Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1318 Imposing Sanctity

Chapter 1318 Imposing Sanctity
Compared with the price after the Dutch made a fortune as an intermediary as a second-hand dealer, it has to be said that the price of tea on the Dashun ship is quite affordable.

As far as tea is concerned, it can be seen that the merchants in Dashun are much more kind than the East India Company.

In fact, the East India Company could not get any good tea.

To put it bluntly, given the national conditions of Dashun, the Western Trading Company supported by the state is also engaged in tea trade and export. Can Britain get the really good or cost-effective tea?

The quality of Wuyi tea is of course good, but compared to Dashun's diverse tea family, there are still too few varieties.

As for Dashun, with the development of foreign trade, it is also actively improving the taste of tea.After all, Dashun has an absolute monopoly on tea making technology at this time - it cannot be said that rubbing tea leaves is not considered technology.

For the exotic flavors of Europeans, some of them have added some cinnamon powder, some have fermented longan flavor, or added some lemon flavors that have become popular with the development of navigation.

The high-end green tea family in Dashun is more high-end, while the European side prefers some fermented teas. This is the difference in aesthetic style between the two sides.

In addition to these specially processed tea leaves, this time the merchant ship also brought the product of the technological revolution, the first processed tea in Dashun with the participation of steam engines.

This kind of tea has been chopped into tea foam, which is different from the "high foam" drunk by the late Eight Banners waste in history. This thing is a kind of "low foam".

The quality is low. Anyway, the tea leaves are chopped into powder. As for the size of the leaves used, God knows.

Don't be afraid of transportation loss, it's already tea foam. After sealing the bag, it can be shipped tens of thousands of miles to Europe and America without worrying about crushing.

The amount is large and the taste is strong, because it can be mixed with some strange spice foam, or dried fruit, peel flavoring and the like.

The price is of course also low.

This is mainly due to the previous shit policy of the United Kingdom, and the profit made by the Netherlands as a second-hand dealer. A catty of the most common Wuyi tea can be sold for about seven or eight yuan in North America.

Although there is a lot of money here, there is a lot of land, and there is basically no need to worry about food, but it is said that buying a catty of tea leaves costs a tael of silver, which is not something everyone can afford.

After Dashun went to Nanyang, his trade ideas were different from those of the Netherlands.For the sake of monopoly, the Netherlands would rather cut down trees than increase production; Dashun is going in the direction of small profits but quick turnover, because the original accumulation of Dashun is not an end, but a means, which is to create more industries and accommodate more of people have left the system of renting and growing grain.

This kind of tea froth after using the steam engine appeared under this kind of thinking, and the price is so low that it can ensure that the coffee is completely beaten to death.

As for the high-end ones, it’s not that they don’t exist, and they won’t be attributed to low-end consumption by the rich.I really want to buy it, not to mention seven or eight yuan a catty, even seven or eighty taels of silver a catty, and there are not none.

The trade ambassador of Dashun, who has an official status, invited Hancock and other North American businessmen to drink tea, and then gave them some good silks and satins from Dashun, so he tried to convey The real task assigned to him above.

Before instigating the business groups from North America to come here to gather, the trade ambassador still talked step by step about the theory about free trade that Liu Yu had been howling in Europe before.

Now, smuggling is a morally sanctioned "victimless crime" in North America and even in Scotland and England.

It would be simple, then, to go one step closer and assign a sanctity to low-tariff trade.

That is to say, on the moral level, it was "gray" before, at least I still had some murmurs in my heart; but now, it is necessary to smear the "gray" with a layer of holy light and become holy.

This is what debate is about.

The scriptures are not changed, and some behaviors, I also mutter in my heart, is it right to do so?
If you change the scriptures and do the same behavior, you can hold your head high and be confident. What I did was right, and those who hinder me are bad.

The Thirty Years War and the Reformation only solved part of the shackles of the Catholic ritual law and laid the foundation for the glory of making a fortune.

The new trade theory is to find a legal basis for what they are doing now.

Otherwise, like the Boston Tea Party, for a long time, because the scriptures did not make it clear, until 1834, the United States deliberately downplayed and avoided the Tea Party, and there was not even a "Boston "Qingcha" is a proper noun.Because it involves destroying other people's property, whether private property is sacred or not.

It was not until the scriptures were consummated that they began to publicize them.Appeared almost at the same time, and the myth of the Mayflower.

As for now, from the simple moral level at this time, Dashun and Britain are at war.

This is similar to the fact that in the late Ming Dynasty, merchants of the Ming Dynasty went to Liaodong to sell grain for Houjin.All in all, in terms of simple morality, some scriptures are still needed to relieve psychological barriers.

Although it is said that since these people have come, they have all come, so there is no need to stand up and stand up.But it's always good to stand up.

The angle of entry of the trade ambassador is based on the Confucian people-oriented thought, and by the way, he criticized the trade policy of the UK.

What they learned was all cold stuff.And what they said was full of human truths.

Although what they learned, to criticize the British trade policy, they criticize primitive accumulation as an end rather than a means.The purpose is naturally to instill in them the concept of shaping industrial capitalists after primitive accumulation.

But when he relayed it from his mouth and said it to Hancock and other North American businessmen, it was tender and affectionate.

