Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1345 Working hard is wrong, making money is right

Chapter 1345 Desperate is wrong, earning money is right ([-])
John Binn could find 1 reasons to prove that it was wrong for the land to belong to him and others to take it by force.

He can start from the "Bible", talk about British common law, talk about tradition, talk about the sanctity of private property, etc., and so on.

As for Dashun, he could also find 1 reasons to prove that if those people came to take away his land one day, they would be correct.

Not to mention the "class morality" and "different classes have different laws" that many people sneer at.

Just talk about religion.


It can not only interpret the divine right of kings, but also the dark Middle Ages.

It can also interpret the religious reformation, ushering in the age of yeoman and small producers.

Even later, they interpreted the liberation theology in South America, and could interpret "Exodus" as "God stood by the side of the oppressed in history and liberated the oppressed."Spirituality is formed in the 'dialectical' interplay between faithfulness to God and devotion to the poor...]

So, in the final analysis, this is not a reasonable thing.

The debaters in ancient times knew that in a debate, a common cognition must first be established.For example, what is white, what is black, what is a horse, and what is a cow, these are the most basic consensus, and then there can be debates.

In this era, even consensus does not exist, and in the end we can only talk about something practical.

What is practical?
In the end, it's money.

After all, this era is so big, yet so small, so different from each other, yet so similar in habits.

Christ may have reached Dashun, so it is better for Master Guan to handle him.Shiva went to the Indian tribe and must have been one of the animists.

However, with 100 taels of gold in hand, let alone running from the Indians to Dashun, then to Japan, and then to South America, it is all good.

Even if you travel to novels like Water Margin, these 100 taels of gold are enough to change the direction of history.

John Bin considered Chen Qinghai's thoughts seriously, and said with a wry smile: "I understand what you mean."

"If I don't want them to grab my land, then I can still choose to support the crossing of the Appalachian Mountains. But, because I can't fight now, so if I want to support it, I have to pay money, organize an army, and it still costs money."

"It's a very real problem."

"As you said, once the British government withdraws from the war, it is impossible to continue stationing troops here to fight the French. If we want to fight, we have to spend money."

"Also, it must be us landowners who spend money. Because businessmen don't spend money, like Hancock, I'm sure he can't pay a penny for the westward expansion, because he wants to sell tea."

"And the land speculators... In fact, with your participation in the war, no capital will choose to invest in the westward enclosure."

"You destroyed the Dutch East India Company, and now the London East India Company... These financiers will take your warnings very seriously in the future."

Chen Qinghai laughed when he heard that.

It should be said that this is exactly what the Dashun army has done very effectively over the years.

European financiers hide as far as they can from "high-profit investments that are not held by Dashun but are very close to the Chinese people" like shit.

When the Dutch East India Company was destroyed, many people already have a long memory.

Waiting for the destruction of the British East India Company this time, this memory is even more profound.

Before Dashun entered the war, many big businessmen and financiers approached Washington and others.It is suggested that they take the lead in setting up a western land speculation company, and take advantage of the opportunity of war with the French and Indians to enclose tens of millions of acres of land first.

It will definitely sell well in the future.

After waiting for Dashun to join the war, and asking Hancock to bring a message in the Bahamas, saying that it is necessary to protect the Indians in the Appalachian Mountains, many people have already withdrawn their funds and fled overnight.

I don't want to provoke, and I don't want to get covered in shit.

Many people even cried to their fathers and mothers. They thought that a war madman like Pete would insist on driving the French out of North America.With such a good opportunity, doesn't this put all his wealth into land speculation in the Northwest?As long as the French get out, will this land not be sold?
As a result, Dashun participated in the war, and near Gibraltar, there was a sea battle and a land battle. The speculative shareholders in the northwest land, those who could withdraw their capital and escaped, left early, and those who could not escape could only cry.

Capital is the smartest.

