition, the so-called land purchase is actually a "permanent tenancy right".From the perspective of European law, permanent tenancy is a matter of planting and harvesting.Then the rights of power, hunting, etc. attached to this land are not included in the permanent tenancy.It’s okay for you to farm, because you bought the right to cultivate and harvest perpetually; similarly, it’s okay for me to hunt on your land, because I didn’t sell you the right to hunt on this land.

This is completely different from the situation in Dashun.The tenant farmers in Dashun "enjoy" the super-economic exploitation under the private ownership of land; while the farmers in Europe still "enjoy" the land ownership extended by the genuine feudal aristocracy.

The problem in Pennsylvania, either depends on the king to take back the sovereignty of Pennsylvania; or, it can only follow the historical line, the gunshots in Lexington sounded, and the Bin family, as a "royal party", downplayed its class attributes and confiscated its land .

If the political attribute of "land reform" is removed, we can only look at it from a purely "technical" perspective.North America is the most thorough "land reform" on both sides of the Atlantic, but the "land reform" in North America is to use the "scalp" of Indians; "The family property came to change.

Therefore, labeling big landlords as "royalists" and then confiscating their land is not "fighting landlords"?
This depends on how to say it.

From a superficial point of view, it is not: For example, John Bean, his property and land were not confiscated because he was a landlord; he was fought and the confiscated land was nationalized because he was a "royalist". of.From a legal and procedural point of view, this is not Doudizhu.

From an essential standpoint, yes.For example, John Bing, this is a standard "Fighting the Landlords" - not even a land reform with redemption.

The problem lies here.

If the "anti-patent land" faction represented by Franklin wins, then the land in Pennsylvania will become a royal colony.

The king, on the other hand, can be exempted from the "refund" of land purchases.In other words, the land only needs to pay one cent, and there is no need to pay a second share to the landlord.

The situation here stems from the particularity of North America.

When the British first came to North America, it wasn't that they didn't want to engage in tenancy farming.But the environment in North America, to put it bluntly, which tenant is willing to farm for you?
For example, in the northern Jiangsu area of ​​Dashun, tenants "if you don't rent, there are people who rent, love to do it or not, and don't do it"; while in North America, "I don't rent, there are places that can be cultivated."

This is determined by material conditions, so the orthodox tenancy system cannot be implemented here, at least not now.Too few people and too much fucking land.

Even if the king does not exempt the "refund", then the land of the Bin family, and in theory the permanent tenant farmers on the land of the Bin family-in essence, the owner farmers-will have to pay taxes.

But now, because of the issue of land ownership, the state legislature of Pennsylvania is clinking poorly, because the Bin family and a large number of self-cultivating farmers affiliated with it do not pay taxes.

The original intention of Franklin to go to London this time was to hope that the Bing family would pay taxes every year.

After all, without taxes, it is really impossible to do anything, even if you don’t expand externally, to build a road or a bridge, you have to have financial resources, right?

This matter is essentially the same thing as the previous Ming Dynasty's "efficiency" and "spoofing".

It is nothing more than bringing the land to lean against the big landlord, or the big landlord is so big that there are 12 square kilometers of people under it leaning on the big landlord.

Both take advantage of their right to tax exemption, whether derived from the law or from the sovereignty of the land, thereby exempting them from paying land taxes.

Those represented by Franklin and others were new landlords who got on the bus later; those in Pennsylvania were the ones who got on the bus first and landed first.

From the logic of capitalism, it is impossible to understand what Pennsylvania is at this time.

But from the logic of the feudal Middle Ages, it is very easy to understand what this is.

This is a medieval [County palatine], Palatine County, or Palatinate County.

Nobles declare allegiance to the king, but are not vassals of the king.In its territory, it is kingship.

Unlike those nobles under the royal power who "I am your vassal, but my vassal is not your vassal", they are more similar to the "military generals" who listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement.

To put it simply, this [County palatine] is not the eight hundred princes of Jin, Chu, Qi and Wei under Zhou Tianzi in the early days.In the early days, Jin Chu Qi Wei was the standard I am your vassal, but my vassal is not your vassal.

[County palatine] is more similar to the tributary states of Korea, Vietnam, and Ryukyu before Dashun.The emperor speaks well, but not so well.

Lancaster, Durham, and Sudbergh in England are legally in this form.