"From our point of view, your government's trade policy is undoubtedly a view derived from a philosophy that takes the 'state' as the main body."

"The focus of your government is how much tax is collected and how much money is earned."

"From the time of Cromwell to Colbert in France, when they formulate policies, they only calculate with the country as the main body-only one accountant is needed to calculate the country as the main body today and enter our country How much silver goes in, and how much silver goes out. As long as more goes in and less goes out, then it’s right.”

"We have always been opposed to this. We never count how much is coming in and how much is going out. Because, on the Chinese side, people-oriented is a philosophy where the people are the main body..."

"For example, for commodities, we pay more attention to whether the 'subjects' we study can drink enough tea? Can they eat enough salt? Can they wear cotton cloth to keep out the cold?"

"The difference in the 'subject' of this philosophy is the root of the current differences in trade between China and the UK..."

He was full of nonsense and talked eloquently, but Hancock and others nodded repeatedly.

The only reason why Dashun does not pay attention to how much silver has entered and how much silver has flowed out is because Dashun has no chance of "deficit" at all.

Human thoughts do not fall from the sky. Since the Ming Dynasty, China has completely lost the environment for the concept of "deficit".

With the expansion of trade, Dashun has the concept of surplus and deficit.The problem is that in a trading system where deficits are impossible, it is simply pointless to care about how much silver is coming in and how much is going out.

Because that's how it is.

The tariffs in Dashun are very low, and the import of goods such as opium is strictly prohibited; because of religious issues, religious items are strictly controlled.

For the rest, there is really no specific policy of tariff protection at all: British woolens cannot be sold in Dashun, not because Dashun has imposed tariffs, but because they cannot be sold.

The trade ambassador is very clear in his heart. He is very sure that if the cloth in Europe is cheaper than the cloth in Dashun one day, he will definitely support the expansion of the army and the war to cut off the trade.

But as the saying goes, the same lie, uttered by different people, will be heard by the audience completely differently.

If the French had said these words, Hancock and the others would definitely have scolded and bullshit in their hearts.

But if someone from Dashun said it, it would have a different flavor, and it sounded reasonable.

Just like the ongoing debate among European economists at this time: Is lower interest rates the cause of economic development?Or the result of economic development?
And what Dashun can follow up now is similar to the ecstasy array: free trade, is it the cause of industrial advantage?Or is it the result of industrial advantages?

Trade ambassadors have their own answers in mind.

Because Dashun Customs has been busy adding high tariffs to raw silk exported to Japan in recent years, the new policy this year is to strictly prohibit raw silk from Bangladesh from entering Japan in the future.

However, Dashun encouraged silk, ready-to-wear, and finished products to enter Japan in large quantities.

As for whether this is free trade, the trade ambassador is still very clear in his heart.

Speaking it out now is naturally taking advantage of the China craze in Europe at this time, and talking about the effect and the cause.

This is something that the elites of Dashun New School have been trying to build.

Although they may not be able to sum up what they want to build.

But the discourse system of the later generations is actually: some new production relations, new morality, and new trade theories that will inevitably appear along with the development of productive forces, such universal things, which are bound to change due to changes in the economic base, are different from the previous ones. The superstructure is shaped to be unique to the nation and bound to the nation's mark.

Turn the "free trade" that is bound to be called after an industry first develops into a "national tradition" and publicize it to the outside world.

And distort "free trade is the result of industrial advantage" into "free trade is the cause of industrial advantage".

Looking at it now, this is fruitful.

Accompanied by the spring breeze of the Enlightenment Movement of "borrowing the east to satirize the west", Liu Yu has been distorting this issue as early as when he visited Amsterdam to instigate a coup.

Avoiding the silver inflation transmission of the price revolution, avoiding the labor cost of more people and less land, avoiding the advantages of handicrafts accumulated in 2000, avoiding the agricultural revolution of the British agricultural revolution level and key technologies such as furnace iron and so on after avoiding the Han Dynasty. wait wait wait.

He opened his mouth because Dashun's system is a free trade system, so Dashun's industries are developed, and it can sell fans, tea, porcelain, silk, cotton cloth, etc. to Europe.

The trade ambassador has heard this set of words a lot, and even opened his mouth directly.

Of course, this is against the background that Dashun's strategy is to carve up North America.

Otherwise, if it is for the purpose of tearing Britain apart, then this set of rhetoric is directly derived from [The king treats his ministers like brothers and feet, and the ministers regard the emperor as his heart; The minister is like a mustard, and the minister regards the king as a bandit] Derived from: Britain regards the East India Company and the Anglican businessmen as confidantes, but regards you North America as a mustard.

And it is easy to directly divert this issue from the "Navigation Regulations" and the previous issue of North American coinage.

However, it is clear that the strategy that the trade ambassador is currently implementing is to engage in compromise and win over, rather than detonate conflicts. A slight change in the topic will make this issue a minor crime.

To put it more seriously, the Tea Tax Act and the Sugar Tax Act meant that the East India Company did not protect the thirteen states, and the West Indian plantations did not protect the New England brewers.

To put it mildly, the trade policy caused by the British tradition of "trade philosophy" has made some mistakes.The Celestial Dynasty has sent some warships here to reason with your king, and it will soon make sense, and he will soon know that he has made a mistake.If you make a mistake, change it.

(End of this chapter)

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