Didn't the British regular army drive away the French, counting on the North American militia who can only be tough for 1 minute, to compete with the French regular army for the Ohio Valley area?Whether it can beat the Indians with French support muskets is a matter of opinion.

In recent years, the power of the Indians has also grown rapidly. The French are very happy to sell ginseng and mink fur to Dashun, so they pay more attention to the "tribute" to the Indian allies.Liu Yu destroyed the Korean ginseng trade, and the Russians destroyed the Eurasian sable. Many benefits of the trade between the two have been transferred to the Indians.

Even if he himself has doubts about the medicinal value of ginseng, it's not that he thinks it's useless, but he doubts whether the ginseng in the ancient prescription is Codonopsis ginseng or ginseng.But this thing, anyway, can’t kill people. It is impossible for Dashun to directly subsidize the French and Indians. Using this kind of trade is equivalent to adding a middle-income tax or a luxury tax.This kind of tax is the easiest to add, and you won't even scream when you pluck the hair.

Anyway, this is the situation now.

Those poor people trying to cross the Appalachian Mountains, especially the poor Scotch-Irish immigrants, are about to face the three major imperialisms of Dashun, France, and Britain; plus many business groups, landowner groups, and plantation owners in North America. Joint strangulation.

That's the thing, Dashun is discussing with these "first come" immigrants to come up with a charter.

At the very least, it's up to you, Pennsylvania.

Or deliberately massacred Indians, then you have to come up with an explanation.Killing, hanging, or roasting, this is up to you.

If you are undecided, then you will bombard Philadelphia to retaliate.

Don't say that those who killed the Indians were not real Pennsylvanians. Dashun doesn't care about this, because it is inconvenient for Dashun to go directly to the Appalachian Mountains. He can provide equipment to ensure that the Indians can hold it, but they cannot attack the plains.Then you can only retaliate in the east.

At that time, just look at this group of North American people. Will they say with tears in their eyes that everyone is the chosen people of God, and they must unite as one, even if they destroy Pennsylvania, they will also go to war with these heretics?
Still, the merchants and landowners who came first from the east pulled up Tuan Lian and hanged those who were "good at initiating frontier provocations" first.In order to prevent China and France from retaliating against the east?
Or, the British people heard that their compatriots in a broad sense are fighting for living space for the nation in the Appalachian Mountains, so the nobles and lords took the initiative to ask for the land tax to be added to the Trinity tax, and the merchants donated money to build ships. The end of the war?
There was still an uproar in the UK, and they denounced them as villains among the whites, dishonorable Scottish horse thieves, and Irish villains. By?
This helps to give this group of people in North America an in-depth understanding of what law is a ruling tool of the ruling class.

Of course, Dashun prevented the British from crossing the Appalachian Mountains, which objectively promoted progress.

This progressiveness has nothing to do with morality or Indian life.

Instead, Lao Ma once specifically criticized a similar problem-how to create wage laborers in colonies?
[Although a person owns money, means of subsistence, and means of production, if he lacks wage laborers (that is, people who are forced by life to voluntarily sell their own labor power), he cannot become a capitalist]

【...Capital is not an object, but a social relationship between people established through the medium of objects】

So, how to solve this problem?

Lao Ma once criticized a clever strategy of "killing two birds with one stone":

[…to place uncultivated land at an artificial price, so that laborers from Europe can buy land with money.However, before being able to buy land and become a self-cultivator, one has to work for a long time for wages in order to earn wages that can buy land]

[...the laborer from Europe who cannot get enough money to buy land unless he works for money... is that the capitalists have not found a substitute for this group of people in the wage market. These laborers cannot Become an independent farmer...]

【...The sale of the land can guarantee that this money will be used as a fund to continuously transport new labor over】

In this way, every new laborer is actually doing two things.

The first thing is to create surplus value for their masters, the capitalists.

The second thing is to use your salary to buy your own small piece of cultivated land after creating the surplus value.And the money for buying cultivated land can be used as a "relocation fund" to enable the government to transport their "replacement staff" from the other side of the sea.