Therefore, according to European legal principles, North Korea and Ryukyu are to Dashun, similar to the Duchy of Lancaster to England.

Therefore, the problem in Pennsylvania is quite complicated. It is not only a land issue, but also involves many legal principles.

It is also basically the process of the 18th century, the mainstream thought trend throughout Europe - the expansion of centralization, the extension of the court's authority, and the process of turning all the legal [County palatine] of "obedience to the tune but not to the propaganda" into subordinate provinces.

It should be noted that Franklin's appeal is not consistent with the British government's thinking. The two sides are only fighting against the Bing family and the old forces, and they are on the same road for a short time.

Franklin's appeal is to continue to maintain Pennsylvania as a [County palatine], but the sovereignty of Pennsylvania should be attributed to the Pennsylvania Congress.The parliament, instead of the Bin family, is the main body of this "listen to the tune but not to the announcement".

The idea of ​​the British government is to turn Pennsylvania from a Palatine county into a normal county subordinate to the crown, making it the same as the status of the British mainland counties, and canceling its excessive independence.

Franklin's appeal is that North America and England have the same status.Two parliaments, one in North America, one in England, two teams, and one co-lord.

The request of the British government, or the request of the British internal parliamentary faction, is a parliament, the only one in London, which has full sovereignty, and North America can enter the London parliament according to the designated seats.

Originally, this was an irreconcilable contradiction.All fools know that if they play this way, the British Parliament will never allow this group of people in North America to become a majority.At that time, the Congress passed a decree saying that North America will levy land tax, just like the native land, which will not even have the slogan "no tax without representation".

However, with Dashun's participation in the war, it can be said to be a model of internal disease and external treatment.

After the King of England summoned Franklin last year, he said directly: North America is pure money-losing goods, and the United Kingdom does not want to subsidize it.Come and see for yourselves.

With the French in the north starting to fight back, the Acadians starting to take revenge, and Dashun starting to attack the plantations in the south, North America needs to beg the UK not to give up on them, and hope that the UK will continue to send troops to protect them.

Because, only when France is expelled from Canada, the contradiction between the United States and France does not exist.

Now, what the North American side is afraid of is that if Britain loses the war, France will force Britain to allow the thirteen states in North America to separate out, and then blow up the thirteen states that have nothing to do with the United Kingdom, then they will cry.

What is even more frightening is that from a geographical point of view, Britain is likely to agree.Because this means letting North America to bleed the French, while at the same time enhancing the centripetal force of North America, why not do it?
After Dashun came up with the request for free trade, the times have certainly changed. The composition of British finances will undergo tremendous changes, and the value of North America as a "tariff" will greatly increase.

However, not everyone can understand the words "times have changed".

Many people still continue to think about the current situation with the thinking of the British mercantilist era, and make wrong judgments and unfounded worries, which is only natural.In the era of mercantilism, New England was a money-losing product that was so standard that it could no longer be standard.

This "time has changed", in the UK, it is reflected in the strength of the UK's local manufacturing industry and the burgeoning industrial capital, which was killed by Dashun.

Britain’s commercial capital and the financial industry after being hit hard finally got rid of the dilemma of the two tax laws and prohibition orders in 1721 and 1733: if you want to increase imports, there will always be people talking about the manufacturing industry, and some people will talk about the local poor Talking about things, talking about the manufacturing industry, especially the textile industry, makes many poor people in this country have something to do.

Well now, those forces that made commercial capital and the financial industry quite unhappy at the beginning were beaten to death by Dashun.Those who shouted to develop the manufacturing industry and let the poor in the country have something to do now have little power.

The East India Company is dead.

However, the original demands of the East India Company-the demand to expand imports, reduce tariffs, and cancel the ban on foreign goods-has been realized.

The East India Company is dead, but the shareholders of the East India Company are not dead.This is a limited liability company, and the company should go bankrupt. Is it possible to let the shareholders pay back with their own money?

This "time has changed", in North America, it is reflected in the fact that the big businessmen and slave owners in North America obtained what they dreamed of in a completely bloodless way.

Stephen Hopkins, one of the founding fathers of North America and one of the signers of the Declaration, has historically said very soberly and calmly: [Our freedom will be a cheap deal, and only 10 lives will be lost That's all].

Now, even cheaper.

It doesn't even need 10 people to achieve Stephen Hopkins' economic appeal: liberalization of imports.

(End of this chapter)

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