Basically, Dashun wants to implement an immigration policy. Here it mainly refers to immigrants facing the west coast of North America and Australia. Except for the land allocated to veterans, it basically follows this idea.

The gold mine is only for the capital to be willing to go; the purpose of the labor force who goes there is precisely to buy a piece of land after making money.This is the thirst for land of the self-cultivated farmers in 2000, which perfectly fits the national conditions of Dashun.

The problem east of the Appalachian Mountains is that there is neither a shortage of capital, nor a lack of merchants, nor a lack of a market, but what is lacking is [people who are forced by life to voluntarily sell their own labor power].

Therefore, even if there is capital and means of production, but without wage labor, it is difficult to develop a capitalist production model.

Dashun is now going to cut off the Appalachian Mountains and prohibit westward movement. This is what promotes the development of capitalism on the east coast of North America.

The western border issue can be regarded as the biggest issue in the thirteen North American states.

This problem has a huge impact.

Not only did it lead to the separation of the United States, even after the development of capitalism, it still retained a strong remnant of feudalism and petty bourgeoisie, especially at the cultural level; The traditional element of the bipartisan partisanship that has changed its name.

The key material basis of the dispute between Hamilton and Jefferson is the west and the west.Or rather, the land of the west.

From the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hamilton took out the "Manufacturing Development Plan" and told Jefferson that your set of things based on self-cultivating farmers, small producers, acquaintance societies, and village communities will be finished sooner or later.If you don't engage in manufacturing, wait for death.

Jefferson thought, why would it end?There is still vast land in the west, and everyone can be a self-cultivator or a small producer.This model of township contracting village community and acquaintance society can be fully replicated.

Hamilton believed that without manufacturing, it would end sooner or later.Township village associations, acquaintance societies, the judge is the Protestant Pope, small producers and self-cultivation farmers mutual aid communities, etc., are bound to disintegrate. If these things are not changed in advance, and they are prepared for a rainy day, something will happen sooner or later.We should conduct social experiments with an eye toward the future, rather than the past, otherwise problems will surely arise in the future if we tinker and stitch things together.

But Jefferson believed that with the manufacturing industry, it is the end.With the development of the manufacturing industry, this system will definitely become an aristocratic oligarchy with big capital behind the scenes in the future.So in order to avoid this kind of magic, we should stop making progress, put emphasis on agriculture and despise commerce, and everyone should become farmers, isn’t it possible to avoid it?
And the famous "Whiskey Rebellion" demonstrated Hamilton's idea of ​​developing capitalism: light tax on large factories, increase taxes on petty bourgeois workshops, and let big factories squeeze these petty bourgeois to death.Put small producers out of business and prepare for a new era.

This eventually led to a rebellion.And the main force of the rebellion is these "Scotch-Irish frontier people", that is, the main force of the cross-border issue that Dashun and John Bing are talking about now.

The effect of Hamilton's method is obvious. The small workshops went bankrupt, and the price of crops in the west plummeted because they were mainly used to make whiskey, which led to the rapid development of the brewing manufacturing factories in the east, while the land in the west was quickly annexed by large farms due to the sharp drop in food prices, bankrupts Had to go to work.

Now, Dashun and John Bin are still talking about similar issues.

That is, the western land issue.

People are still the same group of people.

As for what to do... Historically, Hamilton has already given a solution: organize an army, 15000 soldiers overwhelm it, and suppress it.

Now, what Chen Qinghai and John Bin talked about is like this: the law is enforced by violent institutions, now you have to come up with something, whether it is the army or the militia, you have to be able to restrain those people from crossing the line , There will be punishment after crossing the line.

Otherwise, this matter will never end, and we will have to fight at that time.Dashun and France are determined to protect the Appalachian Mountains as their border.

Of course, you can't just rely on punishment.

So, it's up to you, John Bing, to take a step back, lower the land price, and let them come back.

One piece and one relaxation, the way of civil and military affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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